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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Is liking Meg a meme or something? She was worth a chuckle but I didn't find her very memorable, apart from being an awful unit. The guy was acting haughty just because people didn't agree with his opinion. He had bad ideas and a worse attitude. I recall Ana made a polarizing thread complaining about what she regarded as androgynous characters, and then she got pissy when everyone criticized her opinions. It has nothing to do with insider or outsider, it's about being graceful in the face of dissenting views. As far as the video is concerned, 30 minutes is really too long for this thing. I agree that some of his least favorites are meh, but they're far from the worst, in my opinion.
  2. What are the rewards for the "Memories of Foam" (or whatever it's called)? I heard you got the Taker skills and Point Blank Shot, but is there anything else? Do you get Bold Stance?
  3. My favorite (non-exclusive) bows are Dual Yumi, Shining Bow and Killer Bow. Dual Yumi: Archers are generally accurate (especially with Certain Blow) and this bow solves cases of WTD. Shining Bow: 1-2 Range gives additional options, as does being able to hit sturdy defense units hard. The weapon effectiveness vs fliers makes even Sky Knights easy pickings. Killer Bow: Pretty self explanatory but best on Snipers for crit stacking.
  4. This. Play as Micaiah and pretend you're playing a better story.
  5. I have a lot of ideas for a setting but not the skill to write a proper story. -Selkie’s playfulness is expressed in her messing around with humans. She loves the city life and wearing fancy, expensive clothing. She and all Kitsune can use illusion magic, which lets her hide her fox features, even while in human form. -Camilla’s obsession with Kamui is because of severe intimacy issues. While she still has affection for her Nohrian siblings, she found herself incapable of trusting other Nohrians after the Waifu Wars. - After the Dusk and Dawn dragons’ war, the spirits of dead dragons still haunt the world of Fates. They can cause the dead to rise (the invisible enemies) and can possess humans with dragon blood (which happens to Kamui) but the dragon soul can be isolated and controlled if one holds a dragon stone. -Most of the ‘children’ in Fates are not actually the offspring of other characters, rather they are relations or family friends. The exception to this is Lutz who is Harold’s son. He unknowingly sired Lutz when he was a younger man, off saving a village maiden from bandits. -Nohr once did normal trade with Hoshido but it wasn’t enough to sustain the country so Garon tried to capture Sumeragi’s children to ransom for a better trade deal. After Sumeragi is killed, Hoshido cuts off all trade with Nohr, and Nohr must trade through its tributaries to get the food it needs from Hoshido. -Sumeragi and the King of Chevalier were rivals but respected each other for their ferocity and honor on the battlefield. Sumeragi trusts him so he goes to the peace talks in Chevalier. Unbeknownst to Sumeragi, the King of Chevalier made a deal with Garon to buy Chevalier’s independence in exchange for betraying Sumeragi. -Garon used to be a more reasonable king but the burdens of leadership eventually made him cynical and ruthless. -The royal weapons in Hoshido were gifted to their clan by the Dawn Dragon. The royal weapons in Nohr were crafted and used by heroes and villains throughout Nohr’s history. Camilla has the axe, Tiamat and Hinoka has the Water God (Suijin) naginata. Elise and Sakura also have sacred relics.
  6. For art style/design I'd be down for Senri Kita (Tellius) or Eiji Kaneda (Elibe). Not sure is they did the just the illiustrations or the outfits as well so I'll credit the art team for both worlds. I love Kaneda's elegently embroidered robes/tunic, particularly for magic users and lords. His armored characters are also simpler but functional unlike some unusual Awakening/Fates designs. [spoiler=Pent] [spoiler=Milady] Mind you, a lot of the Fates class models were good so I'd be happy to see most of them come back (minus battle panties and other fanservicey outfits). Storywise, I'd like something more about human conflicts than the supernatural. Supernatural elements can give a story a good kick but stories that revolve around the ambitions, motives and morals of humans are generally the most interesting. Take Game of Thrones as a positive example of the balance of fantasy and political drama. Speaking of politics, I'd like a story which multiple nuanced factions and characters. No side should be wholly good or evil and the evil should probably have motivations for their actions, even if they are deplorable. I want the main characters to have a character arc and not be the same from the start of the game as the end. Lastly, I'd like tactics to feature in the game again. For all its problems, I'll credit Awakening for bringing tactics back as a thing observed in-universe.
  7. I'm torn. I have both a Zettai Ryouiki fetish (bless you Japan) and an armor fetish so the lack of pants simultaneously bothers me and bothers me.
  8. This. Also, I think the plural comes more easily because usually when you think about groundbreaking new truths, you think of it as a series of reveals, ie more than one. Revelation (singular) just doesn't sound as significant.
  9. As someone who played both JP and NA versions, I'll say you guys aren't missing much. Getting all the hearts is tedious work and considering how intimate the mini-game is, it's really awkward doing it with a gender you're not compatible with. I think ideally it should have been like the NA version but allowing you to talk to several characters per interval. And add more things for them to say.
