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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. This banner is usually my least favorite of the alts so I'm not too thrilled about it in the first place. That being said, I'll still be mad if Est isn't on this since Catria was on it the first time around, then Palla, and now it's Est's turn.
  2. I don't think the caps hurt the mounted units too badly. I forgot about the seraph knights and Marcia is also a good lance user. Sentinels do have their perks though and it doesn't hurt to bring along one. I forgot enemies actually have resistance in this game, even armor knights. That being said, Ilyana can still do more damage than Vika and has a better chance of getting a critical hit (if she can manage to hit). Vika will always struggle to do damage, and she can rescue only when she's transformed. Hence, I think Ilyana should be placed higher than Vika on your Part 1 tier list without transfer bonuses. Ilyana can contribute more than Vika can. A minor advantage is just enough to edge her over Aran if they were neck-and-neck.
  3. Has anyone else played the new Langrisser? I palyed the demo and I'm enjoying it! I do wish they got different sprites when they promote into different classes though.
  4. I pretty much agree with this list. I would put Ilyana over Vika in the without transfer list because Ilyana has better availability and can do effective damage against armor units. Vika's most useful thing to do is save civilians in a swamp. Tbh it's really difficult to gauge who's the best Sentinel in the game because Nephenee's fanbase is much larger than her contemporaries. It's hard for me to say since my personal experience isn't necessarily reflective of the RD meta. However, I am tempted to say Nephenee as well since Aran's availability takes a hit after Part 1 and is difficult for him to catch up if he's not properly leveled. Nephenee's availability is better. Danved has the worst availability imo. Aran can reach great heights though if he's used properly. But to be brutally honest, the Sentinel is only an ok class. The lance wielders that would be strongest in end-game would probably be Geoffrey, Jill, or some other mounted unit (Oscar?). That's just my personal experience though.
  5. S: Camilla and Elise - the royals are all overpowered except Hinoka A: Effie - great availability and is great at what she does B: Beruka, Selena, and Peri - Beruka is in a great class and Selena is a versatile unit you can dip in Hero to gain some strength and then reclass into Bow Knight for utility and style. Under normal circumstances, Peri wouldn't be high on a tier list due to the amount of cavs in Conquest but for a girls-only run, she'll be here bc she's actually a good unit. C:. Nyx, Charlote, and Flora - Nyx is a glass canon. She's not a bad unit (she's not Odin!), but once you promote Elise it's hard to justify Nyx's niche. Charlotte would be a great unit if her availability was better or her starting level was higher. I usually give her the paragon scroll and she turns out great, but my personal experience should not be considered for a list like this. Flora is also a great unit, just with bad availability.
  6. I'll say this first one loud enough for the people in the back: LITTLE KING'S STORY: omg I just love this game. From the story to the soundtrack of remade classical pieces to the characters and to the wacky, crazy world they live in. The gameplay is a lot like Pikmin, except you're controlling your loyal subjects in your campaign to be King of the Continent. There's a lot to do and I always find myself coming back to it. Radiata Stories: A game ahead of its time. Periodt. The entire Rune Factory Series: yes, the entire series is a gem. The first few games are rough around the edges, but this is a series where you see noticeable improvement every title. They just released a special edition of Rune Factory 4 for the switch and I'm planning to get it once I get my birthday money. Lastly, I don't like saying games from big name IPs, but Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: I don't know why, this game just gets me every time. The best FF OST feel free to @ me I won't back down.
  7. Oh looks like this thread has a snazzy little star next to it. Sweet. I've been doing some research on this series and I can see why one doesn't finish it- it has at least 5 different campaigns? There's a lot going on. This one has 6, but maybe the writing and the characters can entice you to finish at least one or two of the campaigns. This series is very comparable to Tactics Ogre! Tactics Ogre fans may be interested in this game. Can't say for certain though.
  8. It depends on the woman! Short hair looks good on some women while others look better with longer hair. Have you ever seen a girl who normally wears her hair a certain length and then changes it by cutting and adding extensions? And then liked it more? But tbh, my personal taste is short hair. Like a nice bob or something. I always thought Larum would have short hair if she wore it down. Being right at her shoulders. It's hard to tell with her hairstyle because it's something that's achievable for both long hair and short hair. I'm tempted to say short, due to how some of her hair that's not tied up is relatively short. Marisa counts as long, imo.
