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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I think it's because she spends a huge amount of time outside training and/or fighting on a mission. She even has a lost item that even mentions she spends a lot of time outside. If this is true, I wonder how gnarly her tan lines are. Valkyrie sounds busted af. Think of how good it could have been on units like Linhardt, Ferdinand, Sylvain, Lorenz, and Hanneman. A darn shame. I believe it's Dark Magic Range + 1. In that case, Lysithea can now happily chase after the Death Knight because now she has a horse as well. With the added range, Thrysus, and S in Reason, they won't even need the mount anymore. Truly busted. That being said, Edelgard, Dorothea, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Lysithea, Marianne, Manuela, and Flayn will really be enjoying this class. Dorothea, Manuela, and Flayn will need to overcome a weakness, but once you get this class, you're set. The added range makes Meteor/Bolting users even more deadly, so Dorothea, Manuela, and Hilda may do decently in this class. I know mage!Hilda is a bit of a meme, but it can work in theory. It's probably only viable in a GD run only though.
  2. I would try to get on a swim team a lot earlier than I did. And make more time for my friends.
  3. underrated couple a little less underrated now.
  4. A save state is like a screenshot of a moment of time in your playthrough. If Amelia dies, she dies. The level she gained if you back to the prep screen won't go back with her. The only way for the level to be there is if you had a save state between her level up and her death, and you fix the mistake by altering your strategy to where she would survive.
  5. Yep, but I think it's more of a "forbidden romance" feeling. Like Tale of Two Towns, for example. "Enemy husbando" actually made me think of criminals for some reason, and yes, there's a fetish for that too. There's a couple of notable serial killers that got love letters in prison.
  6. I'm not into otome stuff, but there's quite a few popular tropes. Granted, I don't think there's as many tropes as there are "waifus", but I'm sure we'll find out in this thread sooner or later. Here's a few types I noticed: The Playboy: The guy that will sleep with any hot girl he sees once. However, he changes when he meets our Plain Jane MC because she's a virgin or some shit and we're supposed to believe that a guy that sleeps around a lot has never taken someone's virginity. He probably doesn't have a good relationship with his parents, but desires a strong central support system within his partner. The Sexy Type. Why So Serious?: This fine gentleman is tall, handsome, has a good job, and is excellent at it. Usually the strict boss of the MC. He puts all of his energy into his work and is considered a god among his subordinates. He may have had a lover in the past, but for some reason or another (usually death), they're not together anymore and this has left him scarred. Someone afraid to love that the clumsy MC who's bad at her job somehow does. The Serious Type. The Protector: This guy usually has an occupation involving fighting. The dude is strong. Develops an attachment to the MC that is as strong as his muscles. Can become quite Yandere-like at times, if not, all the time. The most devoted o f the main male leads. Sometimes gets mixed with another trope. The Manly Type. The Rich Asshole: Exactly what his name implies, the MC and this male lead will NOT get along at first. There will be conflict, but mostly one-sided because the power dynamic is not in the girl's favor because she most likely works for the rich asshole. Can be a tsundere type. The Mean Type The Shy Boi: This boy just wants to be alone... until you come along.Tends to enjoy quiet activities like reading, art, or some weird hobby. The strangest of the male leads. Tends to be slimmer and shorter, but not always. The Gentle Type. These are generally the 5 building blocks of husbandos. Play any ShallWeDate? game in an app store and you'll see what I mean. 1. Yes, they're a thing. In general, the audience is mixed on these types of main male leads. It depends on the skill of the author to write a good story. Generally used for younger husbandos. This trope is not as popular with women as it is with men. There's more tsundere girls than tsundere boys? Why? I just don't think the trope appeals to as many women as men. 2. What do you mean by Camus husbandos? Like, someone they can't have? Most commercial webtoons/mangakas try to avoid the possibility of them not getting together since it would piss off a lot of people. If the story takes place like Romeo and Juliet, people can forgive it more easily. 3. Yes there is a couple like that! Not as common as you would think though.
