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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I'd like to thank everybody! My first time submitting a prompt and so many entries! Reviews coming soon. @Acacia Sgt I enjoyed this one! Caught the Zelda reference right away and loved it. While it would put the word count up even more, Alm and Celica's reactions would be fun to see, or maybe another fairy appears? The hermit was knowledgeable enough though, and filled his purpose. Also, it would be funny if the fairy queen Titania looked like Titania from Tellius.
  2. Talk to them, figure out why they stopped writing it, make sure they're not the My Immortal author though, but then again she's probably grown out of that cringe stage. I relate. WWYDI Joe Zieja(voice of Claude) and Joe Brogie(voice of Sylvain) made a talk show called Not So Average Joes?
  3. Never play any FE again. WYR fight the cops or the mafia?
  4. WWYDI every time you sneezed, a duck quacked and you had no idea where the duck was?
  5. I just watched this video on leitmotifs in PMD 2, it was very interesting even if I got lost by a lot of the music jargon. I learned today that leitmotifs aren't just melodies/pieces of music that show up a lot of different places in a movie/show/game, but made to get emotional impact and help tell the story. I wonder if Lost In Thoughts All Alone and Edge of Dawn count?
  6. Can't find the original topic, but had the content saved elsewhere. Byleth(male): "No you're right, let's do it the dumbest way possible because it's easier for you" Byleth(female): "Is whatever this is almost over?" Rhea: "Sorry you're wrong" Seteth: "I don't understand ignorance and I don't want to" Manuela: "How merlot can you go?" Jeralt: "This guy needs a beer" Flayn: "Hello fellow kids" Alois: "Bad Dad jokes. Get it?" Catherine: "Damn I'm good" Shamir: "Let's not and say we did" Cyril: "Sorry for the mean, hurtful, accurate things I said to you." Gilbert: "World's okayest boomer" Claude: "Sarcastic comment loading please wait" Hilda: "I get enough exercise just pushing my luck" Lysithea: "Boy do I hate being right all the time" Raphael: "Destroyer of pizza buffets" Ignatz: "Nerd" Lorenz: "Very stable genius" Leonie: "Beast mode on" Marianne: "Can I pet your dog?" Dimitri: "What the fresh hell is this?" Dedue: "I'm not shy I just don't like you" Sylvain: "Keep laughing this is your girlfriend's shirt" Felix: "All damn day" Ashe: "Good vibes only" Mercedes: "Close enough to perfect" Ingrid: "I am destined for success! The cookie told me so" Annette: "Go shawty it's sherbet day" Edelgard: "Legal tip: demand a trial by combat" Hubert: "See you in hell" Bernadetta: "I want to go home" Linhardt: "I'm out of bed and dressed, what more do you want?" Dorothea: "Dearly beloved" Ferdinand: "I really do care, don't you?" Caspar: "This is pretty much my final form" Petra: "The night is dark and full of terrors" Yuri: "Sometimes my genius is almost frightening" Constance: "Well la de freakin da!" Balthus: "My pen is huge" Hapi: "I tested positive for being bored af" Aelfric: "I'm a nice guy"
  7. Be confused and think I got a bugged game. WWYDI an old man told you you were stupid?
  8. Claude is the only one who ended up with his house color somewhere on him, lol. Red kinda counts but it's not black. He's got blue eyes! Or one blue eye.
