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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Not sure how outing your target will do anything because if you can talk to mafia then it's not like that clears them or makes them a target in any way, as long as you don't give away any info that they might have told to you. Never heard of a mafia Day Networker, but then I haven't heard of a town one either and your role is pretty provable. Areox, are there anyone whose posts seem like they might have mafia intent behind them?
  2. And I said several times that a town Doc not CCing would be dumb. I can understand not doing it right after Mancer claimed if they thought that he'd still be lynched, but not doing it even after Mancer hadn't been lynched for two or three day phases is dumb. And I admitted he was playing badly- that doesn't change the fact that there was a flipped Hitman which lent evidence to town having a Doc and there was no CC. Whatever, there's no real point to arguing this further after Mancer's death. I wasn't able to convince you guys he was town before he got lynched, so I can't see why things would be any different now. Still waiting for thoughts from Kay, CR, and Shinori. Also, can we have votals?
  3. Fine with lynching Paperblade because all he's done is defend people and ask others to do something without really having done anything himself, as SB pointed out. Still fine with lynching Marth because that listpost of his was terribly scummy as it gave null/town reads on most of the people in the game and then chose to just vote Boron to get her to post reads on SB and Darros, people about whom he himself barely said anything. Not really okay with lynching Smilies because he reads more newbtown than newbscum to me, and the wagon feels too easy. Mancer is votehopping a lot onto wagons and his scumhunting seems to be comprised largely of finding people who jump onto wagons even though he himself is doing something sort of similar.
  4. Oh, that's referring to Elie. Yeah, guess that was a bit unclear. I probably got a bit frustrated too, no worries.
  5. As for me not tying myself to the Elie wagon if it goes off, I really doubt that. I could post nothing else for the rest of this phase and would still be blamed if Elie got lynched and flipped town.
  6. I'm not passive-aggressively complaining about it, I'm going after someone on the wagon. How is that passive-aggressively complaining? Elie makes no sense to hook from a scum POV because he wasn't looking particularly townie (though I guess I'm biased) and he'd made no crumbs as to whether or not he even had an active role. As for the wagon itself, if you really want me to out my townreads: Scorri/Manix: Probably town because of Sho's Scorri attack and because Manix's non-Mancer play has been protown even if he's kind of irritating me right now. JB: Went after Mancer too hard even when nobody else wanted to lynch him. Compare this to Elieson who was like "k we're not lynching the Doc" before Darros died and then was suddenly all over Mancer afterwards when everybody else started voting him. Opportunism at its finest. Kay: Had a D1 townread on her due to some good points and an early Sho push, but it diminished due to inactivity on her part. Waiting for her to come back, but kind of giving her a pass until she does for the aforementioned stuff. SB/j00/CR: SB was sort of like Kay in that I thought he was town based off D1 and then he went inactive. Then j00 had some pretty good posts as well. Giving this slot a pass until CR catches up due to that. Elie: yeah
  7. Are you seriously going to ask me to repost why I thought Mancer was town? I defended him all of last phase. Go reread some of my posts as to why he was obvtown. Yes, it was because of his claim. Claims can make you obvtown too, when there's a Hitman flip that confirms a Doc in the game and there's no CC, and the Cop suddenly dies on their watch even though this would be suicide if he were scum. And he was lynched despite of the claim because nobody ever listens to me because I'm unimportant (hey look Boron I'm following my PR for the first time).
  8. @Marth- Sure, but why them specifically? You might as well ask people to just give reads on the entire game if you're going to look at it like that. Regardless, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Paperblade. Isn't doing anything at all and his Sgt Smilies vote feels lazy. Why vote him in particular over say Kay or Rapier or Shinori who haven't done anything either?
  9. I did give other reasons for voting Elie in that exact same post. I'm not adding more things to my case because Elie hasn't done anything this phase other than defend himself and go after me in what seems to be a thinly veiled OMGUS to me. Him claiming hooked doesn't mean anything either because only one person claimed getting hooked N2, so Elie could easily be faking getting hooked N4. Nor was there a real reason to hook Elie from a scum POV anyway. I'm going primarily after Elie because I don't want to stick my vote on Kay and say "come back plz". It's sort of frustrating because Elie is one of my only non-townreads posting right now. I'm not entirely sure about Baldrick but nothing he's doing right now is jumping out at me. It's also frustrating that we just lynched our obvtown-playing-terribly Doctor and people are willing to let that go just because he was playing badly. I'm not saying that we should let people coast based off their claims, but when there's a flip practically confirming the existence of a Doc and there's no CC, we don't lynch the Doc. Yet nobody is trying to find the scum on that wagon.
  10. Mancer, I was actually thinking of something more like what Marth himself was in SSBU where he replaced the Town Rolecop after they died, and didn't know that until then. I dislike Marth's listpost because despite giving opinions on nearly every single player in the game, he somehow manages not to have a single scumread. His Boron vote is really just a prod asking her to post thoughts on SB and Darros. Related to that, he asks opinions from everyone about SB and Darros, but he himself says nothing about SB and very little about Darros. Nor does he explain why exactly he wants people to give their opinions about SB and Darros.
