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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I think Blitz is the only person who could ever say this statement totally unironically.
  2. but, but, if you replace illegal immigrants working under minimum wage with good hard-working Americans working at higher wages, that's essentially the same thing as raising the minimum wage, and that's bad for the economy!
  3. My gut suspicion is that frey is claiming this to get the vig to cc. I don't see why mafia or an sk would kill strawman. Also not enough ppl for an SK imo. The role itself doesn't make sense partnered with miller. The game is too low power for two investigation roles
  4. manix in your fakevig posts, were the arguments you used against refa also fake or were those all real?
  5. I realize I forgot to say my Manix priority. I would put him below Frey and Blitz. Probably a little more suspicious than the Gilgamesh slot. @sb- your point about my content being stuff from before I subbed in is fair. Difficult atm bc other than Manix nobody I'm wary of has posted much since I've subbed in. Other than that I'm kind o more and more suspicious of Blitz as I'm learning more about his approach to this game. Only trying to contact scumreads doesn't make much sense. Having been allies with Blitz in Diplomacy for the past few weeks (people who EiMM more can maybe back me up), I know that he likes to talk and theorize a lot about stuff to do in OC. This doesn't mesh well with his play this game. I'll take a look at the reads that he had Frey relay but they seemed very surface level.
  6. I reread cam and gilgamesh and it's a little iffy but I don't want to lynch this slot atm. Prims made the argument that Cam could have voted Elie but voted Frey instead. Don't think this is really right; Cam's post was much more focused towards Frey. I also just straight up agree with a lot of his Frey case- he has another example of Frey padding. His unsurety didn't seem insincere either. I'm more concerned about Gilg. The reasoning for the Dorian vote itself is okay but just before that he had talked about looking for Elie interactions, and Dorian was unrelated. Phoneposting atm so checking timing is difficult but my concern is it might be wagoning. So my question to Gilgamesh is why did you choose to stop looking at Elie?
  7. I dont have a problem with refa though. Manix is missing the forest for the trees imo. I don't really remember what else gilgamesh talked about. Someone... Prims? Made a decent cam case though. I'll post again in the evening
  8. I don't know why dorian didn't change his vote but it was more antitown than it was proscum. Scum dorian WANTS to change to sb to make sure that his buddy elie doesn't get lynched. Even if SB is scum in some weird unlikely double bus situation dorian wants to vote one of them for cred bc there's going to be a scum lynch regardless of what he does. Holding steadfast to a vote on a 3rd player when one of the wagons is scum isn't good scum play. And if you wantt to say BUT SCUM DON'T ALWAYS PLAY PERFECTLY neither do town so the point is moot.
  9. Gg I spent so long on that post I missed my train. I also don't like Blitz. I don't like how he's treating OC. I feel like he would be talking to a lot more people and would be making more of an effort to not just relay reads but ask questions and stuff. Blitz's townplay os a lot more dependent on reactions. I also dont know his rationale behind whom he's contacting. AFAICS he was talking mostly to SB for a large part of D1 even though they spent most of that time scumreading each other. Not that you shouldn't talk to your scumreads in OC but they shouldn't be the person you talk to the most. I also think that Blitz would have used his vote a lot more actively. It became obvious fairly soon that he was the OC guy.
  10. BBM replaces in for Dorian! (Mits can't access SF) People are voting Dorian. I'm not Dorian, so I can't do anything about that, but I am town, so you should unvote me anyways. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Freyjadour My two main scumreads for most of D1 were Freyjadour and Manix. Manix has more posts with meta-content and talking about nothing than he does with actual content, especially on D2. His ED1 was also whining too much about low content while doing not much about it (Freyjadour is a worse example of this, more later), and his tone and general attitude seems way too disinterested considering this is Manix's first game in months. I would probably vote here over Frey because I expect more from Manix, but he had a critical swingvote on Elie near the end of D1. He had the avenue to vote SB instead because he'd kind of had a point on SB just before he voted Elie, but he didn't. But now that I've subbed in his excuse of having nobody to tunnel is invalid, so he'd better up his game. In addition to the RVS whining, Frey's ED1 came off as talking about unnecessary stuff to pad his posts. He said something like "mislynches are bad because scum can run away with the game like Kirby 2"... no shit mislynches are bad. This doesn't need an explanation. He responded well to the early pressure iirc but after it went away he's coasted very heavily; I can't remember at all what his opinions were; he might have voted yolo and then SB? I wasn't very impressed with either vote. His Dorian vote today is wagony as fuck bc Dorian actually had a decent amount of content; he just spent time crusading on people nobody was going to lynch. gotta go, more in the afternoon/evening
  11. Tuvarkz, considering you see Trump's ideas as sound and viable, I'm not surprised you think the opposite about Sanders, but do you really think Trump has a "stronger head" than Sanders?