  9. So I came across this while trying to keep up with videogame-related news- Brigandine: Legend of Runeseria. Since I haven't seen a post about this yet (I apologize if there was- I've seen a lot of mention of it though!). Brigandine is another old SRPG like FE and Langrisser, but seems to have been almost forgotten. A sequel, Legend of Runeseria has been announced since September (why am I hearing about this now?). So let's get to the game. There's strife in the continent of Runeseria, and you will help guide it to unification. There's 6 factions to choose from, each with their own leader, set of characters, ideals, and histories. Each force seems to have around 14 unique characters you can choose from? Think that's a low number? Well this is where it differentiates itself from other SRPGs- you can create and control monsters to aid you in battle. Monsters can do a variety of things as well, such as fly and swim. The only SRPG that I've seen that in is Disgaea, but "monster" units in that game functioned very similarly to normal "demon" units. (there's one big difference in what they can do, but that's for a Disgaea thread. Disgaea 6 when?) This game is also fought on a hexagonal grid, like Berwick Saga. What really caught my eye was the art style. It reminds me of the Baten Kaitos games, a series I grew up with. It seems like they're trying to evoke a more high fantasy feel with the design of their characters and world building. I also like how the graphics also go with the art style. I'm not sure if I would say I'm hyped just yet, but I am very interested. If you're a fan of this series, please feel free to DM more info. I'm not the most knowledgeable about this series, so I can't do the explanation justice. Check out the website here or watch the trailer below
  10. Did you read the article where the writer strongly implied that only for it to not be true. I think that's why a lot of people were so upset at the situation, personally.
  11. Sad they may have to cancel the event, but since most people that are interested in this event can't make it anyway, the physical aspect isn't a big deal. A digital E3 is totally do-able. All the companies can just post their new trailers on their channels and just have a small portion of reporters come to their company office to play the game out and do the PR work. That being said, I wonder if we'll get any FE news. There's been rumors of a new Echoes title floating around and I wonder if they'll reveal they're working on a new project. Since Koei handled the animations for Three Houses, I wonder what the team at IS have been doing.
  12. Not so much a challenge, but interesting handicaps you can follow: Weakness run: Can only train characters in what they're weak in. Thus, they have to promote characters into classes that specialize what they're weak in. (Think Dark Knight!Caspar and Swordmaster!Mercedes, for example). Color run: Can only use colors that go with the house color in their generic armor design. Since there may not be enough characters wearing that color, you can use similar colors as well. For example, Felix will always have blue armor regardless of class. Meanwhile Sylvain has black armor. You can use Felix in AM because Blue is the Blue Lions color, but you can't use Sylvain because his colors don't go with it. CF colors [Red, White(bc it has red accents), Maroon(appears brown on men, pink on women), Purple, Black]. SS colors [White, Red, Maroon] AM colors [Blue, Green, Purple] VW colors [Yellow, Green, Maroon]. Heritage Run: Characters have to use weapons that reflect what their country is known for. Want more diversity? Gotta recruit other students. Adrestian students should train in magic and be in a magic wielding class. Faerghus students need to be in a class associated with knighthood (calvary and armor knights), and Alliance students need to be in a class that specializes in bows (archer and thief class lines). Foreign students (Petra, Dedue, and a very obvious VW character) don't necessarily have to follow this rule, BUT they need to be in a class that their country may be associated with. You never fight a Brigid character other than Petra, and she comes as an assassin usually. IIRC she mentioned that flying mounts like wyvern are not seen in Brigid, so she can't be a flying class. You do fight people from Duscur, and they're usually brawlers or brigands. You can pick either class for Dedue. For the certain VW character, they meet the regulation of both heritages in their canon class. Byleth, Shamir, and Anna are free units (well Anna isn't technically free, but you know what I mean), since Dagda doesn't have a set heritage class that we know of and Byleth is a mercenary with no strong ties to any one nation in particular. Remember that the faculty has origins too! This may not be too hard since most house members are good/neutral at what their house does, but you're going to want to drop the weaker characters off and exchange them for characters that will come with a different class. If you want to place further restrictions on yourself, put a recruitment cap or max character cap. In general, most playthroughs don't need more than 15 characters, so that's usually a good cap to set it.
  13. You start singing Dorothea's "Hail the Mighty Edelgard" in the shower.
  14. Yeahhhhhhhh..... I don't know how to do that without breaking it. So...... never......
  15. Yuri, Balthus, and Coco are all former students. However, you can still tutor them. Yuri and Coco were GM students in recent years as well (no more than 3). I personally believe that Balthus must have been classmates with Holst, but after graduation, traveled around accruing debt.
