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Everything posted by Augestein

  1. And it wasn't even a complaint. Like. At all. That was actually beyond rude. I just said "it was weird." I don't work with 3DS hardware nor do I program on it, nor have the devkit, so I wasn't aware that it worked that way.
  2. Everything looks fine outside of that weird smirk you added on him. It's like he forgot to shave. I like the color scheme though.
  3. Which is freaking weird since the game could have just checked to see if you had a save from Awakening and used your hair color from there. That'd have been a nice touch too. It'd have also been a smart way to let people get Robin / Lucina that DIDN'T have amibos. 4. Which is still weird when you consider the fact that he still has Samurai as a secondary class.
  4. The mechanic of children isn't bad. I don't honestly think anyone would argue that. The insipid supports that come from the children mechanic as well as making a janky set of "Gaiden/Paralogue" chapters (they can't design the chapters as well when you can have so little as 6 units on a paralogue or a full fleshed out team). However, the unit customization is a nice feature, but I'd honestly rather them expand on the whole A+ rank system instead. In Awakening children were impractical to use in a standard game and in Fates, the scaling is so bizarre that in most cases it's better to drop a unit for a child instead. I believe they'd actually nail the design down pact in a third game that uses this system, but I'm not sure I want to see it again back to back. As for the Yato being Fire Emblem, yeah, who'd a thunk it would take THAT long to make the Fire Emblem a sword?
  5. You can actually use shields for both. Obviously it's supposed to defend you, but it makes for a great offhand deterrent for your opponent. In addition to making it particularly difficult to strike you, it makes your offhand dangerous as well.
  6. Played Iris 1, 2, and 3 on the PS2 (actually, I own all of them). 1 is good, but kind of archaic. And in a strangely enjoyable way. If you've played the PS2 Ar Tonelico, it's slightly less involved than that with the item crafting. The second one is better mechanically, but its designs are strangely poor. So you'll have pretty much a stuck party despite having other people you could use. 3 is the best mechanically in terms of the battle system, but it's really, REALLY easy. There's also the "limited" times on the dungeon. It's weird, but you get used to it after awhile. I didn't play the later ones, the series didn't hold my interest, but it wasn't bad.
  7. I think it's more that you see Eldigan being pushed around in rather nasty ways, you can possibly have his sister talk to him and in the end, when he turns back to question what's going on, he's immediately killed for it. It's kinda awkward how the story carries out. Like as if they saw that he was really strong and people might have problems, and he can listen to reason, but not *enough* reason. It's not like say Micaiah or Camus where he wasn't being subjected to an outwardly antagonistic hand (or at least with Micaiah, not initially). It's for the same reason that people express frustrations with Nohr!Corrin. Because Corrin does the same thing here.
  8. Yeah, he doesn't double very often on enemy phases, I agree with that. But Subaki is more like a flying general than a Pegasus Knight. I don't take him to end game, but he's not like characters like Wendy that start out as trash and end up as okay at best. He's more like "solid" and then his role shifts over the course of the game. He goes from being a tank to being a support unit, and in a worst case scenario is 7 move for them on off turns, extra defense and speed (which unit in BR should ever complain about Subaki's bonuses on the account that he's just plain concrete durability at that point). The issue with Rinkah is that she has really mediocre bases (strength primarily), and poor hit, and is locked at E rank. When she hits D rank, she probably still has to use Brass clubs because of hit problems. Subaki's skill growth on the other hand, is quite good , so he's rarely ever missing. For his lower strength, I gave him the Subaki's Pike (for once a special character weapon that's actually good with the character in question), which means that he has a 8 might weapon most of the time versus enemies. I do believe that he should have HAD this weapon on him initially however. And yeah, Rinkah is a good pair up bot with Subaki. Both of them benefit from each other quite well. I just think that Birthright units aren't really as bad as some people claim. I agree that some like Hana are far better out of the box, but he's okay. I think the issue with Subaki is that he's an awkward character. Like the way people call characters like Rinkah and Subaki trash, I was expecting like "Hard/Maniac Mode" Fiona levels of bad.
  9. Shields are something that I wish were actually "weapons" or at least inventory items that could do things. Until then, I just hate the notion of them being there and the characters not even using them. It's just all sorts of dumb. At least in RD they would block with them. Shields could be that one thing that could help balance walkers versus mounts too.
  10. Nah, E rank is fine, as you need some sort of drawback to having 2 weapon types, and it makes it to where say something like Master of Arms versus Great Knight might have some different weapon preferences upon promotion despite having the same weapon type. The issue is that E rank needs to not take F.O.R.E.V.E.R to move to D+. In GBA, it was about right, burning through 1 slim weapon at E rank was enough to hop right to D. I liked that speed. As for the class coming back, I wouldn't mind it, as having all of those weapons able to be used doesn't mean that you'll be good with any of them, and you can only hold 5 things, so it's really not that powerful. Just versatile.
