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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Elise and Nina ? Really, really ? This post have so much win. Though I'll take a risk by saying that Laura Bailey is one of the best voice actresses ever imo.
  2. Huh, it's done quickly... that's a good point. Chakra can explain everything which I'm fine with actually, it's something that is established since the very begining of the manga. Except when you can literally create eyes out of nothing, that... that was BS. I was apoligizing for, like I said, for being a part of bringing the salt, anger out of people here unwilingly, I mean, this topic is all about fun, yeah ? So, I felt bad. And visibly, I'm not the only one. Oh Speaking of animations, The generic Merchant animation is something to behold !
  3. Huh.... Senran Kagura 2 some months ago... I think ? That or Hyrule Warriors some days ago... if we can call it finishing, there's just so much things to do.
  4. Weeeell... fates kinda did that actually in Revelation... But more seriously, what I said about Naruto being 'a perfect example' was just another joke pointed for it's expenses, just for good laugh, it's been finished for years. We're here to laugh, no ? I did not expect it to turn like that, I'm sorry, I didn't intended to start/continue this mess. On another subject Felicia's "We've got trouble !" So narm, but so fun. Though the magic seem to disappear quickly. :/
  5. Garon's groans of pleasure, it made me laugh the first time I've seen it, and it still does now. There is many moments, but nothing can defeat that this one to me. I'm immature, sue me. ... Yes, I do know it's not from pleasure, thank you. It's not cheating, it's 'using a perfect example'. :p Eh, if only Itachi was nice enough to not bullshit his way through... everything, it could've been bearable, but nope, Itachi and sharingan ex machina everywhere.
  6. Eh, not that surprising., still waiting for the mindblowing stuff. Like, an army of Familiar or Nohr King. :p But still, WTF the multi-Yatogami.
  7. "Jump off the cliff" "Why should I do that ? I could die." "I can't tell you." "...WTF ?" " ...just jump off the cliff" "No" "Jump off this cliff pls" "Oh, okay then." Replace "jump off the cliff" by "believe in me", it's the same. :p
  8. *Open mouth* *Think OMGIMTHINKING* *Shut mouth* You know, I'm not into alcoholic brevages, but you raise an interesting subject, I'll have to compare both of them thoroughly one day. No because really, that's a good question, which one do I prefer ? inb4SerenesModsmakesyoualcoholic. I won't discover DA TRUTH before a long time anyways.
  9. I prefer, Kamui, I would be lying if I said it was because it's the original name, it's just that I prefer it over Corrin, which just sounds wrong... and reminds me of the fish collin. I just cannot not think of this fish when hearing Corrin. Not that I called my Kamui Kamui or Corrin though. Oh. Oh. I actually never thought of that.
  10. Really ? I laughed like a freaking hyena from the Lion King when looking at it. Does this make me a terrible person ? Probably.
  11. Took me one research on google, then 'ting', ' oh, that game'. I want to play it so much, alas, I'm too poor... and my computer is almost dead. It's too bad, it looks like the kind of game I would enjoy.
  12. You say that as if matinis were bad. :p Well, people say that I'm eating too salty anyway, so.
  13. *tries to resist urges* *fail* I'm not apologizing for that. I actually like this one, it would explain a few things. I had a theory when the trailers first came out, that Kamui was actually Sumeragi reborn by somekind of macguffing, explaining why you don't see Lobsydad's face. Alas, this theory of mine was quickly shot down by the camera... It would've been an awesome twist though imo.