  16. Nostalgia for some, memes for others.
  17. Archanea: Talys! It's iconic and the right size for a FEW map. Jugdral: Ch.4 (Dance in the Skies - Silessia)- there aren't too many snowy/wintery maps in FE, so this could be a nice contrast to the other maps. Plus, it's a map that has a lot going on in the first place. Elibe: Maybe Castle Ostia? There's also some fun gimmicks I could see them doing with FE6's Ch 11A (Hero of the Western Isles - the map Larum + Echidna are recruited) Magvel: Maybe the chapter you battle Selena in Ephraim's route? (Fluorspar's Oath) Tellius: ELINCIA'S GAMBIT. There's so much you can do with that level. You could be doing defenses, you could order your allies to hold the keep while you go behind enemy lines, or you could come in at the bottom like Geoffrey's group does. There's so many ways that map can be used tbh. Valentia: Nuibaba's Manor could be cool. A nighttime map with a bunch of creepity creeps hanging around. Fodlan: There's so many good choices tbh, but I like the idea of Enbarr. Cities are great for Musou games because you can really play around with pathways and such.
  18. You get her as early as Chapter 12? Impressive. I usually try to wait until after Chapter 19 so I can use the offspring seals. I know people like pairing Elise with Odin because of how great Ophelia turns out, but something has to be said for Elise!Nina. I also agree with your support decision. Niles isn't pervy in that support which is a relief considering who he's talking to.
  19. Those aren't "canon". Canon means they will always be together no matter what. An example of a "canon pairing" would be Pent and Louise, Calill and Largo, Marth and Caeda, etc. What you listed are non-canon, but possible pairings. This is the most common type in Fire Emblem. Sorry for the explanation, I just wanted to address it. Funny you say Cordelia x Robin, as that's my planned pairing for my current Awakening run. Not to mention Elise!Nina turns out to be really great and she can become a fantastic Adventurer or a Shining Bow Knight.
  20. Astram x Midia - Archanea doesn't have a lot of popular pairings, but I think this couple is definitely underrated, even for Archanea standards. Ced x Tine - He really inspires confidence in her and goes with her personal shrinking violet arc she had going on in FE4. Fir x Noah - I thought it was cute. Noah in general is overlooked as a unit, partly due to how good Alan, Lance, and Perceval are. Guy x Priscilla - yes I know they have a sad ending but I genuinely enjoyed their romance. Calill x Largo - I really like their dynamic. They don't get married, but they have an arrangement where they both raise their adopted daughter Amy. It's a more "modern" relationship and I think it's refreshing to see. Love doesn't have to necessarily follow a traditional pattern, even for a straight couple. I'd second Virion x anyone because his supports are generally good and he's actually a good father stats and inheritance-wise believe it or not. He's the Naoise of Awakening. Hilda x Ignatz - Ok, here me out. They're both creative people, but both of their art mediums deal with the concept of beauty. I really like how Ignatz sees Hilda as his muse, given how much he talks about making a beautiful goddess painting. Plus, they're two of the only students that don't want to be enrolled at Garreg Mach initially. Neither one of them wanted to be trained in the art of warfare at all and felt pressured by their families to do it. I'll spoiler tag the details about their ending, but let's just say the outcome will make them feel very satisfied. Plus Iggy is short and needs a short girl.
  21. For Yuri, might I recommend Dancer? Yes, he has a Riding bane which makes +1 MOV unlikely or not worth it. But his relic is something that could help him, giving him an extra piece of movement as well as Canto. And if he's the dancer, he's the unit that would utilize that kind of relic the most. I would also consider making him a Sniper with a Magic Bow, which could make a good hybrid attacker. For Balthus, he could also make a good Hero, since he has the strengths for it. Mortal Savant would also work well with him. For Coco, Gremory is a good option for her, but I think Valkyrie is too. Valkyrie is a great class in general, but it will certainly help Coco out. For Hapi, you can afford to be experimental with her build. I would advise not to go the flying route (except Dark Flier) because fliers need special flying battalions and raising her authority high enough to use them may be a challenge.
  22. With the new DLC out, I can see Edelgard working fabulously as a Valkyrie since it gives her Dark Magic a boost as well.
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