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Everything posted by Raguna

  1. Due to pretty much this I forget lvl 40 conversations exist half the time. It always takes me by surprise when I'm yanked into a conversation out of nowhere when all I wanted to do was check the quests I had left.
  2. Moving on to our next set of characters we find ourselves with our friendly pals Lukas and Gray. Now let's get this started now shall we. Our first recruit hailing from a low-ranking noble house in the Zofian borderlands. The first playable soldier, he comes in to help Alm primarily in the early game to train up the rest of your units with Alm. He carries decent growth rates with an emphasis on HP, Skill and Def but he will always keep his abysmal spd. That said, his promotion gains are what truly carry him to become a veritable wall that will negate most damage without care and deal enough damage back for other units to pick off if he doesn't kill them. His greatest weakness are magic and his lack of 5 movement outside of giving him Boots but the latter isn't a grand issue since by the time you need more Mov, Silque will have probably learned Warp by then. Compared to Forsyth, he has a definite lead in defense, hp, skill and join time since by the time you gain Forsyth, Lukas might be just about ready to promote to his next class and Forsyth's base stats aren't all that different from the ones Lukas had when you first got him. By contrast, Forsyth has an edge in Str, Spd, Luck and Res so he could be seen as a more viable option to take on the more magic oriented chapters. Due to available unit slots only being an issue in dungeons, it'd be a good idea to bring one of these dudes along or alternate to give each some experience. A friend from infancy, Gray is the strongest of Alm's friends with the highest base stats among them (excluding Kliff's ludicrously high luck) and the ability to instantly promote when he gets to the Mila Shrine. Outside of his strength and Hp, Gray is pretty fragile with the lowest res and defense of the group by the end but his essentialness really boils down to the class you make him into. Unlike the rest of the villagers, Gray's general spread doesn't allow for much versatility. His spell list is arguably the worst of all the mages, he'd just be invalidated as a knight by his competition and redundant by the number of cavaliers present in Alm's route. While archer would make good use of his high strength, it's a flip if he'll be doubling enemies as you keep progressing. His best class is actually mercenary since the class ups his skill and speed, gives him security against mages and a lot of movement while exploiting his high strength for a good amount of damage. In summary, he's great as a merc and meh in pretty much everything else.
  3. Hardin has a good point. The only people this game isn't pandering to would be some of the older fans who preferred snes and GBA. EDIT 1: And to be clear, I'm sure whatever title isn't being pandered will probably get some dlc on it's way.
  4. http://gematsu.com/2017/05/fire-emblem-warriors-adds-twin-original-protagonists-marth-chrom You can read the full article here. The statement while rather flimsy was the one given out, but I'd suggest waiting for the full famitsu scan coming tomorrow before doing anything too drastic.
  5. Catria and the gang never really seemed surprised to be there nor do they ever give any indication of it. If Est was trade through a pirate network just to get to Grieth, then some people definitely knew there was a continent on the other side. I'm guessing that due to the fragmented nature of various countries in Archanea made it more difficult for them to establish communications. After FE 3 it's definitely possible since by then Marth basically gained his entire continent while Alm and Celica took Valentia.
  6. I'll echo in around the same sentiments for Fernand and Berkut as everyone else has. While rather unlikeable, they do their job with a solid reasoning although one that goes to a silly extreme with Fernand. Berkut's fall was far more natural due to how he was brought up. They definitely top the previous 3DS villains that's for sure. Although not mentioned, this feels countered somewhat by Jedah. His reasoning is good at first mixed with a bit of power hungry zeal but his motivations end up crumbling by the time we fight him in the end. He becomes generically evil for some reason, Berkut and Fernand at least keep their character consistency.
  7. Needless to say, the only guys really jeopardized by this selection is most likely the Jugdral boys. Especially Leif since as it stands he's the least mentioned Lord even here in SF. My questions stands more of those games will get representation or Thracia more specifically. I'm sure dlc will cover everyone in some fashion despite the selection being small for them as well The guys at Koei Tecmo know how to make a varied moveset, they've done it for many games and spinoffs so variety isn't an issue. That I'm sure we'll be fine in plus the gameplay is cathartic enough to make you enjoy the visuals. Also Camila or Tharja are definitely shoe ins merely because if you've seen most of the DW ladies you can tell they favor girls who are stacked.
