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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Two things. A: Even if you DO use the Tower of Valni (which lots of people don't for various reasons) you still need to take the time and weapons to train them up, which is a negative. I'd rather not have to do that. B: She's not that great, even when trained up. She joins at the same level as Joshua five chapters later, as I said. She has lower bases than him in every stat except LUK and RES, which are arguably the two most useless stats. He beats her in growths in both STR and DEF (the two stats they care most about) as well as HP. She beats him in SKL, LUK, and RES, none of which does he care much about. At level 20, Joshua has two more HP, STR, and DEF and she has five more LUK and two more RES. Joshua already would like more of the stats he's winning in and could hardly care less about the ones she's winning in. He even gets better promotion gains than her- he gets one more HP than her and she gets one more SKL. Then you compare her to someone like Franz, and at level 20 he has three more STR than her on top of the extra MT lances have and he has FOUR TO FIVE more DEF. Except he got this level with no (or way less) training outside of progressing through the game.
  2. Why is GK worse than General? I think it has better weapon ranks and it has better movement. General has an almost useless skill. Oh, right, that one remaining enemy in the game with an anti-horse weapon will do less damage to him because he won't be able to reach it to take damage.
  3. I don't see how mage knight is so bad for Ewan. WT? But you said valkyrie for Lz.arachrl. I hate my phone.
  4. Marisa joins at the same level as Joshua five chapters later with worse bases and growths.
  5. Oh, she becomes pretty bad pretty soon.
  6. I'll take the Low and Bottom Tier characters and list what I think is the worst promotion for each of them: -Low- Syrene-duh Gilliam-General Ross-Trainee or Warrior Neimi-Sniper, duh Knoll-Druid L'Arachel-Mage Knight because of the WT, I guess Rennac-duh Innes-duh, although he probably shouldn't be here -Bottom- Marisa-Assassin Ewan-Druid or maybe Trainee, I dunno Amelia-General My two cents on that matter.
  7. Well, given that you have a shitty team AND shitty luck, maybe you should start over?
  8. 32. Her average is only 29.65, though, and that's if you can get her 19 level ups. On average, Rexflame also weighs her down by 3-4. But hypothetically, she can double them.
  9. You could get Rome Total War Complete. I got it about a week ago for like seven dollars, but even now it's still only ten. Same with Medieval II Total War Gold, if you like the Total War games.
  10. Rewjeo


    I wouldn't go into music. My school orchestra teacher made into Julliard for both violin and piano and had to choose which to go into. Now she's a high school music teacher. This is a dilemma I've had to deal with, myself, wanting to go into either music or theatre but knowing that neither is very practical.
  11. Let's make a list of all your units that haven't been screwed! Ephraim Well that took a long time to get through. Oh, and I would argue that Knoll>L'arachel, especially given your team's durability in general. Although I guess she'll be your first healer, making her actually useful, too.
  12. So then a second cousin is also a first cousin once removed in some cases? Like mine could be second cousins once removed or third cousins?
  13. Well, I have second cousins once removed that I see fairly often, but I don't know which part of that refers to what. I think they're my mom's cousin's (adopted) children. Let's ask google! Second cousin once removed is the child of your second cousin or the second cousin on one's father or mother. So maybe they're my second cousins twice removed? Or once removed and then reverse removed? Basically, in English family relations are confusing. Google also says that cousin can refer to anyone with whom you share a common ancestor. So everyone is cousins! Technically, my dogs and I are cousins! That makes it so much easier.
  14. Yeah, I didn't really care which team won, but Japan certainly had the advantage in the PKs (US's goalie was injured) and it totally ignores everything except the teams' ability to kick a ball into the goal and a goalie's luck. Basically, if the players can get the ball to not go past the goal, it IS a coin toss.
  15. http://serenesforest.net/fe8/growth.htm Not exactly. Eirika, for example, should get about 3-4 stats per level up. Franz should get about 3. Seth should get 3-4. And, because of how the RNG isn't actually an RNG but just a string of numbers, it's pretty easy to rig level ups early in the game.
  16. As of FE6's release, there had been no FEs outside of Japan, though. By now, we have five consecutive releases leading up to this. It's at least more than FE6 had.
  17. I read the first half of that, and while what you're saying makes sense for why they wouldn't in the first place, now it would make sense for them to release since it's been made clear that there are some people who really want those games. And two of them are getting English releases, anyways! All they'd have to do with those is change the region to NA. I don't even really care about these games- I'm certainly not a fan of JRPGs- but this is just the kind of thing that bugs me.
  18. I CAN HAVE ALL OF THEM?! I found my cult! This is bad for you, Grandmaster! I can claim your entire army and then you won't actually control them and I can take over the world by letting you do it for me! This is brilliant! Exclamation marks! EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!! It sounds like so much work...
  19. I agree, except in RD because of the chance to BEXP up lower stats.
  20. Yeah, that's why I've never gotten through Gaiden... I have this thing about always playing games on the easiest setting first and then working my way up. Generally, I play Hard Mode on all FE's that have an option, except 6, 11, and 12. Those just seem frustrating to me, and pretty restricting as to what you can do. Although I don't have much trouble with FE5, which is supposedly brutally hard as well... I guess I'm better at handling the things FE5 throws at you than the other games.
  21. Oh, but then there are others, too. Like the arquebusier legionary guys. And then upload them to a photo site?
  22. Congratulations! You've had a Holy War declared on you! I don't know whether to take the elephants or the cataphractarii... What do you do to take/post screenshots?
  23. Really? You're having money problems? I have an absurd amount of money, but then I AM on Easy and a turtled for a while... also, controlling units can be a problem. Now, I only have problems with cavalry, but it's really problematic. Go intercept the enemy cavalry charge NO NOT THE FRONT END OF THE PHALANX IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Seriously, I hate enemy phalanxes. They seem to be magnetic. Mine, however, just seem to slow my units down.HOLY- THOSE ELEPHANTS.
  24. You will be able to play FE12 on a DS or DSLite, but not a DSi (XL) or 3DS. I think that the Wi-Fi will work, but I'm not positive.
  25. There is a BIG difference between believing in evolution and believing in a religion. There is a TON of evidence for it while there is zero for creationism, which is the difference between science and faith. Creationism also requires that you assume that God put all of this evidence around just to trick us, or maybe He decided that he wanted to give us mental stimulation, I dunno. Either way, something is wrong with your point of view, I think, because either your God tricks us or you're going against what He wants. Of course, this does not apply so much to you as to a pure Creationists. Also, there are no winged dinosaurs, unless you want to look at the dino->bird thing in which case it's pretty subjective as to whether or not you'd say that any of those dinosaurs had wings. I may have been slightly obsessed with dinosaurs as a young child, so certain things bother me. Anyways, yes, fossils can only tell us so much, but they sure imply a lot. Follow the fossil evidence of Australopithicus (did I spell that right?) through to Homo sapiens and tell me that there is no evidence for humans evolving from apes. The problem with taking the Bible literally is that, well, it was written thousands of years ago. After the stories were passed down orally for hundreds or maybe thousands of years. In a different language. Then it was translated through multiple languages before coming to English. The thought of it still being 100% the way it was originally seems absurd to me.
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