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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Although there's technically different routes, it's not a set of completely individual games like Fates was. Three Houses wasn't the first one to have this kind of route split. Binding Blade had 2 route splits that had different characters but I don't think you would say its a six/seven chapter game. It's just how the game is.
  2. I'd be delighted with a new game or a remake (voted remake for Genealogy), HOWEVER, I wouldn't mind if they took their time with it and gave us some sort of spin off in its stead. Although Fire Emblem Warriors 2 is the most likely, I'd really love to see Fire Emblem's take on a fighting game (which has more of an emphasis on fan favorites rather than Lords) that has a style similar to Granblue Fantasy Versus or Guilty Gear (I love GG's new visuals.) I'd also find it interesting if Fire Emblem did a crossover with Civilization. Or if they wanted to go all in with the dating sim aspects and make a Harvest Moon-esque game with some battle features and town building mechanics (similar to the Rune Factory series).
  3. Gosh my memory is OFF. Yeah they should probably stick the training thing. Maybe Lachesis can make an appearance? Although I always wondered how Lachesis ends up with Finn if he's not her husband.
  4. He went to Belhalla too? Sweet. I should really look into Claud's dialogue more. Tbh I sorta forgot about FE5. The only one I can think of is Eyvel and Finn training Leif and Mareeta. That one works for EXP sake. What I really would love to see instead is Finn rescuing Leif from an invaded Leonster castle after receiving news that Quan and Ethlyn have fallen in battle. Maybe he can get assistance from a freshly amnesiac Brigid during the escape. Maybe Lachesis will also make an appearance with Nanna.
  5. Get in losers, we're going to go stop those with unreasonable ideals of justice censorship.
  6. Sigurd, Eldigan, Quan, Ethlyn, Edain, Arvis, Azel, Tailtiu, and Lex's lives at the Academy of Belhalla would be a nice intro to the game. (They all studied there IIRC, but Azel, Tailtiu, Lex, and Ethlyn were probably in a different grade since they're younger.) Bonus points if the prologue contains the iconic brotherhood scene with Siggy, Eldi, and Quannie. For FE6, maybe Cecilia teaching Roy and Lilina with Eliwood and Hector watching over? FE7's prologue is long enough. FE8 could be Ephraim and Lyon sparring lol Anything after FE8 already has a sufficient prologue imo.
  7. Seteth. I know he has a lot of memes but he has so much unironic popularity as well. I'm glad he is popular though, since he is a good character and a Wyvern Lord.
  8. I hope it's not another house/route. This game just needed two in my opinion (Crimson Flower and Azure Moon). As much as I love the Golden Deer, Verdant Wind doesn't feel connected to the central plot or core themes of the game. It's good by itself, but doesn't give me the drama the other two houses have. That being said, Silver Snow also felt a bit weird, an elements of that route could've went into CF and AM imo. As much as I would love to see a house full of people from other countries (Albinea, Almyra, Sreng, and Morfis), it would be incredibly difficult to tie them into the story. I would love an expansion on CF, because I felt like it was a bit rushed and could've used more chapters to explain things.
  9. Probably FE Warriors 2 tbh. If it's not a new game and it's indeed a remake, I would say FE4. They took a lot of inspiration from FE4 this time around. Sounds like they may have been researching it a little bit. Interesting.
  10. Hubert is that goth kid in high school that writes complicated poetry with really long names.
  11. You can recruit in the last month pre-timeskip (I recruited 4 people in the last month before). Some people can only be recruited in the last month depending on the route. However, it's much harder to do that because you don't have too many opportunities to raise support or weapon levels.
  12. To be honest, I think Bylass works better for the overall story? With their spoilery background in mind, it makes more sense for Byleth to be female for me. That, and all 4 routes are centered around Edelgard and Rhea, and it makes sense for the third main character to also be female. Although I prefer how Bylad acts in scenes over Bylass. Byleth is supposed to be someone who is very stoic and doesn't emote a lot, and I thought the male version fits that description more than the female one. In terms of design, I'm not a big fan of either of their hairstyles. Their hair looks okay-ish from the front in their portraits, but from the back it doesn't look as good. In my opinion, Bylad should've had the sides of his head shaved down to look more like Jeralt's headstyle. Something more like this: Bylad's attire is fine. Bylass needs to be completely revamped though. What I would have done to improve her outfit is to make her top cover her stomach and change the stockings. The exposed midriff doesn't look too flattering and creates a bit of a disjoint in the overall look. The stockings are just plain weird, and a simple, black sheer stocking would've looked much better. Like Bylad, the front of her hair looks fine in the portrait, but the back of it on the model just looks bad. It's all uneven and choppy. I never liked it. For Bylass, I think a nice bob like this would be fitting given her past as a mercenary and needing hair to be functional: But this would be boring by itself in anime standards so maybe add a bang and a braid along the side. The braid is supposed to be reminiscent of Sothis's braids. And that's my TED Talk.
  13. Good point. Dorothea is definitely one of the best characters in terms of characterization, imo. But that's another topic.
