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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Hmmm that may be it. I wonder how the translator mixed that up. This makes the exclusion of Hubert and Dedue weirder, because they don't like having their Master out of their sight. Not that I don't mind the current students they picked. Linhardt and Ashe are better for a more balanced team. Only Dark Flier was revealed to be genderlocked in the datamine. Although the mounted mage class had a note that said "female-only?" so it's unclear if this one is. I surely hope it isn't, as this changes my plans on who gets to be this class. Hubert isn't good in most of the classes in the game, and his skill set would've synergized nicely with what this class has (built-in Fiendish Blow, so you can go Dark Mage before this, 2x Dark Magic, and a horse). If it is genderlocked, I wonder if I should go with Flysithea or Horsithea. I'm tempted to go Horsithea.
  2. Paladin is much more defense-oriented this time around than previous games. I'd rather have Dimitri tank than the other characters listed in the attacking role. He and Edelgard are both potent attackers, probably stronger than the people in the actual attacking role. Aegis, the Paladin skill, is great in this game and is enough to warrant Dimitri as a great enemy phase unit. That's my reasoning for putting him there. He can go either way. Plus I wanted more people in the defense column. Sniper is an offensive role, so I put him an offense. Although Ashe is probably better off being a support/utility unit (Lara 2.0 for thief dancer!), but bow users in this game are so good I consider the Archer line to be offensive. I'm not sure how many chests will be in this new mode, so Ashe may get moved down to utility if he's more useful there. But Yuri also fills that role. Mage Knight or Valkyrie, I think we're both referring to the same thing. We don't know what the class is called yet. I'm personally hoping for Mage Knight/Strategist because Valkyrie implies it's gender locked to females and I don't want that. Mainly because I would like to put Hubert, Hanneman, and Linhardt in this class.
  3. If you like JRPGs, I would recommend it. It's like a mixture of FE and a classic JRPG and I find it enjoyable. I was replaying it not too long ago actually. The villagers (though limited) do give some replayability and it's fun trying out different combinations.
  4. Swordmaster For everyone else's classes Yuri - Trickster Balthus - War Monk Coco - Dark Flier Hapi - Mage Knight (?) Edelgard - Fortress Knight Linhardt - Bishop Dimitri - Paladin Ashe - Sniper Claude - Wyvern Rider Hilda - Warrior I wonder if these classes will be their permanent classes or not. We may start in intermediate and then class change into these classes halfway through. It's a party that covers everything we might need: Defense: Edelgard, Dimitri Physical Attackers: Balthus, Claude, Hilda, Ashe, Byleth Magical Attackers: Coco, Hapi Support: Yuri, Linhardt,
  5. In past CYL I mainly voted for refreshers I like. Since most of them are in now, I'll probably vote for Laylea, Lara, Elphin, Nils, and Rafiel, since they're the last ones remaining IIRC. I'll probably use my remaining votes for characters like Pent, Louise, Charlotte, and Noire. I know none of these characters won't win but I would like a normal version of them to get in the game. Or maybe I'll vote for a 3H character, idk. I guess I can add Dorothea to the list of refreshers. Slightly off topic, but if we're gonna get alts, I would like it if it was the 3 and 4 star units from the first year. Laslow, Odin, Selena, Raven, Priscilla, and Lucius need some redemption. I would prefer their alts to be a promoted form of themselves too, so think Sorcerer Odin, Hero Laslow, Bow Knight Selena, Hero Raven, Valkyrie Priscilla, and Bishop Lucius. They all get a new color type this way as well.
  6. It's a bit sad that Hubert and Dedue don't get more playtime, but I think they chose the characters they did to play off their personalities more. Dedue and Hubert are a bit flatter than the rest of the cast unfortunately. Although this could've been an opportunity to flesh them out a bit more. I got it from the tweet. When you let Twitter translate it (which isn't good, but something), it specifically mentions "one non-supervisor student". At first I thought it was Lorenz, but he doesn't play the role that the other advising students do. The advising students are seen conversing with the lord at certain chapters and Hilda is always in that spot over Lorenz. Hilda also gives out the sidequests that Hubert and Gilbert would give out in Part 2. In the chapter 6 when the Lord is taking Manuela to the infirmary, Hubert, Dedue, and Hilda are the ones leading the charge. Hilda's role in Part 2 in a non-GD route has her heavily associated with him and Lorenz is not. Hilda is the closest Claude has to an advisor. Although I would like Lorenz to play a bigger role, I found him to act more like the Lord's "rival/dissenter" a la Ferdinand and Felix. Claude doesn't have an advisor, and I think it's to reflect how he just came to the Alliance not too long ago so he hasn't really gotten one yet. Plus, it also reflects the Alliance's more independent culture.
