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Everything posted by BBM

  1. Just reposting this: I'm also inclined to believe Scorri because she was crumbing Cop from her posts really hard. And I thought Blitz was scummy anyways, so. Also Blitz's defence doesn't make much sense because why on earth would scum do that?
  2. Yeah, we won't be able to know if Marth is scum or not from inspecting him. So? What has he been doing that's scummy? We don't lynch Miller claims just because they're Millers, that's dumb. @Prims- That's a better reason, I just didn't like how you were telling people to go for your read over their's for nothing at all. Personally I disagree with you because Elieson's reasoning might have been better, but the timing seemed more opportunistic, but meh. That vote from Blitz was bad.
  3. Mancer, your scumread on Marth makes no sense at all and is objectively terrible. He is claiming JoaT with a one-shot Rolecop, and he is voting Shinori because he inspected Shinori and he turned up a role that is probably Mafia, since town is more likely to have an Alliance Checker than a Rolecop.
  4. I don't like what Prims is doing at all, getting people to vote for his read over their's. Even if the reasons are kind of similar, why do you so desperately want to wagon your read instead of their's? If Elieson and SB look scummy for the same reason, why do you want Paper/Mancer to switch to your read, instead of you to their's? Also I agree with Paper about Elieson being worse than SB- Elieson just jumped onto the wagon at the end, while SB gave his own reasons. I also have no clue wtf Scorri is doing- it's a couple hours into D1, and I don't think anybody except me found him THAT scummy.
  5. >_> I did answer your question. Passive-aggressiveness is scummy because you point out things in an indirect way rather than in a direct way, so if it ends up being a mislynch, people don't connect you with it as much as if you attack that person directly. Like I'm being pretty direct in my opinions about Blitz right now, and if he flips town, I'll probably look worse because of it. But if I'd just sort of made some passing retaliatory comments, I wouldn't be connected with it as much.
  6. Damnit, I keep getting a WHITE SCREEN
  7. In a 9/3 game, mafia can win at the end of D3 too, assuming straight mislynches and stuff. Sure, they might not be able to push 3 mislynches, but a cult member can also get lynched. The bigger threat is that people rarely expect cults, so they're not on the lookout for them, but that can be changed. EDIT: IIRC, the last cult game, Sugar, had a townie whose role PM told them that there was a cult in the game. That could be applied to a better balanced game in other regards.
  8. Just as a heads up, there's been a family emergency, so my activity on the weekend might be spotty. I should be fine after that though.
  9. Also, there's been a family emergency so my activity on the weekend might be spotty.
  10. fuck it i'm in i'll withdraw if i can't get a working rom though
  11. I don't think there's something inherently imbalanced with cults... The last few games with cults might have been imbalanced, but that doesn't mean the setup couldn't have been fixed.
  12. Except the worst the mafia can do to someone on N0 is like hook/silence/kidnap whatever. They can't kill. N0 helps the town, because it's basically a headstart for the town's investigative roles. If we have actual discussion N0 and someone looks scummy, we're giving the Cop a target, so that he's not just randing his target. And sure, maybe we give the mafia a non-random target to hook/silence/kidnap, but then if someone is looking really townie, we give any theoretical Watcher a good target to pick too. Also, consider that unlike the last hammer games, we don't get to be indecisive D1 and have a non-hammer lynch. It's a universal loss straight away. So on any other night phase, when the mafia can kill, it's not as good to talk much, but right now I don't see the harm in treating it as an extended D1.
  13. I'll tell you the name of the fourth scum if you vig him tonight instead of me.
  14. you missed the last person 0/10
  15. Umm, it's night. Rest assured that when the day starts, barring something else happening to change my mind, I will vote for you. As of right now, I have my NightVote on you, so I really can't do anything more. And why shouldn't Mancer want to know what your reads are? You're making it sound like that's a scummy thing when it's not really. Like, I can understand that you might not HAVE any reads because it's N0, but that wasn't what your reply implied.
  16. I did in the post before last. >_>
  17. You're misrepresenting my point. It started off as him acting differently, sure, but right now I don't like his posts because his points are passive-aggressive instead of being direct. And that has nothing to do with it being Blitz, I'd say that was scummy no matter who was doing it.
  18. The point is that normally your points are direct. Your jab at Mancer was indirect and passive-aggressive. Your point against me in that last post was similar. Also what are all these people doing viewing the thread and not saying anything? And Paper, shrug. It's N0/ED1. Care to offer a more substantial opinion? Why are my thoughts dumb in this context? I find passive-aggressiveness scummy most of the time, because it's a way to sort of point things out in a half-assed way. When you make your points passively, people don't connect you with the lynch as much as they do if you were direct.
  19. Well then that person is just dumb and we can't do anything about dumb people. Either way I think you're exaggerating, and the tone of how you pointed it out was also really passive aggressive- "Don't think I didn't notice that." instead of "Hey, you're doing this scummy thing." I don't know, something about your posts have just been really off-putting.
  20. Yeah, but that's hardly rolefishing. Nobody is going to admit they're scum when you ask them if they are unless they're giving up because they don't think there's any chance of them winning (so certainly not N0). And it's not like the real Alliance Cop would say, "No, I'm not scum, but I sure am the Cop!!!"
  21. Generally hydras are allowed to talk within themselves, yeah. It's more annoying for the people who aren't the hydra, to realize that the two people are like the same person in actuality. And it gets really weird when one person is playing well and the other person isn't.
  22. I actually have to kind of agree with Prims about Blitz. His post earlier was really passive, which is not a word I associate with Blitzhunting, and then the latest jab at Mancer seemed really weird and forced- I don't see how he was rolefishing more than I was when he basically just repeated my question to Marth. And you just said last page that Mancer was coming out with some good stuff, but now he's rolefishing? ##UnNightVote, ##NightVote: Blitz
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