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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. If I am going to buy the book I buy it as a physical book, that way if I end up not liking it as much as I thought I can take it to the used bookstore in the next town and trade it in for credit to buy a book I will like. I can't trade ebooks in. I do read manga online, but that is mostly because my favorites have no official English translation and I have to read translations done by fans for fans. Stupid Tokyopop having to stop printing manga and then coming back but not finishing Saiyuki, at least Viz got the rights to print Trinity Blood hopefully they will get the rights to Saiyuki some day. I ended up off topic but yeah physical books are good, plus I don't have a tablet or e reader so physical is best for me.
  2. I am indifferent to Lyn because I saw it coming, since IS seems to like making character emblem and I expect a forth Camilla, Xander and Chrom sometime this year. I am just glad that games other then the 3DS ones managed to get a seasonal banner. I use armor emblem a lot so new armors are nice for me and it will be nice to replace C!Robin with Eliwood and a DC ax user will be great since I have yet to pull regular Hector and I love his art. Now if IS would have armor march as a seal in the TT I will be all set.
  3. That Hector is great I like him better then his vanilla design. Looks like I will pull green and blue because that Lyn looks great as well. I wonder if V!Roy will power creep B!Lyn? I won't be pulling for V!Roy sine colorless is a place I go only for top favorites. I am so glad I saved some orbs and skipped the legendary banner, that Hector is too good for me to pass up. I will be buying the BK orb pack this banner since I really want that Hector. Eliwood is the TT reward? That is cool I am always glad when I get a unit for free.
  4. I am going to guess that it is Eliwood and Ninian since the guy's hair reminds me of Eliwood's Heroes design. As to the other two on the banner I hope it is a cannon couple I don't really care who, though I really want Pent in Heroes.
  5. I would contact him one more time and say that since you have not heard from him you a bit worried and that you hope he is doing OK. I have a friend that moved away and we keep in touch through email, sometimes they don't contact me back for a while and normally it is because they did not have time but if I let them know I am worried they normally send me a note saying they are sorry and that they were busy. Of course it works both ways and I have had times where I was the one that did not write back right away.
  6. I decided to dump all my votes except one which went to Eldigan, in to H!Jakob because dang it I spent a lot of orbs trying for him with no luck and he is my most want unit that is in the game. He probably won't make it to the finals so I will see who I go for after that.
  7. The split votes need to go, it is not just Marth that lost out because of it most of the Tellius cast lost out since they had split votes, Finn and Marcus also lost out. I think the best thing to do would be to complain about the split votes as a whole and ask that next time the votes be combined as they should have been from the start. Which is what I will say when I give my feedback.
  8. The first book is good, the second one is OK and the last one just gets weird and has a rather bad ending. I am trying to skip spoilers so all I will say on the last one is if you like certain characters in the first and second books you probably will hate the ending at least I did.
  9. If it is all girls I will be peeved and my orbs will be safe, unless Jill or Scarlet some how end up on it. I hope IS does not do a White day banner since Japan is the only country that does that. Vday is celebrated in most countries so it make sense, but White day would only really make sense in Japan and so far the seasonal banners have been things that are done in all counties. I would not say no to an all guys banner, but I don't see that happening since IS has proved they would rather make an alt over adding one new guy on a banner.
  10. Sigh, every banner has been giving me 4* fodder lately. Free pull yesterday was M!Corrin, free pull to day was Burka and I have a 4.25% pity rate on the SS banner. I am saving my orbs until the VD banner is reveled and if there is no one I need/want on it I will try for Myrrh one more time. I guess I am paying for getting both C!Chrom and C!Robin with good boon/banes. Hopefully the VD banner will be kinder then the last few have been.
  11. @Humanoid I just scrolled through colorless until he showed up when I voted today. There are a bunch of 5*s I want but my armor emblem team has become my core team and having a colorless on the team would make it so I don't have to trade teams on quests. I am still sad I could not pull him and if by some twist of fate I could get him free I would be so happy. Go to notifications in Heroes and tap the link.
