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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. I request Est!!!!!!1111one!!! Nice drawin' thar. The feet look kinda big, though. And, if we are doing requests, I request Nino. Have fun >=3
  2. Oh, bring it on! I want to see someone out do my sprite.
  3. So, did I totally just dominate this competition, or what? Yeah, someone'll probably beat me. Judith, from Tales of Vesperia! Since the last one I made looked like Estelle, kinda, I figured I'd continue the trend XD Also, Dan, you were right. This set was awesome!!
  4. Alright, done. I will never EVER go this crazy for a splicing competition sprite.
  5. Zelda ears? Way off. Not even in the same game genre, now XD Oops, I spoiled it. She's from a game.
  6. Man, round 18 is driving me crazy XD I have an idea for some arms, but it's gonna be tough. Anyone who can guess the character, gets a cookie.
  7. Um, she's facing in a way that her chest plate covers it, wut? But, yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I'll add some more arm
  8. GOD, I still love those hands I dunno why, but his right leg (Left, OPV) seems too thin compared to his other leg, right at the shin.
  9. Hey, hey, we never said you couldn't. Just, not right now, as we're getting the story set up.
  10. I FIXED IT. I am so done with this sprite.
  11. Aiya, problems with this sprite... Man, I really, really, hope I got everything.
  12. YOUSONOFABITCH!! I'm gonna make the best one, just to show you up and prove you wrong. Watch me. Yeah, I'm gonna fuck up XD
  13. Well, uh... I didn't mean to make it sound like that. It was more meant to sound like "Dude, you're really good at this, you should put all your time into this and become super super awesome" LOL, Lumi XD Boys will be boys... AKA perverts Oscar Wilde made me lol. Lol too much, actually XD
  14. Tell that to Lyn XD Sorry, couldn't help it DUDE, your art is really good. Like, really really good. Like, I'm jealous, good So, you're totally going to help me get better at drawing in the future, right? Ohlawl I'd suggest sticking to the drawing, and stopping the spriting, dude. no offense of course, but your art is MUCH better than your sprites Keep 'em coming!
  15. Yeah, she... Well, she's the penultimate final boss, I hope.
  16. You're right, there. I could make the eyes smaller, but it'll just make everyone feel bad when they have to kill her this way XD EDIT: This is totally the final edit, dernit.
  17. I have addressed the problem! She was not wide enough.
  18. Ailyth for the Tales of Serenes hack, thing.
  19. My FEAR? This: Oh, wait, we're being serious. Spiders. Spiders and Sharks. That and deep water.
  20. LordGlenn made it, of course He makes ALL the icons for my hack XD
  21. I want steam punk in a new Fire Emblem game! Drop the medieval act, and get some more of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eAk6oNBSMU
  22. El Rey, there's no club XD ANYONE can vote. Everyone votes for what they think is the best, anyway. There's no reason to think you couldn't vote either.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqAh-B_Br8M So, uh... Opinions? I would appreciate them.
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