  7. Is this thread intended with spoilers in mind? Because saying my theories on the subject will involve it. I'm trying to remember a comment from Reddit from someone claiming they had a Chinese mother (because this is also a proverb in Chinese). Flower, Moon, Wind, Snow has many meanings. First, it's a reflection of the seasons, which is the most well known interpretation. But it's also a phrase about love, and it's not the most positive meaning. The term is used to describe a love affair that's debaucherous or empty. How young people move on from one relationship to the next without much thought. Their partners change like the seasons do. It also represents how love blooms, blossoms, begins to fade, and eventually dies, which describes that life cycle of a failed relationship. It also relates to the time of the game. Student life is supposed to be fun and lighthearted, but becomes much more serious and somber after the timeskip. Overall, this phrase reflects the tone of the game as well as the most important relationship in it (imo). The colors coordinate to their house colors (white being the Church's), except for Golden Deer. It's probably Verdant because
  8. In the Japanese tweet, it mentions that beside each lord, there is one non-advising student alongside them. So I'm taking this as meaning no Hubert or Dedue. Funnily enough, Hilda, who's the closest thing to a GD advisor to Claude, is in the lineup. Hilda stays winning in 2020. She gets all the screentime benefits of the advisor role without the biggest repercussion for it (DLC inclusion). IS is really working that loophole lol. I can see why they would want her though -- she's very popular. Personality-wise, the students they chose make sense. Linhardt sneaks into the catacombs and stuff at the time. He would probably find it an interesting field study for his research. He would much rather do that instead of train. Ashe makes sense because he loves reading books about knights and adventures. He probably sees this trip as one grand adventure of his own. Hilda makes sense despite her laziness. Hilda has shown multiple times in the game (especially in Part 1 when this takes place) that she's interested on keeping tabs of high-profile students. Plus, I'm sure she would much rather explore than study or train. It could also be a situation where she simply picked what she thought was a lesser evil. To me, other students that would probably be interested in doing this are: Ferdinand (because he will take any opportunity to compete with Edelgard), Hubert (to protect Edelgard), Dedue (to protect Dimitri), Ingrid (same reason as Ashe), and Ignatz (he's a bit of a history buff).
  9. Great examples btw! It was an interesting read. I also agree with your mother about the "Childhood-friend" romances. They're tropey and as someone who has a couple of childhood friends, it's hard to think about them in anything more or less of a familial context-- like a sister. Alm and Celica's romance definitely felt forced and could've used more buildup. Now back to the topic- Byleth and Edel do complement each other pretty well. The funny thing is that I just don't like pairing either of them. Neither of them are romance-driven characters and don't really have any romantic supports. All 3 Lords don't have a lot of romantic supports, but at least Dimitri and Claude have a couple of people they have good romantic chemistry with. (Funnily enough, Marianne is a good match for both of them imo)
  10. Oh nice. These aren't too bad tbh. It reminds me of the preorder pins from Gamestop. Thanks for the links.
  11. Out of all the students, it seems Edelgard had a particular fondness for Byleth. She clearly looks up to him, and the game makes it a point to put them together a lot. Like the painting scene was supposed to make Edelgard seem more endearing and functioned as a "cute moment" for the couple. Plus, she's romanceable by either gender. Plus, out of all the Lords, she understands Byleth (the character) the most and tries to help him. The CF ending is special because of what happens to Byleth and this effect doesn't happen to Byleth in other routes. I'm not a fan of shipping Byleth though, as I felt that every other character had a stronger connection/chemistry with another character. Edelgard comes closest to having the most chemistry with him, but she's not a romantic character in the first place. So I don't mind them together. Sadly, all the people I was personally drawn to (Hilda, Felix, Dorothea, and Ferdinand Von Aegir) all had better support chains with other people. Although an unhappy marriage is a bit of a sad ending for a Lord character, he is royalty and has to do what's best for the people. RL royals were always in arranged marriages and hardly married someone they loved. Alm would probably be happiest with Clair, but oh well.
  12. I thought Edelgard would've been a better rep- she doesn't have a blueish hair color and wields an axe instead of a sword. Byleth is important in every single route, but so is Edelgard. Edelgard is also among the most recognizable of the cast. Oh well, what's done is done. If they wanted to add in an FE character without salt, that would have been impossible. Although I sometimes wonder if they could add in Dorothea or Lysithea as an echo fighter of Zelda. I also wonder how a popular non-lord character would be received. For example, Hilda would've gotten salt, but due to her popularity and design, she may have won some people over. Sakurai was definitely trolling lmao.
  13. I can see it like that. Midir can be pretty timid (tbh, his characterization is all over the place across mediums). But I can see him saying it's you or me nervously while Lester says it in a cocky fashion.
