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Everything posted by BBM

  1. To the people mentioning the Eclipse-wagon- according to Prims, nobody is actually voting Eclipse right now, so I don't think she's a primary scumread of anyone except maybe Paulina atm.
  2. Oh yeah, should mention, Blitz mentioned yesterday in IRC that his computer had some virus that wouldn't let him log onto SF.
  3. Snike: holy flipping Bear Knight. Anyways, yeah, I forgot to respond to that post. There's really nothing to say to your defence there because it'd become a "Yes you did" argument against your "No I didn't" defence. And I didn't make up the point on the stop, I just didn't say it clearly the first time because to me, the reason scum are waffly and sit on the fence in arguments is so that they can engineer mislynches and then back off later. So I didn't see the reason to mention the latter because I thought it was a direct consequence of the former. Anyways, I admit that I've over-reacted a bit in certain places, but I felt frustrated at people either misunderstanding or misrepresenting me, and then accusing me of doing the same to them, and then later I was grouchy from studying for so long.
  4. If I'm hiding something from my role PM, it's because there's no reason to out it at the moment. You say that me hiding a part of my role PM makes me scum, and then you say you're NOT asking for claims from people who haven't claimed fully? If I did in fact post a part of my role PM that I might be hiding, that would be me claiming something I haven't claimed yet, which you've said you don't want people to do. You're contradicting yourself heavily here. And how am I generally being unhelpful? Say what you want about my play, but I've contributed a lot more than most of the players. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Mancer Whatever he says, he's rolefishing a lot, and he hasn't done anything of note other than asking people for role PMs and then picking at those. Sounds like pseudo-contribution to me. His initial vote against me was because I votehopped, even though I'd votehopped less than other people, and then he called me out for trying to prove my Announcer role, which makes no sense at all. His reads against Xinny and Manix are weak, and just rehashing what others have said anyways. He also asked a Vig to CC in open even though he's played enough games at this point to know that Vigs shouldn't do that. I still find Eclipse scummy but this is ridiculous. Paulina, vote for whom you want. You can unvote later if you don't want to vote her after seeing her response.
  5. Why on earth would you default to Sho? I still don't think he's confirmed town, but thinking of voting him right now would indicate that you haven't read the thread very much.
  6. In Mintz's chapter, his brigade don't attack you unless you step onto the plain. Then a few turns in, and if you haven't progressed too far towards the castle, he'll start charging for the castle gate. So make sure to stay out of range from the Archer near the castle who is the furthest away from it. As soon as you get in that guy's range, Mintz will leave. While he's going towards the castle, he won't attack your troops, so just make sure to not block his path. Then he'll be recruited at the end of the chapter, after you seize. To also recruit Rennie, you just have to complete the chapter in less than 10 turns, which leaves you a window of only 3-4 turns to do it in after Mintz goes into the castle.
  7. Eclipse and I have been attacking each other for a good chunk of the phase. For us to be scumbuddies, that would have to be fabricated. Why would we get in such a slapfight so early? Also, the Announcer part of my role isn't faked. I've proved it. It even has my name in it. If you look closely, I call myself BabyBowserMonster, a reference to my name and to my character, Kiwi. I might have another portion to my role that I am hiding, but I'm under no obligation to reveal it if there is. You said that you're only asking people who've claimed their role to post their role PM. If there is indeed more to my PM, then asking me to post that is asking me to claim a part of my role I haven't yet. So yeah, you are rolefishing, so stop it. Also, minor inconsistencies are more often due to the mod than the player, because players are generally more careful, which is why most games have a clause in the rules saying "The host isn't perfect". Elie didn't, but he DID mention it in his last votals post.
  8. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    Hmmmmm I forgot about that. Bleargh. I can't remember what TC is achievable if you don't recruit Leteena; it's been too long since I've played. I might include a turn reduction for recruiting her I guess.
  9. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    Well, due to ~peer pressure, I joined the draft. I doubt Dio will want to join anyways, as he's currently doing a run of his own. Anyways, because it's the first run of everyone in this draft except me, I'm keeping Warp/Renee free and making Garo draftable. So according to this, the order is: 1. BBM 2. Xinny 3. Jedi 4. IceSage 5. Sharpy I pick Raffin.
