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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I think a lot do. You just don't hear about them. I mean, as far as I know, everyone except my dad that I know in real life believes in a god, and 95% of them believe in the Christian God but very very few have anything against non-Christians or people who are gay or anything like that. I mean, I know a lot of Mormons that went to the Gay Pride festival. The worst any of them are is thinking that it would be weird to be around someone making it very clear that they were homosexual. And, at least where I live, very few people take the Bible very literally. I mean, my mom/sisters basically believe that there is God, Jesus, and Heaven. They also believe in evolution and we have discussions about theoretical physics and the possibilities of aliens being near Earth and what could happen. I dunno, maybe I just know weird people.
  2. Yeah, I ignore them now. "GO BLOCKADE LONDINIUM'S PORT" "Actually, my fleet is ferrying my armies around the Mediterranean and, well, there's a decent chance I wouldn't make it there anyways." "HOW DARE YOU NOW CAPTURE THIS SETTLEMENT IN THE MIDDLE EAST" "Sorry, I'm capturing Carthage right now." "ARGGGHHHHHH- Y'know what, now that you AREN'T following our orders, we'll give you some spots in the Senate!" By the way, what DO those spots do? But their territories extend FOREVER inland. I thought they'd just be near the coast, but apparently not. I don't get why chariots are so good, either. Didn't cavalry replace chariots? And I'd imagine those bodies would clog them up... Oh, right, they have like 5 HP. Elephants have like 8. aslfhasldfhlasdhfasldfhasl;df. Also, I guess this changed between the demo and the current version of the full game, but my experience with elephants was... bad. They consistently routed before reaching the enemy lines and then, rather than go on a rampage, simply ran the opposite direction. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! I swear these LPs do more for people's health than being a doctor ever will! Besides, imagine how much good you can do with these in the time it takes for you to become a doctor! Although, honestly, I don't think I'll have time to do more than one, either. I have too much stuff during the school year. What are going into in medicine? Also, any progress?
  3. His growths are better than Franz's. Syrene at least flies. That's more than a surprisingly large portion of the cast has going for them.
  4. From the sounds of it, he'll do that when the AI does it.
  5. Wouldn't that put me at war against all of the Romans? The worst part is that they do more damage after you've routed them. Well, at least in a siege. Also, Egypt appears to be buckling under pressure. It had stretched as far as Turkey and Carthage, but it got hit by a huge plague and all of the provinces I could see on my map rebelled. The Scipii are taking advantage of that. Ugh. And I've had to start exterminating provinces to keep them under control. Hopefully I can take out Carthage quickly. Four full stacks should be all they have, right? I mean, I AM on Easy. I like how this has become a thread to discuss how my RTW playthrough is going. Should I do an LP for my second campaign, or do people think that should be left to skitarii?
  6. It's more the fact that they had France, most of Spain, and of course Britain. The Germans have like Germany over through European Russia, althoguh the Brutii are starting to attack them- and lots of rebellions are starting. Unfortunately, my two armies are in Spain and N. Africa right now. I'm Julii, by the way. Brutii basically have Eastern Europe, with the exception of the northern stuff which they are grabbing now, and Scipii has Turkey and Greece. I've got Northern Italy, France, some of N. Africa and Spain, and the few islands in the western portion of the Mediterranean including most of Sicily. The Egyptians, I dunno, but they've worked their way over as far west as the city of Carthage. Carthago Nova was Carthage's capital until I captured that, and then it was Corduba, but I captured that. I think the Scythians are sitting with their original 4 provinces right now. It won't be long until the Brutii strike them, I presume. Basically, we're down to Egypt, the Roman factions, and the Britons- everyone else is gone or will be gone soon. Edit: I HATE WAR ELEPHANTS
  7. The EXP rank would be so annoying. EXP wouldn't even do anything for you!
  8. Brilliant! We can just send a bunch of greeting cards for FE12 and they'll have no choice but to release it!
  9. See, the thing is it ISN'T very powerful. IIRC, it's the weakest against monsters. Too bad, too, because Knoll and Ewan wouldn't mind the extra punch. Not to mention it screws over their AS, which wasn't very good to begin with.
  10. Well, it makes sense to take it literally until you hit Silver. A ranking system seems like it would end higher than Silver, anyways, although a Gold weapon would be terrible.
