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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I'm getting really excited for the new characters. Here's a list of all the links regarding them:Initial Datamine: Some Backstory and Theories regarding the mystery crests: Spell Lists: In summary (this is a theory):
  2. It sounds interesting in theory, but it may be a little too edgy for my tastes. Depends on the execution of it though. I'm happy that FE16 turned out to be 3H. I did like the idea of the Fire Emblem being a sundial, that is an interesting thing for it to be. The day/night cycle could also be an interesting mechanic.
  3. I nominate Hilda and Leonie. (Hilda would be a Hufflepuff while Leonie would be a Gryffindor.) Hilda gets access to Bolting at A rank Reason and she looks great in the Dark Knight Armor. Leonie has a decent Faith Spell list (she has Physic) and would turn into a decent Holy Knight. Hilda is weak in Faith, but you're not missing out on too much in her Faith Spell list. Leonie has no weaknesses in either category. Are Strong in one thing but weak another also out? If so, Edelgard, Hubert, Manuela, and Hanneman are out I believe.
  4. I wouldn't mind a futuristic FE spinoff in space, but it was certainly really weird for a level in Fire Emblem game.
  5. I'm so happy for Gerik and Tethys! Been waiting on them for a LONG time. I do wish Tethys' kit was better though. She's bring Dagger Exp 3, which is admittedly, not a great skill. But what she does bring is being a colorless dagger dancer, with her only competition being Olivia and Xander, who are locked to seasonal banners. So she'll be the only year rounder and the one that will be much easier to build up. I do think her usefullness as a character will have to depend on her stats a bit though. I was hoping for this too. I knew they would make her a dagger unit but hoping they would make her a dark magic user instead, like a red tome dancer or even a colorless tome dancer.
  6. This chapter took me 2 tries, mainly because I didn't want to kill my precious Golden Deer even though it really doesn't affect the game afterwards. I went after the Black Eagles first, and I had my main group charge the center while I had Dimitri (High Lord) and Ashe (Bow Knight) go to the right and take out the units over there. I went on the hill and killed the sniper, but I got off on it as quickly as I could. Edelgard doesn't set it on fire unless Bernie (or generic sniper) and Petra (or generic assassin) are taken out, so I waited until all my units were off of it to take out Petra (which I used a battalion and then my gauntlet wielding Sylvain to knock her out). Edelgard then sets in on fire and no one is on it. After defeating the first beast, I have Dimitri rush to Edelgard to threaten and attack her. Meanwhile the GD army is charging from behind, but the enemy AI is dumb af and climb the burning hill. Since so many of them are trying to get on at the same time, the nasty ones (Leonie and Hilda) are slowed down by the generics to actually move forward. Since Claude can fly, he was the first one to reach me. Raphael also got through somehow, but he isn't scary as an enemy as Ignatz, Leonie, and Hilda are. I then had Dimitri take him out using his exclusive combat art and he managed to crit. This battle was so dumb when the "great strategist Claude" lead his army to get trapped on a burning hill and having to fight an army all by himself.
  7. I would love that personally and I hope they continue with the trend of dropping the DLC early. I'm just waiting on Wave 4. But Jeritza and Anna sound like fun characters.
  8. Caspar really is a shonen protagonist. What's with Holst's personal issue? I remember it being a stomach thing and it didn't have other implications. What am I missing?
  9. She was #1 on a Reddit poll that was taken about a week after release. Of course, this may not have given people enough time to interact with her character and let her "soak in" and Reddit is only one pocket of a large fandom.
  10. Duke Holst! He became the Alliance's greatest general, won the battle of Eagle and Lion, has defeated the greatest Almyran General, and survived against Nemesis without a Heroes' Relic. Just from these comments alone he sounds like a shonen protagonist. We also know from dialogue he's someone that pushes himself hard, especially in battle, dotes/spoils his little sister, and is quite talented in most things regarding battle and politics because he was going to be appointed the Head of the Alliance if Claude didn't show up. Plus I found this fan art of him and now I need him: Credits to the artist. I wish I could find your name but I couldn't. If you're on here, you're appreciated.