  14. I discovered tsundere when I was very young.. and quickly gotten sick of it, then, I pretty much hated it after years of watching animes and manga (Hiiii Zero no Tsukaima...) And yet, writers still use tsunderes, in the same kind of manners, time and time again ! I swear, something sexual must happens to the authors for it to be done so much. Male tsundere are generally much softer and mature, than female tsunderes... from what I've read so don't take my words on it. imnotaweaboo
  15. This is more like a 'I would have wished X' topic more than a Headcanons topic... which is the point of an headcanon I believe ? What's that ? Awakening trio ? Children ? Do da la la la la la LALALA, I can't hear you ! Gee, could you imagine how stupid it would be if there was the Awakening trio and second generation characters ?! I know, it would be so stupid, right ? Right ?! ... Oh crap in the Nile... Corrin being a name given as a cover by Garon/his siblings/whatever is quite the good idea, which seem to have been adopted by a lot of fanfic authors. And well, I like the idea. Though it kind of kill the whole Suzukaze who recognize him/her... or not. Kamui isn't the most normal person ever. Having white hair, pointed ears and red eyes... Do you have any idea just how brain bleaching what you said is ? 'Cause I have.
  16. I... honestly don't get what you means, Ms Bunch. Most player are biased toward Nohr, okay, where's your arguments ? The badge ? Really ? People who said that the Hoshido characters have less dept than Nohrs are wrong. Okay. Where's your arguments ? No because I clearly remember having seen soooome people (read: a lot) being actually disillusioned with Nohr and the game as a whole and incidentally putting some arguments into the mix... ... except if we are purely talking about the US version, in that case, I'm sorry, I don't know anything about it, please forget anything I said.
  17. They all have wasted potential and a plot armor of the size of a dog crap on the road, but Garon... Garon is THE NPC of wasted potential. Remember when we expected a Gadondorf-expy, eh ?
  18. Serenes Forest moderator: Encourage people to poisoning themselves. I don't drink alcohol... but I have this cherry cola thing... would this count ? Maybe because when they are shown has deceptive/bad/as breathing bullshit writing, they are still considered the paragon of mary-suishness ? In other words, it's not assumed in any shape of form.
  19. Do not question glorious nippon hoshido logic. Like, seriously, don't. It's bad for your health.
  20. The gimmick I hated the most was... the wind... temple... thingy. I don't remember the chapter, but man, this wind that place units I-dunno-were was a pain in the butt to dealt with.
  21. Dude, the awesome shit I've seen on tvtropes ! ... which are spoilerific and might not be accurate of course... but still. I hope this is true. The souls series is the only series that... actually give me a sense of doing something. To do efforts, to test my determination, to make me feel like I actually deserve my victories, to enjoy what I do, and pretty much everything else. Each time I discover something new, or simply take a closer look at something I've already seen, I'm exited and happy like all crap, and it's awesome. In Dark Souls 2, I recently discovered (as in, 3/4 months ago) a new zone in the Lost Bastile, and I was just so freaking happy ! Yeah, after years of gaming, which started since my childhood... i feel dull. The souls series give me feelings I've only ever felt in a very few of games. The souls series is simply the pinnacle, the godtier, the best of best of games.
  22. All the hype and despair of the fan that I am, knowing I just can't play what would be the final master piece of the Souls series.
  23. Well, EO sorta kinda run on the loli/shota/furry fetish like crazy, soooo what I said might not be the most smart thing ever.... :p I still think what I said, but still, when thinking about it, it's funny;
  24. Undertale can make you think about a lot of things, like mercy, the concept of choices and concequences, a deconstruction of RPG-gameplay/storyy elements. Or discovering and/or teasing your inner sadistic side, that work too. But the possibilites are endless. It's like Earthbound, the more you think about it, the greater it will be. Totally didn't quote Mother's creator on this one or anything.
  25. New classes, Fencer, Dragoon, Cestus, Reaper, Warlock, Necromancer, Hound, Masurao, Shaman, Herbalist. I have to admit, I don't very much like the loli and rabbit-men races very much (dunno which is which). I much more like the Lunarian and Earthrun, which seem to be the Arcanist/Tree people and humans respectively. I would have liked if there were races such as the Deep One. It's too FF-y and fetishy for me. Well, Bushi was rather close enough of the fetish radar, but at least, I got the feeling that they were a different races. The new character making seem to so very complete, I rather like it ! Coming out in Japan on August 4. Ouch, the despair in myself. D:
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