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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. To be perfectly honest... I'm kind of disappointed about the DLC, but I think I was expecting too much. It might be also the salt talking, oh hey, 'fanservise DLCs' whoopie, and 'Content that were supposed to be in the game, but instead give use cash for it lol'. The new characters look alright I guess, Anna is back, ugh... nice job guys, you put Anna in her original place, a simple cameo, and you too a step back by making her DLC character. GG. If they put important story element in them I'm gonna be a tad annoyed at them. Now I'm asking real question there: was the petting cat and dog supposed to be in game, or did they truly not put it in game and were put off by how player wanted it ? Real questions that challenge your viewpoint on life. 😛 As for the 4chan leak, eh, I don't believe it, buuuuuut, I can actually see it happen strangely enough. Kind of expect better class though because sheesh. The Ike class is cool, but the other ? Sheesh. And what the hell are those malus in stats.
  2. Huh. You know, it's funny, Dark Magic spells have greek letters in their names. Foreshadowing, a potential connection, not so different ? Food for thought.
  3. I thought your cat died, and since I overcame my sadness I was about to give you my hearfelt condolences. Shame on you. 😛 It makes me happy to see people loving their cats so damn much like that, you have no idea. Pet your cat for us will you ? He sounds pretty nice. ... Huh. It's funny, my cat used to lick anywhere he could reach when happy and stuff, which happened often. He only used the claws when annoyed. Good time.
  4. Down to the toilet of the game we go. They're lucky it's cool to look at. 😛 At least the loot is cool too. I love how the game is trying to stop you from reaching Hell Gate like 'Nooooo, don't go theeeeeeere'. Gee, I wonder if you'll have dragon magic in there. Radlum is literally just there for his spell or if your mages really really suck.
  5. That's right, I remember now, it's old news by now but some were found in fossilized amber. They did surpass us and will probably continue to do so. Good grief, a insect that is a extreme annoyance at best or a vehicule for dangerous disease at worst, is one of most resillient form of life. More than humans. In a way I find that inspiring. It's really easy to forget how tiny humans are compared to many life forms. Some birds really doesn't like the pollution we cause though. Which is really sad, birds are cool. guys I think I found a anti-anti-humanity mole from the government. Bad news: it's a moderator, they already infiltrated our hilghy advanced society.
  6. So much shields, maybe Shield Hero would become a more coherent show/book whatever. Man, shaman's such a shit class, 'Let's create a class that is unique in the sense it screw four great characters.' Heck yeah. 😛 It really isn't worth it. Like at all. Hell Gate... well, the name's good, it show just what you're going into, that's the point of a name, yes ? You could also call it the "boring ass place of extreme difficulty for so little", because shooooooooooooooooooot... I can't get my head around the fact that someone though it was a good idea to put that in the game.
  7. We're kinda talking about it. 😛 My answer immediate answer is, mosquitoes and fleas.
  8. Everything. Humanity. Oh the humanity. Or simply mosquitoes and fleas. Mosquitoes are a pain in the ass, but fleas are even more for someone who have pets like me. Spiders, I'm afraid of them, but they're useful. Spooky and still make me surprise-gasp me like I was a kid, but useful. Now what are heart worms, this is the first time I heard of them... *google search* ... lovely, yes. /sarcasm. To the fire they go. Are... are mosquitoes a superior life-form to humans then ? ...sadness.
  9. B-but killing Aias makes you look good ! 😞 Is it me, or is the hack starting to get really freaking mean on you ? RIP Cormag, he truly deserved green hair, but alas. (Tanned skin with green hair, enjoy the nightmare 😛)
  10. They should have stands because stands are better and persona is bad and you should feel bad. And they also use the tarot/crest thing better and are less stupid. I'm just kidding, but they really are using the tarots better than persona. Edelguard should have King Crimson, since she is so desperate to attain the result of her path. No Epitath. She's just a pretty pretty emperor crimson. Can't wait for Byleth to have The World Over Heaven or The World Ultimate. 😛 I dunno man, I'd say most of them fit the bil when I look at it. Blaydid is Justice, Dimitri is almost a copy of Polnareff with how it's used (both arcana are similar in a way), he is normal justice at first, then he snap and become reverse, then rebecome Justice again. The Beast represent The Devil, which is about the bondage, even those that that self-inflicted, what is the problem that Marriane and her familly face the most ? Discrimination and the 'chains' of self-loathing they put on themselves. Crest of Flame is the fire emblem The World, which can stop time, is literally at the core of everything in Fodlan, guess what is The World all about ? Connection, completion. It's also funny how Edelgard could be interpreted as a reversed World in certain path, as she is too focused on her own vision. It's not dur dur friendship. Seiros is hilarious with how it's used, it's tied to so many things, the divine/connection to divine, keeping secret, knowledge, intuition. Completly Rhea, El and Jeralt. and there's the irony of Rhea being her own arcana, and being it's reverse except for for very limited moments. I'll stop there, but sheesh, there's a lot of things I could say, could be wrong too, tarot have a lot of interpretations.
