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Everything posted by Raguna

  1. The tandem duo of healing have given us their best, but they like everyone else must leave us to the rest to come by. Presenting yet another duo, the pair of siblings known as Clair and Clive. Also apologies if this observation is rather abrupt in comparison, time is sadly not on my side this week. The lady of highest class coming in with a lance and strange ideas on what farm life is like. Clair is the first and possibly only pegasus knight you will ever get in the game and as it stands, she's really all you'll need as far as Alm's route is concerned. From what I could gather, she has a pretty rocky start when you first get her as her physical durability is rather terrible despite her 8 res being appreciated. She relies on evasion more than any other unit and the rng in this game doesn't really favor dodge-tanks as they in some previous games. That said her growths are rather impressive with her possibly becoming the fastest unit on your squad with an added bonus of having supports with Gray, Alm and Delthea who will likely stay in most of your dungeon questing adventures if efficiency is all you desire. I can't say for absolute certainty if she's incredible or not since in all my runs she was truly the fastest unit on my team but her defense and strength were lackluster compared to my other unit. Her best weapon would be a Rhomphaia since the skill contained in it adds her spd to her strength which in many cases is always a blessing. The unique selling point of being effective against Terrors never really comes into play for Clair either since most enemy encounters are with humans. Her mobility isn't that appreciated with the number of cavs present in mostly wide open or easily maneuverable maps but she does pull her weight especially once promoted. I'll leave her evaluation more up to what you guys can provide me. Our very beloved former Leader of the Deliverance, Sir Clive. He's potentially our first cav and out of all of them definitely the most average. Unlike her sister who has some of the highest growths in the game, Clive has some of the lowest and his base stats aren't all that impressive either. They're ok outside of being the poor chap to have 1 res rivaled by Leon's who can potentially outrange mages and Valbar's 0 res but they're for another time. Clive leads a rather sad gameplay existence contrary to how the story treats him, he's ready for promotion as soon as you get that first level up on him but in a direct run, Clive will have to get it right after recruitment in the HQ since all that's left by that point is Zofia castle. He'll continue to contribute his fair share right until you get Mathilda who beats him in every category except HP. There's no harm in using both especially in main story maps, but Clive in all likelihood be benched for the shrines coming ahead which will damper his usefulness in the long run. Despite this, he does far more than Mycen or possibly Zeke by the fact of his early join time. Overall, he does his job. He's not bad, he's not great. Just an average dude on a horse that you get earlier than the other cavs who gets overshadowed by his fiancee. It's up to you if you want to use him.
  2. Not to rain on the parade of units but the armor knight Draug is able to use swords as his starting weapon in FE 1. It's an odd thing really since TMS made him favor axes and Heroes made him go sword but if you want a knight rep in this game Draug is by far the likeliest choice since I'm sure Marth's entire starting squad or at least him, Caeda and the Christmas cavs will be in this game. Granted Knights couldn't promote to General's in FE 1.
  3. With a bit more development, you could say this is part of what Fire Emblem 4 is about. While seemingly forced due to SNES restrictions, Sigurd and Deirdre are an official couple and Sigurd does despair when he loses sight of Deirdre later in the game. To avoid spoiling too much, this facet of Genealogy's story is part of why I want it remade. The children mechanic and marriage also means no one from the new fanbase who came for the dating elements can complain either which I see as a positive since in a way everyone gets what they want with no one's sensibilities or tastes getting harmed.
