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Everything posted by BBM

  1. at least with the Game 7 collapse I could say that if anybody had told me the Leafs were going to take the Bruins to Game 7 OT at the start of the series, I would have been happy. Bruins are going to be fighting just to make the playoffs. They're nowhere near as good as they were two years ago. Their offseason moves have been pretty bizarre, honestly. I thought that the Lucic deal was great, but the Dougie Hamilton deal was terrible. Their draft picks were kind of questionable- I remember they had 3 first-rounders in a row and passed over some good guys, but it's difficult to judge those picks at this time. Then they got Zac Rinaldo even though enforcers are a dying breed and it's not like the Bruins have "squishy" players that need protecting. Getting rid of the Savard contract was good though? The Devils and Hurricanes both have semi-recent cups; as a Leafs fan I can tell you that you are extremely blessed to have had all 3 of your top teams win a cup in the last 15 years. I also liked Kessel but he wasn't good enough to drag the Leafs to being decent by himself. I don't think we got full value (especially since we retained part of the salary...) but meh.
  2. an SF NHL thread is this happening??? I cheer for the Leafs so uh... cough. I'm not sure which was worst- being flat-out terrible this last season, losing 12/14 of our last games to miss the playoffs the season before that, or the Game 7 collapse against the Bruins the year before that. sigh. We got Babcock though? I was pretty surprised, but we're now officially in a rebuild so it's a few more years of being bad. Hopefully we can get a #1 in the next two years...? But in the last 10 years of the Leafs being disappointments, I've had to cheer for other teams to make the playoffs more enjoyable, mostly dark horse candidates. The Red Wings used to be my #2 team (since their 01 cup win) but I'm not really a fan of their younger players, only Datsyuk and Zetterberg. Hasn't been quite the same since Lidstrom retired. I cheer for the Rangers just because Lundqvist is my favourite goalie and I like Nash, but I'm not really a fan of many other players there either, and they were too good last year to be a compelling dark horse candidate (they were great two years ago though). I like the Hawks (since before their first win even!) but a lot of their cool players have been shedded for salary cap relief- Byfuglien and Ladd a few years ago and now Sharp and Saad. I don't active cheer for them anymore (too good) but I think people are overblowing how much their team has been hurt by the salary cap. Their top 3 players of Toews/Kane/Keith is still the best trio in the league (over Pittsburgh and Tampa I think). I think an Eastern team will win this year. Chicago's not that bad off but I think in the short term they won't be able to repeat. LA got unlucky last year (I think they'll be back in the playoffs this year) but I don't see them quite as good anymore. Their cup wins have come from elite defence and goaltending and an average offence that's been able to turn on the switch in the playoffs. But their defence isn't as good (no Voynov) and the depth that let them turn that switch on is gone. Anaheim is still a stud defenceman away from winning and I'm not sure where they get one either. Vatanen and Lindholm aren't there and I'm not sure they'll make the leap from very good to elite. St. Louis theoretically could but I don't think they trust themselves, particularly their goaltending. I think it's going to be Tampa or Washington. I hope it's Washington because it sucks that Ovi doesn't have a Cup and if Tampa wins then Stamkos will never leave to sign with Toronto (yes yes I know he's going to sign an extension two weeks into the season). Pittsburgh is still too top-heavy and unlike Chicago their stars have disappeared at key moments, although maybe Kessel will help- he's a ppg playoffs player.
  3. BBM