  8. Considering when the game first started its development, the characters from Echoes will more than likely be DLC. When making any type of these kinds of games, rosters are usually some of the first things you have to keep in mind when moving onwards with a project.
  9. Have to agree here. I think it's not that people hate Awakening characters but rather people are embittered that the other games haven't been allowed the same chance to shine leading to resentment
  10. Actually a darker twist on this would be making Ike arrive as DLC. Due to his big popularity a good amount of people would buy him while Nintendo gets more cash. Since if we're being honest while I love Sigurd, Seliph and Leif, do you honestly expect them to sell as much as Ike, Lyn or Ephraim if they were dlc? This is more of a hypothetical and so far we know Nintendo isn't afraid of trying to gain as much as they can from this series.
  11. Hello and welcome all to the Unit Evaluation Thread. The game having arrived a little more than a week ago, I thought it would be appropriate to gauge the usefulness of all the units presented to us thus far. Due to how early I'm making this thread, it should be treated more as a rough draft on what a unit is capable of rather than a completely strict tiering system. It's worth also only to see where the community stands on these guys. This evaluation will strictly be on their contributions in gameplay and not on personality. A discussion on their worth as characters should probably be made into a separate thread for the sake simplicity. I won't add a poll system for ranking unless requested since I'm not entirely sure of their efficacy. The characters will be presented in pairs for a duration of two days until the next batch is selected. Excluding these first two units, everyone will be done in order of recruitment which means that after Alm and Celica, the next group will be Lukas and Gray and so forth until the end of chapter 1 where we switch to Mae and Boey. Lastly, spoilers are allowed to avoid vagueness in what maps they hold a specific advantage. Furthermore, the units in question will be more closely evaluated against their more immediate competition. For example, Lukas' direct competition would be Forsyth and while Valbar can be mentioned, the units only ever join in post-game at a point where Thabes is the only thing left so it doesn't add much to the discussion. For mercenaries in particular, looping will be counted as a boon of theirs but it will not heavily influence their usefulness. Evaluate the units based on the people in their respective routes. Without further ado... Our hero from Ram Village sporting high base stats, one of the highest growth rates in the game, a large pool of support bonuses from his pals and the ability to wield the mighty Royal Sword and Falchion. Needless to say Alm is an investment well worth putting levels in especially for when he goes solo to gain the Falchion. One of the best units in his side of the story, his contributions get better as you move along with his promotion making him gain access to bows even if they might not see much use. Lastly he is able to swiftly change his weapon due to having access to the convoy in battle means he can eat or switch weapons on the fly for whatever situation. Our heroine from Novis, a princess in search for the Earth Mother while fighting against pirates and the Duma Faithful. Like Alm, she sports decently high base stats, some of the highest growths in the game, a good number of supports and access to the convoy. That said, she contributes slightly less than Alm mostly due to how good most of the characters in Celica's group are and the fact that due to her primary weapon being a sword, she cannot counter from two spaces away like Boey or mage Mae. She is however a blessing due to learning Seraphim early to deal with the necro dragons, being able to heal if Genny has used her turn and the fact that she can gain her personal weapon the Beloved Zofia first by upgrading the golden dagger with your first gold mark. Now discuss, agree, disagree and lay out your opinions for me SF. Edit 1: Added some clarification. Edit 2: Only minimal grinding is factored in the evaluation of these units, and looping will not be heavily counted in their evaluation when applicable.
  12. As for right now, anyone that isn't from Elibe/Archanea/Fates would be welcome.
  13. Considering having low res isn't much of an issue on most units when they get one shot by Linde, I'd say the biggest thing holding Hinata back is his Ruby sword if you want to make him survive and deal shots against blues. It's kind of hard to find fault in any real unit especially since Inheritance came and Hinata was hardly the worst unit even before that became a thing. I'll be mean and probably say that it was Sophia. Her stats really don't impress the eye and not much will be helping her now either.
