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Everything posted by Azz

  1. I only made one(Which is my Avatar), here is some information: Name: Azz(It is me) Allegiance: Neutral Husband/Wife: Zero Reclass Option: Ninja
  2. Sorry, it's late and I always tend to over react. Games like this get me over emotional.
  3. She only passes the blue hair.I have no image but apparently someone in the Release thread said so. Not in Phoenix and I don't think so in Casual but yes in Classic.
  4. I am now extremely annoyed now, please excuse me while I go steal candy from babies and punch a puppy.(Not really though, I will just throw a massive temper tantrum and suck my thumb and rock in a corner.)
  5. Full of purple sugar and magical dream where people sleep for eternity.
  6. Yeah, that's disappointing. Really the only one I would ever consider if this was not a thing would be Anna or Flora but it seems they are both Nohr exclusive and I plan on marrying Zero in Nohr so, yep. Anyways, fuck the kids.They have no story relevance other then providing extra grinding in Nohr and needless characters that probably come really late game.
  7. Well, the third route is not even officially released yet.They may still be working on it and when it is released they will most likely also make a patch o fix the bugs and add things.
  8. Her married ending says something like, not much is known, but it was known that she had a husband and two great children.
  9. It does not look right.I mean, I know Folleo is a guy and all but, he would look way better with a woman's body, or at least not a six pack.
  10. That dark shadow is definitely not conspicuous at all, nope.
  11. Asama's child.She is creepy af. (It also helps that I will only be marrying the siblings off along with Kamui and Aqua)
  12. I would say what it is but it would be extreme spoilers for all 3 paths.
  13. Please post the fourth one Vincent, I must have more CGs! Pretty please.
  14. Buddy seals:Allows you to class change into the base class of anyone you A+ supported with(A supported with is MUs case)
  15. You could marry Walhart in FEA and he was so old he was dead.
  16. What Vincent said seems to be a theme.Any character with more then two possible base classes can only support with the avatar, Kanna and potentially another character that is somewhat related to them e.g. Fuuga and Tsukoyomi, Flora and Felicia, Gunter and Jakob etc...
  17. That's a bit disappointing. Hey Vincent, do we know if Anna is on both paths or how she is even obtainable?
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