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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Book 1 11 and 12 and book 2 11 and 12 were the most annoying for me. I just beat both of them last week and I finished clearing out all levels of the CCs today. I really hope the ones that will show up tomorrow will be easy since I have been dreaming about the hard ones the last few nights.
  2. Oh Panne looks good, hopefully I can fit her in a good team since I normally don't use infantry on my teams unless it is a tactics one. I don't think I will be interested in the legendary banner this time, so I think I will try to get the two guys since the GD banner has decided to only give me pity breakers.
  3. Gotta say Einherjar Roy because that art is just beautiful.
  4. Well I am glad it is 100% new heroes and I will pull red a bit, but I am low on orbs so it will mostly be the tickets from the FB. I will be focusing on red for Keaton since he is my favorite Fates shifter. Poor Yarne though, he is the only 3DS beast left out now.
  5. Yeah the thumb is the most important. I would rather lose my pinky since I use my other fingers to do crafts. I am left handed so if I had to lose a finger I would rather lose it on my right hand.
  6. The only one of those I don't have is L!Azura, but if I get a dupe at least they are decent fodder. I really hope I get L!Azura.
  7. This looks really good. Any game from PG makes me interested I will pick this up to tide me over until SMTV comes out if it ever does.
  8. They order it online for you. I ordered in store, but it will ship to my house. They are probably out by now though since it was up at 1pm mountain time. I manged to go to the store too early and find out the time so I went back at 1 and 5 minutes later I had my preorder.
  9. Yeah this is normal pricing to me, every Switch SE I have really looked at cost the same amount. I have my preorder in. my TMS SE cost me $99, so me paying $99 for this one is fine. If you think this is too much just get the base game. I think people complaining about the price a bit too much, the Fates SE was $89 so not much difference.
  10. I really hope new loli dragon is a blue flyer since I want to complete my flying dragon team but IS won't put a blue flying dragon in Heroes.
  11. I am going to order in store at GameStop tomorrow if I can since I am unable to order online at this time. I want that SE if I can get a preorder.
  12. So far I like what I saw and it will be a great lat Bday present for myself. I like the fact the the avatar is slightly "older".
  13. Could they please show some info on SMTV as well? I will be fine if the only game in the direct I want is Three Houses, but I have been waiting on SMT news for almost as long. I figure Bayonetta 3 will be teased at E3 at the earliest so I am only hoping for some SMT news as well as FE news.
  14. Finally some news on a game I want. I have my money waiting for the preorder of a SE or LE the moment it goes up. Sadly I may have to miss it when it airs, but I will watch it the moment I get home.
  15. As a late teen I had a really horrid diabetes doctor who did not care about controlling my diabetes at all and my parents did not try to help me much either. So I was on my own trying to figure out how much insulin I needed to stay alive but not die. I have had several times I have gone so low I almost died and one of those times I saw angels and let everything go, but I had to come back to "life". Lucky for me after that I finally ended up getting through to my mom that I needed a different doctor that actually gave a damn about type one diabetics living a decent life and he put me on the insulin pump and I can now live a "normal" life.
  16. i think it will either be rerun or a new set. I really hope for a new set, but if it has to be a rerun then I hope players who did them last year get to do the quests again because I would be sad if I did not get anything from the reruns.
  17. Well I was pity broken twice on the Vday banner, once by Y!Tiki who is new and once by Dorcas. I am going to quit this banner since while I would like a focus unit, I want to see who is on the new heroes banner and I want to save for the BB banner.
  18. I think that is where the problem is. The artist draws women very well, but when they were asked to draw a man who is fairly manly in his original art it did not work at all because that was completely out of the artist's area of what they do well.
  19. Lloyd is the one whose art I really detest. Lloyd is one of my favorite bosses in FE 7 and I love his original art in that game, but in Heroes he looks like a zombie. Lloyd is supposed to have muscles and he looks very healthy. In Heroes he looks like he is going to drop dead any minute and has no muscle tone. Every time I go through my heroes I almost cry when I see him because his art is so bad I refuse to build him and use him.
  20. "Sigh" that point when I am ready to do the last lunatic CC and found a good f2p guide only to find out I don't have the spd smoke SS upgraded to the needed level and I only have 40 coins. Good thing TT starts tomorrow so I can get more coins to upgrade it.
  21. Free 5* was dancer Xander since the game gave me a circle of colorless. I think I will save him for CC, since I don't care that much for merged dancers and CC is really good fodder on some units. Hopefully I can get a Vday unit tomorrow with the TT orbs.
  22. Looks like I will build a team around og Ike. Team one will be: og Ephraim, Dorcas, Genny and og Ike. I could use Mia, but I hardly ever use og Ike since I like L!Ike better. The seals look good darting blow might be fun on Naesala for more speed. Hopefully some of the TT orbs will break my pity rate on the Vday banner.
  23. Goody a break from seasonal banners at last. I really hope both of these banners are alt free and that the people at IS love Elphin so he is on the BB banner. Honestly I am kind of hoping that the new banner this month is Awakening, since there are more characters from there I want then from Fates. I don't know if they will do beasts twice in a row, but Fates beasts would be nice if it has to be Fates.
  24. Yeah they are hard to get, I had to have my mom preorder both the Fates and SoV special editions on the first day they were up to make sure I could get them. I always preorder in store I do GameStop since it is close to home and the manager remembers me (being the only white girl who shops there is nice), and I always pay my preorder in full within a week of placing it. I have never had a preorder canceled so I recommend paying in full when you order.
  25. That is why all my 5* healers have every refine they can get so I have more dew. Plus I like playing around with healers when I am bored.
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