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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. My phone died and it will take some time to order a new one. Is it possible to play Heroes that started on an Android phone, but play it on an i-phone (my wife's)? My account is linked to Nintendo but I'm not sure if there are distinct "android" and "apple" accounts or not.
  2. I must confess, I'm not very familiar with this "play", so my answer is "I don't know, but my gut says maybe".
  3. When Corrin is choking Azura after he first changes into a dragon: Azura: ...Harder, Daddy. Corrin: What? Azura: What. Or when Corrin has to choose between Nohr and Hoshido in chapter 6, have Lilith and Azura start shouting "Actually WE'RE your real family!" leaving Corrin incredibly confused. Meanwhile Silas looks on from afar at everyone fighting over Corrin, thinking "God, I wish that was me" Or when Clive is passing over the leadership of the Deliverance: Clive: We need to have a leader that the low-born people can relate to. Someone of common birth and upbringing. Tobin: You mean....someone like ME!? Clive: ...No. A peasant with some star power. Like Alm over there. Tobin: I suppose I'll get my chance another day... Or when Eliwood attacks Ninian with Durandal, it uses up its one point of durability and breaks.
  4. You're probably right. Fates is so obviously a rush job, with so many conflicting elements that were designed to appeal to the most amount of people (even at the cost of the game's integrity). I can't put the blame solely, or even primarily on the writers, in that case. Still, I wish there was a way to isolate the poison so they could learn from their mistakes.
  5. I'm looking at the credited writers and directors for SoV, Fates and Heroes. SoV has completely different directors to the other two games who share Kouhei Maeda. Maeda also works on the writing for Heroes, along with Satoko Kurihara, who is also the writer of SoV. None of Fates writers worked on SoV or Heroes. I wonder which members of the staff are contributing to the good or bad elements of the series. Kurihara might be a positive influence, if SoV is any indication. Maeda has been with IS since 2001, so it's hard to say how much he has affected the quality of the series. I'm pleased that none of the Fates writers returned, but I'm still a little anxious. Is SoV and Heroes (to a lesser extent) an indication they are trying harder now?
  6. Not yet, I was hoping for a remake but I might go for it if they decide not to.
  7. Call me cynical, but I don't think they are going to pull off their serious elements well, unless they get the writing team who worked on SoV. If they go the way of Fateswakening (and they probably will because $$$), I think we will have a lot of serious elements that are completely undercut by their implementation or other quirky elements. To name an example in Fates, a serious theme about family, what is more important, blood or bonds, is all undercut by the game allowing you to marry your own siblings, loosely justified with "we're not blood related". Or in Awakening, significant characters die only to be recruited later (and are possible to marry), just so the player has more characters to play with. In general, it's hard to maintain a serious tone when you have characters shouting puns when killing people, or characters running around in battle thongs. I don't think Fire Emblem should or will be like Dark Souls in terms of tone, but I would hope they would at least respect the gravity of what's happening in the story. Other games in the series have done this well, with both serious elements and moments of levity. I mentioned SoV earlier, and while I don't think all its dramatic elements were handled perfectly, at the very least I always felt it took itself seriously. Any other pre-3DS game is fine, really. I probably sound like a broken record but a GOT-esque FE is all I want. The more horrible things like rape can be left to implication, but overall, I want the world to feel more real.
  8. Someone always posts F2P (ie all the units were available to everyone) units with no SI and 4* or lower rarity clears. Provided you didn't send your free units home, you should be able to complete all the challenges. Use a guide if you just want the orbs.
  9. I can only imagine how that folklore came to be. Viking 1: What do you think happens to men who fall in battle? Viking 2: I imagine their souls are carried away by beings to the afterlife. Viking 1: You mean like a grim reaper? Viking 2: Yeah, but as a babe with thick thighs! Viking 1: I see...
  10. These discussions always have me bringing up Fates. I don't like every character in every other game, but I've never considered them so awful that they MUST be fixed. --- Xander: 80% of this is just fixing Garon so he isn't so obviously evil, but give more reason to make Xander's bias for Garon seem reasonable. Show us the generally positive relationship they shared and give him reasons for why he fights for Garon/Nohr besides "muh loyalty". I want to see him consider Corrin's viewpoint even if he ultimately sides against him. If Xander should come to regret the actions he has taken, have him recognize his flaws and their consequences instead of "Everything is okay because I had a last minute epiphany about all the villainy I've been supporting". Azama: Keep the snarky troll with existential humor and tone down on him being a petty douchebag with zero empathy. Like Peri, a problem of his character is anyone actually tolerating him for more than 5 minutes. Bonus - Celica I don't hate Celica but like Xander, a good way of fixing her is fixing the villain of her story. If Jedah wasn't so transparently evil, Celica might seem rational in listening to his words. Also, just....completely re-write her fight with Alm. They really should have spent more time together and found their values conflicting over time rather than Celica shouting baseless accusations at Alm and storming off after their long awaited reunion. Hysterical is the only word I have for her.
