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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I tried this before and no matter what I did, the battle was always identical. Even if I tried the match in the first castle, fought my way to the second (without that unit leveling up) and the battle was identical.
  2. Only FE4's, which you can't really "abuse" since the outcome of a match is always the same unless your character gains a (probably very good) level and there are only so many matches. FE12's base arena some, too. Won't touch the others, though. I've been incredibly unlucky before, and I don't like playing with chance. And abusing is boring as hell. Spend hours entering the arena, healing, and using savestates just so that the rest of the game is me doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Moving units anywhere, watching them kill enemies, repeatrepeatrepeat.
  3. Edit: nvm, my point was already reflected in the tier list. Thought the Ilyana stuff was still going.
  4. Soren certainly isn't going to be doing much after the start. On EM there isn't any justification to not move Haar/Titania/Oscar as far as possible every turn in most chapters. That said, Astrid just never adds anything either. Her combat still sucks so much in 2-3 that all she can do is self improvement. Same in 3-9. Then she finally joins up with the GMs and we've gone over how much she sucks there with 23 SPD. I'd imagine Soren helping to take out a handful of enemies at the beginning of chapters up until Astrid joins is doing more than nothing. Part 4, Soren's damage could still be helpful, while Astrid is running ahead of him and... distracting enemies on enemy phase from other people who would actually ORKO them in return. So never mind, neither is going out ahead because either they can't get there or (or maybe and) don't contribute once they're there. Difference is, Soren has actually helped us before and I can imagine his damage being helpful occasionally in part 4. Actually, depending on his durability, he might actually be awesome in 4-3 thanks to mage movement and 1-2 range enemy phase...
  5. BEXP doesn't really help Aran's speed in part 1. It's tied for his 5th lowest growth. By the time BEXP helps his speed it's either for so little time it hardly matters or you BEXP'd his other stats up so now the BEXP is just helping it catch up. That said, his insane STR/DEF is great for part 3 once his speed's up. Tier 2, though, you can expect all of his STR/SKL/SPD to be capped by like level 8 without any BEXP, probably by 6 or 7 with some BEXP help. Then, if you don't mind seriously pumping him up with BEXP come part 4 (because let's face it, you can easily give him like 10 levels of BEXP once all of the GM's extra becomes available to him if you felt like it) and he'll probably have like 28 SPD. He'll be solid for part 4. Of course, he's a great candidate for a speedwing, I think. I don't know that anyone else is particularly close to doubling and gets so much out of it. Not only will a doubling Aran be one of your earlier consistent ORKOers but he's also one of the most durable units in the DB (probably the most durable in part 3, actually. 20/8 Aran beats Taur in DEF by 4 but loses RES by 6 [and probably more due to BEXP] and HP by 2. But that feels underleveled to me, so his HP is likely higher)so he'll become an enemy phase monster.
  6. Thus the "probably." Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly happy with the official translations. They're great, but I'd expect a fan translation to be somewhat better, at least in my opinion.
  7. Shinon kills one enemy a turn. Boyd is possibly promoted by 3-5 (I got Mia, Haar, Oscar, and Ilyana to tier 3 by then in my last EM playthrough) and ORKOing everything on both player phase and enemy phase. Boyd is MAYBE outperformed for like five chapters (maybe because Boyd is still doing SOMETHING on enemy phase and it may really help us) and then wins for the next eight chapters. Then Shinon gets the Double Bow, so I don't know about 4-E. But, then, I doubt that 4-E counts for much when every single unit can become great for it thanks to BEXP.
  8. If it doesn't get an official translation, it will get an fan translation that, quite frankly, will probably be better
  9. Well, I always felt as though the basics of Buddhism as the Buddha taught it seemed like the way I would most like the world to be, but then I could never really come to accept any religion's idea of an afterlife. I just can't really imagine one really existing. Which is a really depressing thought, as it means, to me, that when someone dies, they're gone. And yet, when death impacts me most, I do seem to imagine the conciousness of that person still being aware of the world, and I do talk to them. For a long time I was absolutely terrified of death when I thought of it. Strange, considering I'm amongst the younger members here. Recently, though, my bio teacher explained death in a way that really appealed to the logical part of my mind- organisms die because it opens up the world for the new generations. Well, that's not exactly how he put it, but that's the way I've chosen to look at death. He actually said something more like "We die so that we aren't competing with our offspring." I find it ironic that I found a topic on death at this time, when death has been so prevalent in my life recently.
  10. When MU actually represents ME, mage. If it doesn't represent me, though, I'll go for something better.
  11. You'd think Frey would also be some sort of hero to the Alteans. Saved Marth by distracting an entire army and lived.
  12. On normal, Oujay is actually pretty good. He shows up just before the axe fest, so training him really is not hard at all since he can dodge fairly reliably, IIRC. Especially if you aren't actually trying to play efficiently. From there he's a solid unit.
  13. I've thought of this before, actually. I never really came to a conclusion. For one, hexes would be weird for indoor maps. Sure it works for Civ V's continents and islands, but a straight hallway seems harder. Octagon makes more sense to me, personally. Didn't Berwick Saga have hexes?
  14. Magic. Tends to hit pretty hard and be pretty accurate. Lances are a second for pretty much the same reasons.
  15. You want to build all those supports while maintaining a low-ish turn count? Especially Knoll/Lute B? That takes- wait for it- 78 turns.
  16. You can finish the prologue in 4 turns on HM w/ just Eirika (I think, I may have miscounted, and I'm pretty sure it cost two vulnerary uses) and 1 turn w/ Seth. There's no justifiable reason to not use Seth unless you decide to avoid him as some sort of challenge. Although it certainly makes things far more interesting. Until you have 14/1 Franz in chapter 8 anyways. Edit: There's a two turn w/ just Eirika? I had no idea. I didn't spend much time on that on my no-Seth run.
  17. I don't really care that you voted for FE4 as the worst (I don't care for the story's delivery, so I can't really say I like it all that much. FE tends to have that problem, actually...) but you're using the exact same logic to describe how one is the best and the other is the worst. Best: FE5. Probably a by-product of it being my favorite to play, so I'm more invested in the game and actually care more about the story, but whatever. Honorable mention to FE10, FE4. You all know the problems they have. Worst: FE11. At least in FE6 I was aware of what the world looked like and what I was doing. Also, I would nominate Best/Worst Characters (by game) but that seems to be what's influencing a lot of people here, so...
  18. They're probably waiting for a time when nothing big is coming out.
  19. There are sixty people in my grade. You get to know people pretty well. I mean, I have real conversations with pretty much everyone about once a month even if they aren't in ANY of my classes. And my Japanese class is pretty... unique. There were seven of us and this was sixth to eighth grade, so it wasn't always super focused. I feel like I knew them pretty well. This is only one example, though. Could easily be the exception, not the rule.
  20. There were twins in my (very small) Japanese class, and I never heard any mention of one being older at all. Whichever was older, they never said anything about it.
  21. Best: Skasaher and Lakche. Worst: Yumina and Yubello.
  22. Google "Ostia" and the first link that comes up is "Ostia - Harbour City of Ancient Rome"
  23. So basically trying to link this game with all of the PoR characters ruined it? Honestly, though, I'm thinking that the whole game should've just been about freeing Daein after that rant.
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