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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. ajhsdf.kjashflkzmxnvlkjashfliuawehc.m,hiaulwhefliuasjdhfbaskjdfbaksldfhaSKDLFHALSKDFH I'm sick of game companies pulling this bullshit. They seem to intentionally piss off their customers for the fun of it. I think I've had enough. It's not like I would mind having one less thing to distract me from all the stuff I have during the school year.
  2. Chapter 1 he's good, chapter 4 he's good if he got SPD in chapter 1 (which I feel should be assumed. I think that the team should be fluid, not set.) and then can get some EXP in chapter 5 and 6. He can probably get some EXP in chapter 8, too, even though he's only really contributing in chapters 1 and 4. That's just over a level per chapter on average to be in line for a chapter 9 promotion, and I think he could get a lot of experience in the top left corner of chapter 4.
  3. If we're promoting Gilliam around chapter 10, he's probably past the point at which he's useful once the boots show up. I wouldn't give the boots to him.
  4. Although it's true Gilliam isn't doing anything to contribute in chapter 5 or 6, I'm sure he can find ways to grab EXP for himself.
  5. Can you please not ignore the rules even after I've pointed out the rule that makes this point moot? No, we can't. There is simply not enough EXP (or deployment slots...) to use all of the units. That would just turn this into a max efficiency list, anyways. If we're 'using everyone' then the most efficient strategy would become to only use the best of the best. Indeed. @Anouleth I wasn't necessarily thinking that early, but it *might* be possible. He can get a level in chapter 1, he could hypothetically get quite a lot in Chapter 4 if he got SPD in chapter 1. I could see two three levels. So if he's at like level 7 now, that's only three levels over four chapters. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that the player will only use Gilliam if he gets SPD on his first level up, either.
  6. Well, it wasn't until FE4 that there were separate weapon ranks, right? I assume he could use it in the original. Still, strange that they would give him B lances instead of B swords when it seems he was meant to use the Silver Sword.
  7. Spoilers? It would be nice if another one of these topics would come up in which I could actually vote. Although this IS nearly the 100th round, so it makes sense that the serious ideas are mostly drained.
  8. So, Neimi is gaining 300 more EXP than Gilliam over fewer chapters? Compare 10/1 Gilliam to 7/0 Neimi. With a Steel Bow, she has 16 ATK and 89 HIT. With a Hand Axe, Gilliam has 21 MT and 80 HIT. A javelin means one less MT, but five more HIT. He has 7 SPD, she has 9 or 10. Against a lot of enemies, he's probably doing her job better than she is. And then he's got an enemy phase (and not all that bad of one, either. 33-34 HP with 14 DEF and MT as high as the mid 20s is pretty good for a time) and more MOV. Even once she promotes, she has no 1-2 range and is probably not doing enough damage even with doubling that there's any difference between her countering and him countering like 90% of the time. He also has WTC and much better defenses. She has like 1 MOV on him after promotion, and that's about it. I guess she might be better for the lategame, though. Edit: And this is assuming that she somehow gets EXP faster than he does. Edit 2: At 10/5 she's got nearly 50 ATK with Nidhogg, which is not a widely contested item.
  9. Well, of course he keeps up with himself.
  10. These rules exist for a reason. I don't want discussion stifled because a Lower Mid unit is a Lower Mid unit.
  11. Technically, Gilliam does, too. And I feel like he has an easier time reaching promotion, if only because of he needs less EXP than her. He also has 1-2 range and WTC on promotion.
  12. And does anyone feel like Neimi isn't a Low Tier unit, too?
  13. Neither of them should ever enter combat, but Moulder will actually WIN in magic at times, in fact all the time until after promotion, and he is closer to higher level staffs like Physic and Warp. Compare, say, 10/1 Moulder to 6/0 Natasha. 8.8 MAG to her 5. He will also have B staves to her C, maybe still D. Would anyone object to Gilliam in, like, Low Tier?
  14. He has a higher base staff rank, and healing is more helpful in those few chapters than any point after Natasha joins. And neither of there staff ranges are all that impressive. In fact, at 10/1, both have 9 MAG. Moulder should be at a higher level than her, too. She has one more MOV, though.
  15. Switching Gilliam with Garcia, dropping Artur and Lute to the top of Upper Mid. There hasn't been discussion much beyond that, and there has been some opposition to Artur>Lute, so that's all I'm doing for now.
  16. Well, based on the fact that the game was announced like a month before it was released in Japan, maybe it will happen here. I just don't see why it wouldn't get localized. I liked Shadow Dragon, too, and from playing the Japanese version this one is already fantastic. Add in actually being able to understand the huge amounts of text and this really is one of the best in the series. AND it has MU and Casual Mode to appeal to newcomers.
  17. So basically instead of having a legal code we'd have a moral code? Which would inevitably end up being enforced in some way because there will always be someone who just doesn't care about "being a good person." Hmm, that sounds familiar.
  18. I don't think Eirika deserves Top Tier, but I do question how much of an impact Ephraim makes in his route. The more and better units there are available, the less of an impact a unit makes.
  19. We're talking about both routes, here. If it makes that much of a difference between routes for him, though, then that's worth looking into. Because everyone has said that Gilliam sucks, but we don't know where he should go. I actually think this is worth looking into. After all, she has her whole awesome earlygame before he exists. I'm not sure that he's really so much better in his route that he should be that much higher than her.
  20. Yup, it's turn-based. I remembered AoM last night (I remember it from when I was like 7 years old. It was my first video game ) and looked stuff up about it, and saw the DS one. I was disappointed to find out it was turn based. But now I really want to play AoM, and my friend can only find the first disk
  21. Well, the 8 year old in the play I'm working on right now (he's Astyanax in Trojan Women, if any of you are curious as to how an 8 year old is in a play) stole my phone to play Fire Emblem repeatedly. Anyways, I'd be willing to write Nintendo.
  22. I don't see how Lute being a third (or worse) string healer and a subpar rescuer is better than Joshua's earlygame contributions alone when you consider the resources that need to be invested in Lute. Then there's the part where Joshua is good for quite a while against the faster enemies. Now, Artur can do more in chapter 4, needs less EXP, and gets to C staves on promotion, so I'm not as opposed to him being above Joshua, but I still feel Joshua contributes more.
  23. I agree. I've argued this before. I still agree. Awesome. They're better than Joshua later on. Y'know, once we've gotten past the phase where they 3RKO and are 2RKO'd in return.
  24. THE MONOCLE People LIKE Canas, but he's not great as a unit.
  25. Pent! But seriously, I just don't like using Lucius. I dunno why. I do like both Erk and Canas, but they're pretty meh. Although my Erk came out of LHM pretty well this last run, so he's getting some use. He got blessed in HP, SPD, MAG, and DEF. 8 MAG 11 SPD at level 5? 21 HP and 4 DEF, too? Yes please!
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