  12. First vote went to H!Jakob, I think I will alternate between him, Hector and Eldigan. I may add Ninian and Myrrh in as well. The most votes will go to H!Jakob since he is the top of the list. I like the idea of a run off for the top 4 of the first round it make a lot of sense and it would have been fun if CYL had that as well.
  13. I had an 11% pity rate before I pulled B!Roy on the last legendary banner. Sometimes the gacha likes to give you only 3 and 4*s. The 8% rate is not much higher then a regular banner since the rate is split between all the focus units on the banner. If it is any comfort I have spent 100 orbs trying for Myrrh and have yet to pull any 5* from her banner.
  14. @ZeManaphy They would use the "good" Anankos human form from the Fates DLC so that it would be simple. If Lyon can be mostly his non possessed self in his GHB form so can Anankos.
  15. Ok I get it everyone, I was thinking about shota dragons/shapeshifters since we only have one of those. I should have been more specific, sorry about that.
  16. @Hawk King I blew through TT yesterday because I had time and the weekend tends to be really busy for me, plus I wanted to make sure I could devote most of my play time to the new maps and the rhythm game tomorrow. I save all my stamina potions for TT anyway, I still have over 80 left after yesterday.
  17. I just want to say I am happy Cormag made it to 100 since if I remember right that is higher then he was before. Kaze being at 60 made me sad but I have hopes for characters in the top 100 that are not in Heroes yet being added to the summoning pool.
  18. The thing was that the CYL winners were supposed to wield weapons that were related to their dads. That is why Lyn became a nomad archer, Ike had Urvan and Roy had Durandal. Lucina was the one they made a lance unit and the weapon was a totally new weapon and had nothing to do with her dad. I think that they will make it sibling related, but someone will get colorless for verities sake.
  19. I agree with you, my only problem with Nowi is her cloths other then that I don't have a problem with her being in the game at all. Of course I would be fine with a shota character in FE just to balance out all the lolies. I am so used to lolies being in some of the manga I like that it does not bother me much. The sad thing is the lolies on a whole tend to better written then the well endowed woman, and I find that annoying.
  20. Yeah you are right, I should have remember about that. Of course they did give Lucina a lance out of nowhere, so going with siblings maybe how they will go and pull something like they did with lucina with one of them so they can have a colorless.
  21. I am happy about Hector my favorite lord and I will be getting him if I can choose one for free like last time. As to the girls I am really happy about Veronica since I have always liked her design. Uther was S rank in axes just like Hector, so I don't think they will go with siblings since none of the last CYL winners used the same weapon they use in their vanilla version. I wonder how they will do it this time, they just might go with mothers this time so that they can do what ever they want with weapons.
  22. Reached 52k and am done with this TT save for quests, sadly I did not get Myrrh with the TT orbs just a bunch of fodder. At least orbs will be flowing tomorrow and I am quitting the SS banner since I can't get any 5*s after 100 orbs. Now to plan out how I will build Marisa and I think I will use the feathers to 5* A!Tiki so I can have her ready for the eventual dragon emblem team when Ninian and Myrrh decide to show their faces in my barracks.
  23. I have a lot let my list my top five: Goodbye agony by the Black Veil Brides Funeral of Hearts by HIM Rose tattoo by Dropkick Murphys The Tempest by the Real Mckenzies Welcome to my life by Simple Plan I don't care by Fall Out Boy I have a lot of other songs I love but these are the top of the list right now.
  24. You know now that I have really thought about it I think I will go for voting for H!Jakob just to be different. I will take who I get, but I want H!Jakob most out of all 5* exclusives so I will vote for who I want most and hope I don't someone I don't like . I wish they would just let us chose who we want instead of voting, I feel like some players will be sad anyway the votes go. of course SF is just a small part of who will vote so it is any 5*s game right now:)
  25. I am running vanilla Ike, Fjorm, Hawkeye and PA!Olivia for this TT and they work very well. I am at around 26k and I plan on getting all rewards today so I can focus on the new things coming tomorrow.
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