  4. Sounds like the best for Kliff and Tobin was a lot more divisive then I thought. I'll have to give them a try again to see what they're capable off when someone else inevitable breaches this topic in the future. For now let's continue with our first two ladies of the group, Faye and Silque. Our Alm obsessed female villager from Ram Village, her personality basically starts and ends here for most but let's leave that behind. I haven't tried most of her options so this one's more on you guys to tell me. Faye is to a point going to be your most average villager as she specializes in nothing but at the same time does all her available classes rather well. As a peg, she'll have to compete with Clair. She'll be bulkier and pretty much tied in strength but aside from that she loses out in every other aspect. The fact that most enemies will be human until practically endgame doesn't really make this class ideal in the long run. She could work decently as a cav if needed but again probably not her best class. If you want her to be a class, mage or prefferably priestess is the way to go with her. Gaining Physic and Rescue so early in the game is a boon and in combination with Silque's warp could lead to some interesting strategies to implement. Adding Seraphim to the mix as a Saint and the enemies overall low res in the entire game, this could arguably be her best class overall. She also learns the equivalent of dance but as it comes so late, you'll probably never use it until you grind for Thabes which isn't in consideration in this evaluation. Overall solid, maybe not the best, but definitely solid. Our lovely priestess with an odd sense of direction and gossipy tongue, here's Silque ready for our healing services. She joins us in a pretty weak shape with some low base stats aside from res and some rather unimpressive growths but like most of us know, healers are usually the ones least encumbered by these facts and Silque quickly proves her worth by learning Warp. When she promotes, she gains a huge boost to her durability, and access to Seraphim and Expel and just a little later Invoke which handles a set of Dread Fighters ready to cause a ruckus. Her skill set is honestly pretty impressive and you have basically the entire game to get to it just like Faye. Without healing being considered, her biggest weakness is making sure she can get some kills to help out earlier with her inaccurate Nosferatu attack. The setup isn't hard since Lukas or Alm can weaken the enemy, it's just hoping it can hit, but outside of her frailty that is probably her biggest issue. It can be patched up nicely enough with Leather shield. Not much else I can say, she again is someone with considerable worth to the team especially if you need a slower or more powerful unit transported where they're needed most. What say you guys?
  5. 13 Joined the Xseed forum because of Rune Factory Frontier.
  6. Not really. The excuse was flimsy and all the introduced Original characters wield swords. If anything, they might add a sword lord with a distinctive style to them alone accompanied by another type of weapon Lord. As for me, I just want a Lord who can admit that their party isn't a bastion of righteousness and let it be apparent in-story. Show us that both sides are equally justified without some evil dragon cult providing you a moral high ground. That's not to say despots can't be in any new FE games, but it'd be nice if the Lord and the player could get a glimpse of just how horrible being part of the invasion force can feel when no one wanted you in the first place. Aside from that a lance wielding main character would be nice. I don't really care about gender.
  7. Have to agree with the statements right above me that the DLC supports humanized and gave a more in-depth look at these characters especially regarding Lukas and Python. I didn't have any particularly big feelings for any of these units but as characters Lukas and Python definitely won me over as favorites of the game. As for least favorites, Delthea is a narcisistic kid who's actually pretty good in gameplay. There's something infuriating about a small kid that gloats that she's amazing yet never actually tries.
  8. Their time to shine over, our boys Lukas and Gray will gracefully bow out for the light to shine on cautious Tobin and the ever snarky Kliff. Another friend of Alm hailing from Ram village, Tobin is our cautious pal who wants to provide for his family and suffer unjustly as the game makes him the end of many jokes. Like his buddy, he enjoys most of the benefits such as early availability, numerous classes and passive supports, but unlike them his only spectacular growth lies in skill. Unless he pursues the mercenary line, he will be relying on his base speed for a while. To continue while Mercenary does increase his speed from promotion gains alone, his strength is only decent so he'd more than likely stay close to the class' base. You really don't need an armor outside of Lukas and again cav isn't what you're looking for with him. Mage is excellent for him in the early game due to gaining Excalibur early but in all honesty he'd just be a weaker Luthier with less spells. By the end Archer sounds like the best option for him and gets even better when he gains a Killer Bow which combines his high skill to crit enemies to death even if he can't double them with an added Horse bonus by the last promotion. His high skill also gives him a slight edge over Python who has a low base stat in spd and will generally be the most inaccurate of all the three archers. All in all, he does better than Gray in versatility but only marginally. He's probably the weakest villager overall but still one of your better units due to sheer potential alone and early game advantage. The last of the male villager trio, Kliff here just joined in for the exploration of it all. Nevertheless, we can all agree that him tagging along would be a boon for many people's playthrough. His low base stats outside from his ridiculous luck and 8 res get solved just by promoting, he has a nice pool of supports and Tobin's especially increases his hit rate that help out if he becomes a mage which seems to be his best option due to the grand number of spells he learns. His incredible growth rates in spd, defense and skill will carry him through the harshest battles. Due to the way his stats are distributed, Kliff can function in any kind of class and do amazingly in it. His only inhibitor is his attack being average all things considered. As stated before, his greatest class is that of the mage on Alm's team. Luthier and Delthea will take a while to arrive and due to the low res of enemies in this path, Kliff will always pose as a veritable threat. Now if he joins Celica's group, an archer could probably fit better due to the overabundance but a mage again would be an excellent choice. Overall the best of the villagers, he and Faye share the highest versatility especially when they can join Celica's group. Kliff is a unit you can't pass up and one you'll rarely regret.
