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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Sorry, I was already given mercenary/archer->horseman. And have orphan in there? Alright. Starting my run now. Edit: Got Orphan, Kindness, Enlightened. Oh, and he's a mercenary. Fear him. He glares at you through his excessively long teal bangs. Prologue 1: 3 turns. Chris ORKOd the soldier, walked up to Jagen. Both 3HKOd. Hit on my turn, then his, then mine for the KO. Name HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Chris 21 9 2 11 11 3 6 0 Prologue 2: 2 turns. Ryan chips Luke, Chris KOs and gets HP STR SKL DEF. Then Rody runs up and gets himself almost killed against Chris, who is also almost killed. I let Ryan take this kill. Name HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Chris 22 10 2 12 11 4 7 0 Ryan basebasebasebasebasebasebase Prologue 3: 2 turns. MU barely ORKOs one of the two fighters, then Rody and Luke chip the merc and Ryan finishes it. Enemy phase, Caeda kills Luke and the other fighter comes over and gets knocked down to 1 HP. Turn 2, Ryan KOs Caeda for a 2 stat level up *sigh* and Chris KOs the fighter. Name Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Chris 3.70 22 10 2 12 11 4 7 0 Ryan 2.30 19 7 0 4 5 3 7 0 ...why is it that Ryan has a higher base DEF than this Chris? Seriously, why would a bow locked unit have more DEF than a sword locked one? I just don't understand. And then Chris proceeds to obliterate Ryan offensively... Prologue 4: 4 turns. I had to actually move MU back to block the opening on the first turn. This stopped me from having to RNG abuse to get him to dodge enemies and not die and have enemies only attack him and Ryan. This took care of the soldiers and merc. Next turn the myrm, archer, and Athena showed. Fail AI saved me here. The archer took up one of the spots next to Chris and attacked Ryan. Myrm attacked Chris. Next turn, those enemies were taken care of. Athena attacked Chris on turn 3 enemy phase, then Ryan+Chris KOd her on turn 4. Oh, and Chris got two good levelups here. Name Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES Chris 5.70 24 11 2 14 12 5 9 0 Ryan 2.70 19 7 0 4 5 3 7 0
  2. Well, that's everyone, then. Although no one has yet to give me a MU build. Does this mean I get to make up my own? Edit: Actually, that's one more than everyone, but whatever. Rickard, Feena, and Est may be using up quite a bit of rainbow potion... Also, I appear to have no healer. Well, at least not until one of my mages promotes.
  3. That's just unfair. You shouldn't punish him for me thinking Roshea's speed is bad and that Palla's isn't. Unless you actually meant to give ME archer-sniper Palla, in which case I invite you to post in my topic. For another, this brings up another point- archer's speed base sucks, which certainly isn't helping him. However, I would take her 10 SPD over his 6.5 at her level. Also, at that point dumping 4,000 gold on a forge is much more reasonable. I'll clarify my argument. Roshea suffers from either very poor speed later or very poor offense initially, and that makes him a bad unit. The way to make Roshea's speed genuinely good is to make him a myrmidon, but 9 ATK sucks. That's, like, 2x2 damage.
  4. 1. I meant his personal base speed growth, not Archer!Roshea's. 2. I know. I've tried both archer and myrmidon Roshea before on H1. I've even tried one of them on NM. His damage output is pitiful at first. 3. He's doing very little damage, anyways. Better than Norne? Yes. But that isn't saying much. If Gordin has a steel bow in chapter 1 (I don't remember) then Roshea is pulling lower ATK in chapter 6 than Gordin was in chapter 1. Weapon level is a big part of Roshea's problem. Once he hits D bows, it's much easier to use him, but 11 ATK is just bad. The thing is, Palla has 13 SPD at level 8 unpromoted. Guess what archer Roshea has at that level? 6.5 SPD. At level 20 unpromoted, Palla has 16.6. Roshea has 10.1. That's, like, Gilliam level speed. Of course, he then gets 5 SPD from promotion.
  5. He has an awful base speed growth and pretty poor base strength stat, so your options with him are basically get doubled later or do almost zero damage now. Since he's in archer, it will be nearly zero damage now. He'll need a forge.
  6. And this is what the Rainbow Potion is for. Edit: So, you finally get her to 20/1, and, compared to Warren who will also be a swordmaster after promotion, she has .4 STR, 2.2 SKL, 5.9 LUK, and 2 DEF on him. In exchange, he has 20.3 HP. Yeah. And he shows up how many chapters before her?
  7. The problem I have is that the more advanced you get, the more long-ranged things are, and that becomes less interesting for a Fire Emblem type game, IMO. I mean, what if all of your units were 3-10 range? That completely changes things.