  11. What the hell that's not even my only reason for voting you. That's just the easiest one to point out. And there's a difference between your reads of someone changing as you progress, and you changing what your reads were at a specific point in the game. Those quotes of you aren't from posts where you're saying how your reads on Eclipse have changed. They're from posts where you try to explain why you made the Eclipse post in the first place. That is, what your reads on Eclipse were at the time of making the post. You go from saying that you had weak scumreads and weak townreads on her to saying that you were kind of leaning town on her at that point to saying that you made the post because you had equally strong town and scumreads on her at that point. As for the rest of why I'm voting for you, as Shin points out, your defence seems to be comprised of saying not why what you did should be excused, but why Baldrick is worse than you. You also kept persisting with Shinori and the SB/j00/CR slot being scum if Mancer flipped town instead of going after the people who gunned after him the most, such as say, Manix or JB. You would fall into there too, but I guess you can't go after yourself.
  12. Okay, nvm, Marth is claiming one of those Backups that replaces a role automatically upon its death without knowing one. Understandable then that he doesn't know exactly what he can backup, but it's still a pretty common fake. I would know, I've done a lot of research into fakeclaims lately.
  13. Backup isn't a terribly common scum role, but it is a terribly common fakeclaim, and Marth also seems awfully unsure of exactly what it is that he can even do. The Prims vote wasn't good either, because even if going after Marth had been the only thing that Prims had done, there's nothing that makes Prims's vote worse than other people on his wagon, if that's what he wanted to go after somebody for.
  14. srsly If we have a Vig and they're going to shoot tonight (I wouldn't if they're restricted), I'd rather they shoot one of the people being useless, like SB suggests.
  15. All your posts that mention Eclipse between quote 1 and quote 2 are attacking her. Nothing there to indicate that you improved your opinion of her to make her go from null to more or less town. In quote 2, you quite clearly indicate that the possibility of her being scum is only paranoia, and therefore less likely than her being town. And in quote 3, that's not you coming up with new stuff, that's you explaining your first post about Eclipse when I asked you why you'd made it in the first place.
  16. Well we need 5 votes to deadline lynch so just in case nobody comes back and we don't get an extension: ##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth
  17. I think only one Avatar a generation would be better, personally. There are enough gamebreakers in FE4 without adding what are essentially four Avatars into the mix. Whichever gender Avatar you choose, they come with Sigurd, and then you can pair them with whomever you want to get a Morgan of the opposite gender for gen 2. The idea of the holy blood you choose influencing your class set is pretty neat, though IMO for skills, most people would just pick Pursuit and Elite and have done with it. Maybe something else to narrow it down?
  18. You're not understanding what I'm saying about your points against Eclipse at all. I have no qualms with WHAT you said about her. My qualms are how you said it. First off, you provided a laundry list of things that you found scummy about her, with one point noting something good she'd said, but then concluded at the end that she was still a null read. The post quite literally ended with "Despite all this scummy stuff, you're Eclipse so I still have a null read against you". It also ended with saying this: Compare that to this: and this: Let's play spot the contradictions. Hint: they're in bold.
  19. Prims makes a pretty good point about Marth's Mancer vote and subsequent switch to no-lynch. Plus him giving me a pass just for being Miller was sort of lame, though not necessarily scummy. Wouldn't mind lynching him. But wrt to Smilies, not sure if his reply was refuge in audacity or legitimately having no reads. This has hardly been an active day phase and I can't really blame him for not getting much from so little when it's his first game. No idea on Paperblade. I maintain that Mancer's Rapier vote wasn't good. It would have been more opportunistic in that context to vote Marth for a serious reason, IMO, because it would have made the wagon seem legitimate when it wasn't. Whereas yet another jokevote is a bit lame but doesn't make a wagon comprised entirely of jokevotes seem legitimate. Could just be me over-analyzing a bad vote though.
  20. Elie, I dislike how your suspicions against Baldrick comprise partially of things that can be said of you. You said that you don't like how his scumhunting is a lot of "inquiries" but that's also what you did on D3 with Eclipse and Shinori. Your "banter" with Eclipse, as you call it, is weird, because in your large post analyzing her you said that both your suspicions against her and your reasons to find her townie were weak, but in your more recent posts you'd said that you had strong reasons for finding her townie and strong reasons for finding her scummy.
  21. I believe so. I'm down with lynching Mancer in like 9 hours, but Baldrick, would it be possible for us to get a phase extension for D1?
  22. Okay, I kind of misread your reason for voting Mancer, Marth.
  23. Also heads up, I'm sick right now and I have two midterms next week, so my activity this weekend might not be very good.
  24. ##Vote: Elieson Reasons are the same as they were on D4. Reasons for thinking Shinori/SB were scum were terrible and looked like he was lining up lynches. Plus he flip-flopped on them so many times, and it seemed only after he was pressured about it. He was also part of the terrible Mancer wagon and I'm still mad we lynched our Doc.
  25. I actually also find it pretty scummy how Marth voted me for a "hard defence" of Rapier even though it was more of an attack against Mancer, and then turned around and voted Mancer for the exact same reason that I'd voted Mancer for. And also, letting Miller claims slide as town isn't smart (look at SF2M where the mafia got a Miller fakeclaim). If you thought that my actions were scummy, a Miller claim shouldn't get in the way of that.
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