  11. Faulty title, dragon's can't have 'humanity' as they are not human. Shame on you. 😛 Gee, I wonder. It's either best case scenario, I die a mindless beast and get eaten as a five-star dish, or I get to live with my original overpowered body, with a new perfect body for thousand of years and gets to have all the time in the world to do things ! What a difficult choice. 😄 Though to be fair, it seems that sex is something you won't do often as a dragon so that a bad thing. Honestly, dragons must be either really arrogant or really that differents from humans to think that having a human form is disgusting or something to loath. Well, the racism they suffered probably did not help.
  12. The funny thing is, I can believe that Kachua's protected by something, get away with the most BS actions in the world, and unique OP class. 😛 How many monsters have you sold, just to get useless gimmicky weapons ? 😛 Certainly not the same as the numbers of bread I ate in my life. You need a completly different philosophy and approach to wields guns ! It's called "putting bullet in gun and push button". Very difficult. Very intellectual. Unless this 'philosophy' is 'Not bashing things', but bows exist, so I'll just assure everyone's retarded. I was disapointed by the Gunner class, since I was it, I always thought it was a worthless class with a worthless weapons type... which trigger me as guns pretty much changed everything in war and everything else. What. You can actually recruit Ganb ? I had no idea. 😕
  13. Sassy Denim is funny. That gun scene is funny too... for the wrong reason. Compared to the previous one, this recruitment is easy. In any case, hallelujah, Kachua stopped her crisis ! Lord compared to Princess, really does sucks. In the Psp version though, it apparently breaks the game as it can do everything including your favorite coffee. which make things even more sad and hilarious.
  14. What in the world is that recruitment bullshit. Seriously. Contrived doesn't even describe half of it. Funny how Denim start to have some crack there and there. Dat Holy Dragon tho.
  15. GER is a Return to zero and completly screw over the concept of 'Destiny' and use his powers automatically when needed. GER can talk in the erased time of Diavolo. Talking. In erased time. It's that omni-what-you-want. Speaking of screwing destiny, it's funny how Jojo do it so much better than so many other things... including P4 and P5 which copy part 4 and 5 it's not funny. OOOOOOHHHH. Bites the Dust isn't a Requiem Stand, probably a prototype of Requiem stands, yeah, but not Requiem, which is everyone agree is the minimum to fight another Requiem. Except Chariot, but Chariot isn't a real Requiem, or at least not a fully awakened. Kira could use via Bites The Dust, but that would be eventually canceled and would look be like WTF. ... I never thought I'd do some Jojology in this forum. In this section.
  16. Dude. The guy dresses like a vampire, use the most edgy intimidation speeches in the world, talk like a goth.... I wouldn't be surprised if he acted in front of a mirror to train himself to look even more goth ! Hubert is the very definition of "Dramatic" ! XD
  17. Considering how many stupid limitations the Divine Pulse have and how it seems to be limited by "destiny", *COUGH*convenient writing*COUGH*, GER would blast Byleth a new one since GER doesn't even take those pesky limitations into consideration. Holy shit the writing of Three Houses was GER all along. There's a reason why GER is considered one of the strongest thing ever in manga, anime and fiction. Like, when people talk about strongest character, they immediatly, say 'Goku' and 'Saitama', please...
  18. Well this is awkward. I confused it with another ending... Probably one Ferdinand's. Apologies. I'm sorry. Eh, you think Hubert is over the top about his loyaty, Dedue and Catherine says hello. 😛 Kind of funny how it's "the big guy" who is subtle, and the "sneaky guy" who's not.
  19. *slam* Thankyou ! Like, I get it, I like him too, I see where he come from. His character shows the flaws of the society of Fodlan. But he's also an asshole, and he and the game justify, his flirting, breaking hearts, playing fiddle and all that, by 'Oh it's alright, no girls wants me, they just want my crest and money. They deserve it' Like, bruh. But he seem to try to get over himself and gosh, that's good. Well, probably, his ending with Ingrid leave me puzzled. We could also try to talk about Dorothea too, hmhm, I don't do double standard after all.
