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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Practice makes more practice? And, besides, it would give you the chance to try and draw Lucia better assets.
  2. I tried to fix it, but I couldn't :< I spent a good 30 minutes trying to get it right, said fuck it, and decided to fix it another day before the competition was over. Otherwise, how d'you like the pimping I gave Joshua?
  3. I'm more of a boobs guy, myself, but I can understand why Bastian and Janaff are all nosebleed.
  4. I didn't draw it :< Markyjoe, that Fire Mumblem guy did. I know, it's pretty bad, but it's all I've got to work off of. Trust me, even my art is better than that
  5. Well, when this is your reference, you don't have much to work off of XD But, I can see how that shape would work better. Reference time, away~ tomorrow
  6. Placeholder face is placeholderish. So, how does the hair look so far, everyone? I'd love some critique on it. It's for Fire Mumblem :P EDIT: please ignore the impossibility of the hair's position XD
  7. Yay, better eyes!... The nose still irks me.
  8. Herp, eyes are better, but the nose... The nose is irking me now. Oh well, it's improvement.
  9. Thanks Amely~ Btw, it's Toona, not Tuna :P
  10. So, for a first time doing custom hair, custom cape, and custom fur, I think I did pretty well. EDIT: DAAAAAAAAN
  11. Someone might call this useless, but, uh, here's my entry. Joshua got pimped. EDIT: Dammit, Dan
  12. So, like, awesome? Nickt posted his, why can't I? XD WIP, obviously :P EDIT: Yay, edits~ Might now be a good time to mention this is my first time spriting hair, and would like advice on how it should look? XD
  13. I thought the 25th was fine, seeing as we have FOUR things to mess with, and not everyone can do all that in two weeks, but, oh well :<
  14. Y'know, I like this idea. Dancer, seriously, thank you. I was wondering what I was going to do at my stream tomorrow XD
  15. Shoulders should be more broad, I think. By, like, 2 maybe 3 pixels.
  16. Well, normally I wouldn't be so arrogant, but I DID win the round, so... At least I know the sprite was really good. On Dancer's sprite, I don't really like the ponytail, and the bangs/body size seem a bit off. Oh well. I'm sure there're problems with mine, too.
  17. Sorry, dude, that doesn't beat mine ;3
  18. :( Back on the sprite, I just noticed the goatee. Awesome~ I wish I could grow myself one.
  19. Still technically not correct, since it should be "Vampyrs" since you're using "des" instead of "du" it has to be plural on the noun as well. You could also change the "des" to "du" to make it singular. Your choice. Just mentioning.
  20. That too, but, technically, Vampire would be his name, since his user name is Vampire_Elf, but we're getting off topic XD
  21. I'm likin' his face there, Vamp. It's pretty cool. He's got this whole "I'm better than you" pose, and it fits :3 Also, just something that's been bothering me FOR FOREVER, your topic title should either be "Gallerie du Vampire" or "Gallerie des Vampires" since what you have now means "gallery the vampires". Google translate might say it's correct, but, after living in Quebec for two years, I'd have to say that Google is wrong XD
  22. FE seriously needs more female axe users that aren't Paladins. Makes me sad that they don't :<
  23. Vamp, I do not see how anyone could resist your critique x3 And, god, I'm such a liar XD I say I'm gonna fix stuff tomorrow, and I do it tonight. Also, Vamp, I can't make him any taller :< He has to fit into RPG Maker standards of 96x96, which he just is.
  24. Vamp, I swear, I love these XD It's getting late here, so I'll see what I can do tomorrow, though don't be surprised if something shows up tonight :3
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