  14. Not gonna lie. Faye will probably end up being far more one-note than the guy villagers but a superb unit combat wise especially if she gains acess to pegasus knight. Among these descriptions, hers is pretty lame overall. Tobin's only somewhat generic by the end since that's a common personality type in many types of games but everything before hand makes it more fleshed out.
  15. Finished two weeks ago in inspiration for this game. It was an enjoyable experience and seeing these dudes again will be pretty rad.
  16. From Alm's side I'll have to say Lukas, the villagers (minus Tobin), Python, Silque. As for least favorites Clair was too squishy and didn't have as much kill power as I felt I needed aside from monsters, Dyute was cool but Kliff mage was a God by then and the same could be said of her brother. From Celica's side, Palla and Catria are a great boon especially due to those horrible desert maps, Saber, Valbar and Leon were pretty amazing as a whole too. Can't say I have a least favorite from this batch. I got extremely lucky with Leon's growths in Gaiden and since he had the Angel Ring at times and gained an almost perfect level ups so he's probably the odd one out.
  17. It's certainly an ambitious project alongside a good number of competitors. If you feel you can withstand and hold on to that while showing us what each character can do then go all for it, man.
  18. 16. Can't say I have an absolute favorite. Elli or Celia could be the closest to that if I had to crunch them down. 17. Again can't say definitely. Probably Chester from Hero of Leaf Valley because he always amused me when he talked. 18. Murrey or the Harvest Goddess in the newer games. Not to say they're bad, but I feel so univested to try and help or improve relationships with them. Feels like a waste of time. 19. Probably when I was around 7 or 8 with A Wonderful Life. I started pretty early and despite not knowing three fourths of what I was doing it felt cool to play along and be a farmer. 20. In the beginning when I'm starting a new HM, I'd agree but by the time I've adjusted to the game's rthymn the time feels just right or slightly too slow. The only time I wish things took longer were in the DS games. 14. Mow Rotom. I like the dude's face when he's going for you. If were speaking specifically of typings, the usual form of Rotom is what I prefer. 15. Jolteon since he was the guy I changed to in Gale of Darkness when I had to evolve my Eevee. 16. Xcom Enemy Within: There's this one chapter where you fight these moving tanks called Chrysalids that can kill your guys in one-two hits. We need to kill a whale that's been infected into their spawn point and when we finish that, Central Command thinks it's a great idea to bomb the place so you have to escape on a time limit with the remaining Chrysalids after you. 1. My personal favorite is Starry Night from Van Gogh, but there will probably be something that can eclipse it at some point. The greatest piece of art feels like something who's existence should contribute to mankind's growth in some way and while there should be something already, I personally haven't been acquainted with it. 2. As far as I can tell, art is the product of a person's vision taken form. It doesn't have to make sense or convey a concrete message, it merely needs a purpose to exist. What makes some things art and others not I can't exactly say, but that's about as far as I understand the concept myself. 3. I'm not an art critic and even then no one necessarily agrees with them. Being objective towards art is rather difficult but good art should just be something that can leave a lasting expression to one person. 4. Baroque, Post-impressionist and paintings primarily tried with watercolors are some of the best I've seen. Modern art comes close and I'm sure we all like our videogame art too but I could say my taste in that area is pretty old-fashioned. 5. I'd say it has moderately affected me. It's not something I think about in my spare time, but I can see the angles and appreciate it for what it is. It's also a good thing mankind found a way to express itself and cultivated the forms it could develop so maybe more art will leave an impact on me later on. 1. Pretty swell, wasn't expecting to get so many questions but I think I had my fun with all the things I had to answer. 2. Yggdra's Union without a doubt. You can't really make many games where you're invested in the lives of both the heroes and the villains. The tragic ruins that remain just make what's left more poignant. I think I'll always have fun with that game. 3 The violin. It has a soothing and pleasing effect whenever I hear it. 4. I'll list the top seven out of my head. RF (RF Frontier), Dangan (Danganronpa 2), Tales of (Tales of Xillia), Zero's Escape (Virtue's Last Reward) FF (FF2) , Trails (Second Chapter) and Yakuza (Yakuza 4) 5. Early game asset with usable healing spells that serves as your crutch and always useful. Minwu is one of those guys who'd I'd put on any of my team if there were some clone of him somewhere. Story wise, it was thanks to him and everyone else that the FF2 guys could completely win when they destroyed the Light Emperor so even in death him and all the others are amazing. 6. Apologies, due to not being so regularly active, I barely spend time checking up on all the threads. 1. Spanish, English, German and starting French. I have plans to include Mandarin when I move out to another University and will keep trying to learn as much as I can as I keep studying. 