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Everything posted by BBM

  1. What does everybody think about this plan? We successively quicklynch everybody other than me on D1, and since I'm confirmed town, that basically guarantees a win.
  2. Depending on who you targeted, the redirecting role might or might not be town. We also don't know whether it was only you who was redirected or everybody targeting your target. Which is why you suddenly jumping to saying there's a Driver in the game made me a bit wary.
  3. I'm town Vanilla. Everybody claimtome.
  4. SB, might I ask who you targeted last night?
  5. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    Chapter 4: 11/35 Killed Roger and Mel for da EXP. Chapter 5: 4/39 Runan missed a 88% and caused a restart, but his stats are growing pretty well otherwise. Chapter 6: 7/46 Raffin's stats are kind of meh, but he gets shit done. Best Runan I've had yet, ORKOd the Knights with Rapier. I don't think Lee's had a level where he gained more than 1 stat yet, but he's still great. He ORKOs pretty much everything. Never recruited Norton.
  6. Okay, so two mafias are confirmed, meaning it's probably 15/3/3, so we're at 14/2/2 at the end of D2, which is pretty good. Probably bussing scum somewhere in those last 5 votes because a hammer isn't actually needed to lynch, as far as I can tell. Paulina, relax. No one is trying to attack you personally. Eclipse isn't trying to antagonize you on purpose. Also what game are you two talking about?
  7. Kay (4) - BBM, Reinfleche, Serious Bananas, Xinnidy Proto (3) - scorri, NekoRex, Paulina Helios (2) - Proto, eclipse Serious Bananas (2) - Balcerzak, Bluedoom, Blitz Xinnidy (2) - Kay, Helios Paulina (2) - Levity, Kay scorri (1) - Baldrick Voteless Scum (3): Shinori, Sho, Snike With 19 alive, it takes 10 to hammer. You have a bit under 3 hours left in the day. Sho are you serious time's almost up and the leading lynch target has only 4 votes. Vote for someone. >_> Kay if you're here you should claim.
  8. @Kay- Why would she tack it on as scum? It makes her an obvious target after his lynch if she said something like "I don't care if he's town" before lynching him. Saying something like that is not something either alignment should do. It shows her inexperience, but I don't think it shows her scumminess. And you still haven't defended yourself at all. >_>
  9. I agree that being unhelpful =/= automatically being scum, but what I was trying to say was that it's a valid reason for voting for somebody, and I don't see voting someone for it as a lack of scumhunting.
  10. I don't think that Paulina is scum because I think voting people for being unhelpful to the town is valid because being unhelpful is something scum do. So I don't agree that it's not scumhunting. Her posts for the most part also show a lot of scumhunting effort for her first NOC game, and most of the stuff she's said that I thought was weird was more gameplay theory/how to play in general rather than genuine scummy stuff.
  11. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    So hey might as well do this why not Map 1: 7/7 Garo is great here Map 2: 9/16 Runan fullmove and Enteh fullmove gets both Plum and seize on Turn 9. Garo and Lee went down to save the villages while Raffin cleared Runan's path. He also procced MAG! Too bad he didn't proc SPD... Map 3: 8/24 If Raffin had procced SPD last chapter he could have ORKOd the bow cavs at range, which would have helped a lot, because they wouldn't have been able to run away in that case. He procced it twice within the chapter though, so eh. Runan also got a few levels this chapter.
  12. I actually think that Helios's later posts are more memorable than his early ones. I do agree with what you said about Paulina's last post, though (although I don't think she's scum). Paulina, when people do things that frustrate you, don't do them to other people. I don't get how Bizz is hypocritical for thinking that voting someone for being useless is scummy. How is comparing your posts using "you're not helping town" prove that she is hypocritical? also lolbizz
  13. I dislike how even though Kay has come to the thread and made one or two posts since I and other people have voted for her, she hasn't made a single attempt to defend herself. While the Proto/Xinny/Bizz triangle defence is weird, it makes me more confident that they're not scum, because they'd be sticking their necks out an awful lot.
  14. Kay Helios SB Proto Something like that would be my lynch priority for today based on the people who seem to be under any heat. SB, do you mind outing who your original target was?
  15. What happened to the Rocker suspicion, guys? I know that several people found Rocker scummy, and I can't see what Kay has done to dispel that other than being more active. I really don't think that either Xinny or Proto will flip scum. I've already explained my feelings about Xinny and my feelings about Proto are mainly gut. I'd much rather lynch Kay over him, though I'll vote him if I have to to if the only other option is Xinny. And obviously I don't want to lynch the Doc claim at this point in time.
  16. Everyone who doesn't have a vote down at this point really should, and Rein should probably be subbed out at this point.
  17. This Xinny wagon is super opportunistic and most of the people voting her are doing so off only one post. The tone in her posts doesn't read scum at all to me. Yeah, she overreacted- that doesn't make her scum. Overreactions can be scummy when you suddenly start acting really defensive due to only a small attack. She did that here, yeah, but because she was frustrated, and if you read her posts before the last one, you can clearly see it building up in her tone. @SB- what? How do we know there's a redirecting role in the game? To my knowledge nobody has claimed a redirecting role or even claimed to have been redirected.
  18. Xinny, relax a bit. People make mistakes and have wrong impressions sometimes. You might know you're town but we don't. Sometimes people don't read your posts the way you intend them, and it sucks. But you're not in the crosshairs right now, so there's no need to get so frustrated.
