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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I think 2 Daily Orbs + quests/events is a good balance. I've spent all my orbs and don't have any new units I want to build. Now I only log in to use my Dueling Swords and collect the log in bonus. As far as the "orb discount" idea, doubtless it would entice some players but I'm F2P only so it wouldn't matter to me at all (and if they replaced free orbs I'd stop playing completely.)
  2. Effie: Olwen! *Smite* Olwen: Ha! *Reposition*
  3. While I wouldn't say she's a bigot, I thing her outburst is a good enough reason to dislike her in that moment. It's pretty unfortunate characterization for Celica. "Sometimes chicks get mad at you for no reason (or withhold information relevent to their emotional state), just like real life girls, amirite?" Yikes.
  4. Those characters are being saved for the swimsuit banner.
  5. Are people really saying "Echoes is the subseries of Fire Emblem remakes" like it's a fact now? There is no basis to say that IS wants to stay away from marriage and children so they're skipping FE4. Why would they want to skip it when marriage and children made Fates and Awakening so popular and profitable? I don't think FE6&7 need to be in one game either. FE7 has nods to FE6 but its plot stands on its own. I think it would be neat to make a connect Elibe saga, but I wouldn't count on it.
  6. Re: lifespans and quality of life conversation, I wonder if healing staves can cure disease or if they only work on closing wounds. People do die of illness, even high lords like Uther, so we can infer that magical healing isn't perfect. Maybe healing staves are like Phoenix Downs and don't exist (or aren't nearly as effective) outside of gameplay.
  7. Thanks! I'm glad you picked up on the manakete parallel. In the story I was thinking about, the dragons couldn't make Dragon Stones so to avoid their eventual degeneration, they made a deal with humans to seal their power into them instead. It's kind of like a manakete with a dragon form and human form that exist at the same time. Yes, the Rout skill would work like you describe and not like Wings of Mercy of Escape Route. For the lance, do you think " HP ≤ 75%" would be a good to coincide with Desperation and Vantage triggers? I feel like players would just SI a Brave Lance onto her since she's player phase focused anyway, lol. Neat ideas, I especially like Canas' dark magic although I agree with others that Nosferatu would need to be nerfed.
  8. Could be. It might better to make it so it only activates when the enemy HP is under a percentage (like 70%) instead of any amount of damage. But I'm not going to worry too much about theorycrafting for something like this.
  9. What's up with all this "Hector is an incompetent leader" talk? I never got the impression he was bad at his job. Is this just people's headcanon?
  10. Ah, didn't see the Brave Bow. Definitely Swordbreaker then. It gives him 7 more kills than he'd have otherwise.
  11. We have a thread for one-off questions. Anyway, give him Vantage.
  12. For what it's worth, the only definite member on the Team is Blarblade Ursula. Other options are: -Atk, +Def Reinhardt -Atk +HP Elise -HP +Atk Cecilia (no TA available) -Spd +Def Leo Camus when he decided to show up
  13. In my fruitless attempts to get Celica, I managed to get a few Eliwoods, including a +Atk, -Res one. Has anyone tried out the One Punch Wood build? I have the mats for it and was considering making him the red unit on my horse team. Is Xander so much better that it's not even a contest for which would be a good red unit?
  14. That was a breeze with Zephiel, Hector and Effie. I'm kind of glad, considering how hard Xander was for me.
  15. You could do that in PoR if I recall correctly. I'd be 100% open to cavaliers locked to one weapon if they could choose their second weapon upon promotion.
  16. The only reason I'm okay with using the time reversal thing in SoV is because the game can be too tedious to replay.
  17. Hm, I never really thought it was "unfair" that Cavs get 2/3 of the triangle because they still have to train those weapon ranks up. I suppose I could go either way, either keeping armors/cavs locked to one weapon set or make them all have 1 variable weapon.
  18. I feel like I'm the only one who likes Armor Emblem. Lol Yes, they lack range but they can usually survive a ranged hit and then kill on the player phase (best synergy with Dancer support). Even with 1 DC user (Hector is best because of Armads), you can bait and remove most ranged targets before they even get to your other characters. The only problems I had running offensive armor was fast Red mages (let Effie take the hit) and Blade tome users (but who doesn't have trouble with those).
  19. My summoning habbit is to pull exclusively non-focus characters. When I had few units, I did full pulls each time but now that I have competant units in most weapon types, I do target summoning until I get what I want and save the reminder. Even within a single color, there are usually multiple characters I'm missing or skills that I want so it all works out. I stopped pulling colorless after I got Elise and Jaffar.
  20. Actually, with the weapon and A skill, it becomes 80 attack. But never fear! All you need is a +Atk Reinhardt with Death Blow to kill her. EVERYONE has one of those, right? :^)
  21. Fae: Robin! Stop bullying Takumi! Robin: Rejoice, Takumi. You have a little girl to be your shield. Takumi: I want to die. #nobully #blamerobin
  22. Does Armor Emblem count as defensive team building? Because my armor team was getting tons of wins in the arena last season.
  23. My Reinhardt is -Atk too. Luckily Ursula satisfies by Horse Emblem needs. All of the characters I've promoted to 5* were GHB characters because they can't get screwed on their nature. Actually, after Camus comes out, my horse team will be 75% GHB characters.
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