  8. Well, I have nothing to do for the next five days, and even after that I'll have plenty of time, so I figured I would try one of these. These are the guidelines I'm going to have for myself. -Classic H1 (unless you guys give me a horrible team...) -12 unit team, including Marth and My Unit. You guys get to decide what build I use for MU and names and looks if you feel like it. I have male reclass limits removed, so you guys can choose whatever class for the unit(s) you choose. -Bond Drop, Growth Drop, Statboosters from beating Lunatic, and Rainbow Potion are available, but the Rainbow Potion and statboosters will only be used if the unit needs it. Like if you guys give me Arran to use the whole game, for instance, he will get the Rainbow Potion and possibly some statboosters from the prechapter shop lategame. -No online shop. Seeing as I'm emulating it, I couldn't even if I wanted to. -I'll go for fairly low turncounts, but I've only beaten the game once, so don't expect anything amazing. -If a unit is forced on a map, I'm allowed to use them. Especially in cases where it is unavoidable, like chapter 4. -If I really need to, I will reclass one of my units or use one that wasn't chosen. This shouldn't happen, but if it does, this is here as a disclaimer. Well, without further ado, pick my units! 1: Marth 2: My Unit (Orphan, Kindness, Enlightened, Mercenary/Archer->Horseman) 3: Warren Pirate->Swordmaster 4: Ellerean Mage->Sage 5: Raiden Cavalier->Paladin 6: Est Archer->Swordmaster 7: Samuto Cavalier->Dracoknight 8: Vergil/Belf Hunter->Sniper 9: Ryan Myrmidon->Berserker 10: Gordin Mage->Sage 11: Cecil Archer->Sniper 12: Feena as a combatant 13: Rickard as a combatant (must use maturity drop on him)
  9. For FE, not past Medieval, IMO. Maybe have some early guns, but nothing past that. Hellenic? Good, although I don't know how you'd do phalanxes and such. Maybe they could allow for multiple units to create formations together or something. Asian? Good. But not past Medieval. As much fun as some games taking place later can be, it just wouldn't feel like Fire Emblem if it was World War 1. Thinking about it, it doesn't seem like all that much fun, either.
  10. How many armies do you have roaming around at this point?
  11. You know, given that September is kinda TOMORROW, you'd think that they would have a slightly more specific release date. Still, exciting. Especially since I may have found a computer I don't have to build that's relatively cheap and would run S2 pretty well, I think. In fact, out of curiosity, how does this computer ( http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=602037&CatId=1886 ) compare to yours, and what settings does S2 run on?
  12. There's a picture somewhere of an idea for an FE spinoff where you control an individual unit in real-time on the battlefield, like M&B. I think that could be a very fun spin-off. I think an FE with gameplay similar to Valkyria Chronicles could be a lot of fun. Of course, this is assuming FE reaches the point where IS actually could make a spinoff.
  13. I'd like to point out that the magic units that are generally considered good don't need to be babied, or at least don't need much. Sety and Pent, for example, are considered great, and their bases are good enough to last the whole game. There are also ones that are considered good, but not great, that need some EXP but don't require babying. Also, I know this probably isn't what the OP was talking about, but there are also weapon levels to take into account. Growth units generally have poor weapon levels relative to those who have high bases. If you count those as bases as well, then that, IMO, puts bases quite easily ahead of growths.
  14. Bases. If your bases aren't good, then your growths will never come into play. How many growth units are considered all that good? How many units with good bases are considered all that good? Besides, as dondon has shown, you can get through FE just fine without any growths at all.
  15. That sounds like a very interesting idea. I prefer FE9/10's forging, myself, and I'd like to see that come back. FE12/11's is basically "tada my effective weapon pwns everything." FE9/10's was much more interesting to me. I'd also like FE12's support system. Capture coming back would be good. I'd like reclass, although perhaps more limited (the class pool is limited for each individual unit) and I'd like everyone to have unique models/sprites. If crossbows come back, I'd like them to be more like real life crossbows. Slow, but not requiring much training. Maybe make them a ranged option available to everyone. Although, if that was done, then there should be some advantage to using them over javelins/hand axes/wind edges if they're brought back. Maybe increase the range of (cross)bows? It would certainly help archers to be more useful on both sides. That's all I can think of right now. Also, that thing about reclass making everyone the same shows you clearly have not used it much.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo6xj4A1D7Y&feature=related
  17. I don't understand the hate for the reclass system. I just don't. It's, IMO, one of the best additions to the series.
  18. My neighborhood friends all like FE, and there is one school friend who I showed FE and he enjoys it. All he has is a PS3, though. I have some other friends at school who like FE, but I actually learned that after we became friends.
  19. People will die. Don't worry about that. I don't want to have a story where everything goes perfectly- the shit will hit the fan. Just not yet.
  20. My sister lost her phone service while we were talking to her this morning. Either that, or her phone died, which knowing her is entirely possible. She's pretty far inland, so she didn't get anything too bad, but it looks like it was enough to do that.
  21. Roro/Rollo has one, and there's the one MU gets. Edit: One being mask, there was a new page.
  22. We don't know that, technically. We've never experienced a supervolcano erupting. But odds are there would be. Not that that would do much. There would be a mass exodus from western North America that would be hell to go through, and from there you just deal with hundreds of cubic miles of ash being thrown into the atmosphere. I wonder what kind of effect this will have on the forums. It looks like we could lose quite a few members from this for... however long they're without power/internet.
  23. We can't have pictures of women with small breasts! For the children! Am I the only one who doesn't get this?
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