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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Jesus fuck English Elise has an annoying voice. I have a friend who despises Fire Emblem so I'm sure he'll be fuming when he see this, lol. Sakurai is officially in bed with IS. Kamui, eh? I guess it's cool they incorporated so much of the dragon shifting. Kind of meh on yet another counter move but we'll see how that goes. You'll find the bar for "Nintendo's Greatest" has been set pretty low in Smash.
  2. I'd say C-S Ophelia (stronger bond because their fathers are friends) and C-A Matoi but it's up to you. I've never complained about too much yuri in my fiction.
  3. Now I'm imagining Joker as a passionless butler who is convinced by Takumi to murder Kamui. Their last exchange is probably something like... Kamui: Your role in the war is over. Thanks for your hard work. Ah, look at the time. I hope you catch your boat back to Nohr. Joker: You needn't worry, my master. *stabs* I never bought a ticket. All that Kamui worship solved with a single scene.
  4. I imagined Cordelia/Matoi as a straight woman Severa/Luna is the flaming bisexual but a platonic Matoi x Soleil might be good. Requesting Luna x Camilla~
  5. Did he really design that...? It seems so contrary to everything else he's done for Fire Emblem. At least from the concept art that's been posted on SS.
  6. Thanks for all the hard work, Kirokan. I liked Velour's comics a lot. Siegbert's "this must be what hell looks like" panel is just asking to be abused. Maybe he'll be surrounded by pictures of FE6 hit rates.
  7. To be fair, besides a few questionable designs, most class outfits are exceptional this time around. Just look at Awakening Heroes vs Fates Heroes, or Awakening Cavaliers vs Fates Cavaliers. I agree that the fanservice really needs to go, however.
  8. He can be a bit same-facey at times but I think Kozaki is still one of the better artists of the series. His sketches have a certain charm to them.
  9. Lucina is looking pretty adorbs there.
  10. Interesting. I see we both have Foleo's objection to thievery in common. I'm thinking that Eponine's outburst is a little sudden in my B-rank so I think I'll try to better work in Eponine's appreciation/longing for Foleo's wealth.
  11. So I've been working on a C-S rank conversation between Eponine and Foleo. In this version of Fates, the "children" aren't tied to their canon parents. The C-rank is a bit long and the B-rank a bit short so I'll probably go back to work on them again later. [spoiler=C-rank] C-rank Eponine: Ah, Foleo. I thought I'd find you here. Foleo: Eponine? I didn't see you come in. Eponine: Working on your fancy dresses again, huh? I recall you were making something like that when we first met, too. Foleo: I remember that day well. I was so shocked to see you standing there at the frame of my window on the second floor. Eponine: Well, I do have a habit of making surprise visits to people. It wouldn't do for a thief to be expected. At first I thought I'd sneak in and see what jewelry I could make off with but when I saw you there in your beautiful clothes, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I thought you were a girl, at first. Foleo: A lot of people do. That's probably the reason why my parents kept me so sheltered. They found my dressing habits an embarrassment and I rarely left that room full of sewing supplies and books. Eponine: I was curious about those as well. I had seen books before but I couldn't make any sense of the scribbles on them until you taught me to read. Thanks to you, I acquired a taste for literature. Foleo: And thanks to you, I finally had a friend. You paid me many secret visits to my room. I taught you how to read and you always brought me new and interesting stories. It made me happy to have someone to talk to. Eponine: We made an odd pair, I think. A street urchin and a noble. Of course all of that came to an end when your parents caught me and I was thrown into prison. I guess your luck only lasts so long in my line of work. Foleo: Yes... Eponine: Ah, that reminds me, I've brought you a gift. Ta-dah! It's a book I found! The Adventures of Roland! Foleo: By "found" do you mean "stolen"? Eponine: What? No! I mean, maybe. I'm sure the guy I got it from had a spare copy somewhere. He won't miss it. Foleo: I want you to return it. Eponine: Eh? But it's a really good book! Full of brave heroes and dragons and- Foleo: Please return this book at once! Eponine: Fine! I'll take it back... That Foleo... has he become more picky about the books I bring? Maybe he'd like a book on fashion instead. [spoiler=B-rank] B rank Eponine: Here you go, Foleo. I