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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I'm not talking about quicklynching Mancer here, I'm talking about lynching him at all. I don't think he's scum. Which of these is more likely? A: Mancer is town. The mafia have a Hooker or a JoaT with a 1-shot hook, or maybe a Backup or something, idk. B: Mancer is scum. The mafia had a Hitman solely to target a BPV, or to get around hooks. With two of their members dead three days in, they decide to sacrifice a third to kill the Cop. A Hitman that gets around hooks isn't impossible, but that's not a standard Hitman, and IMO if Sho had been a Hitman who got around hooks, that distinction would have been made in the role PM, which it wasn't. Not sure if the bit about Elie being hurt by me thinking he's trying to push a mislynch was flavour or not, but if it wasn't, seriously?
  2. That's okay Elincia is my favourite FE9/FE10 character anyways, and she has my second favourite DLC art. My action flavour better involve AMITI though. Also, yeah, 48 hour day phases are pretty short. And what's the verdict on night-talking?
  3. Would be cool if I wasn't hooked in the future btw Shinori. Quick thoughts about the Mancer wagon that don't amount to much without his flip are that Elie just wagoned on and then didn't say much about anyone other than Mancer, though he might have just been busy. Contrast this to Eclipse, who voted similarly, said a bunch of stuff about other people as well. Gut on that is that he was trying to push the quickhammer. Not really strong enough to deserve a vote though. More on other stuff when I come back from class.
  4. I'm not voting for Mancer until the possibility of a scum hooking role, whether it be fulltime or one-shot, is disproven. However, Mancer, you need to dial the OMGUS down heavily. Shinori, no idea why stuff was redirected away from me. Why would that be a reason for voting for me anyways? Eclipse, when you say I've mellowed out, is that in a negative sense or a positive sense? I get the feeling you're implying in the negative sense. If so, I didn't do much on D3 because I'll admit, with a scum lynch confirmed, I got lazy and didn't really bother much. That was bad on my part.
  5. In, but if I don't get one of the characters here, I will ragequit. Note: the characters here and here are also acceptable.
  6. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    OKAY Fakeclaim Mafia (17p) is finally done (Kaoz, I need you to check it again). Taking pre-signups.
  7. That's what was kind of bad about that post though. You brought up a bunch of reasons trying to explain the scummy things that Eclipse had done and then just concluded it with saying that she was null/leaning town. What exactly was the point of the post?
  8. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    I like how Prims totally neglects to mention how I was the one who reminded him that he wanted to make a Paper Mario Mafia in the first place.
  9. BBM

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Rein's Paper Mario Mafia is based on TTYD, the second game, while Prims's is based on the first game.
  10. Manix's point was, I think, that the Mafia wouldn't have needed a Strongman in the first place if town didn't have a Doctor.
  11. Yeah I know I said I'd make a post yesterday evening but I got caught up in other stuff. Other than Baldrick, I get kind of bad vibes from Shinori, though I don't really have much backing it up. At the beginning, he made a point of saying he wanted to keep his RVS vote on Xinny, but didn't say why he wanted to do so, or even why he unvoted her later, other than that he found Baldrick scummy. Then, the majority of his D1 and a good chunk of his D2 was spent towards attacking Baldrick, yet he seems to have just sort of dropped it for no apparent reason on D3, and asked him to use his role tonight. Maybe it was because Shinori correctly interpreted Baldrick's rolecrumbs or something, but I don't really like the way in which he dropped it.
  12. If Lucina is indeed some sort of Traitor role where she doesn't know who her scumbuddies are, I'm guessing she defended me because: a) She thought I was town, and I might get lynched, and she wanted to appear on my side afterwards. b) She thought I was scum, and she didn't want someone who she thought might be scum to die. The thing with Traitor type roles are that they're not as good for giving info upon flips because they're sort of like a SK in that they're anti-town, but don't really have any info that town doesn't. And since they don't have any extra info about who else is scum, seeing their motivations in their posts is a lot harder. Of course, the above conjecture hinges upon Lucina actually being a Traitor role, which we won't really know for sure until after her flip. As for getting stuff from Sho, Sho didn't really do anything at all other than attack Scorri on basis of flavour, so if you want to get info from the Sho flip, instead of reading how he acted with regards to other people, you should read how others acted with regards to him.
  13. Baldrick's defence didn't really explain why he was so curious about flavour in the first place. Also feels, upon further reread, like rolefishing, as does the most recent question to Eclipse about her staunch defence of Shin. He also didn't really defend against the part where I said he was making indirect jabs against Mancer, while never really attacking him directly like Rapier or JB. Eclipse and Shin also make good points, IMO. More on other people in the evening.