  10. Going over Marth's latest posts, I haven't really liked them much. The Xinny vote feels sort of lazy. The wording in his comment about Helios is weird because he "admits" that Helios's Scorri vote was weak, which sounds like he's defending Helios, and I don't know why he feels like he has to do that. He calls out Proto for his rolespec, but then proceeds to rolespec about what might have caused Sho to lose his role. Also not sure why he thinks that me mentioning Cult might make me a third-party announcer. That's kind of a leap, seeing as the only ITP who would be likely to know there might be a cult in the game would be the cult, and if I was cult, I'd hardly be the one to bring them up on D1. Additionally, he says I'm scummy for having multiple scumreads, but if Shinori's claim is to be believed, there are 6 non-town players, so there's nothing wrong with having multiple scumreads. Maybe I have too many, but that's not what he said.
  11. Just kind of annoyed right now from something else and it's seeping into the game, sorry. Anyways, upon a reread of Xinny, she never said that she found me suspicious, just that I was suspicious of a lot of people, which she declared null.
  12. The "Night X" part isn't there in my role PM. I don't know why. Elie probably made a mistake there. The nitpick is unnecessary because whether or not I am confirmed town, I am confirmed Announcer. What possible reason would I as mafia Announcer have to remove the "Night X" part from my action paragraph if it existed?
  13. Elie not giving the mafia the town wincon in a game where posting role PMs is allowed would be terribly dumb. In fact, THAT would be bastard mod. If you REALLY want my role PM:
  14. Got ninja'd. My voting history has been Mancer -> Marth -> Eclipse. I never voted Lucina. Also, how the hell is trying to prove my Announcer role after I claimed it scummy? Would you rather I idle? If someone other than me had made that announcement, they would have said so by now. Also, Mancer, why are you rolefishing so hard? First asking role PMs from me/Snike/Shinori, and then asking for a Vig counterclaim? Vigs don't CC at any time other than MYLO/LYLO, they shoot. If there's another Vig and they feel that their role can't co-exist with Lucy's, they'll shoot her tonight. I'm not liking Mancer's posts at all.
  15. There weren't two announcers. It was just me, and the reason that it looked like there were two announcers was because you are all lame and absolutely none of you recognized that my announcement was a pastiche of D1 announcements from past games. Specifically, OC Basics, CM4, and SFM. Which is why it sounded like the announcer suddenly changed- the first two parts were written by Paperblade and the last part was written by Scorri. I kept my vote on Marth despite him not being there because I thought he'd come back in a little bit, and then when it became apparent he wasn't, I didn't feel fully comfortable with voting Snike because it was only the one post of his I really took issue with. His first post or two, against Marth, I agreed with. After that it became just us accusing the other of misrepping. Then I got frustrated for a while so I left to study without any breaks, and after I came back from dinner, I voted Eclipse. As for me mentioning a cult, my mind jumped to it because two out of the last three large games have had them. And cult games aren't bastard; Schoolteacher wasn't announced as bastard and it had one. Marth, your definition of bastard is really weird, because you apparently consider Cults to be more bastard than Jesters? Mancer, why do you want me, Snike, and Shinori to post our role PMs? I might as well post mine because I'm outed anyways, but Snike implied he had more to his role so asking him to post his role PM is dumb. Shinori might also have more to his PM. This makes me uncomfortable. Also I need to reread Xinny because she just said I was a townread of her's, even though I feel like I remember her saying that she was slightly suspicious of me.
  16. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    I've made a change I think is smart- Kreiss and Leteena are now drafted as one unit, because it's basically a Bartre/Karla situation. This leaves one unit missing from the last round of drafting, which will be replaced by Renee if Warp Staff is banned, or Garo if it's not.
  17. I can't be both attacking someone new every other post and tunneling the people on my wagon, so which is it that I need to stop doing? Also, Marth left like right after I voted for him, and we're only 12 hours into the phase, so how exactly is voting someone for half of that time over a N0 case bad anyways? The players I find worst right now are Eclipse, Snike, Marth, and Helios. I've explained myself about the first two, and the feelings about Marth are lingering from N0, but they're not that strong. I realize I haven't said much about Helios, but basically I don't like his Scorri vote and disappearance. This isn't very strong either. Also waiting on that post from Mancer.
  18. BBM

    TRS Draft 2

    I've put up a poll in the OP btw, for whether or not Warp Staff should be banned. If this happened, Renee would become free to draft, and I guess one unit would be left over at the end. Which is okay since odds are nobody will be able to get Leteena. Also if nobody takes the last spot by tomorrow morning, I will, but I'll basically be a ghost drafter.
  19. I believe that 2 people are voting me and at least 3 people have said that they find me suspicious to various degrees, so if not Eclipse, I could still be lynched today. Paulina, most of the day phase is still to go. We're not even 24 hours in yet. The lynch is by no means decided. And even if it was, and we'd reached a consensus on whom to lynch, it still doesn't mean that we decide to cease scumhunting. Also, I believe you missed some stuff. Prims admitted that he was lying about his claim- it was a reaction test to see what Lucina would say and do afterwards.