acquired another book for you! Masterwork Sewing, by the esteemed Archibald Lancaster. I think this one is quite rare. Foleo: Where did you get this book? Eponine: It fell off a wagon. Foleo: Really? Eponine: No... This one is also stolen. Foleo: And what will you do when the people you robbed come looking for what's theirs? Are you ready to face the consequences? Eponine: Eh, don't be so uptight. It will be just like when we were children. I always brought you good books, right? Foleo: That's enough! I told you I don't approve of your lifestyle but you never listen to me! Eponine: Hey! Isn't that a little harsh? I went through a lot of trouble to get you this book. Foleo: If you want to bring me a book, then go buy one like a normal person! Eponine: ... It's easy for someone like you to say that... Foleo: Eponine? Eponine: I didn't choose to be born poor! I didn't have the luxury to have servants bring me everything I could ask for! If I could get by without being a thief, I would have... You were locked into that room your entire life. What do you know about what it's like to live on the outside!? I brought you those books because I thought they would make you happy! Foleo: No...I didn't mean... Eponine: ...I'm going now. You don't have to read the book... Foleo: Wait, Eponine! Please come back! [spoiler=A rank] A rank Foleo: I finally found you! Eponine: Foleo... Usually I'm the one seeking out you, huh? I want to apologize for my outburst earlier. I... just felt so angry. I let my envy show and I'm sorry. Foleo: I'm the one who should apologize. I didn't realize it at first but my words were thoughtless. I was trying to give you advice but I only came off as condescending and entitled. Eponine: It's okay... Foleo: But I want you to know that I didn't say those things because I think you're a bad person. I said them because I was worried about you. The last time you were caught for a crime, we were separated for 5 years. I didn't know if you were alive or dead. You were the most important person in my life and... I thought I would never see you again. Eponine: Foleo... I'm so happy that you were thinking about me. I thought about you a lot during those years as well. Foleo: Eponine, after the war is over, I want you to tell me a story I've never heard before, but I don't want it to be from a stolen book. Eponine: What!? But those are the only kind of books I have! Foleo: I don't want to hear their stories, I want to hear yours. I want to know everything that happened to you since we were separated and from the time before we met as well. Eponine: You might not always like the main character. She's a bit of a rouge and a scoundrel. Foleo: That's fine by me. I find those types a little...exciting. Eponine: The Eponine Odyssey won't come cheap you know. I'm making my way up in the world and I need to charge higher prices for my works. Foleo: It's not finished yet but I've been working on a set of matching outfits. I used the finest silk and velvet I could find. It might be a little gaudy for your tastes but I'd like you to have it. Eponine: In that case, I'll accept! I'm looking forward to seeing your craftsmanship. Foleo: I won't disappoint you! [spoiler=S-rank] S rank Eponine: Outside again, are you? You're going to ruin that porcelain skin if you spend too much time in the sun. Foleo: Don't worry, I'm well covered up. Eponine: You are indeed. What a marvelous outfit today. Are you meeting someone important? Foleo: You could say that. ...Eponine? I have a particular request but it might be too much for you. Eponine: Oh? If it's a riveting yarn, I got you covered. What sort of story would you like to hear? Foleo: It's a story about something that hasn't happened yet. Eponine: That is a difficult request! Foleo: I want to hear about where our story will go. How does the story of Eponine and Foleo end? Eponine: Such a thing is... Foleo: Every day I see you run off into dangerous situations and I worry about you. The heaviness in my heart gets worse each time. Eponine... I think I'm in love with you. Eponine: What!? But I'm just a lowborn thief. How could you have feelings for someone like me? Foleo: You're so much more than that! You're kind, funny, smart and... beautiful! Eponine: To be praised like that by someone so elegant as you... I'm truly flattered. Truth be told, lately I've found my solo adventures a little less enjoyable because I end up missing you. Foleo: Then do you accept my feelings? Eponine: I do. I don't want to think of a world where you aren't waiting for me when I come home. I'm in your care, Foleo. Foleo: With you by my side, I'll never be lonely again. I hope I can make you as happy as you make me.