  12. My comment about trump inciting violence wasn't referring to the "jokes" he makes about punching people; it was about his rhetoric being designed to stir up feelings of fear and hatred. People who are angry and afraid, not just against Muslims or Latin Americans, but also through the backlash from opposition, tend to be more likely to commit violence.
  13. Here's a more accurate statement: Trump says things that incite violence, either directly or indirectly. I don't condone the anti-Trump people who start fights, just as I don't condone the pro-Trump people who do it. But they're both being incited by Trump; just in opposite ways.
  14. You also lose more when you cut taxes more. If I want to speak in broad generalizations like Duff, this is what Republican platforms are based on. Cut taxes to lower revenue and then say they're going to cut government programs even more than they've cut taxes. This doesn't work, partially because of high military spending. What exactly do you even like about Trump's platform? Do you even know his platform or is your support based purely on how he carries himself and his policy towards Muslims? These are the main things I've seen you support him on.
  15. 1. I admittedly don't have statistics about this for the US, but raising minimum wage/increasing corporate tax was brought up in Canada's federal election last year. A lot of companies give huge bonuses to executives and other top employees, and/or have a lot of dead money lying around. Are you really telling me Walmarts or McDonalds can't afford to pay their workers $1 more an hour? 2. Do you know, universities in Norway are free not only for local students, but also for international students? Amazingly, they haven't shut down yet. That's because free tuition doesn't mean that colleges don't get paid; it means that the government pays the tuition. Also, Bernie is only advocating free tuition for local students, and only at public colleges. I believe the majority of colleges are private and wouldn't be affected at all. 3. I do in fact think that somewhere in Bernie's camp, someone did in fact do well in high school economics. That person might even have undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in economics. In fact, it might even be more than one person! 4. I don't understand; how do you make college more affordable without further subsidizing it? 5. Do you know, one of Trump's main ways to balance the budget is to cut funding given to the Department of Education? If Trump is elected and keeps his promises, trust me, college will not be more affordable or accessible for anyone. For what it's worth, I actually don't agree with Bernie's plan of making tuition free at public colleges, but I think your arguments are bad. I think flipping a switch and making tuition free is extremely unfair for the people who graduated just prior to the policy being put in place. They graduate just before, in the same economic environment, but with potentially tens of thousands more in debt. It puts them in a much worse situation with regards to pretty much everything- their ability to take out loans and mortgages, buy houses, buy cars, whatever. It needs to be either phased in or accompanied by waiving school loans for those who have already graduated.
  16. Bush Sr and Reagan also ran deficits by the way. It's all good and easy to say that balanced budgets aren't a part of the Democrat platform and then say "oh that one guy who did doesn't count". I agree that Republican policies should deserve partial credit for Clinton's budget, but holding up Republicans as the sole bastions of balanced budgets is laughable at best. Not to mention, singling out Sanders for not prioritizing budgets and deficits is disingenuous. Cruz and Trump aren't going to balance anything; Cruz's plan is going to cut revenues by over 8 trillion over the next decade. How the hell is he going to cut enough to justify that? And Trump, lol.
  17. What exactly are you looking for Snowy? Do you want to hear an unbiased opinion of Bernie Sanders? You're not going to get it here, or any one specific place. Every source has their biases, and it should be pretty obvious that the frequenters of this thread are mostly left-leaning. You have to consult a wide variety of sources to find out his platform, his personality, his sincerity, whatever you want to know about. If you've already made up your mind that he's terrible and just want to hear all the bad stuff about him, then go to some Republican news site like Fox; why even pretend to post here? Or directly message someone like Duff, who posts things like "balanced budgets are not a part of the Democratic platform" while ignoring that the last president to lower the debt/GDP ratio was a Democrat.
  18. I like how Dorian typo'd "due" as "duh" and then copy-pasted the error two more times without noticing.
  19. basically you should make iris, paperblade, and me threesome lovers who all die together
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