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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. You're a terrible person for not knowing about a game you haven't played and I hate you. The plot is pretty serviceable, if basic. It's a small country vs empire scenario, much like many Fire Emblem titles, but it's set in a fantasy version of WWII era Europe. Some of the themes explored aren't executed very well but most of it is well done. I can't speak for the sequels but I'd highly recommend the first game. Also like Fire Emblem, one of its selling points is a large cast of diversified characters.
  2. I think the parallel seals will be (I hope) limited in number so it isn't THAT abusable. Maybe they could make it so you get to choose one skill from that class when you change to it. Like if you changed class to Dark Mage at level 10, you would get to choose between Hex and Anathema. Skills being easier to gather would definitely be an improvement. This makes her possible class role as sass-master even better.
  3. It can happen, it will happen, we'll make it work! in my dreams Lesbian incest is completely normal and not weird.
  4. It would probably be best if the mods just locked those spammy topics but this is also a sexually gratifying reasonable alternative.
  5. S supports with Nohr royals: "Kamui... I always thought of you as more than a brother/sister.... You're also my best friend!" The salt that follows would be glorious.
  6. I thought PokeFan was in charge of making these threads.
  7. The Nohr campaign won't have many options to get experience outside of the main story so unless there is a grind-fest, post game content, I don't think they will need inflated stats.
  8. While I think Kamui needs a personality that is "accessible", so that he can reasonably command the respect from a large diversity of people, charisma by itself is rather plain. I would like to see Kamui with a bit more brooding personality. Not full on emo, of course, but I'm sure the circumstances of his "adoption" and lineage weigh heavily upon him. Personal skills. Not to mention some of the wording, like "Nohr Hater" is exactly like some VC personal skills.
  9. The only way it would work is if they established that Kamui was always considered a Hoshidan and not a true sibling to the others. That said, Leon and Elise are younger than Kamui so they're probably even less inclined towards romantic feelings. The opposite happens for the Hoshido family. It's plausible that Takumi or Sakura could develop romantic feelings for Kamui but they're also blood related so I dunno.
  10. I could see Kamui having dialogue options for the in game conversations but I can't see them altering all possible supports to accommodate the players' chosen personality. It won't work to have Kamui be a ruthless, snarky asshole in game but have him be "I fight for my friends" in supports.
  11. Kamui's ability only activates if you have a support rank with your ally so the skills worded as "groomed leadership" aren't exactly on point. Maybe something like Strong Bonds would be better. Charisma is a trait of many lords, whether it's stated as a skill or not so I don't think it's wrong or necessarily boring to have for Kamui. What characterization would you prefer?
  12. Hinata's ability is a personal skill so it's not something all samurai get, and as far as we know, samurai are just renamed myrmidons so they aren't particularly tanky. Also, it's a dude. I wouldn't really describe Tsukuyomi's ability as very intimidating either. Plus 4 damage isn't nearly as scary as an enemy with Luna or some other proc skill.
  13. So do you think it won't take affect until after the battle? That sounds like it could be abused. Give Oboro a Javelin and have her pair up with a high defense unit. March her into a group of enemies and watch as wave after wave gets their defense lowered, ready to be slaughtered by the rest of your army.
  14. My understanding of the skill is that it's a debuff that lasts for the rest of the round, ie it won't matter if you don't double, nor will it allow other allies to take advantage of the debuff. But I could be wrong. The Javelin would be a good choice if the debuff lasts past the round.
  15. If there was any doubt before, Oboro is getting my Brave Lance.
  16. Personal Skill - Plot Armor: In classic mode, this unit will revive at the end of the chapter if defeated in battle.
  17. That would be a tad bit disappointing. Fingers crossed for at least 3 new faces.
  18. I don't know what you guys are talking about. She looks great to me. Give me full artwork for Oboro and Rinka!!
  19. Maybe, maybe not. I hope javelins and the like at least have good accuracy so you have a good chance of doing chip damage or sniping critical health units.
  20. Is the double blocking only for ranged attacks or melee as well? Between having low might and lower hit, the lack of doubling will make javelins and hand axes situational at best. Unreliable and possibly even a liability.
  21. I fear the maps in Hoshido will be simplistic and boring to cater to the increasingly casual target demographic. I fear the characters will be too trope-y and their supports poorly written. I fear the class selection will be limiting. I fear the stories (for the first two routes at least) will be unambitious and full of plot holes. I fear the dragon abilities will be poorly balanced and be too obvious for when and how to use them.
  22. To be clear, I'm not saying they can't die, just that I don't think a fight to the death for all of them is inevitable. I assume Kamui won't be super gung ho about invading his homeland even if you side with Nohr so there is a chance that his siblings aren't too big on the idea either. I'm imagining a situation like Lloyd in FE7, where you fight him but after explaining your case, you let him go and he doesn't bother you again (in part because Limstella kills him).
  23. I said 'bad guys' because typically they are serving people trying to conquer the world, if not actually planning to destroy it. It's possible you will kill some or all of your siblings (I already assume this for Marx and Ryoma) but I wouldn't classify those siblings as "people who need to die" because, as far as we know, they're all good natured people. I dunno, different classes, different stories, different game mechanics. S support with Hinoka confirmed.
  24. My memory is foggy, which siblings are impossible to avoid killing that were not sided with the bad guys? As I said, the point of that comment was to suggest Hoshido won't conquer Nohr in the same way Nohr would conquer Hoshido. Nohr will definitely bring ruin to Hoshido (with Garon in charge) if they win but Hoshido (if they are truly a peace loving nation) will not leave Nohr in a state that warrants a second conflict. In other words, if you aren't a dick to the defeated nation, they won't have a reason to fight you again and you don't need to kill your siblings.
  25. iirc, all instances of fratricide were against siblings who sided with the bad guys, right? The comment you originally replied to was my reply to Soapbar about needing to kill off all of your siblings after the war. He insisted that sparing them would "inevitably lead to another war" which simply isn't true. The leaders of the victorious nations in other games are virtuous and no further conflicts are implied to arise on account of their leadership. There is a difference between supervising a conquered nation and suppressing it, as Soapbar implied.
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