  11. Yeah, money's not a problem. Did I mention all of my provinces are at Low Taxes? But the Britons and the Germans have conquered insane amounts of land. The Brutii are doing really well, now, too. Egypt seems to be doing really well, too, seeing as the most advanced and largest faction reports keep alternating between the two of us... See, I think I know which units I'd like to claim, but I need names...
  12. Yeah, there certainly are a lot. And I'm really not religious... at all. 3 HP? Yeah, that would explain it. I mean, 13-16 attack and 20 defense is a good unit, but with 3HP? Yikes. Good. I'm playing easy since it's the first time I've played TW, and, well, it's very easy. I have an absurd amount of money (~100,000, 4-8,000 in profits when I don't go on a building/recruiting spree) despite only owning northern Italy and most of modern France and funding at least 4 defensive units per garrison (more like 8-10 in the French areas) two full stacks, one of which is a very elite stack, and constantly building everything everywhere- although my recent blitz through Briton France means that I have enough cities I can't do that anymore. I went on a building spree and lost 80,000 denarii that turn... Four turns later, I was back in sextuple digits, and I won't have to spend money on buildings until the queue finishes somewhere. But I've finally found a garrison with a full stack in it! That will probably actually be a tough battle since you don't control your reinforcements, although my guess is my troops are of higher quality. I dread taking over the other Romans, though. For a long time they basically stayed in Italy, with a little headway northwest of Greece. In the last ten turns, they have conquered all of Greece/Macedon/Thrace/etc. and are now on Turkey with several very large armies. I got it through Steam, so it should be fully updated.
  13. Well, I've been playing Rome. I'd like to claim a unit, but I don't know which ones I want... Also, did you look at those flying things' stats? And can you train them now since you have Uruk buildings?
  14. God, can you imagine how ineffective a solid silver axe would be on a battlefield?
  15. Except, gameplay-wise, a sword ISN'T longer lasting than the others (in fact, it's generally shorter-lasting since it takes more hits to kill enemies) and is hardly less cumbersome- the only situations in which it is are, well, situational, like peg knights early on who really would like swords. Well, they'd like swords anyways because earlygame is axe-heavy generally.
  16. But, in FE, there is no advantage to a sword over any weapon to justify its cost.
  17. So, I've noticed that in most (if not all) Fire Emblems, swords are more expensive than lances which are in turn more expensive than axes. This has never made sense to me. Hit for hit, a sword is going to do the least as it is the weakest weapon type and it is used by units with (generally) lower STR. Axes will take fewer hits to kill something, and yet can be much less expensive. In FE8, for example, an Iron Sword costs 460 while an Iron Axe costs 270 and only has one fewer uses. If you're 3HKOing an enemy with a sword and 2HKOing with an axe (pretty accurate with Eirika/Garcia earlygame) then the sword is costing 30 gold an enemy while the axe is costing a whopping 12. If you're 2HKOing with a hand axe, each enemy costs 30 gold- the same as an Iron Sword- except I'm doing it with 1-2 range. The lances falls in between, but an Iron Lance will kill an enemy for less gold than an Iron Sword. With lances, though, the javelin IS more expensive per enemy than an Iron Sword. tl;dr version: Swords cost more than lances cost more than axes, despite already being less effective at killing enemies per hit. This can actually make killing an enemy with a sword more than twice as expensive as with an axe. Why, then, make swords more expensive?
  18. No, I'm pretty sure that was done a long time ago, and now that an international release seems unlikely, they're working on a full blown translation.
  19. THAT GENERAL IS SO GOOD So, what ARE those reptarii? Edit: Oh, I figured out that my computer can actually run Rome Total War! So I'll have a TW game to play and actually understand what you're doing better. Well, assuming I can find a copy of it locally. 18-26 business days for shipping is, well, not good. Edit 2: I GOT STEAM TO WORK. I have to steal my neighbors' internet, but it works! Downloading now. It will be done between two and a half hours from now and 34 hours from now
  20. Best: Holsety. It's not just Levin that makes his sons great. Worst: Gleipnir. Seriously?
  21. Only if you got your hands on a Japanese game so that they didn't promote. With EM EXP gain, you'd get like eight level ups from one laguz in part 3 if a tier 1 got the kills...
  22. So, different video card and a higher power supply and I'll be good? How much higher would you suggest? Edit: Oh, and different motherboard?
  23. I'd like it if they weren't in the game. Imagine the skill combinations!
  24. Silly skitarii, you still have to do Rome: Total War. I look forward to this, although I expect I'll be very confused by this brand new universe.
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