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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. So I've basically already claimed all of the units in this DLC? HELLZ YEAH Anyways, do this! Edit: Unfortunately, this patch appears to have nerfed the shit out of my cult. Sad day.
  2. Basically. And the units feel fairly uniform. Although in this I can claim an individual unit rather than all of a certain kind, can't I?
  3. Lucario isn't either, though, right?
  4. Hellz yeah Portal 2. My friend got it for his PS3, and it's awesome. And he got a Steam Activation code that he won't ever use so I think I can get it for free.
  5. The sprites are significantly better in GBA, but the motions I will say are better in DS..
  6. Or the controversy would make them tons of money. I mean seriously. A lot of people might get it just because there's incest in it. Sad, but true. Edit: Well, maybe not TONS of money.
  7. Seeing as we're on an FE forum, I think it would be epic if MU was included and you got to design MU.
  8. Well, Eddie has 7 less DEF than Mia. In a fight between them, Mia would win. She'd deliver 2 more damage per hit and hit twice as often. Okay, then wrath kicks in... I guess it depends on if Mia manages to pull of Astra to KO before Eddie pulls of a wrath crit.
  9. This. Also, what is people's reasoning behind FE4 deserving a remake more than Gaiden? I honestly can't see me enjoying the remake much more than the original while Gaiden would gain much more from one. Not to mention it's Marth's world. (Well, Jugdral is in the same world, but very separated through time and distance)
  10. Well, his death is a good thing, but I don't get this celebration. Maybe that's because, as one of the younger members of the forum, I didn't understand 9/11 when it happened and this war has just been a fact of my life, but it doesn't seem to call for celebration. And watching the reactions of people who lost family on 9/11, they don't seem to be CELEBRATING either.
  11. Something I've heard brought up, but seems extremely unlikely to me, is the possibility of one being a launch title for the new Wii. What are your thoughts on that? And which would you prefer: 3DS, or Wii2? I think both have some interesting things for Fire Emblem. Mostly visual, of course, but then that's a lot of what we get that's new with Fire Emblem. The gameplay doesn't change much.
  12. Easiest: Edit: Idoun. I mean, she's the final boss that you have to unlock. Hardest: Chapter 3 SD boss. When Navarre needs luck to avoid being doubled by him....
  13. The DS graphics, IMO, SUCKED. Godawful shitty battle sprites there. LOOK MY PLASTIC GENERAL IS GOING TO POP YOUR PEG BALLOON ON TOP OF THIS PIECE OF PAPER. That said, I enjoy the DS games more than the GBA. And I'm gonna hop on the bandwagon and say that SNES wins.
  14. Rewjeo


    Twilight is simply the time between day and night. I'd say it's neutral and that Zant is just making it bad. Maybe there's supposed to be some deep symbolism where one day has ended and another is just about to begin?
  15. What implied incest between Priscilla and Raven or Erika and Ephraim? That's all fans taking small things WAY beyond what they actually mean.
  16. Unlike Thracia, though, this game can actually be played on the next generation gaming platform.
  17. Yeah, but FE1 and 3 (especially 1...) have not aged as well as FE4, 5, and 6. I wouldn't mind an FE2 remake, myself, but I think that it would be hard for IS to not please me with a new Fire Emblem game.
  18. There's also skills that you can choose before battle like Parity and Gamble.
  19. Maybe Nintendo will have a final NDS games thing at E3? Assuming the Wii 2 and 3DS don't dominate Nintendo's time there...
  20. Well, the Wii 2 has been confirmed, but none of the details so far. At least, as far as that link says.
  21. How do you kill off DB members in Part 2? It should be pretty easy to keep them alive... Anyways, there are methods of beating Part 3 that don't require any training of DB members.
  22. I also have an account, but it hasn't been used in a long time... I'm pretty sure I'm still currently in a battle with a friend, actually... I'll go fix that now, I guess.
  23. I'm gonna wait at least until Christmas, myself, so that there are better game selections and, hopefully, better color options. Of all the colors they Nintendo showed off, they released my two least favorite. I may wait a full year for my birthday and see if there's any news about a new version coming out. The current stylus position sucks. I'd wait to buy games. There's no reason to pay more if you aren't going to get to play them for any longer.
  24. Maybe you should have helped the revolution... Because it seems to me that every trait/retainer you get just makes it harder for you. With a new gov't, maybe you'd actually be able to keep people happy.
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