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Everything posted by BBM

  1. ##Vote: Rein because we've got a bunch of clears and he's not one of them.
  2. I'm mentioning Arsonist because we have two mafias, and 6 nights into the game, we've only had 2 deaths, even though our Doctor's been outed since D2 and our TrackerWatcher is dead too. I hammered Cam because everyone thought he was scummy, he had a report saying Bal visited himself as a Hitman, and at the time, he was in a 1v1 with SB, and I found him scummier. Is it my fault that Elie later explained the second of those things and admitted the third was a mod mistake? I went after Eclipse because whatever she says, I highly disagree that keeping your role to yourself in a massclaim situation is beneficial to the town. I can't know for sure until after her flip, but even then, I don't think that's a right thing to do. Also, I can't believe you actually targeted Sho... at this stage of the game, targeting someone who isn't clear is a hell of a lot more important than targeting someone who is.
  3. Do you actually have a reason for why I'm a more valid vote than Rein/Snike?
  4. No deaths again. >_> Blah, I really hope we don't have an Arsonist. Cop reports?
  5. Chapter 3, Part 2! Pretty easy map overall. GATECRASHER has ridiculous offence, but he, along with Happy and Gloomy will probably not be used much until the enemies reach a level where they give EXP to them. At this point, my team seems to be something like Reese, Ward, Elbert, Dion, Sylvia, Lefty, Thief (hope she comes back), Leon, Adel, and Izzy, with Chris providing backup if there's a slot. The thing is that most optional maps don't seem to have that many slots. I might start hiring just one or two mercs before the mandatory map, even for the higher price. Adel might get the cut, because while Vantage is really broken, it's not broken on him, because his stats (and just accuracy in this game) aren't good enough to guarantee that he'll hit and negate the enemy's attack when they attack him. On the other hand, Charge is still good no matter what, and Leon's stats are better than Adel's. TBH though, if I get enough good people who don't gain EXP, like GATECRASHER and Happy, I might just dump all these growth units and just make a team around them, lol.
  6. >_> Okay then. I still don't understand why SB wanted to be shot, but I'll wait for the claim, I guess. At this point my best guess for the three scum are Rein, Marth, and Eclipse, in descending likelihood of being scum. Mainly through PoE, I guess. Snike comes after Eclipse.
  8. Why would a role that is clearly not an Oracle or town Rogue ask to be shot? For that matter, I've seen mafia Rogues somewhere, and it would make sense for the teams to be given some nightkill protection since they have to worry about crossfire, doesn't it? A mafia Rogue targeting someone likely to be town like Sho basically prevents them from dying that night to any town-sided kill. We'll see based off what you claim, but really, I haven't seen a good explanation for why you showed up as visiting Bal when you said you were redirected.
  9. I also think that people are reading way too much into these messages when we still don't know what the hell is up with them.
  10. SB, it makes no sense whatsoever for you to be redirected away from Bal, but for you to still show up on a Tracker report as visiting him, unless Elie made a mistake not only with your results, but also with Cam's, and then never bothered to fix them. Bleh. @Marth- I am backing it up with stuff. Your argument that SB is town is that he was scanned by a Cop. My argument is that what he says happened directly contradicts what we know happened from a confirmed town TrackerWatcher report. Godfathers exist as a counter to Cops. There's nothing that's backing up SB's version of things at the moment other than a small thing from Elie (and are you really going to tell me that that can't be faked after that QT?). My argument that you're mafia is that there are otherwise too many investigative roles and that you haven't directly contributed to catching scum, whether through regular scumhunting or through your role. And your defence is that as a Rolecop, you can't directly contribute to a lynch (not true because a Rolecop report on Bal before he got vanillized would have been pretty telling, but okay). You've been busy, which is why you haven't been able to contribute in-thread so much, I get that. But I do have things backing me up, so don't just say that I'm spewing shit.