  14. Not really. Dorothea is "canonically" the best one most likely.
  15. It's random, but Dorothea likes showing up and taking Shamir's vote from me.
  16. This is about combat, right? Not accounting for support/utility? Lester: Midir for Brave Bow and Pursuit. That's what he mainly needs. Lana: Her best father is Claud imo, but since this is about combat, I'd say her best father is Azel because he gives her good speed and Pursuit. She also gets a Rescue Staff which gives her a lot of experience which makes leveling her to 20 much easier so she can begin fighting. Ulster: I'm leaning towards Noish- he's able to inherit his swords and he has access to Critical which is nice. Jamke and Dew are also nice fathers for him. Larcei: Definitely Lex. She gets Vantage and great Strength. She's already fast too. Diarmuid: Beowulf. He has everything that Diarmuid needs in terms of inheritance: swords, Pursuit, charge is always nice, etc. Nanna: I like Finn as her father. They have a convo in Ch.7 which results in her getting some more stats and he gives her Prayer, which is always nice on a support character when they're in combat. Coirpre: Lewyn because of Foresti. Done. Lene: You have a lot of options for combat!Lene. Lex and Chulainn may be the best options. Lex gives her defense and Vantage which is always nice for a dancer to have. She'll always have the first shot and she may have enough strength to do it. However Chulainn gives her Luna and B rank in swords. Luna helps her get through her enemies' defenses, which she badly needs to do in order to deal good damage, and B rank in swords allow her to use a Brave Sword. Both are good options, but I'm leaning towards Chulainn. Ced: Lewyn because of Forseti. Done. Fee: Noish gives her good growths and Critical. She already has Pursuit so Continue isn't needed, but Critical is nice on her. Faval: I guess Jamke because he gives him good growths? Faval is weird because he comes with Ichival and doesn't require too much investment. Jamke gives him the stats he needs to do well. Patty: Chulainn for better swords and combat prowess. See Lene for what he can give her. Arthur: Lewyn because of Forseti. Done. Tine: Either Lex, Azel, or Lewyn. Lex gives her the great Vantage + Wrath combo, but this hurts her lategame. Since they're lvl 30, I'd have to rule this one out. Tine's magic growth is better with Azel while her speed growth is better with Lewyn. With Azel, she'll be able to use Bolganoe, and with Lewyn, she'll be able to wield Tornado IIRC. Lewyn also gives her 5 points of magic in Chapter 10 which is nice, and I'm partial to the sound of Tornado Tine.
  17. A little bit. One of the main themes of Generation 2 is reclaiming your birthright and the subs don't have that birthright like the holy kids do. However, they have the same dialogue so while the story is still there, the motivations are completely different. However, there's some subs I feel work despite being substitutes. They are: Laylea. Lene is just an orphaned dancer who doesn't know her heritage. Even though she may have holy blood (even major holy blood!), she's not really interested in governing her parents' land because she doesn't know them. Her character arc is more about her own life and trying to find kinship, not getting revenge for her parents. Charlot. Coirpre, like his sister, is an orphan. Hannibal adopted them so he fights for Hannibal and their territory. He isn't aware of his heritage so the overarching theme isn't really affecting him. Sylvia's kids are the only ones who don't necessarily follow the main theme of Gen 2: reclamation. They follow the secondary theme of carving your own path. Everyone else more or less works. Although I can go into detail about each pair, I don't think anyone would actually read the whole thing. The only pair of kids that confuse me is Edain's kids: Lester and Lana. Lester's substitute Deimne is the only one that has a different personality. It's really weird for him to speak Lester's lines because Lester is quite jovial and brash while Deimne is a bit more meek and shy, similar to Ignatz. It's weird to see how shy and cute he is with his childhood friend but then teasing Patty/Daisy in the next chapter. Meanwhile I find Mana to have a stronger characterization than Lana. In Ch.6, there's a conversation between Edain's kids where the brother warns the sister about falling in love with Seliph because he's destined to be king and they may not be worthy of his station, etc. However, this doesn't translate well with Lester and Lana, mainly because they're nobles and Lana is of a good noble standing by birth to be eligible for Seliph's hand. She isn't some Baron's daughter, she is of one of the major houses of Grandbell and has minor holy blood. It's true that they technically will be inferior in status to Seliph, but they act like he's untouchable which isn't true. This makes more sense for Deimne and Mana, who are commoners.
  18. Lene is one of, if not, my favorite FE character. She's a bit spunky, but unlike other dancers that share this personality trait, she's also quite mature. I really wish the developers gave her more dialogue. She really deserved better. I was so happy she got into Heroes and gained a lot more acknowledgment and fans. Tine, Ulster, Lester, Ced, Patty, Shannan and Julia are honorable mentions. I really like them as well
  19. Not expecting its announcement but ok. Also it looks like Tiki can fight too? Cool.
  20. I'm not sure since I haven't played Lunatic. But I can imagine her accuracy being a problem. She will definitely need the Accuracy ring. She will have to be a Flying Freikugel in that mode, I'm guessing. She's not a "must-have" as much as other characters are, but a Flying Freikugel is pretty great. Hilda is pretty good at any physical based class though.