  14. I'm pretty sure Lucina is softclaiming the Camdar role, since if I understood her post right, her PR is to mention that she's incompetent. So yeah, she's scum. I wouldn't mind a dayvig shooting her if we have one so that we can focus this day's efforts on someone else. Fair enough, Manix.
  15. Shrug. Not much I can do to defend myself if you're going to just stick to your feelings despite what I say. Do you have any feelings about anyone else in the game other than me?
  16. Anyways, I don't like Baldrick. Other than Day 1 reasons I went over on Day 1 and near the beginning of Day 2, his early day 2 was filled with a lot of empty questions like asking about flavour, and the lack of a nightkill, and then he asked Eclipse if she thought that Mancer might have a BPV. Seemed like he was trying to sow suspicion of Mancer there or something, and then also speculated about why Mancer wasn't dead after a mass-hook. Despite this, he never really went after Mancer directly, just in indirect ways like this, which makes me uneasy. He had a suspicion on Lucina, but he never really expounded on it much other than to say that her reads were sort of shallow. He also put her second on the priority list after Rapier, so her probably being scum doesn't make this a too-strong bus if they're scumbuddies. Manix, I made a mistake in something I did. I corrected it. If you're going to press on that as me being scum trying to cover my tracks, IMO you're just trying to dig up reasons that aren't there. And no, you didn't explain how I knew something others didn't, you said it. If it was about the mafia might have been given vanilla fakeclaims thing, that's just because claiming vanilla is extraordinarily easy to do.
  17. No, we don't know whether or not there are duplicates, just as we don't know whether or not someone is scum (barring Cop reports and the like). That doesn't stop us from lynching someone who we think is scummy. Just like that, I'd hope that another Doc outed because two Docs would be completely terrible balance. I at the least would be pretty sure that one of them was scum. Next, no, you can't respond to my defence with "trololol that's my interpretation". I responded to your argument that I was being self-conscious with reasons why I didn't believe I was. If you expect me to take your case seriously, that means that if you want to continue it, you have to respond back with why you believe I'm scum despite the things in my defence. Finally, tell me how my bad logic is scummy. Okay, let's say my logic at the end of D1 saying how people should stop being so angsty about Mancer dying was bad. Explain the scum intent in that.
  18. I wasn't eager to lynch a Vanilla claim, I was eager to lynch Rapier because I thought he was scum. And when he claimed Vanilla, I said I had no problems with lynching that because it's vanilla. And your logic with claims is wrong. Just because duplicate roles are possible doesn't mean all duplicate roles are likely. Think for a moment on how totally retarded having two Docs would be. I would hope to god that any doc other than Mancer, if one exists, would have claimed by now. And a 1v1 trade is never worth it for mafia, not even to get rid of the Doctor. For the rest of it, I don't think I was being self-conscious. Those posts you have of me asking questions to people are examples of me being unsure about the motives behind some things. With the first one with Xinny, I thought that there was a contradiction there. With the second about Scorri, I realized I'd made a mistake in something I'd said earlier, and corrected it. If I hadn't, you might very well have been on my case for using faulty facts or something. And before you say it, no, that's not being self-conscious, that's just correcting mistakes. The next one with Elie was being slightly weirded out by the extremely strong assurance with which he was calling me scum that early into the game. And I "pushed it off" because it was after midnight and I was tired, on account of not having had enough sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I defended against everything he had to say. Also, though I don't think my logic has been as bad as you make it out to be, bad logic != scummy logic. Lastly, you yourself said that there isn't actually that much on me. This isn't one of my best games by a fair margin, but not having groundbreaking material doesn't make me scum. ##Vote: Lucina
  19. Needs more lolcode. On a serious note, I only know some C and Python. I vastly prefer Python, but I suppose C/C++ are more useful for a lot of applications.
  20. Okay, I have no problems lynching a Vanilla claim. Mafia was probably given at least one of those for a fake. Rapier, if you're town after all, is there anyone you would push tomorrow other than Shin, Baldrick, and Mancer, and why?
  21. I'm comfortable with lynching him based on what he's said about his role so far, yeah, as evidenced by my vote still being there. TBH there aren't really that many passive roles I can think of off the top of my head that I wouldn't want to lynch. But that doesn't mean that Rapier shouldn't claim if he is able to do so.
  22. Also, Rapier's "claim" is really only that he has a passive role or he idled on N1, although the wording seems to imply the former. Either way, it's not much of a claim, so you really should claim properly if you read this, Rapier.
  23. Darros, not sure if you're aware, but phase ends before then, so if you've got something you want to get out, is it possible you can take a break in the middle?
  24. Can SB get a prod, btw? I don't think he's posted at all this phase.
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