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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. Dancers may not be able to attack in GBA emblem, but who used their dancers to attack anyway? There's only 2 dancers (out of the 9) that deserve to go head to head in battle so anyone that criticizes the GBA dancers for lack of counterattack shouldn't have left them open anyways- dancers aren't supposed to be counterattacking because they're fragile. That's not their job. As you probably know, FE6 has limited resources, so training a bunch of people and not using her can backfire because you may not have any resources to promote all of them and experience is limited- Lalum wouldn't be stealing any experience from anyone. Who scored her poorly? I'll fight them. The only reason I can see points being knocked off for are that she's crazy in her support conversations. I find her entertaining, but I can see why people may not like her personality. It's a real shame about Hugh. He's the safe medium between Lilina and Lugh, but he comes so late though.
  2. New story added to it? Like a new route split? I'd be down for an Innes and a L'arachel path split(s). I wouldn't change the story too much, but I'd definitely add more gaiden chapters to get the holy weapons and as a chance to deepen the lore. It would also give opportunity to build upon some charcters, like Tethys, who has a full body shot in the intro with all the main characters for no reason. Although, it'll be a while until a remake is made; there's other games (4-6) that need a remake overhaul due to the lack of a localization, old mechanics that need reworking, and they're the oldest.
  3. Oh ok. I read the OP too fast. I was thinking of making her an A, but since this is a no grinding/no Seth abuse run, then I'm considering her to be more vital. But her availability is still a problem... just before the halfway mark. If she's an S, I would definitely place her last, or first A.
  4. I know that, but there's no doubt they're trying to reach the anime/manga crowd and gain some fans that way. It makes sense from a business perspective to appeal to as many people as you can.
  5. It's very informative and active. Main site has a steady stream of news being translated and covered by different editors. And the forum side is well moderated, albeit, we have a VINCEspiracy goin on! and I enjoy the discourse here. Because we don't have an upvote system, people aren't trying to be polarizing or karma whore as bad as other sites. And we generally experience less severe flare ups and due to having different categories, shitposts are put with other shitposts while debates and questions are pertained to their appropriate sections. than other sites. Although I do think quite a few of us are members on those other sites, like the Reddit. It's just calmer here.
  6. True, they may not try anything too risky. Although I think Nina's obsession was meant to be "relatable" for fangirls.
  7. I really liked Light and Shadow + Rebirth V. I just found them cool.
  8. Dancers! I like the tactical advantages they give and I generally like their designs. Mage Knights as a close second.For some reason, I also like Basaras a lot.
  9. If they improve, I would like the implementation of it. The older games didn't implement it well, IMO, because characters that were good with lances would get screwed over and be swordlocked on foot. I think if it does return, they should keep their lances on foot and their animations should be the soldier animation. Maybe bring back Sword Cavs and Lance Cavs if putting their WTA class makes them a bit broken on foot. (Since most unpromoted foot units only have 1 weapon).
  10. I'm not keen on an open world FE. I like open world games, but I don't think it'll fit the format of FE. Maybe an FE with more paths to deviate from, but not a true/quasi open world though. Like the GBA games, for example.
  11. Since it first came out. Nintendo Direct January 2017 Phone No No Yes No No No No No I believe it was the Performing Arts banner. Gray I think Stahl or Donnel Lyn? I got her right away so I'm not sure if she's a freebie. DORCAS Not really Not enough feathers ;(. The plan was Sheena or Serra. Sigurd, Deidre, Brave Lyn Sheena Serra (Gray), Lyn (Red), Sheena (Green), and Summer Corrin (Blue) Sharena Free orbs, fun banners, the character tournaments the fact that there's hundreds of characters yet I've pulled Donnel a dozen times, the lack of "retro" banners, L'arachel STILL not being in Heroes. I like the references to some of the old maps. Can be a bit OP at times and unbalanced, certain characters don't have skills to fill up all of their slots. I'd wish the characters represented would be spread out more, but I understand they're trying to make money by only putting popular characters out there. But there's 4 Lucinas, like COME ON. I spend it as soon as I hit 20 Yep Tempted, but no. No Yes Yes to an extent No not often enough. Yes Not really? Maybe some of the cool skills, like Imbue. 6.5 Probably
  12. Hooray for Crystal Chronicles. I still have my copy and play it from time to time. I love all the random events. I hope you update us on your main class and impressions.
  13. In the context of this series' lore, there can be more than one Falchion, because Naga has them for TEETH. (well they're forged from her teeth, close enough). So if we get another Falchion, I'd rather it be a completely new Falchion. I just want an official map of Arkaneia, Valm, and Jugdral, maybe the new continent that the new Falchion is featured on. I'm tired of seeing the same Falchion (I BLAME WARRIORS), but I'm totally down for Anri since he's kickass. He pulled an Ike before it was cool.
  14. Youtube videos and reading online Webtoons in my free time. I also have classes to attend, but I wouldn't really call that an obsession, but more like something I should treat as.