  20. If s/he was a student I would've needed some add savor on the icecream bland flavour. Which would have been salt. Student in a school ? Yawn. Seen it everytime everywhere. Teacher in a school ? Ah, some originality ! Oh and you can do stuff tied to the fact you are teacher ! Including... TEACHING ! Here's the difference. One is bland and molt, the other is original and fresh. Also, it makes sense on multiple front for Rhea to do that. She go on the principle that Byleth is Sothis, which is technically true, if they are truly Sothis, being a teacher is no biggie. It could also be seen as a way to force Byleth to stay. Byleth have privileges, a job, friends, if he make too much noise, those could be taken. And if he's a menace or a failure, he could be 'easily' removed. Jeralt have the blood of Rhea, and it seems to do weird things to people, including transforming them apparently. Imagine that. ...Well that doesn't add up 100%, since Rhea seems to be 100% certain that Byleth = Sothis, to into giving literally give Byleth too much privilege hello Creator Sword, Or maybe it was part of 'Le plan', and never expected Byleth to be able to say, 'Nope' to her, let alone 'Fuck No'.
  21. Yeah that's a really great detail in the writing ! Also terrifying, because that means that people who have crest can possibly gains the personality of the original person, from one or two quirks to disturbingly very similar. (Incest in FE was not enough, now we have plausible selfcest ! Behold ! After TH super pseudo-incest we now have TH super-pseudo selfcest !) Imagine what Rhea would have done if Byleth did became Sothis, but Rhea decided that it wasn't enough Sothis, or it wasn't he Sothis. Maybe the Sothis we have isn't even the real Sothis. I genuinely love both Rhea and Edelgard, how similar they are, and precisely because of their flaws, but 'dislike' Rhea more because of her madness, cruelty, and the disturbing implications of her actions. Some people believe that Cathering's loyalty... eh, rather fanaticism, toward Rhea is suspiscious, I even briefly read it in Tvtropes, before it was deleted, that 'she might have been another experiment'. Meh, not enough evidence. But it's possible, or accidental, Rhea's blood does weird things to people. Edelgard also have problem that bother me, and makes me love her even more, it seems like she is less interested in saving the world, making it better, and more interested in her doing it, she have to do it, in her way and only her. She won't listen to anything else. Again, kind of like Rhea. And it probably because of their past traumatism. Or megalomania. Or both. 😛 They're really cool characters. So many ways to interpret them.
  22. What a beautiful waste of time and money. All of that work and trouble, just to delete some lines that destroy precious context for the backstory of a character. Wonderful. Truly, a genius move. 😛 Ah....pisses me off. Here's a funny thing. I legit though that Byleth's voice was already replaced by the time the game came out, but actually nope, it was replaced with a patch. And they do it. Again. To make the background and dialogue of a character worse. What is wrong with them ? Oh hey, Kirokan ! It's kind of hilariously ironic how it's closer to the japanese script. Still prefer the older one. People said it, a minor change, but boy does it break things. ...Oh shoot, there's also context in the original voice too ? This is getting too complicated for me. xD Yeah, how dare you be a nice person.
  23. B-but, assassins don't work like that ! reeeeeeee. Can we all talk about how you sold an animal/monster that loved you so much it gave you some good stuff... and it was called Fodder ? Another is named Crap. Holy shoot that's messed up and funny in a dark way. Oh boy, another Kachua !
  24. I don't even remember if it's 100 or 1000 years, memories is fuzzy, but sheesh, 'How come no one destroyed them ?'. Like, take a look at medieval Japan ! How they got screwed over for being too isolationist too much. And I wonder what kinds of goods they can have that'll interest merchants that much to wants it peacefully.(Besides the obvious crests BS.) It kind of does puzzle me about how the heck did Rhea succeeded in locking the continent away in a stasis, altough from what I've seen, said stasis is to it's limits, and well... a big part of the plot of the game happens. I guess it shouldn't have been all that hard for her but still. I'm kinda surprised there's no flintlock weapons or something. There is operas though, so it's not like Fodlan is complete and truly medieval. Opera are not a medieval right ?
  25. But that's still bullshit. Some katana or japanese armor I can get behind, maybe they come from "japan-land" and just ended in the continent of the game or some crap, but ninja are another thing ! We're talking about an entire style of live defined by an entirely different culture that'll have no way to ever work in a medieval setting ! ... I take this too much at heart. Touching reunion... Press X to doubt. Kinda. Bittersweet I'd say. Sheesh, the priest are rather insistent, despite the fact that Denim actually tried. Oh the creator liked Star Wars ? I always wondered why there were so many lines in the translation that was so full of Star Wars. Good grief, TO, how comes you have so many plot twists ? #gameswerebetterbefore. (Just forget Denim's face and some other goof, and i'll be true.)
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