  10. Very nice! Selkie: I hope you like my voice! *cries in Hoshidan*
  11. If we want to look at both protagonists from where they started off, we have: Micaiah: A young girl, living in the defeated "bad guy" nation from the previous game, is struggling to resist the brutal occupation forces in her country. Her reckless, sacrificial nature worries her closest allies but is making her a peoples hero. Her morals will be put to the test when she has to choose between the well-being of her people versus the path to justice. Corrin: A lord kidnapped from a bountiful country is raised in an brutal, war mongering nation, with no knowledge of their true heritage. They are locked up in a keep for most of their life so they are naive to most workings of the world. Eventually fate will lead to this lord discovering the truth of their real family and will have to choose which nation they belong to. On paper, both characters have the potential for interesting stories and where they go is up to the competency of the writers. Where the stories could/should have gone is headcanon and probably shouldn't be considered in which we appraise higher. If you say "a rewritten Fates would be better than Radiant Dawn", then I can just as easily say "a rewritten Radiant Dawn is better than a rewritten Fates". It's all speculative. Can you both 'take this outside'? You aren't even discussing the topic anymore.
  12. So you're saying that a story that doesn't exist is better than Micaiah's story? As much as I agree that the story and tone of Fates ruined any chance Corrin had of being a good character, you can't really assign value to a story that was never written.
  13. That face when Kamui says "Do you know any songs besides Lost in Thoughts All Alone?"
  14. [spoiler=The Last My Castle Visit] Ironic that Takumi is the Judas here. Kamui is the real traitor!
  15. Don't take my posts out of context, please. I'm talking about Daein's inability to resist Begnion's might, not the excuses war criminals make for themselves.
  16. I keep saying it because you keep ignoring the reality of Daein's position in the world. Begnion's reason is because they are at war with the Laguz Alliance. Daein's reason is because they don't want to piss off a country that could easily topple them if they didn't cooperate. That's just common sense, and Micaiah suspects another reason which is also true. Are you completely detached from the concept of following orders and that NOT following orders can have deadly consequences?
  17. Micaiah specifically says they are fighting the Laguz at Begnion's request. Begnion is at war with the Laguz which makes their request one for military aid. If Micaiah thought Pelleas was just out for Laguz blood, why even wait for Begnion to ask? Micaiah believes there is another reason for Pelleas cooperating with Begnion and she was correct. Are you saying that an action can't be considered an act of war just because the involved parties are racist? I guess the Americans were just a bunch of racist bigots for fighting the Japanese in the Pacific theater. I mean, if some American soldiers looked forward to killing Japanese soldiers, any other reason for fighting becomes void.
  18. Apart from that being everything Micaiah wants to avoid and the total defeat of everything she accomplished in part 1, not following her orders would earn Daein the wrath of Begnion that could easily reconquer them, blood pact or no. Why is it okay for Micaiah to fight the Apostles forces but not okay for them to fight the Laguz forces? Both were ordered by Begnion because they are Begnion's enemies.
  19. Most of the comparisons between Micaiah and Kamui were on the earlier pages (bear in mind a lot of the Kamui discussion is in the Robin vs Kamui thread). Most people are in agreement that Kamui's actions in Conquest were horrible, what's being debated now is if Micaiah's actions were horrible or justified. Apart from not being allowed to reach our own conclusions on the morality of our characters, Kamui is a weaker example of this kind of story because unlike Micaiah, we're never give many reasons for why Kamui would support his adopted country. In Nohr, most of the upper brass are horrible people and Kamui appears to have had very little interaction with anyone besides his siblings and household. Micaiah came to love the general populace of Daein (despite their flaws) but Kamui is apparently fighting for just a handful of people. Nohr doesn't need to invade Hoshido to survive (there is the food issue but that's not even mentioned in Conquest iirc) but Micaiah does need to do bad things to ensure Daein survives.
  20. Okay, now she has refused the order and Begnion is pissed. Not only has she pissed off the most powerful country on the continent, she has undermined the authority of her king, doubtlessly bringing more chaos to the currently vulnerable Daein. BAD END, would you like to load the game at your last save point?
  21. So, what? She should refuse the order? Abandon her post? Usurp the throne? Do you think any of these things are going to end well for her?
  22. Hey, now you're getting it! Sothe views it as bigotry because morally speaking, he doesn't see a reason for Daein to fight the laguz. Micaiah, however, is fulfilling her responsibilities as Daein's general. The duality of Sothe and Micaiah's relationship is that Sothe sees things from a simplistic, moralist viewpoint (which is still useful to keep Micaiah's morality in check) without regard to political realities and Micaiah sees things primarily through her obligations to her country. Sothe can tell her what she's doing is wrong but he can't tell her an alternative either, which is why Micaiah laments she's not capable of acting on her feelings.
  23. No, I'm telling you she sees it as a military conflict Daein has no part in, but is being ordered by Begnion to participate in.
  24. What is the question? If Micaiah thinks they have a reason to be fighting the Laguz Alliance outside of being ordered to? No, she doesn't agree with this and as I stated, she doesn't want to fight anyone.
  25. She was ordered to and she's obliged to obey her king. That's the reason. In that very scene, she tells Sothe that she doesn't want to fight but she has to because her personal feelings don't matter.
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