  14. If it works for the characters, sure why not. However, it may be a bit weird for a lighthearted character like Lester to have the same line as someone who doesn't have the same personality, like Chulainn. Maybe they can have the same lines as the predestined fathers?
  15. I wonder how much lore this side story will explore. The voice is most likely the 38 (?) year old man. I don't know who else the voice could belong to, since they don't sound familiar. I'm not too sure about the Cichol girl. She could've been a placeholder enemy or something. She had the same stats as Ferdie, no?
  16. Somebody had to be the wind mages. Too bad this isn't FE4 where wind magic is great. What a world we live in where thunder is the best magic and wind is the worst.
  17. Jeralt is definitely a good choice. I would love to see him in action and maybe see some supports? I can see Rhea for a couple of big maps as well. They already have stats and everything. Seems like a waste not to. Also curiously enough, the Spanish title of this DLC is not Cindered Shadows. It's "En la boca del lobo" or "The mouth of the wolf". Probably just to relate to the mascot of this campaign. Funny how Hilda is the leading voice in the trailer. It's a bit sad that her VA, Salli Saffioti doesn't seem to care too much about Hilda lol. I don't expect voice actors to love or connect with every role they do, but it's funny how massively popular Hilda is and she doesn't even know probably.
  18. Italicizing the parts I find the most interesting. Thanks for sharing this btw. I've heard this on Reddit and I'm glad to see someone else mention it. (unless that was you on Reddit too) 1. Doesn't follow the month/mission structure of the main game- thank goodness I'm reading this as no monotonous Monastery wandering. So it sounds like the structure will be more similar to a classic FE game. This means that this story probably won't feature a time skip either. I wonder how the class system would work. Will they have set roles or can we still customize the class paths? Since this story will most likely be shorter, I assume Master classes won't be necessary/obtainable and Advanced Classes will be the last tier? Hmmm. 2. No additional recruits- Interesting. If we're given a set army, are we getting all 24 students and the faculty? Or are we getting a couple of people from each house? I think I would be happiest getting 2-3 reps from each house, so we get 9 normal students + Byleth + 3-4 Faculty members (Shamir, Catherine, and Alois maybe?) + 4 DLC characters. This will give us 17 playable characters and most maps require 10, so this will allow us some freedom to choose who we want as well as encourage us to use the new characters. 3. Said to be a little tougher- this is a great thing since Hard Mode isn't actually all that hard. Although I wonder if the gimmicks will be more annoying than actually difficult. Also, looking at the lineup they've given us so far- Edelgard, Claude, and Hilda... they have given us Top Tier characters to take on this mode. Is it hard even with them? Or will they make it easy like they're able to do in their paths? Also, I do hope they get Timeskip designs, but I'm not sure if they will. Balthus is already more mature, so I'm not sure if he would look any different. Coco, Yuri, and Hapi are all young, but so is Jeritza and his appearance didn't change much (but he did get a new face sprite). Jeritza is arguably considered faculty and isn't really a student. These 4 are in a weird place- they're not really students, but I wouldn't call them "faculty" either. They don't appear to be associated with the Knights of Seiros since their color scheme is different. Byleth seems to play a mentor role to them, so maybe they are categorized with the students more? I hope so, since they'll most likely want to take the 10th slot on your roster in the main game (Balthus for VW, Hapi for AM, Yuri for SS, and Coco for CF).
  19. What's the year cutoffs? I think it's 1995/96, but I've also heard 2000. I'm born in '98, so I guess that makes me a Zoomer, right?
  20. Even if they're not entirely accurate, it's always fun to look at these things. I've known my family was made up of German, Portuguese, Spanish (Spain and Mexico), and Russian ethnicities, but I was really surprised at how little Portuguese this test said we were and how much Native Mexican I apparently had (Native Sonoran to be specificm -- I don't have a lot, but since I'm pretty much a mutt, it was my 4th biggest ethnicity). I definitely had what my father had (who took the test the year before), but I was still surprised at what percentages I got from him. I think you should do it. You may have some other ethnic Chinese group that may not be Han at all! Could be interesting to see.
  21. He's pretty chill until you hear "LET ME PAINT YOU A PICTURE!"
  22. lmao can't say I was expecting this. Perhaps the true Farfetched banner is the friends we made along the way.
  23. Not sure if I posted in this topic yet, but Hilda in CF, especially if you played GD beforehand. She tells you she doesn't understand how people could put their lives on the line for a cause and then 5 years later she does that exact thing. Flayn and Seteth are also pretty sad.
  24. And you can't even tell it's the same voice. When I said I liked how she sang in her Annette voice, it was a compliment.
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