2. I've played all the Kaga games except FE 1 and 2. Genealogy ended up being my favorite and had a general blast with the ones I tried except for FE 6. Don't regret going back to see how the series became what it is. 3. As an ideal, probably one of the Scandinavian countries due to how well their education and welfare system is, but so long as it's safe and I can do my work without any issues anywhere's fine with me. 4. Active ruler. A passive rulers only maintains the status quo by the end and if you really want to change something you have to take an active stance in order to improve things. 5. Legal naturalism although I can understand why Legal positivism can work or could be preferable. 6. Forgiveness. Retribution isn't completely out of the question however. If you bite the hand that helped you and you don't repent, I doubt you honestly cared about being trustworthy in the first place. 1. I'd probably work as a guard somewhere or if I was being really lucrative a blacksmith. Considering how much forging and buying of weapons people do in FE, I'd probably be rich and well taken care off. I'd probably like being a spear fighter if I had to go to war though. 2. Scrable Blackjack, Smash 4 or anything with cards basically. 3. Japanese-style games by a longshot. I've never been able to get into most of the western games I've come to know with the only few ones I did like being Witcher and Mass Effect. Witcher pretty much ended and I don't trust EA anymore so hopefully something good will pop up in the coming years for my western interests. 4. The concepts so far are pretty iffy. For the sake of an answer virtual reality wins. 5. Again. apologies. I really don't appear much to give out honest answers on the people here. Thanks for the interviews guys. Hope Garland and the rest have good ones as well.
  19. 6. Alexander the Great, Vladimir Putin and Hannibal of Carthage. I'm sure they'd all have fun doing something in their conversations. 7. Hasdrubal from Tears of Tiara 2, Kiritsugu Emiya from Fate Stay Zero and Batman. There's always someone who doesn't belong but these three together would make for an interesting conversation in all the areas we go if they manage to speak. 8. Heihachi from Tekken, Magneto and Louis Cypher from SMT. It will probably be pretty explosive. 9. Frankly more trouble than it's worth. If you think you can satisfy more than one spouse without issues then good luck to you but you're not going to have an easy time if things start spiraling all over the place. Not to say monogamous relationships are easier, but things can be set back in order faster and your household can be pretty stable as a result. This is more of a personal belief and I think one person for another is enough to solve the equation instead of one for two. 10. Mega Bisharp or Mightyena. Probably more so the former being likely than the latter. Change to Marth and join me on the dark side, we offer tippers and jab 1 combos. The power corrupts easily. 1) Sadly, I can't say I did. I didn't know you could do that when I saw them at a pretty young age. Next time, I'll have a wish in mind. 2) Astrology is a pretty weird yet fascinating subject but I can't say I put much stock on what it says or means. It's interesting how people came to these conclusions by reading the stars and giving them meaning and if there's ever a discussion on it I'll always lend an ear to hear how it goes. 3) Probably racial stereotypes. They can be fun as a joke but it's more the people who believe in them whole-heartedly that piss me off. You have to be able to laugh at yourself but avoid believing into things that aren't completely true. 4) "Dream and Achieve" would be the closest thing in mind. A simple message to give it your all and make something come true. 5) That's a toughie. I do believe the people of this world need to understand that hate isn't going bring about anything good by the end alongside general ignorance. As for something more concrete, I really can't say since I don't know the answer yet myself. 6. It's a nice site that I frequent every now and again to get my FE info and get into other discussions. Not a bad place at all, despite how heated some conversations can become. No regrets being here and I doubt that will change. 7. Immunity. It halves all stat debuff suffered from enemy phase. Something along those lines. 8. Beruka, Mozu and Setsuna for S-support, and Hinata, Azama, Nyx and Benny for A+. My character would probably be complacent with just a few friends and not seek out more than that. Probably why he has only three options for S. 9. Crimea Part 2 Endgame. That whole chapter feels so perfect to me that I'd definitely want to take part just defending the castle until we could breach through or hold out for Geoffrey's reinforcements. 10. Quixotic and Brave weapons are my absolute favorites. If it's a specific weapon type then I'll go for lances because of their reliability. 7. Wasn't exactly lover but I'm pretty sure Aegina/Regina's deaths were the last catalyst that destroyed his psyche. I know he had someone really close to him like that in Blaze Union if I recall right. 11. Can't recall really. The most recent one was probably one in Xenoblade X but as a rule it's usually quests that require items that spawn 1/100th of the time. 12. Nah, I can usually tell when I'm about to lose interest so I make a note to remind myself. I do this with other things in real life like certain shopping trips or special events I don't want to go but have to by obligation. 13. Ghost types. I've always had a favorite Pokemon in that group across Gens. Mega Banette is probably my favorite.