    The Well

    what would you be studying in grad school if you went?
  4. obligatory how does Paula fight with her eyes closed why are you even playing FE12; just to show how bad it is?
  5. I can't believe you stole this joke from me /in
  6. we both could have done better. shrug. and one of the reasons I switched back to you when I was leaning Prims at the start of the day was that I was afraid Marth would just get impatient and vote me again if it dragged on too long, and lynching you even if I was only like 50% sure you were scum was better than being lynched myself.
  7. You're watching an American movie. If you don't want to watch movies where American issues are at the frontline, then don't watch American movies... The acting in the movie was generally subpar; none of the actors got a hold of the characters (disappointing because they've all had some really good roles in other work). The pacing was off as has been mentioned, the plot doesn't make a lot of sense, the writing was bad, and it was cheesy without being very charming or humorous or endearing or exciting like most good superhero movies are. It just wasn't enjoyable. I didn't get incensed with the casting choice for Johnny as some others did, but the entire point of the choice was that it was supposed to be like a "look how forward-thinking we are; we don't take race into account in our casting decisions!" except then they tried to shoehorn racial difficulties into the story anyways. Johnny's dad tells him he's never had it as easy as Sue, even though he grew up well-off and brilliant and with the freedom to do whatever he wanted. Not saying that rich people can't face racism, but really? And all of that doesn't take baggage into account. Disregarding the behind-the-scenes drama, even. Formation stories aren't why anybody watches superhero movies, so why did I spend the entire first half of the movie watching one? Especially when I already watched something similar ten years ago? And it wasn't even a better version of it. Also, the movie was an adaptation, and that means something. Adapted movies don't have to adhere perfectly to the written source material (LotR is one of the best and it makes big changes), but they should still capture the same themes and messages of the source work. As Water Mage said, the F4 is supposed to be about family- they're the only superhero family in comics. If I'm not getting the sense of a family or really anything about the comics beyond the most surface level, what am I even watching? I know most movies of this kind are just the producers trying to milk a lot of cash, but I'd at least like to be able to entertain the idea that it's more than that. Reboots in general are almost universally unappreciated when they come this soon after the original, even if the movie is good, which this wasn't. You know why Jurassic World did so well despite having essentially the same premise as Jurassic Park? Jurassic Park 3 was 14 years ago, so people were able to watch it as its own movie. They were able to appreciate all the tie-backs and references to the old movies without being tired of it. Even the Spiderman reboot failed, and it at least tried to do new stuff by having new villains and a new heroine and stuff, although those movies also suffered from pacing and writing issues (the acting was better though). Other successful reboots are generally Bond-type franchises where the movies really don't have anything in common other than a character with the same name and set of skills. Also, you can't really translate Rotten Tomatoes' % ratings into a score out of 10. The % ratings are based on how many critics liked it as opposed to didn't like it. 8% just means that only that many critics liked it- the actual rating is 3.4/10.
  8. also I forgot to mention this but I was surprised the JoaT wasn't like a jack of greatest hits or something, where you just put all the leftover greatest hits that didn't make it in as a role or a fake together.
  9. disfualsgskjgis sigh should have stuck with my gut
  10. before you were arguing that the other protective roles were gimmicky and unlikely to stop anything. now you're saying that the safeguard can't get around them? Hijack needs to know who the doc is, sure, but safeguard and strongman don't and that's already practically two free kills. Saying the hijack still results in one player being protected is dumb because a) it doesn't matter since it's not the scum nk target and b) scum can use that to protect themselves from the SK, especially seeing as people aren't told when they're redirected loud tracker and follower are pretty good roles. so why do we need a bunch of protection to go along with strong investigation? we also have the situationally useful third party checker which actually managed to be useful. btw here's another point in my defence- scumbuddies are generally allowed to submit actions for their buddies. There's a follower report confirming that mancer idled n1. unless you want to argue that I'm only a 1x strongman or only a 1x strongman with a passive role, that would imply that I'm town.
  11. actually yeah screw it ##Vote: Omega MADE MY DECISION I just don't buy the excuse at this point. Prims, you keep talking about how the game needs a doctor, but what's the point if the entire scumteam can get past them? The SK gets a BPV if their kill fails but that can also apply to getting jailed as well as getting blocked by a town protective role. I also find it fishy that in #956 he implied he was suspicious of Prims as well; then today happened with Prims voting me and Marth wondering whether a lynch other than me was viable and then he just voted me. okay.
  12. after thinking about it, snike dying despite omega "protecting" him makes no sense. Gilgamesh had a 1x jailer and a 1x safeguard and Elie had a fulltime hijack. For the kill to go through Omega's doc N5 (something Prims didn't mention...), literally every single member of the scumteam would have to have a method of bypassing the doctor. Why even have a doctor if it's practically impossible for them to block a kill or even force the scumteam to pick suboptimal kill targets?
  13. BBM