  21. I'm just happy for Berkut and Rinea. I do wish it was Julius instead of Reinhardt and that Nephenee was dropped or replaced by a villain. This banner could've been a great antagonistic dance banner but alas. It's not bad though, I'm still pulling for Berkut and Ishtar.
  22. I forgot to mention you may want to recruit characters that share a paralogue with a character from another house. Cross-house paralogues are:
  23. Ashe: Ashe quickly turned out to not be one of my main damage dealers, having some weird growths and stats. He has a strange amount of magic for someone who sucks at Reason. I guess Magic Bow will be good for him, but Mercedes also wants that bow. Dancer is a good fit for him since I like using him as a utility unit. He already has locktouch, so why not make Lara 2.0? But I prefer making him a Wyvern Lord. As Wyvern Lord, he basically becomes a flying thief. I'm not really using him to deal too much damage; he's just hitting and running for the most part. If you're relying on ASHE to be killing mobs of enemies and not Felix/Sylvain/Dimitri/Ingrid... then what? Bow Knight is also a good option. but Wyvern Lord may be more efficient. Ingrid: She's the best Falcon Knight in the game IIRC. Why would you want to mess with that. Lorenz: I picked Dark Knight because Lorenz is one of those weird hybrid units that can go either way depending on the RNG. He can be physical or magical depending on which way he sneezes that day. Because of this, having his end class be Dark Knight, a class that covers all of his boons, is my safe cop out answer.
  24. It could be interesting if done tastefully. Although they've had some Middle Eastern motifs in past games. First, the dancers' costumes are vaguely reminiscent of middle eastern dancers (but more of an European interpretation of them, which is somewhat fitting?). Second, Claude's post timeskip design was inspired by a Turkish General's costume IIRC. And... I think that's it? There may be more costume references, but no cultural stuff. I am of the same bias, as I'm more familiar with that culture and its sense of aesthetics. Colonialism hasn't been too much of a theme in Fire Emblem so it could be an interesting concept in a story.
  25. I'd recommend recruiting anyone you're going to have a use for. Most maps are 10 character slots, and you start off with typically 9 characters. I'd say it usually depends on who you're trying to replace. However, there are some characters that stand out to me in particular. Black Eagles Ferdinand is a great character to work with because he has 4 boons and no banes. He's easily one of the most physically versatile units in the game. He'll turn out decent with gauntlets and bows despite not having a boon in them too. He doesn't have to be a Cavalier every time either. He'd make a fine Mercenary/Hero, Archer/Sniper, Brigand/Warrior/Wyvern Rider/etc. And because of his boons in Riding and Lances, it is very easy for him to slip into any master class. You could also make him a dancer and he can become one of the best dodge tanks in the game. You can always find a use for Ferdie. Petra is a really versatile unit as well. She's also very fast and will most likely be able to crit a good amount of time. She can easily access Wyvern Lord and Bow Knight, which are a couple of the best classes in the game. Put her in anything physical and she'll get the job done. Blue Lions Felix has a Major crest, making him one of the best units in the game. He's also most likely able to double most of the time and his crest procs very often. He doesn't need to be in a master class to kick ass. Mercedes is the best healer in the game. She also has access to the Rafail Gem, which is pretty useful. Although she's not versatile as a unit (you really want her in a support role), she excels at what she does best. Sylvain is free for Bylass and is a nice recruit for Golden Deer. Since they don't have Ferdinand, Sylvain works really well on GD. His personal skill compliments with Leonie and Hilda well. Since they're all front liners usually, it wouldn't be too hard to put them next to each other to reap their bonuses. Ingrid, like Ferdinand, has no weaknesses. She's awesome with riding and flying, which is great. I feel like the majority of the units in the game aren't going to be mounted in the early game and she's one of the characters that can easily access those classes. Golden Deer Lysithea is the best offensive mage in the game, no doubt. Definitely one of the easiest ways to kill DK requires her. Her spell list is pure offense AND it is dark magic. Since female units don't normally have access to dark magic since they can't become dark mages, this is great. She can also use Gloucester's Thyrsus wand, which makes her even more powerful because it gives her one more range. But I guess if you want to optimize her, you may want to recruit Lorenz as well. Hilda is a great offensive unit with great axe abilities. She hits hard and fast. She can become Wyvern Lord easier than others thanks to her boons in axes and lances. Wyvern Lord is the best class in the game so any character who has some advantage to become it is at least decent. Thanks to Hilda's crest and growths, she's well above decent. She has a lot of competition in the forms of Edelgard and Petra, so it may be best to have her on the Blue Lions. Although her best supports are on Black Eagles, so she's a good addition to your party if you play the Church route. (Not that you can recruit her on CF anyways). Leonie, like Ferdie and Ingrid, has no weaknesses. She's also the best bow user in the game, but she can be good in other classes as well. She makes for a fine Paladin and Falcon Knight. Since she has no weaknesses, she can easily patch up a part of the team where you feel it is weak or where a niche isn't fulfilled. She does great on male-dominated teams. Wow all of the GD girls kick ass.
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