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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Yeah, I think that Tana's position must be a byproduct of something. Anyone object to Tana in Upper Mid in Eirika's, too?
  2. Well, I refuse to go above 1,000 dollars, and I'd prefer to stay in the 7-800 area unless the extra will really boost my computer's performance.
  3. What game do you think you'll do next? I'd assume it's between Rome and Medieval II.
  4. The question, to me, is: We're guaranteed to use her, but does that mean that we will ignore those who also do her job since she will be on the field and we have no reason to use more than two healers? I mean, we DO have to use her, but we'll have Moulder/Natasha who can use Physic and Saleh who can fight, making them both so much better than her at her job...
  5. Well, the dates wouldn't be too hard to get, given that all of the important stuff is documented in this topic. And yes, that was a compliment.
  6. So, I need a new computer, and I'd like one that runs games that are newer than 8 years old. It's coming out of my pocket, though, and I'm a high school student, so I'm not looking at spending much money, which is a big reason I decided to build a computer. The most demanding game I want it to run is Shogun 2 Total War. Here's what I've come up with so far: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6531504&pagenumber=3&RSort=4&csid=ITD&recordsPerPage=5&body=#ReviewStart http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3276575&CatId=1078 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118039 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7343096&Sku=A455-3043 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7295299&csid=_21 http://www.amazon.com/Geforce-GT240-Graphics-ENGT240-1GD3/dp/B002XFLDQU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1303491492&sr=1-1 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6076939&CatId=2459 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6753736&CatId=10 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5213932&CatId=306 Does this all work together? Are there any suggestions for things that would either save me money without impacting my performance much or would cost only a little more but would really boost performance?
  7. L'arachel was the one I was least supportive of going into Lower Mid, but she doesn't take any resources to heal. I was looking at Eirika's list, so I didn't see Eph. Innes. I can see him in Lower Mid, too. Rennac and Knoll are not receiving 100% support from me, either, but, again, at least they aren't demanding resources.
  8. Maybe you had already gotten people in their government who were really loyal to you and they were simply putting up a facade until they could join you? I just want there to be some reason for them not putting up any fight at all... I like this decision. Wait, what would you do if you actually did continue this LP? What's left to do that would be fun to watch? Whatever, I don't mind. I just want you to do another LP Besides, I'd like to try my hand at LPing (once my dad finally sits down and makes sure my computer parts work... I should probably post stuff here for people's thoughts on what I should get) and I could maybe do an Ikko-Ikki run. Do you have records of important dates and such, too?
  9. Justice is an invented thing. What each person thinks it is varies. This is part of the reason we have a legal system, not a justice system. As for the case, well, so what? It's not the first time (if she did it) and it isn't the last time. There are more important things. Besides, it's not like she'll have an easy life after this. Apparently she'd been living with her parents, but she accused her dad of sexual abuse, so good luck with that. Everyone knows her name and face, so good luck getting a job, especially in this economy, and have fun going out in public.
  10. Y'know, you'd think that the Mughals would've put up a tougher fight. They controlled a lot of land, and, being one of only two factions left, must have seen a massive war coming. Three years to conquer a good chunk of the real US and all of the Indian subcontinent? Pitiful, Mughals, you should be ashamed. The Russians and Polish were much harder (Battle of Finland, anyone?) and they had much less land. I have a few questions, Grandmaster Skitarii. How do you plan on getting all of these peoples to follow your church? It's such a massive area with so many religions. Other question: What're you gonna do next?
  11. Okay, changed the tier list. All I did was drop Gilliam/Ross/Nemi into Low and then put Syrene at the top of Low. Now Lower Mid is tiny, though. I could see quite a few of the Low Tier units moving there. I could see any or all of Syrene, Knoll, Rennac, and L'arachel in Lower Mid for at least not needing resources. Or in Knoll's case needing either the master seal (which he can get turn 1 on Eirika's route, and I remember showing that he is pretty solid in chapter 15 a long time ago if he promotes. Not sure how true it is, though) or a guiding ring (of which he have I think enough for all but one magic user to promote, and, well, we are NOT promoting every magic user in this game.)
  12. Hm, I don't remember that being the case, but then I've only played through PoR once, and I'm always very conservative on my first playthrough of anything, so it may just been me not spending money on forges. The Tower/Ruins are readily available, as well, and taking time doesn't make it difficult or finite. Most of us just don't do it here because it is tedious and all it seems to do is make the game less fun now, but the first time I played through SS, I got my entire team to at least 20/0 and promoted those I could before chapter 10.