  20. Meh, I stopped believing the copscan after Prims posted "Don't expect a CC, town might have multiple JoaTs." Anyways, CPR Doctor doesn't seem like a role that would be given as a fake, nor does it feel like something Lucy might fake on her own accord, so I'm inclined to believe it for now. And Eclipse, I'm sorry, but no. You don't get to say things like "Let me play how I want and comment on what I want to" in a game of mafia. I'm perfectly within my rights to question you for doing something I didn't like. And if I had done something similar by not commenting on the Bizz case (I did, but whatever) you'd be perfectly within your rights to question me for not doing that. In fact, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Eclipse I don't really care if this is seen as an OMGUS. A step through her ISO, looking at the posts with content in them: Post 1: Votes Bizz for being annoyed about a role deleter even though any town would find the existence of one bad, even a person with a scummy role or a Vanilla, because other people in the town DO have good roles. Post 2: Handwaves my entire case against Snike with just a "I can see his point", with no explanation given as to why. What exactly made Snike's logic better than mine? Post 3: Starts finding me suspicious just because I misremembered something, okay. Also finds me suspicious for asking questions (lol that meta) and for the earlier points I was making, though again, she doesn't mention why my points were bad or scummy. Post 4/Post 5: She chooses to question Prims for the way he claimed JoaT over pushing Bizz, which doesn't make any sense to me. Then calls me out for getting fired up in my responses to her and for jumping too hard on people attacking me. Of course I'm going to get fired up when you dismiss everything I say with "It's not as important". I get that you have priorities and things you find more important than others. But town's job isn't to hide everything they think. Some things, sure, but if you start doing things weirdly, you can't brush me off by saying "let me play how I want". You mention that Prims revealing the amount of abilities he had doesn't make sense since it has nothing to do with his case. So were you suspecting Prims of lying as well? And no, I clearly don't think I'm making a big deal out of something trivial. Post 6/Post 7 : Some stuff questioning questioning Proto, okay. The first of these posts also implies that you did in fact believe Prims's claim, since you said that you implied that Lucina was a higher lynch priority than me. If that was the case, why were you nitpicking the claim so much?
  21. This is taking both sides. How can you not see that saying somebody's tone is inappropriate and then saying they have a good point is taking both sides of the argument? And yeah, scum can have good points, but that doesn't change the fact that calling someone out like that at the same time as saying they have a good point allows you to backtrack after a mislynch and wash your hands clean. And yeah, I saw your point about there being bigger fish to fry. That doesn't change the validity of my point, which ISN'T just that you had "mixed feelings" about everyone. The point, I repeat, was that you're setting yourself up to backtrack after a mislynch. @Eclipse- Good job misrepping me again. Like you said, you don't think other things are that important. So why is that? Why didn't you find any of the Marth discussion important enough to comment on at all? For that matter, why do you think questioning someone you are slightly suspicious of (Bizz) is less important than asking Prims why he announced how many abilities he has? If people aren't interested in lynching Bizz today, they're most certainly not interested in lynching Prims today. The fact that people are either completely twisting my words or misunderstanding my points while accusing me of doing that to them is highly frustrating, so I probably won't be back for a few hours.
  22. Wow I got ninja'd. Considering the amount of time we have left in the phase, I don't see a reason to vote for her until she responds to the report.
  23. @Eclipse- So the only things that have happened D1, according to you, are role deleter spec and Bizz being annoyed about a role deleter after she said she had a scummy role? What about the fact that Marth had 3 serious votes on him (until Snike unvoted)? You didn't comment on any of the things that Snike said about anyone either, other than that "you could see his logic". And good job misrepping ME. Notice how I put "IIRC" before I said that you claimed a scummy role? It was because I wasn't sure and didn't have the time to go and read your ISO, because I've been studying for the past four hours while taking breaks every 15-20 minutes to check the thread. @Snike- I don't see much of a difference between what you said and what I summarized it as being. Calling Sho out for not giving reasons for a sheepy vote IS the same as calling him out for coasting. Saying you don't want to look TOOOO hard at Helios is basically the same as saying you have mixed feelings against him. Obviously I used the words "mixed feelings" to show the similarity between your points about everyone, but the point was that you took both sides about him and called him out for something at the same time as saying he had a good point about something. And newsflash: that IS having mixed feelings about someone.
  24. That was me summarizing Snike's post. Why would I say I had mixed feelings about myself?
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