  11. Even disregarding what I'm sitting on, why is nobody else jumping on the fact that SB said he got redirected away from Bal on N1, but Cam's report has him visiting Bal on N1? These two things meant they were in a 1v1 against each other- except Cam's already flipped town. Also, SB apparently breadcrumbed something about all of humanity dying in one of his early posts. How exactly is that a town breadcrumb? Plus, he softclaimed Oracle or Rogue very hard by asking to get shot multiple times. Except according to Cam's reports, he targeted Sho, the confirmed AC, several times, who doesn't make a sensible choice for a target for either of these roles.
  12. Eh, IMO, we should still lynch SB tomorrow and worry about you/Marth/Rein afterwards, when we've got more Cop reports under our belt. Of course, SB who I'm pretty sure is scum scanned town, so I don't know how much we can trust our Cop reports.
  13. Chapter 3, Part 1! Overall, that was an incredibly annoying map. More frustrating than the time in PMD I had to escort a Shedinja into Mt. Blaze, and that's saying something. I hate escort missions, and how you have to plan your strategy around the terrible AI. Sometimes I think the people who design the AI for this type of stuff collaborate with those guys who advertise hair regrowth on the TV. They want you to pull out your hair and have to buy their shitty products.
  14. The format of the post with Baldrick's flip is messed up now. Also, Bal was Vanilla at the end, okay.
  15. I'm 95% sure SB is scum and I'll explain why tomorrow (if I die, though I doubt I will, my flip should hopefully make it obvious).
  16. Marth probably is a Rolecop. It's his alignment that's in question. I see what you're saying about Scorri's word not being decisive. I just don't understand your refusal to claim. Yeah, some roles are better off not outed. But at this stage, unless there's a restriction that would make you die if you claimed, I can't think of a reason not to claim. It helps us narrow down the scum, and your claim is more helpful to the town than getting your role after mislynching you would be, if you were town.
  17. If he was Mancer's scumbuddy and trying to get townie points by bussing him. Really, this goes back to the point people had against him ED2- why on earth would you claim Rolecop to bury someone who was basically a dead man walking at that point?
  18. 1) There's no proof Marth actually scanned Mancer. Mancer was also going to get lynched at that point anyways, it wasn't much of a bus. Or he could also be Mafia and not even aligned with Mancer, and he jumped to get townie points there. 2) Marth never outed the info that got Proto lynched- that was Sho. Think about it- Proto's role was Networker, which isn't an auto-scum role. How could a Rolecop report on Proto have led to his lynch? 3) Marth has outed exactly zero information that was the driving cause behind a lynch. He's cleared a few people, yes. That's it. 4) So many info roles, really?
  19. Chapter 2, Part 2! Anyways, kind of sucky I dished out 300-400 each for five units for one map, since the next one they'll be gone and I'll have to hire them at high prices. The map itself wasn't difficult, though it might have been had I not gone over the bridge. That would have allowed the weapon transport to distribute higher quality weapons to the other enemies. I also wouldn't have been able to face a lot of the enemies at a chokepoint like I did.
  20. SB got Rolecopped? Either way, SB said that his original N1 target was Bal, but he got redirected AWAY from Bal. Our FLIPPED AND CONFIRMED TOWN TRACKER/WATCHER has SB visiting Bal. If SB is still town after that then I don't even know anymore. Eclipse's caginess about her role makes me uncomfortable, because even if you're a role that's better off not outed, if claiming means that we can narrow down who the scum are, then that's much better than wasting a lynch on you to find out what we could from a claim. Unless claiming is going to cause you to spontaneously combust, claiming is better than not claiming, especially as we don't want to mislynch again. I'd quite honestly be in favour of a full massclaim from everyone tomorrow, including Eclipse.
  21. Hey we got 307 turns Congrats guys.
  22. >_> That self-visit still doesn't make sense. SB is scum and Marth probably is too, because Cop+Rolecop+Tracker/Watcher is just way too much IMO. Blah sorry again guys, and sorry Cam. ._.
  23. Also if that report about SB visiting Bal on N1 is true, SB is scum because he said he got redirected to somebody else. (Tailor or Godfather for the Sho report, idk) ughhhh sorry for that guys.
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