  20. 1) Hahah hi there. 2) Doing pretty good. 3) It's a pretty old one, but it's probably my favorite by a long shot. In English, it's called Life is a Dream. It's a book from old Spanish literature, but I had fun with it. 4) Definitely tea. 5) He's the main protagonist Mark from Harvest Moon: A Wonderful life. He probably has the best design out of all of the main character if I'm being honest. 1) Obviously Odette. I did vote for Maerwyn once but that was because she had the lowest friendship/affection points at the time and I wanted to unlock Tabatha showing up in the mansion. 2) Played both and bought Animal Parade again when I lost it. I wouldn't say they're my favorite harvest moons but they're certainly up there as one of my personal good ones. 3) Sadly since I haven't unlocked anyone past Fall 1, my choices are pretty limited there. I think I'll default and say Fritz and Agate since they're the ones I started talking to the most. 4) Not sure why but it's probably Celia ever since I was a kid. It may have had to do with Nami's schedule being all wacky. As for Muffy, her love failures just made me pretty sad considering how far it goes on for. 5) That's a toughie but I'll see how I can order these from those I've played. If I don't mention them it's probably because I hadn't had the time to finish them or play them. I don't consider any of them bad except for the DS HM games. RF Frontier, > RF 3 > RF 4 > RF2= RF ToD > RF 1 HM : AWL = FoMT > Animal Parade > Tree of Tranquility > 64 = Hero of Leaf Valley > New Beginning > DS games 6) Spring and Fall in both series. In Spring you're recovering from winter and things are still pretty easy and relaxed and Fall has a great ton of festivals most of the time so you'll always have something to do as your workload decreases. 7) Mark from AWL or Kasey and Molly from Animal Parade. They're designs always felt the most appealing to me. 1 Who said I didn't. >.> Your my next pick for nominations so heads up.
  21. 1. This is a tough one but I'll have to go with Rintarou Okabe from Steins Gate. At first you'd just register the guy as a chuninbyou conspiratist but as he's forced to endure the consequences of the decisions he's made. He changes and starts to accept reality and begins to cope with it and recover as we see in the new game that came out. He doesn't have an easy life but he's a character that's ready to confront every new reality despite how much it hurts to get there. 2. It was probably Clannad from Key or Ever 17 The Out of Infinity by KID. I'll take my chances and say the latter since while complicated especially for the age I was when I tried, it was nevertheless what got me hooked in the first place. Although Katawa Shoujo was probably the one that solidified my interest in my genre to keep looking for more. 3. It would still have to be Ever 17. What is the reality around you? Where are we and who are we? Are we seven survivors or five? The biggest would probably have to go to the reality of what Blick Winkel was all along. 4. I'd say most soup recipes due to their general simplicity and the fact that they're my favorite type of food. Usually the ones involving lots of vegetables and cheese are the ones that take the cake though. 5. Love it so much I know how to make it. It's always one of the things I like serving up when I'm cooking things for others. 1. Yes. This is how avoid the publicity. Nah, MK Leo's way out of my league. Always cool to see a Marth main winning the big ones.
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