  11. Vanguard: The vanguard of the army is the force that is sent into battle first. Obviously, this is to imply that said person is in the thick of the fighting, as a melee unit, but any soldier assigned to the same battle unit could be described as being in the vanguard. Chivalry, the code of principles that people associate with knights, is a word derived from old French meaning "horse soldiery", so cavaliers would be the most worthy of the titles of knights. To their credit, FE4&5 and 9&10 called their cavaliers knights and their armored infantry, armors. Of course, knighthood has meant different responsibilities and ideals throughout time so there isn't a concrete "class" they would fit into.
  12. It's surprisingly easy to spin Yune as the bad guy considering gods of chaos are usually not benevolent in most media.
  13. It's not like you cripple her utility by stacking her defense like that. Those buffs work towards making her a great res wall and a passable physical wall vs ranged (or great mixed wall if you opt for defensive team buffs) In arena, you just need to defeat one unit for that character to have pulled their weight. If Morgan can survive and counterkill an archer, she has done everything she needs to for her flier team. Other challenges might require specific builds to win, but bulky Morgan can work. I'd rather play S!Corrin as a sweeper than try to force Morgan into that role. Blade Tome Morgan isn't going to be much help when you have Lynhardt breathing down your neck.
  14. I disagree with this. With enough defense stacking, she can be quite bulky. 19 base def + 6 (tome) + 6 (DD) + 3 (def refine) and she is already at 34 def. Here's where we get to team support options. You can either make her fast enough to avoid doubles or so bulky that she doesn't care about doubles. Go the spd route and put her on a team with 3 Goad Flier users (or 1 with Hone, if you have it) and you have a 37/34/45 bulk flier with enough spd (42) to avoid most doubles. Going the bulky route is harder for a lack of Ward Fliers fodder in lower rarities, but if you do, let's see what you can do. She has 34 defense to start with + 6 from Fortify, +8 from two Wards, +4 from a Spur Def Seal, +2 from S support partner and Morgan now has 37/54/61 bulk and you can laugh at the arrows and magic coming your way. Honestly, this is overkill and you could easily get away with less team investment to make Morgan work as a bulky range tank. There are to mages than blade tomes.
  15. Current requests, also OP was updated to include new spriters.
  16. Blazing Sword: Ever since the Scouring, the world has been dying. Dragons feel it the strongest but eventually even humans will succumb. Nergal discovered this truth and set out to save humanity by any means possible. After conducting experiments with quintessence in Arcadia, Nergal concluded that while humans would not survive in this new world, they could be reshaped into morphs who can. The first experiments were unsuccessful, creating emotionless husks with only the superficial form of the original person. But after more and more trials, Nergal was able to create morphs with emotions. Sadly, only life can beget more life, so to create a new society, Nergal needed to take the quintessence from living people. Many will oppose him because they lack his vision. But he must succeed for the betterment of the world.
  17. I think @vanguard333 hits the nail on the head. Rudolf in SoV is never portrayed as a villain, rather a well intensioned extremist who ultimately did what was best for Alm and the continent. Mycen, a character we are meant to sympathize with, endorses of the plan, and while Alm gets mad at Mycen for being manipulated into killing his own father, what he is most upset about (and quickly gets over) is his relationship with Mycen falling apart. Alm has nothing to say about Rudolf's plan. When Alm arrives at Rigel castle, even before learning the truth about Rudolf, he says that he can't hate him, despite all he has done. Even if we are to conclude that Rudolf is supposes to be a bad guy, I can't agree with his plan not needing to have a reasonable chance to succeed. By all rights, Zofia should have been stomped into the dirt by Rigel and Alm would likely have died on the battlefield. This would have little to say about "the strength of humanity". The only thing Alm has going for him is the prophesy and it would be lazy writing to say "Rudolf was banking on Alm's mythic rare plot armor, so it was a good plan". People make plans in the hope that they work. I don't think Rudolf can have any faith in his plan working unless he can see into the future.
  18. Ken Yokoyama, according to Wikipedia.
  19. The Black Knight in Path of Radiance. You WILL lose if you don't proc Aether enough, which is luck based.
  20. If you can get through the BK fight, I'm sure you'll manage on that other luck based mission. ;)
  21. Maybe watch a playthrough on Youtube? As much as I enjoyed the writing of the game, the gameplay was very punishing. Enemies are always significantly stronger than you and better positioned, to a degree where even superior tactics isn't enough to overcome the challenges.
  22. I don't recall any I dislike, but for my favorites. Player unit: Knoll "In this darkness, I will find peace." NPC: Limstella “I am not human. This mind and body are constructs. Yes, as is this sorrow." I always choke up when I read that.
  23. Yasumi Matsuno, the writer of Tactics Ogre could be a good fit. I appreciated the somber tone of the war in that game. It could be a nice change of pace after the goofiness of Fateswakening.
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