  9. Leonmitchelli Galette Des Rois from Dog Days. It's the closest I can get here.
  10. It does not consider looping for the exact reason Slumber stated. Any merc can reach 10/10 because of it. I'll edit the rules again to specify this since only minimal grinding should be factored due to entering dungeons every so often.
  11. Someone who got bored while watching a Disney movie.
  12. Actually you may have a point there. I thought you'd play as one of them considering their playstyle would be pretty identical aside from gender. There is no basis for what I said in the customization, it's more something I hope gets added if these people are indeed Avatars. Samurai Warriors 3 Chronicles did something to the effect where you could customize the appearance of the main player characters so that's where I thought it up.
  13. I'm going to be a bit hopeful here and think that since they're OC avatars, we'll get the chance to change their weapons to any other type of weapon in the character creation screen. Alongside that with some horribly needed hair style change for the dude.
  14. To properly add to the discussion at least, I'm rather sure they'll make their own new continent. I doubt they'll go back to an older one when or the one of Fates considering they can't exactly do a giant 2000 year skip again like they did between Archanea and Awakening and Fates conclusively ended in Revelations. I doubt they'll pick an older continent considering how IS hasn't been one to backtrack on those things so I'll wager on the new deal in order to get some new maps and visuals.
  15. Oh damn sorry. I posted in the incorrect topic. This was entirely my bad.
  16. Bad phrasing on my part but this is a crossover of many units in this series coming together. What other name do I give this kind of thing outside of spinoff?
  17. Due to the nature of being a crossover, it will definitely be a completely original continent. That said, it isn't out of the question that we won't be fighting in the lands of the other Lords because in Chrom's images, we see him in terrain not dissimilar to the one where we recruit Cordelia. The one positive thing about this is that we can finally hope to get a name for Fates continent if we venture there.
  18. Ditto on the doubt. I'm pretty sure Lucina will be in the base game, diversity or no I highly doubt the popular lady that overshadows her dad won't be here. I don't even like Lucina but DLC isn't something she'd be when her presence in the game is enough to entice a good selection of more casual fans of the series to buy this game. For the most part, you guys just need to chill and wait a bit more. We've only gotten four units confirmed, Xander, Ryoma and Corrin by proxy of the swords in the teaser trailer and Anna from the website. There's still a bit more waiting for us and I can almost guarantee that Lucina will be showing up soon or at some point in the game's announcements.
  19. Speaking of which. Is it just me or is it odd we never learned the name of Alm's possible successor that changed the continent's name to Valm. Not that it would matter much since he wouldn't be playable but it would have been a nice little tidbit to know about.
  20. While it's understandable if you're not looking at growths, Delthea actually has higher bases than Luthier at a lower level. I don't think she's an Est because there really isn't much of an issue training her with her biggest weakness being her low hp and defense before she can promote. Although yes, I don't think any male mage beats one of the females unless that male mage is Kliff.
  21. As much as I like Meg, I have to say some important growths being in the 35% range make her rather lackluster. For emphasis, some people diss on Aran when his spd base is okay and his growth in it is 35% as well. The other complaint is his low resistance but everything else about him is pretty sweet. If you want a speedier Knight than usual Gatrie is calling at your door by Part 3. Meg would have probably been better joining at an earlier point, in a non-desert map with a higher level than 1. That's pretty much a lot to ask since training her outside of some BEXP favoritism can get tedious.
  22. Adding to this, I'm sure they'll also have to bring in a nice amount of class diversity as well. They can't just stick to lords only and just a few other dudes. Wyvern, pegs, armors etc... even if there's only one, it has to be there in some fashion, right? Although being frank the most notable armors to the Japanese media would probably be Draug and to the Fates crowd that title definitely goes to Effie. Cain and Abel are shoe-ins if you ask me if we need to mention some Archanea characters. Weapon diversity in a Warriors games isn't really too much of a major issue. In recent Dynasty Warrior games, you could switch your characters weapons in the middle of a battle combo. They could have used a better justification quite frankly but I guess that'd be a disadvantage to mono-weapon characters?
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