  13. Is that supposed to be ironic? BEXP is not infinite and it doesn't give WEXP- which actually matters in PoR- and PoR lacks arenas, as well, which is another infinite source of EXP. I think that people just avoid arenas and the tower more in FE8 than BEXP in FE9. Probably because the game isn't like "OH OH WANNA RUN THROUGH THE TOWER? HOW ABOUT AN ARENA? YOU CAN DO IT ALL YOU WANT!" before every chapter.
  14. Turncount update Prologue: 3 Chapter 1: 5 Chapter 2: 7 Chapter 3: 8 (I just love being hit by <30 hit rates and missing in return with hit rates in the 90s! This last run actually went better than the previous ones, too, as far as enemies getting super lucky. Chapter 2's first attempt had some stupid stuff happen, too...) Chapter 4: 6 (gogo 4 units in chapter 4!) Total so far: 29. I've had good level ups, but man has the RNG been screwing me in battle...
  15. I'm confused. Unless we're doing a Sethless run, Franz isn't going to be so important as to be super high leveled by chapter 9, regardless of whether or not efficiency is involved.
  16. Maybe the kill ratios could've been better, but mind you that that's FINLAND. I'm sure your soldiers were terrified of it, given its history. Also, how long is this going to go on for? Until you've conquered every province?
  17. That doesn't stop you from getting everyone to 20/1 before chapter 10. Not to mention that Franz will only be gaining such little experience if we're doing a Sethless run.
  18. Wait, but your username is "Integrity." Anyways, on-topic: Despite taking out MM and adding EM along with other changes, PoR is still generally considered harder than Sacred Stones. Wow, FE8 really is incredibly easy compared to the rest of the series.
  19. Can I nominate page 20 of this LP for most genuinely epic page on SF? Seriously, those two parts were amazing.
  20. Hmm, time to pick my poison, I guess. Dozla and L'arachel. Edit: Turncounts: Prologue: 3 turns. Apparently there's a 2 turn strategy, but I couldn't get one where Eirika didn't end up dead. Chapter 1: 5 turns. Eirika isn't getting great level ups, but Franz is doing well. 2 STR, 1 SKL, 2 SPD, 1 LUK, 1 DEF, 1 RES over this chapter Meanwhile, Eirika insisted on getting two level ups with just SKL and LUK. Fortunately, the RNG still went against my units and I ended up needing to restart, anyways.
  21. Neimi only has 10 ATK to Ross's 9, and he grows much faster.
  22. Most epic battle of the LP ever? It's a shame the timer ended it, though. I'm sure you could come up with some reason for RP purposes. Like your army had to retreat to regroup after losing the general. Or they just felt bad after killing like four stacks' worth of soldiers and decided to give the survivors a break.
  23. All Rennac really has is half credit for desert items. His combat probably still isn't contributing much and his thieving is worse than some person on a horse with keys. Ross will reach 10/1 before the route split. The impact on Amelia/Ewan, though, would be interesting... We don't need Neimi's chip damage, either, though. Besides, I wouldn't call her 2 range good, and all she has is whatever her chipping does. I guess that is more than the Bottom Tier people, though.
  24. Okay, done with the stupid Gilliam SPD stuff. Why? The argument basically became "If x is true, y is true" and then the other person saying "but if x isn't true, y isn't true" and me responding with "but if x is true, y is true" and then being responded to with "but if x isn't true, y isn't true!" In the end, I think it's one of those things where either you're on one side or you're on the other. I don't think it does affect where I'd place him, anyways, so there is no need to continue. Also, I don't feel like reading two pages of posts right now... Anyways, stuff on this page- I don't think L'arachel should be in bottom tier- but I could see Neimi there. As bad as 6th string healer is on a two healer team, I'd say that's better than being 923749823479834298th string combatant. As useless as L'arachel is, we DO have to assume she's being used, and when she's used she can heal. (Yes, I'm semi-conceding a point here.) I'm thinking something more like... -Low- Knoll Rennac Ross Gilliam L'arachel Neimi maybe -Bottom- Neimi maybe Marisa Ewan Amelia Also, no Tower/Ruins/Skirmishes unless we count them towards the turncount. In which case I can't imagine a situation in which the turns spent will ever be made up.
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