  11. That is interesting. I also wonder if the VA also played a part in how well received the characters were. Faye Mata did an awesome job as Petra so I wonder how fans received the Japanese one. I also wonder if Hilda is also meme'd. Does the Japanese version have her chant Hilda! Hilda! like we do? Also, love how Hilda broke the Top 3 when she's not a virgin/pure acting character like Bernie if her A support with Caspar is any indication. Love that for her.
  12. Depends on the set up of how the evil dragon/demon is introduced, the scale of the threat it has on the continent/world, and how well it was executed. The only reason why people get tired of it is because it's used in almost every FE game, but if the world building behind it and the writing are good, it's not bad. In fact, I think it's a part of the FE experience. One of my favorite examples of dragon integration is FE4. The preview of the game gives you the backstory of the original holy way between the Crusaders of Light versus the dark dragon of Loptous. Loptous was sentient enough to rule over an empire with an iron fist until he was defeated. His followers were ostracized and they plotted their revenge in order to regain their former power. We learn early enough of the game that this cult is around and they're not happy. We're introduced to notable members early enough to know they're bad, but their exact motives aren't clear yet. In the second Gen., when the spirit of Loptous has taken over Julius, he is sentient and reacts to things (like Julia's Naga tome IIRC). The writing can be hit or miss at times, but I think fun has to be taken into consideration. The Immaculate One, Dheginsea (sp?), and Duma were all fun to battle against IMO.
  13. I'm surprised Edel wasn't #1 for females, as she definitely has the most fanart of any character from this game (since she was revealed first, she had that advantage). I'm also surprised to see Hilda that high because I thought she had a small (but very vocal) group of fans, including me! I'm glad to see her as #3 for ladies and #6 overall. I thought Petra and Dorothea would be more popular, especially since Dorothea has been Top 3 for most things in this game. His Japanese VA is very popular, and probably contributed to a lot of Seteth's popularity in Japan. Although he is an older man you get about halfway through, so his availability and age probably holds him back from players connecting with him.
  14. Mortal Savant is a weird class. It sounds good on paper but ultimately it's kind of a weird class. It's nobody's best class. Plenty of characters (more than the ones listed) can turn out decently by going this class route, but most people are better off becoming a Dark Knight or Gremory if they're a magic user. However, I am thinking of making Ignatz one my next playthrough since he seems to have a strangely high magic growth. I would go down the swordmaster route though. His magic will be good for situations where it may be more useful to do damage instead. I also wonder how Ferdinand would be as a Mortal Savant. He learns 4 spells, including Thoron, so it may not be a bad idea to take him down this route. Again, not his best (because literally every other master class and most advanced classes exist).
  15. Yep! I'm trying to learn how to make portraits. I do have an idea for a character though. I'm thinking of either a Mid-game bard or an early game cavalier. Either way, this character will most likely be a flirt.
  16. Update: learning how to edit sprites. Not going well so far lol
  17. What an interesting project! Unfortunately, I'm not good at making FE games so I'm afraid I won't be able to contribute much to this. Good luck! I'm looking forward to your progress!
  18. Toss up between Blazing and Binding for me. Binding has 2 route splits that should be taking into consideration, with each route having exclusive characters. Hector route has 2 exclusive characters, and Sacred Stones doesn't have any IIRC.
  19. I also have a soft spot for the Sailor Moon opening. It's so cheesy.
  20. I wanna be the very best... that no one ever was...
  21. Near the beginning of the game, you find a Used Bottle of Perfume in the monastery (by the armory?) that belongs to Hilda. In her support with Lysithea, they talk about it and Hilda gives her an extra bottle of perfume. Much later, you find a New Bottle of Perfume that belongs to Lysithea. It's a pretty neat detail, imo.
  22. I would love it if the hypothetical "pick your edits" mode included dancer, but only one. I would probably make Lene into something else. Probably troubadour to wield the Alm Staff.
  23. Maybe once if you enjoy Seteth and Flayn as characters? I'm only planning on playing it once and I'm trying to avoid using students much as possible. So in order for it to feel really unique, I'll only be using Byleth, Seteth, Flayn (I know she's a student but eh), Alois, Catherine, Shamir, Cyril, Hanneman, Manuela, and I have one free spot I'll give to Ferdinand Von Aegir or something.
  24. Didn't know this, as I'm not hooked up to it. Try playing offline, it makes battles and raising money MUCH harder imo. I always have less than 20k gold.
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