  11. Yeah, I like the non-makeup version too. She looks good. You know what, you've inspired me. I'm going to actually be more serious about trying to improve with my drawings.
  12. But when they are unpromoted (which is what you are most of the game), Hector has 5 movement like the other lords. He even has the ability to walk over rivers. Both things that the knight class does not have. I wouldn't say that. His ability to pair up is actually quite good as he can help other people move around a bit faster, and his bonuses are pretty solid as well for a pegasus knight (because the class gives good bonuses). 35 speed growth is weird for a Pegasus Knight, but then again, so is 45% defense growth. It also helps that Subaki happens to have some of the best base speed in the game. About the only characters that really have a better base for their level is Felicia (a very fast character), Jakob, Setsuna, and Kaze. The rest of them, while some like Reina or Ryoma, are quite speedy, they don't have particularly remarkable base speeds to go along with it. Just what is expected from a unit. By level 20, Subaki should have like 15 speed. To put this into perspective, a lot of people don't think Silas is a bad unit in Birthright (or in general), and yet they BOTH have the same speed growth with Silas' base speed actually being worse (Silas is higher in level AND has lower base speed). Now I'll grant that Silas has better strength and eventually defense after promotion, but by that point Silas is competing with someone that has a passive that heals everyone in an AoE or Staff utility. I think people are too hard on Subaki. Especially because his personal is easy to use because Camaraderie works to keep Subaki at full, and his passive is better than a good deal of units because you can guarantee that it's going to work. It's weird, because people complain about how frail brithright units are, and then they specifically go out of their way to avoid using tankier characters like Subaki and instead use characters like Hana. I guess that's my unpopular thing. I don't think Subaki is that bad.
  13. I like it, but that text sound is honestly annoying. It's too aggressive to play constantly like that. It's honestly distracting.
  14. But female Robin's support demonstrates that you can still get something from her even when she's sleeping.
  15. Sothe just sucks. There's not even a kinda in there. He's bad. His strength is bad, he can't double, his weapons are bad, and he has no skills (Blossom hurts you way more than it helps). He can steal, yes, and that can cut some turns down if you deploy both him and Volke, but man, he can't fight worth anything, and unlike other people with lame strength, he doesn't have the defense, luck or speed to really do anything effectively. Even if you ram BEXP into him, he'll just be okay for a level 20 unit (and the Sothe I posted in here is way, WAY above average), but still suck as a unit in general. At best, a BEXP abused Sothe is "good" for like... 3 chapters at best. Everywhere else, he's bad. Like... Volke isn't great, and he's still leagues better than Sothe.
  16. Tiki. Azura is pointlessly aloof, and I'm not fond of people that I have to make painstaking lengths to strike up a conversation with. We both enjoy singing, and that's about the only thing we have in common.
  17. In other words, if you're going to do versus the best thing is to have a team of Benny with them all married to Corrin for various skills and stats?
  18. I don't know many men that do that outside of young middle to college students, and even then, quite a bit of people don't do that anyways.
  19. Honestly, I'd probably have Oscar instead of Nephenee on the account that Oscar is connected with the Crimean knights in the past while Nephenee doesn't really know anyone outside of Brom. I suppose it's a good way to get a militia perspective rather than a knight's perspective, but I just thought I should throw that out there. As for 4 more units, you could expand upon the time spent in Begnion and have Muarim and Tormod become more important there. Maybe giving them a more fleshed out arc, and then having them permanently join the team for their cause. That would give you another mage and a tiger laguz. Although, you only have 1 primary axe user and that's Kieran. Unless Jill is going to use axes in this version? I mean she randomly had them in RD, so it's a thought. For me, I'd say Muarim Tormod - You could even have Calill appear as a teacher for him like she does in her supports where Elincia hires Calill to teach soldiers to cast spells. Mist - (I know you wanted her to be a NPC, but you only have one healer, and she's the most important not Elincia healer in the game, and having another one would allow Elincia to not be pigeonholed into being the healer). Oscar - For the reasons I mentioned earlier.
  20. Honestly? Probably Karel FE7. He's in a solid spot where he's not particularly bad nor good, but he's a decent replacement character in the event that you didn't use Guy or he died or whatever. And unlike Harken, he doesn't arrive with super base stats and dominate the scene (in HHM especially).
  21. I don't think base stats do that. Early joiners have the distinct advantage of being able to gain levels whether they are good or not. Growths only really matter when you start comparing them to people that join after a unit has joined. IE, Oscar's growths don't really matter until another unit joins and you have more than a full team to be able to deploy. So instead, you compare what his stats might be to a person that's just recently joined. IE, Tormod might be compared as a level 10 or 11 minimum with Reyson, and suddenly Reyson doesn't have more hp than Tormod. Using endgame stats doesn't work, because it doesn't even come close to telling the story of the unit to even reach there. Giving endgame stats and ignoring bases, and growths along the way is akin to picking up a book and reading the ending and judging from the ending if the book was worth reading or not. Especially because some units, like Shinion, have awful bases and amazing growths.