  7. Idea 1: Sorcerer!Owain - Infantry Red Mage Hero!Laslow - Infantry Green Axe Bow Knight!Selena - Cavalry Colorless Bow And for the 4th slot, Idk Mozu as an Infantry Blue Lance? or Cavalry Blue Lance Effie? Idea 2: Raven - Infantry Red Sword Lucius - Infantry Blue Tome (Light) Priscilla - Calvary Green Tome Idk who for the Colorless spot. I want it to be Serra or Matthew, but I feel like they could be on a separate banner. Staff Nino could've worked, but I think people don't want any more Ninos for now. Idea 3: Last night I had a dream that SERRA got a mount on promotion, so you know what? Screw it. She's getting a mount for her highly self. Serra - Calvary Blue Tome Matthew - Infantry Green Dagger Pent - Calvary Red Tome (he should probably be infantry, but you know what screw it. I like the idea of Pent on a horse.) Louise - Infantry Colorless Bow Basically, I want all of the Gen 1 3-4 stars to get a real chance in the sunshine, since a lot of them never got the glory they deserve.
  8. In general, I like the Seal Skills. Are all of the equally useful? Nope. Seal Defense and Seal Speed are on a completely different level than Seal Res, but they all have their uses and can be helpful. Situationally useful for Seal Mov.
  9. Are they only sold in packs? Or can I buy one or two key chains individually?
  10. What game is it? I've heard a couple of rumors but I'm not sure.
  11. If you like JRPGs in general, you may like this one. I haven't played it and not sure if I will since I don't have a lot of time these days. If it interests you and you want to play it, I say buy it from a store that will allow you to return it if you ended up not liking it as much as you thought you would. It's not like FE or SMT, but if you love references then you would probably appreciate it. IIt's probably not a bad game, but it's probably not for everyone. BUT if you want to try it, go for it.
  12. I always forget Mark exists. They're such a non entity that they're pretty easy to forget. I wouldn't miss them if they were removed, but if they want to have an avatar because avatar, then I hope they don't get too much added screentime. FE7 has a large main cast (the 3 lords + the dragon siblings), so we're already pressed for dialogue time.
  13. FE7 (Elibe in general) has one of the biggest gaps between lord popularity and the rest of the cast. The first year 3-4 star units definitely need love, since they have been powercreeped to hell and back and not all of them provide good fodder. It's really strange too, because the characters I mentioned are inherently unpopular, especially the Awakening Fates Trio + Raven, Lucius, and Priscilla are fairly well loved by Elibe fans. I hope they can get some alts this year. I would prefer promoted versions, but I'd be happy with a seasonal too. I hope they don't get the resplendent treatment, but I'm not sure if those 6 will get it.
  14. I would love another level to be like RD Part 2 Endgame - Elincia's Gambit. There was proper buildup to this battle and it truly felt like there were stakes put on the line. Although the best thing about the battle was that there was plenty to do and there's different ways to play it. If you just want to hold chokepoints, you can do that. If you want to defend until the Crimean Knights come in as backup, you can do that. If you want to defeat Ludveck, you can do that. If you want to get some great items, you can also do that. This level also utilized the elevation mechanic as well, allowing the player to play around with different parts of the map.
  15. Disappointed the the mage cavalry class was Valkyrie instead of Mage Knight. How this ruined my plans for characters like Hubert, Linhardt, Lorenz, and Sylvain. How annoying. I was planning on promoting them into that class. At least Edelgard, Lysithea, Marianne, Hapi, Coco, Annette, and Dorothea will get some mileage out of Valkyrie. Maybe Hilda too if I decide to be really creative. I like Dark Fliers, but I wish it was Malig Knight instead as well. After the recent CYL results, something tells me this year will be dominated by Three Houses characters. I think the only reason we didn't get too many last year is because they weren't sure who would be popular or not.
