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Everything posted by Raguna

  1. It's not necessarily harder per se, but I see your point. For example, if someone is a non-Christian they wouldn't need to worry about being baptized since it's not necessary for them in their own view. In Rezzy's case, she can lead Leo in any particular direction but by the end it's his choice if he wants to believe or not. Plus baptism isn't a fixed thing since Jesus himself was baptized at 33 years old and some people baptized even older but baptism is suppose to be the dying of the old self to make way for the new sinless you. If the clergyman thought that the baptism wouldn't mean anything, then he has a valid reason to refuse. As an personal aside, I think babies are born without sin and it catches us later on when we tell our first lie so I think he's going to do fine. Plus after a certain age, like 16 or so it doesn't really matter who your parents are since you're more conscious of your actions and decisions so the Church is more willing to give you the service. On a side note from my first argument. Here's a general point me and few buddies discussed in a theology class once and we came upon a consensus which others can refute. A gay man can be a priest but he cannot practice such a thing in his life. Since he is the Shepherd of the flock so to speak, he can't be shown to openly practice that which his office says is bad. He'd have a harder time than most if anything to try to keep himself within the general guidelines.
  2. I think it's the general view in some of the Catholic clergy but there's also the view that the sins of the father or mother are not the ones the sons should suffer from. Everyone is judged for their own sin. I'll take a gander and assume it's because the clergyman in particular felt that Leo could easily be lead astray in such a household and that's why he didn't go through with it. Leo should do well. While we are born to become sinners and then find repentance if according to the Christian sayings, Leo at his age is innocent since he doesn't fundamentally understand the difference between right and wrong.
  3. Not much, I walk in the rain without issue if I don't have any papers on me
  4. I sometimes have to ask myself if these measures are just an extension of companies following the trend of "not offending" someone due to how things are expressed and done. I can understand that basic respect and courtesy must exist between human beings but denying one's freedom to vent to alleviate oneself isn't exactly healthy and while of course people should avoid using too much cussing or the like, we're not robots and these things happen regardless. On the last point Water Mage demonstrated, we can't just ignore certain topics because it could possibly hurt other peoples feeling. They need to be discussed in order to cause some sort of progression. If no one spoke about the impact of wars in other countries in their videos in a way, then how would people be aware of the issue in more peaceful areas if they weren't much to reading the local paper or news. Also if you don't like the video in question, you can simply not watch it and keep on with your life simple as that. The world's gotten too sensitive, getting offended over the tiniest of details. Companies are scared of losing money or people so they appease them but in cases like these, you'll just end up self-destructing yourself in no time.
  5. Well maybe it's because Lucina is a simpler character and you just like her better. Liking a character more than another and tiers aren't one in the same and honestly if you prefer Lucina then have fun using her. Sure, it's great when a favorite character of yours is one of the best, but in this case Lucina doesn't take too much skill in comparison to Marth due to having to properly space most of your attacks. Heck before the patch updates when the game came out, bottom and low tier was called Fire Emblem tier. Now Marth and Corrin and possibly Lucina are upper mid or high, Robin, probably Lucina here and Ike are solid mid tier and while still considered low tier, Roy I feel is more due to having his most notable contribution to the scene be fairly recent ones as he's barely used.
  6. Marth holds the edge due to tipper mechanic really since that's what separates them.
  7. The general consensus would agree that if it happens to Hana it can happen to every other character. Hers might be more noticeable since samurai really only have chestplates except for Ryoma so maybe try with Hinata and such and he'd probably be bloody as well, but I doubt units like heavily armored units like Gunter or Benny will show much or at all.
  8. If not posting, lurking for new info.
  9. She's an Adventurer in my files since that's really what she's built for with a good dose of str but and a grand dose of magic her way. She works pretty well as a magic class and her real faults come from her incredibly low defense but being a ranged unit mitigates that.
  10. Guess I'm up next on the sacrificial altar. I'll see what I can do to not disappoint.
  11. I'm an absolute newbie to genetics but wouldn't the simple cause of not being able to pass the genes through offspring unless it's extremely recessive be an issue here. I'm not exactly a fan of the reason 'being born this way' but wouldn't that sort of gene die out if it was tied to humans that way. I can understand certain genes affecting what one likes or how their brain works, but this idea seems far-fetched plus it seems like it invalidates the whole aspect of choice here. There are certain things that can't be changed like ethnicity for example, but I don't think what sex one prefers is in the same category. I'd love to hear anyone's opinion on the matter if you would all be so kind here.
  12. This has caused unimaginable raucous laughter, good show.
  13. Pretty much this. Basically the age range broadens when you enter college. It's pretty likely you'll be taking classes with people with all sorts of different ages and everyone is technically an adult by this point so no one really stares or questions much. That said, I think a maximum of a five year age gap sounds good enough to me and you could stretch it a bit but I think five should be the magic number in this scenario but that's just me.
  14. Jakob X Felicia isn't that good for Dwyer as Felicia has low growths mostly all around and generally hurts him more than helps. I'd recommend Nyx (For a Speedy L magic Nuke) or Orochi (More nuking capacity but a more balanced stat spread with low strength) Camilla being the best overall mom means Shiro is pretty op and he'll pass down good growths to Kana. Nohr Noble being more mag focus is where things get slightly more complicated. Shiro has 12% base mag growth only due to Camila as he suffers from the stupid 0 mag growths of certain characters. A Kana fathered By Camila!Shiro will have around 40% mag growth in Nohr Noble which while average won't really what you want. He makes an excellent Hoshido Noble though I will second Setsuna being Midoris mom because the speediest ninja's daughter has issues in speed due to being bulkier.
  15. Treading a fine line here but it's usually always a case on who's rights are more important and which member of society has to compromise their beliefs in order to leave the premises unscathed. The baker exercised their belief, but the opposition won over so really they couldn't do so even when alternatives were in place. In public departments and workplaces, you have to give service no matter who your client is or what he believes but private institutions are a different matter. I don't think denying a wedding cake is such a grave offence when other areas are more than readily available. It's only in cases where one could need medical attention or something similar where people should set aside differences to get the help needed. Discrimination or shunning isn't exactly something that will ever disappear from this world. It's more of a matter on who the appropriate targets are to receive said shunning which is usually aimed at members of society that contribute or have contributed negatively towards the welfare or consciousness of the people such as rapists or the like. Now, I'm not lumping homosexuals in that category, it's simply trying to prove that no matter what law we do or don't pass there will be resentments as beliefs begin to clash with one another over which should be predominant. Church and State are meant to be separate entities but a good amount of people live in both so tensions rise when sides clash over issues like these and I doubt anyone will be truly happy with the results since pleasing everyone is an impossibility.
  16. Brought forth the name everyone did not want to acknowledge.
  17. FE 4 just kind of hates those three dudes. I think even the mangas that illustrate the BBQ show them dying specifically while everyone else is just turned to stone or revived in some way or have ambiguious ends. They're also the least likely to marry and pass on to get kids. Not to mention, the game has it specially hard out there for Arden in Mount Emblem.
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