  22. Three characters isn't necessarily a bad thing when it can work for characters. Lots of series have 3 characters as the main focus, but in the AA setting it doesn't work as well because it's always one lawyer on the defense bench with their assistant/mentor at their side. The witness, for all intents and purposes IS the third main character for each case. With 3 main characters as the lawyers, this essentially means that there's a shift in the focus. Instead we have to have one lawyer that's just not able to be there, another lawyer being the assistant (when really, they shouldn't be, surely there's more than one case happening). And that's the problem with the newer AA games: people are just there. To give an example, do we REALLY need Kay in AAI when we have Gumshoe to be a consistent partner for Edgeworth? I mean, this was honestly their chance to actual redeem Gumshoe a bit and make him seem less incompetent-- like Wright days were bad days for Gumshoe. Like there needs to be a reminder to the player that they exist, but they don't have enough presence to even matter. Wright's whole identity may have been "completed" in the original trilogy, but that doesn't necessarily mean that his role as a character is over. He could have been a form of torch passing to Apollo for later games with Wright getting a less significant role, and so on. Had Apollo left after AJ, I'd have been fine with Athena, but here? We really don't need two incomplete characters. Especially when Athena's backstory pretty much has nothing to do with Apollo. Meaning that screen time is going to be split up. For no real reason at that. Whether people didn't like Apollo or not doesn't really matter, as he doesn't have to be the protagonist forever, in the same way that Wright doesn't need to be for AA. Hell, depending on how you take those opening words of Wright, DDs could have plausibly been the last game for him as a lead character. DD and AJ would have been perfect times to back out with Wright. They didn't. Then they need to not introduce her with phrases like "her power will be our greatest weapon," and then she doesn't do anything particularly impressive. She handles herself fine in Case 3, but it's like Apollo has the whole thing figured out while she's still kinda reaching that point-- which I'll grant that he's more senior than she is, but then they shouldn't say she's a prodigy if you're going to have writing like that. And the problem with Athena's backstory is very much so what Thane mentioned: why didn't she mention this? And more specifically, how does Her backstory doesn't feel very well thought out, and even worse, there isn't much for her character to go because everything was thrown out on the table from the start.
  23. Athena shouldn't have just been removed, she should have never been introduced in the first place. Phoenix and Apollo with Trucy and/or Pearl being on the side was enough for a cast of heroes. We didn't really need ANOTHER character to be introduced again. Especially when Phoenix got 3 games staring him, and Apollo had 1 (and even in that, we got to see the fate of Phoenix as well as play as him), and didn't even get all of his details ironed out. Do we really *need* 3 lawyers? Unless they were planning on having more cases, this is kind of silly. I mean, the most we ever had was 3 in a game beforehand (Edgeworth, Mia, and Phoenix), but here's the difference: when you played as the other characters, the OTHER characters weren't actually just standing around saying "you can do it!" Essentially. There's too many. Athena could have been in the game as Phoenix's apprentice, but there was no reason for her to be much more then that in DD. As for Athena, the problem with Athena is that she's a very poorly introduced character. The game hypes her up as some sort of ace when she's no better (read as actually worse) than Phoenix and Apollo (a character that is by no means a genius or anything of the sort). Jams her backstory to be tied to Blackquill, whose past is somehow tied to a subplot that's so poorly outlined that when the resolution happens you can't help but wonder what the hell the game is talking about. And the game pretty much ties every event in the game back to her and Blackquill -- which makes for a rather poor storyline. Like even Phoenix wasn't *that* personally involved in the cases from before. Whether you like Athena or not, you have to admit that things are a mess around her. I mean, they kind of are with Apollo now, but that's what happens when a writer decides to be "surprising" and have "twists and turns" over logical progression.
  24. I'll be honest, I didn't read the whole thing because I was just kinda seeing a bit of an argument kinda funk up a rather pleasant topic so that is my fault in that regard. As for Cynthia being a bitch? I can see it. She's completely unreasonable in her Paralogue and doesn't listen to any real form of reason from your party unless they specifically talk to her again and with Sumia, she specifically had to see the ring to understand that it was time traveling shenanigans (come on Cynthia, you didn't think to look for the BRAND!?). And her supports don't help either where some of them for instance with Female Robin, Robin has to basically tell her twice that she could die by striking poses in the middle of the battlefield. Or with her father where she throws pedals in his face not really thinking of the consequences of how the father would feel about it. Such as giving him an either or option rather than "would you actually like to do this?" Lucina non-siblings support doesn't do Cynthia any favors either. If you're going with bitch = overbearing, I can see how one could come to that conclusion. Even Owain/Wood despite the heroic complex, doesn't really get in people's way with it. He's just really weird. That I don't see. I just see that as Cynthia being really, really stupid. Especially because in a universe where Lucina is her sister, I can't see Lucina being that much older (so old that Chrom is dead and Cynthia can't remember what he looks like).
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