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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. I don't really care whether it's a remake or completely new, but 3D graphics please. Because that way we won't have SD/NM style "sprites." If we got actual 2D again, I'd be just as happy as with 3D, though.
  2. Okay, WTF has happened to my monks? Before they were amazing and now they sorta suck. I mean, the hardly killed more than they lost!
  3. Use it. Then I have more Warrior Monks! If you get it, I relinquish claim on the fire rockets. I only offer my cult to your conquest of Japan.
  4. Best: Oscar, I guess. Worst: Wow, FE has a lot of shitty brothers out there... I'm gonna say Karel because, other than Matthis, FE brothers don't tend to try and KILL you, and Matthis is just a blind idiot who doesn't realize what he's doing while Karel has already killed the rest of your family and is now intentionally going after you.
  5. Apparently there are a bunch of units that are supposed to exist but don't. Like apparently there were katana ashigaru in the demo and there's supposed to be naginata cavalry monks and naginata monk heroes and stuff. No update? Now THAT is a shamefur display!
  6. Except in FE10 where you've got Marksmen. Because they're basically the same except they can ALSO attack farther away and there's this one (I know he's not very good for most things but here he's really helpful!) who makes enemies even MORE likely to attack him, making him an even BETTER tank!
  7. YOSHIHISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, that map is slanted (you can see the compass on the mini map) so every time you say "east" you actually mean "northeast."
  8. And wings and infinite movement and the ability to do whatever it wants until it runs out of movement (never) and its base stats are whatever is the highest the game can handle. Edit: Oh, and it has this ability that makes it invincible and it can automatically beat the game. The Ultimate Class just sorta makes the game boring.
  9. Hmm, I'll work on a name for the fire rockets. Feel free to contribute ideas guys, I'm not the best at naming things...
  10. 'Kay, dibs on... something else while we're all claiming a bunch of super awesome units. The Chosokabe turning on you is actually probably beneficial. You get more land and more vassals.
  11. Rewjeo


    Well, my friend did an acoustic version that, if you ignore the lyrics, was actually pretty good. Musically it's honestly not an awful song, and, as has been said, she's only 13. What worries me, though, is that 13 year olds "gotta get down on Friday."
  12. ...you had over 1000 deaths from friendly fire in the capture of Kyoto...
  13. And it's Sunday in the US. IDK about SF64, but OOT isn't coming out on release date. Apparently they added a bunch of stuff to it and it isn't ready yet.
  14. NAGINATA MONKS I find it ironic that they Chosokabe are about to join the other side immediately after dealing it such a (presumably) crippling blow...
  15. You should get more warrior monks. Including some Naginata How many troops do you have all together? Because looking at Kyoto, you'll just have to use quantity *coughespeciallyofwarriormonksthankstoawesomerangecough* to win.
  16. Oh, I just saw a mod that will basically guarantee they'll help you, if you want: http://forums.totalwar.com/showthread.php/11816-Realm-Divide-Mod (Yeah, I'm prowling forums for this game and I don't have it.) I don't think you really can get the full effect of a cavalry charge in still shots. Maybe more people flying through the air as a result of the charge?
  17. So, if the Shogunate declares war on you, will the Mori and Chosokabe help you? If so, it really wouldn't be that bad. Between the three of you, you control about a third of the land area and probably half the provinces. Financially it looks like you'd be fine, too. Can I just have all the warrior monk guys? (They aren't actually Buddhist. That's my cover. They're part of my cult. Don't let anyone know!)
  18. It's the bare feet. Edit: And the fact that these were Buddhist Rebels. Clearly my monks are especially good at killing their brethren. Also, this is really making me wish I could get this game. Edit 2: Well, per unit, my guys got the most kills, but total the Bow Ashigaru got the most and individual deployed per individual enemy killed the fire bomb throwers got first.
  19. Can I have those monk warrior archers? How old is everyone at this point?
  20. I'd say wipe them out. You've got all of Kyushu to yourself and you can get the incense (and other resources around Kyushu) back. What are the advantages to vassaling them, anyways? Also, the AI in this game isn't too smart, is it? I mean, double flanking by the Sagara was pretty good, but seriously, the largest defenses the Sagara or Shoni have put up have failed to break 600. And no archers? Pathetic! I mean, what's the point of building up an army of ~2000 if it comes at the cost of having any sort of worthwhile defense?
  21. Man, those Ito are smart. Trying to win an offensive siege with inferior numbers? And then sally out to meet the attackers when outnumbered two to one? It's incredible you beat them!
  22. Well, congrats on taking Osumi. Now it looks like you're about as large as the other two clans you've "met." Also, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to start building a navy since you're on Kyushu. If you ever want to move onto the other islands (especially Honshu) I'd imagine a navy is necessary, although I've never played the Total War games so who knows? And this game looks like a lot of fun! Unfortunately, the demo is only through Steam... and believe it or not, Steam, but if I'm actively browsing the internet then I AM connected to it.
  23. Rewjeo


    How on earth did that happen? I'm struggling to get my mages to level 30 by that point and everyone else is ~40. But yes, they do go up way to fast.
  24. I love Civ IV, which I just recently rediscovered. I used to be really good at it, but then my computer decided not to let me play. Now, like three years later, I've just reinstalled it and it's loads of fun. Baba Yetu is fantastic. The whole album, too.
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