  9. Sometimes the guy talked so fast I couldn't understand him. ...Now I know how people feel when I talk irl.
  10. Just looks the same as cleric.
  11. WYR be able to spit fire like a dragon or move objects with your mind?
  12. Just an idea I've been floating around in my brain for quite some time. I wish I could make it into a comic/manga, although I will be drawing Jeralt's death scene in these forms. Church Sothis: Whitish gold dragon with green wing edges and feet. Rhea: White dragon. Catherine: Light yellow lioness with a red tail tuft. Shamir: Indigo falcon. (Dagda is falcons) Cyril: Small brown yearling bull elk, black spike antlers that become larger at timeskip. Alois: Brown buck with a white chest and belly, tan antlers, slightly tubby. (It's never said where Alois is from, but I'm saying Alliance) Hanneman: Gray eagle, starting to get scruffy in his old age. Manuela: Light brown eagle, graceful build, black spot under one eye. Jeralt: Tan lion with slight draconic additions such as some scales on his tail and around his limbs, and a stiffer mane. Byleth: Light green dragon with slight feline features such as whiskers and a catlike build. Sitri: Light green dragon. Seteth: Green dragon, strong build. Flayn: Small green dragon. Verdant Wind(Almyra is elk) Claude: Dark brown buck, golden antlers. He's slightly fluffier than average because of his Almyran genes. Hilda: Pink doe. Lorenz: Indigo buck, white antlers. Ignatz: Small light green buck, cream colored antlers, white belly. Marianne: Light blue doe. Leonie: Orange doe, red feet. Raphael: Large yellow buck, tan antlers, white tail. Lysithea: White doe, purple feet. Nader: Large dark brown bull elk, lighter brown chest. Black antlers. Judith: Brown doe, darker brown chest and belly. Acheron: Yellow buck, white antlers. Holst: Pink buck, yellow antlers. Azure Moon(Duscur is tigers) Dimitri: Yellow lion, dark yellow mane and tail tuft. Dedue: Bulky white tiger with brown stripes. Ingrid: Yellow lioness, white belly and tail tuft. Sylvain: Red lion, dark red mane and tail tuft, black paws. Felix: Dark blue lion, white mane and tail tuft. Mercedes: Dusty pink lioness. Annette: Orange lioness. Ashe: Grayish blue lion, dark gray mane and tail tuft. Gilbert: Orange lion, dark orange mane and tail tuft, brown belly. Rodrigue: Dark blue lion, black mane and tail tuft. Glenn: Dark blue lion, gray mane and tail tuft. Lambert: Golden yellow lion, dark gold mane and tail tuft. Lonato: Silver lion, gray mane and tail tuft. Christophe: Silver lion, darker silver mane and tail tuft, white belly. Gwendal: Gray lion, black mane and tail tuft. Miklan: Red lion, dark brown mane and tail tuft. Scar on face. After becoming a demonic beast, his fur turns black and matted, his eyes glow with sinister energy, and he gets long saber fangs. Crimson Flower(Brigid is owls) Edelgard: White eagle, red tail feathers. Hubert: Black eagle, head feathers cover one eye. Ferdinand: Orange eagle, white chest. Caspar: Light blue eagle, brighter blue head feathers. Petra: Purple owl, darker purple tail feathers. Linhardt: Green eagle. Bernadetta: Small light purple eagle. Dorothea: Purplish brown eagle. Ionius: Scruffy light brown eagle, starting to turn white, has difficulty flying. Ludwig: Orange eagle, chubby. Fleche: Small light brown eagle. Randolph: Light brown eagle with silver head and tail feathers. Ladislava: Brown eagle. Metodey: Brown eagle with lighter brown head feathers. Patricia: Silver eagle. Jeritza: Dusty pink eagle with white face. Cindered Shadows(Abyss inhabitants become wolves regardless of origin) Yuri: Lavender wolf, black tail. Constance: Yellow wolf, purple back fur. Balthus: Black wolf. Hapi: Reddish pink wolf. Aelfric: Brown wolf with the same kind of scale patches as Jeralt. Agarthans(males are cobras, females are rattlesnakes) Thales: Silver cobra, black hood. Solon: Grayish purple cobra. Kronya: Orange rattlesnake.
  13. Jello. I could eat some of it, I don't like gravy. WYR have somebody buy all your groceries for you for a month or have somebody pay all your bills for a month?
  14. Claude: laughing his ass off holding a report from Garreg Mach Hilda: What happened now? Claude: They put a cow upstairs. A cow. Upstairs! Hilda: How in the world did they manage that? Holst: Not gonna lie, I'm offended they didn't ask their favorite uncle to join in. AnacybeleToday at 4:25 PM lol nice. DragoncatToday at 4:26 PM Boran: OR THEIR GRANDPA! Claude: Settle down, Dad.
  15. A bad audiobook. I can do other things while I listen to it. WYR send in the dancing lobsters or BE a dancing lobster?
  16. I have called her out before on Discord, I know this. I had to do it this time, I was tired of seeing it. But yes.
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