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Everything posted by BBM

  1. My action did not fail (obviously). Well, Scorri, the obvious answer to why Mancer might not have claimed town-sided Hooker is because if Mancer was given a fake to make instead of just Hooker, the mafia might have assumed from that that town had a Hooker. Personally I would have claimed Hooker anyways to try and draw a PR into the open, but they might have thought that the Coroner claim would save Mancer.
  2. I can't believe that I actually got like 2/3rds of the game to claim to me on N1?
  3. BTW I think it's completely lame that Gravedigger Lucy could kill and PGO at the same time.
  4. You were also N1 kill in Void, and you did shit in SFMM2 until you were outed to the mafia by the ITPs as Doc.
  5. BBM

    Pokemon X and Y

    I'm surprised no one has stated the obvious yet- Ninfia doesn't end in -eon.
  6. Yeah, but it's also a part-time Doc. Prims's role PM heavily implies multiple protective roles, and two full-time Doctors together would be OP. As Prims said before he got modsubbed the second time, he could also have easily checked the legitimacy of such a claim, making it an unlikely fakeclaim unless Lucina/Kay's real role also has some protective ability to it.
  7. 5 guesses right whee (Prims, Bizz, Baldrick, Manix, and BK). Disappointed I didn't get to play, but eh.
  8. Well, I hope that we get an explanation for that mess in postgame. >_> Anyways, Prims's role makes me feel better about Lucina, because it heavily implies that there are multiple protective roles in the game, meaning that some are more likely to be lesser-used or part-time, such as CPR Doctor.
  9. If you don't think that what I've said against you to this point is a case, then I don't really know what more to say. In any case I don't much like doing much at night.
  10. I suggest Helios as a possible Vigshot candidate. Not quite as suspicious of him as I am of Eclipse, but most of the town probably don't want Eclipse dead at the moment, and she's also contributing more than Helios is.
  11. That point makes no sense, Mancer. If they were scum, and you were town, the last thing they'd want is to jump on your wagon late in the phase. It'd look a lot better for them if they didn't jump on the wagon, especially as you already had a good deal more votes on you than anybody else.
  12. Mancer, you're citing 2 posts out of 33 you've made in this thread for evidence that your only contributions haven't been rolehunting. Look through the ISOs of anyone else and tell me how many other people have only 6% of their posts related to non rolehunting. Your claimed role also does not seem very useful or to me. A 1-shot role in a 21-player game? Coroner is a pretty strong role, but even then I don't like it.
  13. The only units who really have good growths in this game are Zeek, Sennet, and Tia, one of whom betrays you and two of whom come in the last chapter. And I guess Rennie has decent growths too. Everyone who's good does it off their class, skills, bases, or weapons. It also helps that enemies as a whole are not that strong in this game.
  14. I agree that most of Proto's contribution has been role and flavour spec, but I can't see why he as mafia would want to clear a townie on that. Maybe if I was about to get lynched, he might do it for townie points, but at that point the lynch was moving away from me anyways. What Proto is doing is dumb, and he needs to start contributing in a better way, but I can't see scum intent in what he's doing right now.
  15. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    That's Rina, who's already been picked. Seriously, look at the OP.
  16. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    What? Who's Lienna? Please make it more clear who you want, especially as the OP lists who's left.
  17. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    Surprised that Xeno lasted this long, since everyone thinks he's good. He's the last even moderately okay unit left though, so might as well. I'll take him and... Rebecca? Extra healz never hurt.
  18. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    I changed Sharpy's pick from Raquel to Norton. Also picked Garo and Rennie.
  19. I didn't really like the Neko vote on Mancer. Wagon-hop while still semi-defending Mancer, okay.
  20. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    I'll take Sierra and Loffaru. what is earlygame? RAFFIN AND LEE
  21. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    Narron and SunLee underleveled mounts with EliteVerje units ftw
  22. oops I posted in the wrong draft thread derp
  23. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    Giving him Ester and Sasha because he said that anyone can do Barts's job after a while. In future though, edit out the character you no longer want.
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