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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Congrats! I would've let you kick Gunter's ass, too, but... stupid region lock is stupid.
  2. Best theme for best girl! F That sucks. But good to know. I was also gonna purchase a headset soon (the mic built into my laptop is... not that great), so now I know what to avoid like the plague.
  3. This is the theme for the very first boss you fight. This guy. And it's hecking amazing!
  4. Reading my post again, I hope there aren't TOO many spoilers in there for Kasumi... Although then again... it is way too late for that, as I've chronicled my Extreme difficulty playthrough here in plain view for anyone to see, because I didn't think anyone would actually play it, too.
  5. I love both games a great deal, but what makes me love 1 more than 2 is a few things, actually, most of which are related to the gameplay: In Nights of Azure 1, the world is split into two parts: the city area and the dungeons. And the city area connects to all of the dungeons and back to the hub (of course, once you are in a dungeon, you cannot leave until you beat the boss or find a warp gate to take you back to the hub, because they are one-way only). Nights of Azure 2 doesn't have a connecting area like that, and while the dungeons are a bit longer and not just one-way, I prefer the way Nights of Azure does it, because it makes Ruswal Island (where NoA1 takes place) feel like an actual world, and you have a sense of where everything is, which is kind of missing in 2. Nights of Azure 1 does not have a time limit mechanic that makes it impossible to get everything on a first playthrough (which is sadly the case in 2). Nights of Azure 1 has the more memorable boss fights (with the notable exception of the final boss which I vastly prefer in 2, though 1's is also excellent). Arnice feels better to control in combat. Her movement is more fluid. And I prefer Nights of Azure 1's weapon switch system to Nights of Azure 2's, where different weapons are tied to different Servans that can transform into them. Speaking of the Servans, Nights of Azure 1 has the better Servan system. Not just by virtue of having more of them, they also feel very much different from each other in gameplay; a huge part of NoA1 is finding a good Servan party to aid you in fights, and while the game is perfectly beatable with just the ones the game gives you in the beginning, some of the bosses and arena challenges are much harder than they would otherwise be. In addition, you can have up to four different parties of Servans and you can freely switch between them as the situation demands it. Not to mention, while it is neat that NoA2 gave some Servans abilities that could open up optional paths to treasure and more Servans, this means you won't really be using any of the Servans without these abilities if you want all the optional stuff. You can also only ever bring 2 Servans and one human partner (the human partner system isn't in NoA1, to be fair, and I liked the addition of it), making it feel a lot more restrictive. Now, some non-gameplay stuff: Nights of Azure 2 has Lucia, my all time favorite theme in video games (heck, favorite song in general), but overall, I find Nights of Azure 1's soundtrack to be better. Not that NoA2's soundtrack is bad, far from it, I just prefer the first game's. Nights of Azure 2 tried to add some variety by introducing playable side characters (which constitute the human partners). However, after their introduction, they sadly don't matter much in the grand theme of things outside of their own character side quests. Nights of Azure 1 is very much the story of Arnice and Lilysse, and it makes that clear from the beginning, but it does a better job at keeping its side characters relevant even without them being playable. While I really like Aluche, I find Arnice to be the better protagonist overall (well, she IS my favorite protagonist in gaming, so...). On PS4 at least, Nights of Azure 1 runs a lot better. 2 has some framerate issues, and in general, it looks like it had a smaller budget behind it than the original game. This is not exactly a dealbreaker, but I found it worth mentioning nonetheless. Now, again, I love both games to death, Nights of Azure 2 is still one of my top ten favorite games ever, but I think this about covers it. Now some things I find NoA2 does better, so that it doesn't look like too bad a game: The antagonist and final boss are much improved from the first game Nights of Azure 2 has selectable difficulties The Servans are predetermined and all you need to do to get them is to find them in the world; getting the items to summon Servans in Nights of Azure 1 can be quite a hassle, although once you have the item, you WILL get the Servan associated with it and you can have multiple of the same Servan. I still prefer 2's method in this regard, however. Servans in Nights of Azure 2 have more fleshed out personalities because of this (like the boomer dinosaur, for example). In Nights of Azure 1, each "type" of Servan has the same personality and voice (Fay-type Servans are all pranksters, for example). While I prefer the way Nights of Azure 1 presents the world to you (as seen above), I do like the dungeons in 2 more. They are longer and have more optional stuff to find and discover, whereas Nights of Azure 1's dungeons are for the most part admittedly linear. Not to mention, you can actually go back and forth in areas and even unlock warp gates to use as shortcuts (as their function isn't just to take you back home anymore). In Nights of Azure 2, the enemies that appear in the different areas will change depending on how far you are in the story. In Nights of Azure 1, they will always stay the same for the most part, with some exceptions being areas you have to revisit in the postgame. Phew. Sorry for the wall of text. XP
  6. Nights of Azure on sale! Awesome! Joking, joking.
  7. I actually considered selling my copy of Fates before. But I wouldn't know where I could do so with little hassle, so I haven't done it. Ah, you have an American version? Then I probably can't visit yours, either.
  8. Yeah, that. I think it's something along those lines. Yes. --- Banned because Ephraim is one of my least favorite Lords in the series.
  9. I know nothing about Zelda. I know nothing about Age of Calamity. But this. This is flippin' hilarious. xD
  10. Banned because, quite honestly, I'm... not sure myself.
  11. I took five tries to even get past Saizo and his gang. And another three to even get to my least favorite lobster in all of video games. ... I had the patience of a saint back then.
  12. You get one guaranteed via My Castle rewards, I believe. Requires you to do a few My Castle battles, though. Can confirm. Source: this is how I used it. I demand that you rescind the title of "Worst at Fire Emblem". xD I was already about to give up on the game at the pot chapter.
  13. Banned because whenever Fates (Conquest) talk happens, and I engage in it, I always always manage to bring my dislike of it out in the open, and I hate that. See my recent posts in the Teehee thread.
  14. Ah, I think this was the "Berserker's Axe", right? Good weapon! HP penalty kinda sucks, but it combos nicely with some skills that require your HP to not be at max. And I thought my Silas's's's's were bad. XD
  15. Banned because I want to bash my head on a brick wall.
  16. To be fair, thanks to Discipline, getting his skill ranks up doesn't take too much effort. You can get him to D lances by Mozu's Paralogue or Chapter 8. And Bronze Lance means he won't have to worry about getting crit as much as long as he uses it. ... All of which doesn't mean much if he's slow as a snail and just as squishy... Also, she doesn't hit things. And she dies to a stiff breeze on top of that. In my experience at least. Solid unit, yeah (if slow). Although usually, I don't use characters I hate no matter how good they are as units. Had to make an exception for Conquest Hard, though, which... definitely contributed to my dislike of it.
  17. In my Hard Birthright run, I painstakingly got him to level 11 or 12... only to discover he still had his base Defense. Everything was killing him in one round, because his speed was godawful, too. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's a good thing I'm not a fan of the guy.
  18. That early? Oh! Neat! I think I finally understand why I had so much trouble with Conquest on Hard besides the fact that I suck. ... I didn't reclass for skills. Like, at all. Ayy! xD I did the same on my Hard playthrough. Reclass Severa to Lucina's class, I mean. Was pretty okay, but she sadly fell off a little towards the end. Screwy level-ups plus some unlucky misses that left her with no level ups at all in some maps did that.
  19. Thank you! Hope you're doing better yourself! Here you go! 18446-11515 47270-30172 Granted, there's... not a lot to see right now. Just Gunter. You can just go and seize the throne. There's no one on there. xD Iirc, you start getting these if you fetch the kids past Chapter 19 or 20.
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