  12. Punny. I know these are personal skills and should be weaker than normal ones but I think Hypercritical would be fair enough without the damage reduction. Nerfing your damage to allow a few select weapons (which naturally don't have any crit bonus) to critical hit doesn't sound 'worth it'.
  13. I like thinking about classes and skills so let's give it a go. Kiritsugu Class: Sniper Personal Skill - Time Control: When this character is attacked, if their speed is lower than the enemy, their speed equals the enemy's +2. Kirei Class: Dread Fighter Personal Skill - Command Spell: Use 'Command Spell' to increase all stats +2 for 1 turn.
  14. I guess that would depend on what strengths you'd like them to have. Good offense? Physical or Magic? Both? Camilla and Leon have decent mixed offensive stats leaning more in one direction (physical and magic, respectively) and they already have a higher weapon rank for axes or tomes. Of course, their bases are already slanted so unless you poor stat boosters on their weaker stat, there won't be much reason to use it. Kamui is also obviously a strong choice. A +Mag/-Def Kamui will have 60 strength and 65 magic growth as a Revenant Knight. Not bad. Saizo also has surprisingly balanced Strength/Magic having 65 strength 60 magic as a Revenant Knight. You'd need to marry him to Kamui or Belka, however.
  15. I wanted to make a character who is strong at half health. So I was thinking: Awakening Vantage Astra And... some other stuff. What other skills would compliment this? Ogre Strike? Vengeance?
  16. The boy ones turn blue when they reach the "romantic stage" (A rank iirc) and the girl ones turn pink upon reaching that stage. I think C-B or non romancible characters is green.
  17. If you guys don't mind, I'd like to add your supports to my fan-fiction compilation thread. Keep the good ideas flowing.
  18. Eponine + Foleo support: Long lost literature friends. Eponine + Soleil support: Story teller/dancer acting duo. Let the disappointment in Fates fuel your passion for writing. We can rebuild it, we have the technology.
  19. It might only work on other sick people. I think I'd prefer my health for Christmas over more fanfiction ideas. Although both would be welcome. That "acting out the book stories" makes me wish they played up a "bard" angle for her. Eponine, a collector (read; thief) of stories and popular performer in the Under City. See, IS could have given the characters interesting back stories and nuanced personalities but were like "Naw, let's give her a yaoi obsession".
  20. Shara's first comic actually made me lol. Well played, sir. Second comic was kind of eh, no punchline really. "Stalking is creepy, mmkay?"
  21. Not bad. That gives me another idea. What if Eponine became a literature thief? Like, initially she broke into homes to steal items for wealth but eventually became enamored with books (particularly romance novels). Maybe in the past she broke into the home of a family, and found a lonely rich girl who taught her to read. They became close friends until Eponine's clandestine visits were discovered and she was nearly thrown into prison. Or, assuming these characters aren't 2nd gen/tied to the 1st gen, that "girl" she met in the past was Foleo. Upon meeting again, Foleo might be disappointed that Eponine never gave up her life of thievery and Eponine would protest saying that she only kept stealing books because they reminded Eponine of him. Edit: The rich "girl" Foleo was isolated because his family found his cross dressing disgraceful. Foleo liked Eponine for her non-judgmental attitude and honesty. Guaaah, Ebony unlocked a fountain of creativity! Make it stop! I need to get something to eat!
  22. Bows (along with magic) are some of the best ranged weapons you can use because they don't suffer from severe penalties such as being unable to crit/proc skills or making yourself vulnerable to getting double attacked. Bows can also insta-gib fliers (there's only one wind spell in the game and it's rare), being particularly useful against Pegasi because of a WTA.
  23. I think cloth suits her better than leather. If they're going the fanservice route, something Sonia-esque would be more preferable to me. I do find it amusing that of all the "battle panty" class outfits, female Revenant Knights actually wear pants.
  24. I'm not sure what you're referring to. Do you mean items (weapons) you get from talking to people in your My Castle? I don't recall ever getting dead trees or spikes.
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