  16. What's your playstyle? Will you grind a lot or just pick up the children when they become available? And do you have an idea of what classes you want these units to be? Regardless, Chrom x Sumia will have fixed inheritance IIRC- they [Lucina and Cynthia] both get aether. If you grind Sumia, she could learn galeforce and pass that down to her daughters. If you don't grind, Rally Speed and Movement are both useful so take your pick. For Vaike x Maribelle, you probably want to make Brady a War Monk. If you're not grinding, Wrath and Sol may be decent skills for Brady from Vaike. Meanwhile, Maribelle won't pass down too useful, Demoiselle and Rally Resistance may be useful since they are a female-only skill (because the class it's tied to is like that.) If you're grinding, Axefaire won't be a bad option (if he's going to be a war monk) and Dual Support from Maribelle may come in handy. For Lon'qu x Olivia, Inigo has access to some very good skills. If you're not grinding, try to pass down Astra and Lethality from both parents (one goes swordmaster and the other assassin). Olivia's dancer skills won't be too good for inheritance except maybe Luck +4, but you're better off reclassing her for better skills to pass down. In a non-grinding run, reclass her to a Myrmidon and promote her to whatever class Lon'qu isn't. In a grinding run, reclass her to a Pegasus Knight instead, promote to Dark Flier, and pass down Galeforce. For Gregor x Cordelia, Gregor is the same class line as Severa, so just promote Severa into the class she won't be. I recommend going Hero!Gregor and Bow Knight!Severa that way Severa can gain Sol earlier. Reclassing either one of them for other skills is a good option as well. As for Cordelia, it's the same situation as Sumia. Severa is one of the strongest children, so she's not as reliant on skill activation as the others. For Kellam x Sully, Kellam is the same class line as Kjelle, so just promote Kjelle into whatever Kellam isn't. Since all 3 of them can become a Great Knight, be careful not to make some overlap. If you're not grinding, Defender and Outdoor Fighter are good skills for Kjelle. Kjelle will already know Indoor Fighter, so she will always have Avo +10 regardless of the map. If you're grinding, Pavise (General!Kellam) and Aegis (Paladin!Kjelle) would be great on a Great Knight!Kjelle. For Gaius x Lissa, both Gaius and Owain can learn Lethality on their own. So make sure you don't make them both assassins unless you just love the class. Lucky Seven is also not a bad skill for Gaius to pass down, and can help turn Owain into a dodge tank. I'd recommend Lethality so Owain can become a Swordmaster instead. For Lissa, Miracle and Rally Luck should suffice. If you're grinding, Renewal or Dual Support. For Virion x Cherche, Virion can pass down Prescience and Hit Rate +20, which is useful for Gerome since axes aren't the most reliable weapon type. Gerome shares his class with his mama, so just make him the other option than what she is. If you're grinding, be sure he gets one of the -breaker skills. I noticed you put a question mark next to this couple. If you're unsure about this pairing, might I suggest you switch Vaike and Virion? Virion is a good father for Brady and Vaike is a good father for Gerome. For Stahl x Panne, pass down Luna from Stahl. Luna is really good and Yarne needs all the help he can get. For Panne, you may want to reclass her into something else and save the uses of her beaststone. I recommend going for Assassin so she can pass down Lethality. Going the Wyvern Rider route isn't a bad idea either, Deliverer will make him a really good pair up bot and the -breaker skills are always nice. For Ricken x Miriel, they both have the same class as Laurent. I'd actually recommend reclassing Ricken into the cavalier line so he can promote into a Great Knight and snag Luna. And then you could make Miriel whatever class you're not going to make Laurent. Miriel can also reclass into a Sorcerer, so she can pass down Vengeance as well. Tomefaire and Lifetaker are really good if you're grinding. For Donnel x Nowi, Aptitude is great on any unit, and Nah is no exception. He could also pass down Sol if he becomes a Hero. For Nowi, you may want to do the same thing as Panne and reclass her into something else. She has access to the Mage and Wyvern Rider class lines. Without too much grinding, Slow Burn, Quick Burn, and Deliverer would be great. If you're grinding a lot, I recommend Lifetaker the most. For Henry x Tharja, they're going to make a magical Noire. Noire will most likely need to reclass to a Dark Mage in order to be useful. The problem with that is that both of her parents are dark mages as well, so there's not too much skill variety. Henry and Tharja should reclass in my opinion, with Henry reclassing into an Assassin for Lethality and Tharja reclassing into a Great Knight for Luna. You could keep one of them in their original class line and pass down Vengeance so Noire can go into Dark Knight.
