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Everything posted by Raguna

  1. It could also be cause since these games are Japanese, the idea of manliness over there is being a bishonen pretty boy. When they'd pretty much look like edgy twelve year old girls to us. A bit sad no ones mentioned the Dozla and his Viking beard.
  2. What!? Impossible, there cannot possibly be another? I believe the sheeps are the natives. Strange world they live in, I assure you.
  3. [spoiler=This may shock you] I didn't know where you eggs come from, but your secret isn't safe any longer. Egglia is no longer safe. It's called Egglia: Legend of the Red Hat for smartphone made by the creators of Earthbound 3 and Heroes of Mana
  4. Lapis Lazuli just because of the name. Zircon just because it's my birth gem.
  5. I'd ask where the heck she came from if she wasn't a cosplayer and how conscious I was when I brought her to my house, apologize, cook a meal for two and send her on her way.
  6. Is this tumblr? I have to be honest, this is the first time I hear nonhuman to refer to video game characters. If you want skin ship so badly just mod it. Easier said than done but it's not like they added much to begin with.
  7. Raguna

    "Nice guys"

    I'll probably come back to this topic when I'm not on mobile but Rey did a fair assessment of the "nice guy" dilemma so I'll gloss over that for now. Speaking from a personal standpoint I've been called polite and cordial but never truly a nice guy maybe because my formality supersedes my kindness but to others I've seen it can get pretty ugly. I concur that this usually affects lonely males or men with low self esteem and lack of social prowess. They're human just like you and I and desire to be accepted especially by those he considers worth it but the way they go about it ends up pretty self destructive. From what my family also tells me, it is also due to the generational egocentrism that pervades the new generation since entitlement isn't actually new issue. I'd say that "nice guys" consciously avoid being greedy and entitled but subconsciously when they are rejected they end up wanting to justify all that wasted effort with a reason that is usually very self centered which they believed and put upon themselves but the other never knew. The most intriguing part that I can say is that even girls suffer from this but it's usually not something very noticeable as they go about their own "nice girl" process. In most cases, they just end up trying to look perfect and intriguing but by the end come off as rather bland and awkward as opposed to possibly annoying from the male side. I could be wrong on this part but as long as I'm understood then I think the message did its job.
  8. Garon must have some funky taste if he ordered the Nohrian male fighters to wear a thong to battle. And the less on what dark mages like their Faceless to wear the better.
  9. I'd say I like both, but I'm partial more towards turn-based. I feel more fond for them and it gives me a chance to see what would be the best way to attack something without too much hassle.
  10. Languages, each one is awesome in their own little way and I love studying them.
  11. The difference there however is that they're all except for Smash (but it's more of an exception since it was console exclusive until now) are all Wii U games. I see your point but Fates on the NX would be a bit jarring and I think everyone would prefer a new FE game on the NX which lies more on your last two sentences than one people seem to have incredibly mixed feelings about.
  12. Shiro's Noble Cause and Siegbert's Gallant but mostly Noble Cause as I try to make sure I do even better when my buds aren't feeling too well.
  13. Colombian Fried Ants. I ain't kidding those things are delicious. Just don't tell anyone they're ants when they're trying them out. Reveal it to them when they're on an empty stomac.
  14. I'd say Saizo wins hands down because his growths are just so ridiculous especially in magic and 80% in skill alone with ninja class. Kaze is speedier yes, but he has a hardtime killing any non-mages and while Kagero is harder hitting, she herself dies at nothing as her hp and defense are pretty pitiful. While dodgetanking is pretty iffy in this game, Kaze at least tends to hold more of an edge against Kagero when it comes to speed and skill activation and join time. Saizo's real downside would probably be his personal but really it's a non-issue considering Saizo can work around it pretty well. He's also the ninja with the best lategame. Saizo > Kaze=Asugi> Kagero EDIT: Having a reclass option of Samurai helps a ton since, Saizo can easily dip in for one level to gain Astra like Kaze, but due to his high Skill, he'd be activating that thing all day and doing some major damage. Poor Kageroh has diviner for some reason when she herself has 0% base mag growth.
  15. I played with Comet and here are the results Team Eyes won't fall so easily. Whoever comes next, let's bring it our all!
  16. For the Wii U as it becomes even more obsolete. Doesn't bolster much confidence for NX
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