  15. Niles is a fairly popular character (enough to get in Warriors strangely enough), so maybe people didn't perceive him as bad. And I think Rhajat's main problem was that she was a bisexual clone of a polarizing character, which didn't work. So while Niles sort of worked, Rhajat was definitely a failed attempt, Soleil was some sort of weird conversion therapy, and Nina was a typical yaoi fangirl, who isn't too far off from the female fans that do ship male characters together. So, I agree, the bar's not too high. Also I do agree that Leon's my favorite, mainly because in his base conversations, you get a feel for more about how he is as person, however limited it may be. He's a good example of an LGBT character. He has a bit of camp, which I liked. But, if FE Switch relies on stock character tropes like we've had in the past (the clumsy girl, the way-to-serious guy, the flirt, etc.), I'm worried that they'll make a character that perpetuates the Japanese stereotype of a gay man, like BDSM gear with a flamboyant voice and the majority of their lines is about sex, but may probably won't be as subtle/funny as Niles sometimes was. Anyways, the inclusion of an LGBT character isn't the most important factor for me. While I would like 1 or 2 characters to be LGBT, I'm worried about how they'll be written, and how some people would react to them. Past FEs didn't have LGBT characters, and I've played them, so it's not a huge dealbreaker. I'm just worried about the writing, and whether the writers will succeed in making them relatable/likable characters.
  16. I'm confused about Tethys' no doubt she's on a higher tier, but would S be too high? I love Tethys, but being a dancer in Sacred Stones isn't as vital as other games, due to grinding. Usually, the harder the difficulty, the more valuable a dancer becomes. Sacred Stones is probably one of the easiest FEs. I mean, I still think she deserves S, but she's more on the border though. I wouldn't consider as effective as say Lalum or Laylea, but she's still very good though. Should she be A for Normal Mode and S for Hard Mode?
  17. Deidre for that super Naga. Or some type of refresher (other than Olivia since I already have her)
  18. Ok so there'll be more LGBT characters? I hope they'll be developed well enough so that they're not just judged by their sexuality, but as their character as a whole. I just wonder how their supports will turn out though; I hope it's not a negative stereotype. Although seeing some people's reactions in this thread makes me worried on how they'll be received by fans. I just hope that some fans (including people early in this thread) gain a better understanding of LGBT people.
  19. I rented it from Blockbuster, than it closed down and I bought from them in a clearance sale. So that was around 2008-2010. It's hazy. Blockbuster Way cheaper than now. $25 maybe? Super Smash Bros Yes Nope Easy? I'm trying to get back into it on Normal though. Once or twice. Normal Volug Tibarn Dawn Brigade Part II I really liked the diverse mission objectives, bonus experience, and height mechanics. Frequent change of parties made the early game characters harder to train in the later parts, staves would take place over weapon, knives were mostly useless. I tried but it never let me so no. Nope, planning on it. Nope there's so many. Nope there's so many. I don't hate myself enough. Zelgius Chapter 2 Endgame that's a hard one, I like multiple tracks. player phase there was an actual fire emblem. It's weird. I don't fully understand it. seemed like a step back Screw Meg yesssss.ughh. Royalty and Ike. Micaiah- although she sorta did. Don't know who else could. I'm completely fine with it. Is Ilyana a branded? Where does Volke come from? Was Lyre Zihark's ex girlfriend? 93 27 Ike's a hog. Like a bunch of mosquitoes to a zapper. 8.5- Would be higher but Part IV gets a little crazy. 9. Probably the best, with only Conquest potentially beating it out. 9- mainly because of the narrator It was my entrance, and I would say no. I was able to figure out the references they were making, but I didn't truly understand until I played PoR. Also, the difficulty is quite hard. It was definitely a challenge to me. I struggled so much on easy and felt bad about myself (to learn years later that it was supposed to be "normal"), but I think it made me into a decent FE player.
  20. I would probably buy the game, but I don't think it's necessary. SoV seemed like an open and shut game to me, with the character endings being long term. It wouldn't make much sense to have a sequel, and it will most likely retcon the current characters in some way. IMO, if we're going to return to Valentia, I'd rather see the schism that divides the empire into multiple countries.
  21. Hmmm. Glad to hear about the characters. It sounds like we have Lena (Eden) and Wolt (Jean). Dorin sounds loyal, which is good because our younger brother doesn't. Also, Poor Adriana. What do you find odd about it? She's been a paralogue character since Awakening.
  22. Omg I spelt it right. I probably can't pronounce it though.
  23. Yeah that also helps her out too. The writing of her story was never centered around her looks- it was talked about, but it clearly wasn't the focus at all. She's a great example of how to make a sexy character. She shows a lot of skin, but the outfit itself was designed well- IMO Velvet should be the inspiration for IS when designing their dancers. A dancing gypsy, but with enough agency to ground and solidify her character. Also I'm totally on board with giving Odin's Sphere more love and attention.
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