  19. I also dislike how Neko is just sort of listing every single even slightly suspicious thing that everyone in the game has done, without actually bothering to give his overall thoughts about most of them or building an actual case against them, like his points against Baldrick, Xinny, SB. From his two listposts so far, I can gather that he finds Helios, Lucina, and Proto scummy, and then I'm not actually sure what his thoughts are about me. He points out a bunch of suspicious things about me but doesn't actually say that he finds me scummy or that he'd support my lynch like he does for the three I mentioned above. I'd vote for Neko but I'm not really sure how many votes he has at the moment and I don't want to accidentally hammer. I know he's got at least six, which is probably enough to be going about with for the moment in any case. I feel like Helios is stepping up his game form what it was before, so I'm going to: ##Unvote, ##Vote: Kay She had one long post where she just sort of countered things that she found scummy or arguments she didn't like... and that's it. Yeha, I understand that she just subbed in and she's never active at the best of times, but the only idea I have of her scumreads is one line at the end of her first post. She didn't even say why she found Xinny scummy until she was pressed, and she didn't really say why she found SB or Lucina scummy either, or at least not directly. She attacked some arguments defending them, such as saying that her claim seems faked, but that's it. She doesn't have a single point where she analyzes what Lucy or SB has done in a direct manner.
  20. I used self-meta as a defence because I was defending against a meta argument. I was using self-meta to try and show that her meta on me was wrong, or at least that it had changed since then. People should really see why people use self-meta when they use it, and not just say "omg self-meta is scummy". It's scummy when people are using it to defend themselves against regular arguments, like "Oh I sheep all the time so don't take that as me being scummy". There's a difference there (IMO). I also don't like how in Neko's bit against me, he attacked what I was doing instead of why I was doing it. I questioned Eclipse's question of Prims's claim because she found it more important than pushing a line of questioning on someone she thought was scummy. And yeah, maybe if Prims really had been the JoaT, he shouldn't have posted how many abilities he had, but just because that bit was unnecessary doesn't make it a scummy thing to do. He also says that I should have switched to Eclipse or Snike earlier, with the posts I had against them, but then calls me out for OMGUSing them, which are two opposing things. If I'd changed earlier, that would still have been an "OMGUS" and if I'd waited longer to change, or hadn't changed at all, then it would have been scummy for just voteparking someone I don't find scummy. So this type of argument is kind of dumb to defend against. Not sure if I've said this before, but the reason I didn't switch from Marth immediately was because I thought Marth would come and respond, and I wanted to get a response from him before voting Snike, as it was only one post of his that I found suspicious. As for Eclipse, I was still waiting for Marth, but then got impatient and voted her anyways.
  21. Name: Jared Enoch Age: 23 Affinity: Dark Post: Frelian Soldier Appearance: Tall with sickly pale skin and dark black hair that covers his eyes in a fringe. His face is covered in small scars. He is slightly thick-set. In battle, imagine this, but with an axe. Personality: Psychotic and murderous, he holds grudges for a long time and will do anything to kill those who defy him. Backstory: The Glass Sword Abilities: Pegasus (-6) Armor (+5) Prf Weapon (-3) Axes (-2) 35 - 6 + 5 - 3 - 2 = 29 points left for growths and 34 for bases. HP: 24 (100%) Str: 7 (60%) Mag: 0 (0%) Skl: 4 (30%) Spd: 8 (55%) Lck: 4 (30%) Def: 4 (40%) Res: 0 (15%) Con: 9
  22. I don't disagree with the reasons for voting Neko but the votes for his wagon seemed to have piled up incredibly fast, which makes me rather uncomfortable. He has like 6 votes on him already. Helios, I'm aware that you said you voted Scorri for active lurking. My point was that despite you justifying it in that way, she wasn't active lurking. Posting to say you're going to be busy isn't active lurking, it's just being courteous to the rest of the game. Also, you had like a whole paragraph against Xinny, and she was also one of your main scumreads from last phase. Your last post was the first time you even mentioned Neko, yet you still voted for him over Xinny, which makes me kind of suspicious, though the motivation could differ based on what alignment Neko is. Eclipse, I overreact regardless of my alignment. Look at some of my early games for examples of me overreacting as town to votes being placed on me. I've gotten better in that sense since then, but I still do it. And if you want examples of me being scum where I haven't overreacted or asked a lot of questions, there's .hack and EiMM. Regardless, thank you for responding; it makes me feel a bit better about you. Proto, Neko's played on another forum before, as well as several times on this one. He's not really a newb.
  23. I... don't think you understand what I'm saying? I'm saying that I've already made my case and if you apparently can't even remember it, it clearly wasn't "solid" enough for you to respond to it. I don't have anything more to say than what I already said earlier. I'll link to it in case you missed but I don't think you did. I'm too tired and lazy to dig more if you're not going to respond to that, especially as I'm more interested in Helios at the moment anyways.
  24. Sorry, I'm going to be a bit busy over the next few days due to school and then my mom's birthday right after the work ends. ##Vote: Helios I'll expand this more later, but his votes last phase were weak. Scorri vote was him just voting for an inactive and then trying to justify that later as her lurking because she posted just to say that she would be busy, which is a pretty lame vote. Then he voted SB, basically just saying the same thing Prims was saying about SB's reaction to the Cop report being weird. I don't disagree that it was a weird reaction, but the vote came after Lucy had come in to claim. If we take Lucy as town, why would scum bother nitpicking like he did instead of just going along with it? And if Lucy is actually scum, then would he really try to save her in such an obvious way? Maybe it's wrong of me to expect good play, but that seems like too dumb to actually do. Then his last vote was just a late-in-the-phase switch to Mancer, which could easily have been a bus. Eclipse, like I said, I've already made my case against you and if you didn't think it was worthy enough to be considered a case than I don't know what more to say. I'm more interested in Helios right now than you because your attitude towards the votes on you seems too uncaring to be mafia. Or maybe you're just bluffing.
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