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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Amera, confused to the reactions of Shirisu, continued to move as close as she had been before whenever the girl moved, that silly grin sticking with her the entire time. The stuttering was making her giggle, and by the time Shirisu had finally gotten her question out, Amera was almost full out laughing at her. She's funny. I think I'll stick around with her for a while longer. She noticed Shirisu's finger pointing at her head, so she assumed she was pointing at her ears. She made them twitch, blinking a bit. "Well, yeah. They are. Why d'you ask?" Her tail swished and swayed a little, as she leaned over to the right until she was resting against the tree. "Do people where you come from not have ears like this? I mean, I haven't seen many on this continent, but still." Amera leaned her back against the tree, letting out a long yawn, and relaxed herself onto it. "What was I going to do again...?" She started thinking out loud once more, tapping her finger on her chin. "Oh yeah!" She suddenly exclaimed, after about a minute of keeping to herself with a puzzled face. "I was supposed to go meet Celice" her hands reaching around herself for the letter as she spoke. "So, what was it you were asking again?" She said, turning her attention back to Shirisu after she'd found the letter. "Oh, the name's Amera. You?"
  2. That WAS what I wanted to do, the hijacking, but then LL was all "Let's figure stuff out" in here, so, I'ma drop that notion. And, I'll agree that random, making shit up as you go, is better. ONWARD!
  3. Arrrrgh, I have been defeated. Yeah, but, she's really forgetful, and slow, so, she'd probably forget about it. Heck, how about I pull a vice versa and drag you along? XD
  4. Well, you're trying to get Barhara, so, maybe you could say it's because you're going to Yied, and Amera could tag along, naive as she is?
  5. Well, uh, not everyone's heading there, as of now. Just Joe @_________@
  6. Awwww... No Kanami rage... I swear I keep reading your username as Konami Oh well XD Cam'll interrupt soon enough. @Kanami's newest post: ...Oh, you had to do that XD
  7. Well, Joe's already through Yied, and Acacia's waiting on you.
  8. I would love to see that video. I suck at making frames, royally.
  9. Cam wont be back for another 4 hours, or so. He went to a parade. It sounds like I'm boring you XD
  10. He trolled Rein by pretending to be you.
  11. Amera turned herself over, her chin falling flat on top of the tree branch, eyes only half open now. What to do, what to do...?" Her ramblings continued. Never one for thought, Amera slid her head off the tree branch to look down, surprised to see Shirisu underneath her, albeit frowning, but, still surprised. "Oh! You're that girl who helped me with the soldiers! Hi." She slipped out of the tree, sitting down next to the girl, a silly smile plastered on her face. Her gold jingled a little in her pocket as she landed on the ground, less painfully this time. "So... Is there anything I can do to for you after you helped me?" she asked, still smiling, ear twitching happily. She slid a little closer, thinking of her as a friend, even though all she'd done was help her by throwing a pebble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dirk had managed to visit a church and get himself healed, spending the rest of this month's pay on a new steel lance, with which he hoped to drive into the heart of that "demon". He went through the village, finding the fire that Amera had passed earlier. He went up to the same soldier from before, who was a lot less tired. "You! Has anyone strange passed through here recently?" His voice irate and in a hurry. The man with the accent just turned and said "there was a woman earlier, bu' she didn'ae look stran'e t'me." He simply pointed towards the village exit, and then went back to putting out the rest of the fires. Dirk smirked, and made for the exit.
  12. Pretty much. I mean, that IS why this thread was made.
  13. Woo. no one seems to want to use it anyhow XD I'm still waiting on Kanami to do something XD
  14. I was considering Barhara to be a sort of town like Ottawa is in Canada, with rural areas outside of it, but still counting as part of the place, but, oh well. Dan has corrected me. It shall remain village A outside of Barhara.
  15. Village A is in Barhara, just not in the capital. Only correction to make~
  16. I thought Ishtar with the Thorhammer tome was a threat in the game... 'K, someone plothax up another child from Alvis.
  17. They don't need to be able to wield the tome to be evil, no? Besides, plothax, Alvis had another child, I dunno XD
  18. Hey, how was I supposed to know Eclipse is a girl? :c Sowwy.
  19. I thought Furet has a shit timezone too... Where is that Eclipse fellow, then? I do believe I saw his username perusing the topic. Oh well~
  20. How many people were on the list originally? I can't remember for the life of me @______@
  21. Hey Kai. I see you totally took my advice. Goodies~
  22. I only say that because the animation is moving soooooooo quickly, so it looks like he's landing and stabbing at the saaaaaaaame time, which would result in some kind of downward motion.
  23. This is kinda the chat thread. We just need LL to change the topic title, and get this moved to the chat section... Or, Kai, you could make a chat thread and just tell LL.
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