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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Basically, it's an assessment for how good a class's caps and weapon choices are, not how good any specific unit is.
  2. Generally, arguing against something by making the exact same arguments as someone who supports it doesn't work very well. Unless you're saying that your Hector being bad affects any other game.
  3. Why do Oswin and Hector have the same score? I'd think Hector being forced alone should do that since he'll be tagging along and helping in some way throughout the game, while Oswin will probably be dropped, but I haven't played in a long time, so...
  4. Either that or there just isn't a pair. I mean, there was no archetype when FE3 came out.
  5. It wasn't meant in a harsh way. I meant that no one cares if you like to use Seth or not, but that what bothers them is when you say something objectively incorrect. And as for you being difficult... Not at all! Most people's response is "NO I'M RITE YOUR STUPID" and you respond by saying "Oh, that makes sense." You are probably among the least difficult new members I've very seen.
  6. Actually, I'm pretty sure hurling poo into the enemies faces would be more effective than those two past the first few chapters in the vast majority of playthroughs.
  7. There are penalties for a unit reaching 0 HP in Casual, IIRC. They don't receive any support points from that chapter and can't get anything from the clock bonus the next.
  8. And, if you really are that unlucky, you could put a wing on him. There are better candidates in a maximum efficiency playthrough, sure, but if you really want to use him in just-for-fun playthrough, then you may as well.
  9. No one really cares what your OPINION is at all. The problem comes when you say things that are factually incorrect. So, are you simply saying you don't like using him, or that you don't think that he's a good unit?
  10. There was quite a lot of discussion about him dropping, potentially a significant amount, not all that long ago. I don't know what came of it since I haven't done any thing tier-related lately, though.
  11. I remember this. Sorta makes me want to try with another game... Are you doing this with the intent of making the cast as good as possible overall?
  12. Have you LOOKED at Oshawott? Quite frankly I'd say Oshawott is too cool to be applied to anything as silly as Mijumaru. loltepiglolsnivylol Whatever, I was just gonna have the fire pig with some joke name that never evolves anyways, so...
  13. The archetype didn't really take off until after Kaga left, anyways. You have Cain/Abel in number 1 (and 3) no duo in 2, no duo that fits in 3 (other than Cain/Abel, but...), one in 4, not really one in 5 (randomly appear and don't even fit the color thing very well at all) and then all of a sudden there's one in every game from 6-11 (although 9-10 are a little strange) and 12 is... debatable.
  14. Are you talking about the lowest difficulties here? Because it's probably worth pointing out that your average newcomer isn't going to start with Lunatic. And then, even if they did, after the first two chapters, if they got that far, would probably realize how ridiculous it is and go to Normal.
  15. Which means Mist really needs to marry Oscar so she can eat.
  16. She joins most of the way through the game at level three. She's a staff user on a team that hardly ever needs healing. Your other healers can either defend themselves or can use physic (when you have one around) so you don't have to protect them. Then, even if you promote her, she's nothing special.
  17. Do fix PoR and RD. Whether you put the full name or do something like "Path" and "Dawn" I don't care, but as long as "Radiance" isn't there.
  18. If they removed the trainee classes and just started them in T1, then Amelia would be a Cavalier and Ross would be a fighter. Notice what class they can promote to if they promote to the first super trainee.
  19. Man, I'm tired of telling people this, but... FE12 has about as many units as FE10, and they ALL have personalities and many of them of have very interesting personalities/stories. Not to mention the fact that they added about twenty chapters which really are just for character/story development.
  20. Y'know, I never thought Lughnasadh the slightest bit odd or had trouble saying it... Best: Gurgurant Worst: Laundry Pole. I guess you could get some (lame) puns out of it ("Time to hang up the laundry!") but...
  21. I like the idea of a spin off, but a Fire Emblem VS or a cross over? Uh, no thanks. Maybe a side story, but different gameplay. But definitely an existing continent with a story related to/referenced in the already existing FEs.
  22. I take it you mostly play the lower difficulties of SD? In the higher difficulties, they really are great, but, being the person I am and always playing the lowest difficulty of a game first, I know what they're like in the lower difficulties.
  23. Well, she could have used a robe (whatever type it is in this game) and not gotten HP on any level ups.
  24. IF an English release doesn't come, definitely. But I doubt that. Almost half of the sales for 11 came from America, I think, and I'm pretty sure America accounted for more than half of 10's sales. They're probably just gonna do the same thing they did in Japan and announce it right before it comes out.
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