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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. I hope you feel better soon! They're so loud too and have a habit of running into the walls!
  2. I would love that tbh. And then Edain can wield Yewfelle. Also, I would make Patty a dancer so Shannan can destroy the Loptyr Cult even faster.
  3. I really hope a Genealogy remake allows you to pick the starting classes of the characters as a New Game + feature.
  4. I know exactly what you mean! i don't even know how they get into my room but they always wanna party at midnight.
  5. Swordmaster Marianne makes her paralogue SO much easier. She can dodge tank all of the monsters and deal decent damage back. I'm not sure if it's unorthodox but Falcon Knight Leonie was great. She was super fast and deadly with a Brave Lance.
  6. From the leaks, Waves 3 and 4 sound like they're worth the buy. The first 2 waves were really underwhelming, especially Wave 2's "Loungewear" attire. From the leaks, Waves 3 and 4 will include new characters, and new characters are great because they could offer variety and different strategies. Wave 4 sounds like the best of the batch.
  7. I rewatched her reunion scene with Sigurd and all he brings up her decision to be a nun. He said she quit the knighthood to join the nunnery, which makes me believe Edain went to Belhalla to train her archery skills, became a knight, then quit shortly thereafter. Time passes and then FE4 starts. Buttttt this is why Belhalla Academy would be such a good prologue chapter/OVA/SOMETHING. The Oosawa manga also made it seem like the trio were all flirts too so it'll be very interesting to see all of them young.
  8. A lot of bugs play a role in our environment, such as pollen dispersal, even if they're not necessarily trying to do that. I think spiders help keep their populations under control. But there's plenty that truly don't play a role, so I guess they can go. Like, what do cockroaches do other than escape death? But in general I'm against extinction of any species, but sadly we're living in a time that's marked as a mass extinction event.
  9. Edain was also a bow wielder at that time too IIRC. She didn't become a cleric until after she graduated. Edain is the person I'm most interested in during their time at Belhalla. I wonder how different she was.
  10. The maid/butler costumes are just that? A costume? Not a class? I was hoping it would be an Advanced class with proficiency in sword and faith. The characters that would probably do well in this class are Lysithea, Mercedes, Dorothea, Ignatz, Bernie, Ashe, and Marianne (especially Marianne). Wave 4 is quite interesting. 4 completely new characters There's 4 crests remaining besides Anna. 4 new classes. I'm willing to bet that each character is going to correspond with a crest and their personal boons and banes will be suitable for those classes.
  11. The archetype you're thinking of is the "Est". I'll add to your list: FE1/3/11/12: Est FE2/15: Atlas & Est FE4 Gen 1: Tailtiu FE4 Gen 2: Coirpre (Coirpre is the true Est of the game though) FE5: Miranda & Sara FE6: Zeiss (Sophia is listed as an Est also, but her growths aren't good enough to be considered an Est, imo.) FE10: It's actually Pelleas. He's a bit of a weird Est because he's only available on a New Game + IIRC
  12. I just want Phina 😞 I hope I can get her.
  13. I'm not sure why Kris is leading the polls for New Mystery for characters not yet added in FEH from that game. TBH, I'd rather see other characters. Sorry Kris fans, but I found their personality and appearance to be boring. If FEH wants to bring in characters from Archanea, the ones I'd think will sell well enough would be Wolf (sad pretty boi), Julian (best thief), Lena (first cleric of the series), Malliesia (because I just like her), Arran, Cecille, NYNA (surprised she wasn't on the latest banner), and Malice.
  14. Ballista in Fates was sort of like that, except it took one spot instead of two IIRC. But I get what you're talking about. It sounds interesting in concept, but it should be only a select few units to pilot it. I see it being more like a Trojan Horse than a traditional mecha though.
  15. Ohhh so that was your methodology. I may have to take another approach on this topic.
  16. I agree mostly, but I think Dain should be Cichol instead since Dain is a wyvern knight like Cichol. Indech was more of an archer. I think Odo would match Charon pretty well too. I would like to add Neir -> Goneril
  17. I like the concept of Silver Snow and I get the writers' intentions behind it. However, the execution, while not bad, was just not as satisfying as the other routes. This game only really needed Azure Moon and Crimson Flower to feel complete IMO. Silver Snow adds some information and gives another perspective we don't get in AM or CF, and while it is cool, it ultimately wasn't necessary. Gameplay-wise, Silver Snow is really similar to Verdant Wind, the only difference being Gronder Field and the playable characters. Those two routes are just so similar they really could've been merged into one. So let's do a hypothetical. What if there were only 2 main classes (Adrestia and Faerghus) and all of the GD students were new Knights of Seiros Officers that had just graduated. (All or nearly all. The young ones like Lysithea and Ignatz could be given to BE and BL respectively.) So instead of picking a class at the beginning, you ask Rhea to become a Knight of Seiros just like your father (which technically makes the most sense IMO). And because of your prowess, she gives you control of some new Knights to train and be a mentor to (the rest of the GD). You still get the Church Route and all of the charms of the GD students while doing this route. Tbh, if there were only 3 routes instead of 4, it probably would've given the writers a lot more time to develop more into CF as well as avoided the main issues with Silver Snow: a lack of a "true" main character (since you have Claude) as well as a lack of repetition.
  18. Years of voting for Phina in CYL have paid off. Time to do some levels and get some orbs! I must have one of my favorite units in the series. I like how she has Rapier, since she's the only non-Marth unit that can use it. But where is her shoes? She also seems to be best sword infantry dancer? I mean, they're all pretty much the same with some slight differences, but starting off with Rapier certainly gives her an edge over Olivia, Lene, and Silvia. Overall this banner doesn't seem overpowered. I'm not sure why people are complaining they're underwhelming; it's better than blatant powercreep. I'm going Red > Green > Blue > Gray. I like Norne but her kit is 4 Star Material and she was the third one revealed which is where a lot of the demotes have been lately. Plus, there's no way they're demoting the other 3: a dancer with rapier, a lull skill, and an armored dragon that is a direct counter to one of the meta units (Ophelia). Nagi seems like the crown of this banner, with Phina as the runner up.
  19. *The one most secretive about their love life*
  20. HILDA! HILDA! HILDA! I'm surprised I got her. We have similar personalities but I was expecting Manuela tbh. BAN EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!
  21. 1. Since you're doing Golden Deer now, I'd recommend going with Crimson Flower (Edelgard) next. 2. I'm not exactly sure how difficult they are compared to each other, but (minor spoilers, nothing about the plot, characters, or maps) 3. Putting this in spoilers just in case. (I'm not taking any chances)
  22. Thanks for reminding me! Lachesis' story after the events of Part 1 have always confused me. Her being split up with Diarmuid was also weird, imo.
  23. I really love Arc System's games. So excited for GFV and GG coming out next year. I would love to see what they come up with if they could get their hands on Fire Emblem. The Nintendo Switch doesn't have too many fighting games either.
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