  17. I'd rather not combine them. They weren't intended to be combined. FE4 and 5 are vastly different in terms of scale, unit variety, map objectives, etc. I also don't like the idea of FE6 and FE7 being combined because I'd imagine it will go through development hell. There's not much overlap between either 2 anyways. How does it not seem like a smart decision to keep two entries separated like they already are? I think people forget how big FE7 and FE6 are by themselves and how long it would take for development to make them. Expecting 2 games in 1 package for the price of 1 game doesn't seem fair to the developers. FE12 works similarly to Shadow Dragon. They could just make the second screen similar to how other older entries have done it. Although I would be happy if they ported the older games and localized the old ones as well.
  18. I'd transform into one of those singing fish that all grandparents seem to have for some reason. Reference: Why? Because I've always wanted to be good at singing. My parents are tone deaf, but all of my siblings have decent voices. BUT guess who decided to take after their parents.
  19. I've heard rumors that a Path of Radiance Echoes may be in the works, and I wouldn't be opposed to that. I think FE4 or 6 would need the remake more, but I'd be happy with a Tellius remake/remaster. My current disc isn't the best and near the end of its life anyways. I also voted for a brand new title, mainly one that takes place in Fodlan. Fodlan had quite a bit of worldbuilding and there's plenty of places we haven't explored yet. I'm curious about the other countries such as Dagda, Almyra, and Morfis. I feel like it would be interesting to learn more about those countries. Fodlan itself has a long history, and has plenty of prequel material to work with. A spin-off like Warriors could also be a fun idea, if it's with the right idea. I'm not too keen on a crossover with another game series though, since the SMT one was sort of... questionable. (Not that TMS#FE is a bad game, just weird, especially considering the two series it came from.) I think the Civ series would be a good one to crossover with FE though. As for other, I wouldn't mind HD ports of the 3DS games to the Switch library. Just clean up the models and textures a bit and I think they could be fun on the Switch.
  20. I've seen a lot of love for her on reddit and many people use her catchphrase "I'm your girl" or some variation of it. That being said, it's not indicative of the entire membership of the r/fireemblem nor is the reddit indicative of the entire fandom. I would say in terms of popularity, she's middleground. I've seen no one hate her, but I haven't seen people says she's their favorite so I guess she could be considered "underrated". I do feel like she's overlooked here on SF though.
  21. Oh it's definitely a percentage to be very concerned about. The only thing they can do is move some of the staff from the mobile game to the mainline series. Gacha games don't age well unless they're FGO or Granblue Fantasy. It's impressive it's still active. Had they been more generous, probably more people would've stuck around. I've been F2P since the start, although I might buy the pass for one month if it's a character I seriously adore.
  22. Sadly it does. You reminded me of the women who would write love letters to serial killers in prison. If anyone here is confused about their feelings for someone (this is not directed at Eclipse), it is not your job to "fix" someone. Unless you're a therapist who's supposed to help someone out with their mental issues, don't put that burden on yourself. Make sure they seek professional help and ask the professional on what you can do support them appropriately. Now back to the topic at hand, I really love that there's no overrated Church characters. Seteth, Rhea, and Shamir are the most popular ones, and they deserve it. They were fleshed out well in my opinion. I don't think he's the first NPC to have a large following. See 3-13 Archer from Radiant Dawn. I know other game series have a generic character that people just seem to love for some reason. It helps that the Gatekeeper has a catchphrase and popular VA behind them.
  23. There's no stat a forged weapon can fix. Well, there's no forged weapon that can't patch up someone's strength or accuracy. For Three Houses, I would say STR is slightly more important since supports can raise your hit rate. But crits sure are tempting to say DEX.
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