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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Thing about this is in FE people die, but the deaths other then the ones mentioned above are not that graphic. Rape is very controversial because it is graphic and the victim is normally left alive and lives a life worse then death in many cases. Both are bad, but killing at least once done is over, while rape the after affects last for a lifetime.
  2. Well all I have to say is I kind of hope it is Fates because that means I can use all the orbs coming with this banner on trying for Tibarn. I wonder if all the banner units will be girls and the TT unit will be a guy? I can live with that, but I hope for equal rep. The only loli alt that annoyed me was Nowi's but I don't like her regular art either, so same thing. If Sakura is on this banner if they put her in a big fluffy robe that covers everything I think that would be fine.
  3. I really have no idea on this one but the one on the left is giving me Kaden vibes for some reason. I am just hoping that there are no new dancer types or people I want so I can try some more for Tibarn. I am also hoping that these units are ones that don't have any alts just to be different for once.
  4. Sorry I thought you had beat the game already. Plus I tend to forget to spoiler tag games that are 5 years old or older.
  5. Every time I play the part of Xenoblade 1 where Melia has to defeat her brother because he turned in to a Telethia makes me have feels every time because my sibling relationship is weird and so any time I see sibling relationships that tug at the heart makes me emotional. The same is true for TMS and Tsubasa singing to free her sister.
  6. It has to do with when the Jewish Holiday of Passover is, which is right after the vernal equinox. The reason is because the whole point of Easter is Christ dying and rising from the dead. When Christ was arrested by the Romans it was during Passover. The time that Christ died can be determined very clearly in the bible because of it being during Passover, his birth on the other hand is not so clear and Christmas took the place of several pagan holidays to get certain peoples to convert.
  7. There are drawbacks to most of the banners that is how IS gets their money. I have mixed luck with legendary banners, but the good thing about them is you only two pity breakers per color to deal with and red is just too big a pool now. A 3 person banner would be best, but who knows how much IS will rerun the Laguz. I will try to keep some orbs set aside just in case.
  8. Well I managed to get some more orbs and was pity broken by Swordhardt who I did not have so ok, but damn it I really wanted Tibarn:( I think I will just wait until he is on a legendary banner since I hate pulling red on regular banners because of the pity breakers.
  9. The Laguz banner is being a pain 4.25% pity rate and climbing, I just want one Tibarn:( Well maybe tomorrow will be my lucky day since I have to wait for more orbs.
  10. @Interdimensional Observer GC orbs are tied to tier. Every time you battle you score points and go up in tier until you hit tier 25, not counting the 3 orbs from the quests you can get a total of 14 orbs if you get to tier 25 over the 6 days GC goes on.
  11. I have the Club Nintendo a Link between worlds 3 poster set and 2 other Zelda posters I bought when I saw them. I also tend to make posters with Fire Emblem ads from Game Informer, so I have one I made and I have some other ads so I could make another one when I feel like it.
  12. Let's see let me do a top 15: Naesala is in finally and will be my first "free" +10 Lukas in Kaze in Hector in and with 3 too many versions Elphin not in and sadly will probably never be in since a male refresher in the general pool is too much to ask Nils same as Elphin Nailah in Lorenz not in and probably won't be since he is an old man Minerva in Seth in Cormag not in Haar not in Priam not in Zihark not in so 7/15 not that wonderful but at least some of my favs are in. If there is a CYL 3 I am just going to throw all votes to Elphin.
  13. Well yesterday I was an idiot and did a pull on the sword valor banner, but I was rewarded by my first ever Sanaki so it was worth it. Still no pity breaker on the Laguz banner so I am hoping Tibarn shows up tomorrow since I have to wait on more orbs. The good thing is I finally pulled Silvia today and I had been wanting her for a while so not bad.
  14. Could I get Genny as a sheep? Since that is my Zodiac I would pull a bit for her if it does happen.
  15. Well looks like after Laguz I can save orbs for the FE 6 banner, which I am praying has Elphin on it. I am not very happy about 2 seasonal banners and no new story chapters or actual new heroes until March ( man IS saying when Laguz and FE 6 were coming was them telling us when we are getting new heroes). We already have NYs so if that first one is the lunar NY I will be even more annoyed then before. Only way I will like the 'surprise' special heroes is if they are from TMS and Yashiro is the TT reward, which won't happen.
  16. Well free pull was Lene who I merged with my first one since I like her and use her a fair bit. Sitting on a rising pity rate on the Laguz banner, but I am not too worried I have plenty of time.
  17. I would probably have finished my 3DS backlog if Heroes was never around, and I would have started writing stories with the extra time. As to what I would tell myself, reroll until you get Hector instead of going til this day without one, only snipe for characters you want or need but don't waste orbs on ones you don't care about and don't spend that Amazon gift card money (ended up being $75 which I know is nothing really but still) on Google play money for Heroes and buy some books you want instead.
  18. This one is okay still need to do infernal but it should not take me that long. Horse emblem is really good on this map. I am just happy I finally have my raven king in Heroes, he is getting every grail I have saved once he is up.
  19. My free pull was Reyson who was my most wanted, but it seemed like the game making up for refusing to give me any flying refresher unit every time they are on a banner. I also used my 40 orbs, but no luck on any 5*s yet, but I am going to try to break my pity rate.
  20. All I care about are the rewards and the convos are extra, but I would love to see Nailah interact with her in-laws a bit since they never had that in RD.
  21. I will focus on pulling Reyson since I Need a flying refresher and green is a great color to pull from, but I will pull other colors as well. My saving grails will pay off now with Naesala who is my favorite PoR/RD character. Gotta say, this banner looks great and the fact that we get 5 totally new characters with not a single alt means I will send IS some decent feedback this time.
  22. The only thing missing is Rafiel, to have Nailah but not her husband is just sad. Naesala GHB makes me cry tears of joy though, since it means I can +10 my favorite Laguz once I get enough grails. Good thing I have been saving them up on the off chance Naesala was GHB unit, it paid off. It looks like if anyone drops it will be Reyson, who I really hope does since a flying refresher at 4* means I just might finally get one.
  23. I get Naesala for free which means I am super happy. Now if only one of the Herons and Nailah come home as well.
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