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Everything posted by BBM

  1. I don't know what's going on. I empowered Prims last night and received confirmation that I was successful. My empower makes people immune to both roleblocks and redirects. Going to ask if Elie made a mistake. @gilgamesh- I specifically said that my post was constructed in N1 and therefore it wasn't taking your corinthian case into account. going to catch up properly.
  2. I'm going to specifically reread the people I mentioned as being possible scum or ITP tomorrow. At a quick glance Gilgamesh's wagon analysis seems to contradict my memory in several places. I thought zero was on Eury? Also Gilgamesh's tone just seems kind of... over the top? dunno how to word it. not scummy exactly but it rubs me the wrong way. kind of smarmy. Also I don't think the "omg Blitz was a scum POWER ROLE and not a goon" argument is good for much of anything. Are there even vanillas/goons in this game? I'm sort of nullish on Eury atm but if there were D1 scum/scum wagons why wouldn't she vote Blitz? as a more active player scum!Eury at least has more of a chance of defending herself D2 than Blitz would have had.
  3. this post was typed up during the night phase. going to sleep soon so I'll add more stuff in the morning some half-assed reads based on me skimming prior to subbing in: I agreed with most of what Prims said and he didn't set off any alarms and pushed Blitz so probably town? I agreed with Prims about Mitsuki sounding a little fake at points but I don't see her being so committed to a Blitz bus as to not only start his wagon, but also campaign so hard against his counterwagon. Refa was an early-ish townread I think but he kind of faded to the background in the latter half of the phase. still leaning town but dropping somewhat. it bothers me somewhat that Life never said anything about Blitz (I'll check tomorrow) despite Prims asking several times. However I was townreading him prior to the flip so idk? Also not sure of the interactions the other way, aka if Blitz would start an early push against Life. Based on NPoT meta he's more likely to be town, but Life is also exactly the kind of player who would consciously subvert that. gun to my head town? also #modgaming but I feel like if I rolled a scumteam with Life and Blitz in it I would re-roll unless the other players were really good scum. . my feelings about Eury are basically what SB said- I didn't really feel she was scum just on gut and tone by the end of the phase BUT she was an early scumread and I also didn't find anything particularly objectionable about any of the cases. most likely bus on the Blitz wagon- Gilgamesh or corinthian? I don't really remember either of their reasons for voting Blitz tbh but purely based on vote timing, their's seem the most likely out of people I'm not townreading. I THINK izhuark is town but I'm unsure. However if he's scum in this game I'll have his blueprint for at least the next 5-10 games he plays. Not that that will help for this one. zerosabers was unmemorable; tied with Gaius for most likely person on the Eury wagon trying to save Blitz I need to read Baldrick and Crysta more; their posts got so long that I skipped a few almost entirely. I think one of Baldrick and SB is scum; the Crysta choice of vote feels kind of a "not tying myself to a wagon" sort of thing. I skipped a bunch of Baldrick posts, but of the two I have a worse feeling about him. somewhat conversely though, I think kirsche is town for voting off the wagons. His Refa vote feels more like a "going to stick to my gut no matter what" sort of thing, which implies a conviction not often found in the da scum, though I need to read his posts again cuz I don't remember them much. no particular feelings about SuperShyGuy. Wouldn't lynch them for a while though, based purely on D1 anyways. Assuming a 12/4/1 setup- my scumteam guess is Gilgamesh/Corinthian, Baldrick/SB, and zero/Gaius. Too early to make a good ITP guess but... I'm going to fire a shot at Crysta or maybe Eury. tbh the scumteam could be any combo of the six people I said above but it seems less likely bc I don't see half the scumteam going for Crysta or half the scumteam trying to bus Blitz.
  4. it's not just classes that are being randomized; it's also personal bases. So yeah, Sue and Shin becoming non-mounted classes will lower their stats, but if they get a good break with their personal base RNGs, who knows?
  5. would he just have 0 con or wrap around to almost-max???
  6. I was a little disappointed by this book tbh. I'm mainly into fantasy. Just started Republic of Thieves, which is the third book in the Gentlemen Bastards series by Scott Lynch. First book was awesome and the second book was mostly great except for the last 50 pages or so, which tried to wrap up too many loose ends too quickly IMO. Third book... we'll see. It marks the appearance of a character who was spoken about a lot in the first two books, which I'm excited for, but I've also heard that each book is a little worse than the one before, so we'll see? Looking forward to Jim Butcher's new steampunk series; the first book is coming out in around a week. Heard some mixed things about it from the early readers but generally I love his books, so I think it'll still be up my alley.
  7. This was the most the city of Toronto has spoken about Toronto FC since we signed Jermain Defoe
  8. it's easy to feel like playing mafia before the game starts; the real question is whether you'll still feel like playing mafia after it starts
  9. I expect that even if North American fans aren't constantly switching from team to team, most of them jumped onto a bandwagon when they got into the sport. Which... makes sense, really, because why should I invest myself in a team like Aston Villa who isn't that good and isn't likely to become that good either when I have no ties to the team or the region? Now, they are of course still more fun to watch than Toronto FC. I know it's a smarter financial decision to invest in younger players who've been underperforming like Jozy Altidore and Sebastian Giovinco and Jermaine Defore before them than overpaid veterans like Frank Lampard, but he scored for NY in their game against us. The first moral is fuck Frank Lampard. The second moral is that when your favourite local team finally announces a rebuild after 2.5 seasons of gutwrenching failure and your second and third-favourite local teams are mired in perpetual mediocrity, you start having to follow baseball so that "sports" and "depression" don't start becoming synonymous. Go Blue Jays!
  10. GOD the scumteam is so obvious!!!1!!1!!!!
  11. dead people need to stop making snarky confirmation-bias comments
  12. BBM

    The Well

    so, musical chairs?
  13. BBM

    Pokemon GO

    the trailer is pretty great but the actual game is obviously not going to have holograms flying around mid-air. I just hope that the background on the phone changes to match your surroundings rather than just being an empty field with grass.
  14. will it be as well balanced as FE13 mafia?
  15. but you wouldn't need to use Paper's role; he could have just made one himself and given it to you before he died?
  16. how come you didn't talk about that after the flip?
  17. to clarify, we didn't talk about SB's night actions but we talked about how I was clear and how much info I knew about other people's roles.
  18. I'm pretty sure SB tracked me and Paper on N0 and then on N1 blackmailed me and tracked Junko. Paper and Junko could technically be swapped but it makes more sense for the N0 targets to be me and Paper. Marth, we specifically spoke about this on D2 when you asked me if Refa was telling me info since I was clear...
  19. this is a scum post and very similar to his flip on Refa. Gilgamesh to my knowledge has never had suspicion of Mitsuki before and when I asked him if he had claimed to Mitsuki earlier this phase, his response was "yeah I claimed to her, didn't you?" as if it wasn't even a question, and this was before Mitsuki said she had the backing of the actual backup town leader.
  20. what the hell guys I was rolecopped and confirmed to be a Goon. For me to be scum, either mafia has to have a Goon, I have to be a GF, or SB had to be lying for no reason in his ragepost before being lynched.
  21. going to ##Vote: Darrman I guess btw I forgot to say this earlier but I think people should post their reasons for who they want to lynch in thread. I don't see a benefit to keeping it hidden.
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