    The Well

    He said a week and he left on Friday, so I'm guessing he'll be back this Friday? but Friday is an odd time to return from a holiday so maybe like Sunday
  14. my head hurts oh yeah something I forgot; I motivated Prims on N4 when I thought he had a role other than Lynchproof, so scum Prims would have two actions tonight.
  15. who has omega even been protecting the past two nights I have no idea also wrt at least gorf n4, elie probably would have hijacked omega somewhere away from gorf even if omega had tried to protect him. I don't know what happened last night. wrt Omega's claim- why wouldn't scum Omega just claim redirected? I can kind of buy town Omega just not protecting him even if it's dumb. But Elie was already getting lynched when Omega claimed that he simply didn't target Gorf so it's not like that would have made a difference. The stuff with Elie handling Omega's roleclaim is fishy yeah but Elie's interactions with Prims aren't that great either? He had a weak FoS that turned into a townread (could easily be distancing) and then randomly turned into a pseudo-scumread yesterday. Consider a Prims/Elie scumteam. They've decided that Prims is going to bus Elie for an easier time in MYLO and maybe because through looking at the votes, anon mayor!Elie was easy to see as a possibility. It kind of makes sense that Elie distances from Prims here? the rest of the points in #952 and #954 are good though. ugh. and if Prims was trying to ML me why not kill you? Snike thought I was scum and you didn't. I think that we can at least all agree that Marth isn't scum, so here's a potential plan- no lynch, Omega targets Marth. Then scum has to kill one of me/Omega/Prims, and tomorrow becomes a 1v1 between whichever 2 people are left.
  16. also I alluded to this earlier but Prims's roleclaim is kind of scummy. why does town need to be lynchproof after scum is lynched? that kind of role increases snowballing. scum being lynchproof the day after their buddy is lynched makes more sense. prims tell me how I'm scummy for switching targets to you omega who's worse, me or prims? marf pls help how sure are you that prims is town? the thing that has me unsure atm is the snike kill. why wouldn't scum prims trying to ml me kill marf over snike? and I don't know who scum Omega would kill. not sure he'd even care.
  17. At this point I was going to re-iterate why Omega was scum but I'm unsure again. I don't know why scum Omega would say something as controversial as "I stopped protecting the conftown slot bc I disagreed with his reads" when he could just say he was redirected or something, especially with Elie about to be lynched. What he did was really retarded but I can see town!Omega being petty enough to not protect Gorf. maybe I'm just overthinking it about Prims at this point; I don't know. His tone and posts sound really town to me but for the last two day phases I've just had this nagging suspicion that I'm missing something. It led me to lynching Gaius when I should have suggested that he not be lynched until the day after to prove my role, and I almost waffled off Elie D5, but you guys lynched him anyways so cool. The Elie lynch isn't a point AGAINST Prims but I don't feel comfortable holding it as towncred for him either, because in the past, in 5p LYLO/6p MYLO, he has bussed or started bussing his buddy for the towncred to win the last phase. He did it in Theatre (or started doing it anyways, before MAYOR TEST and he didn't have to). There have been more recent games too but I can't think of them off the top of my head. honestly what this game is reminding me of even though the situations are only tangentially the same is this one random epicmafia game where it was 3p lylo between me and Xinny and Prims and Prims was "obvtown" and it started as a 1v1 between Xinny and I except I realized Prims was scum and tried arguing it but then I got lynched. rip. Marth please help me
  18. 1) it's 11 2) it's only 8 if you don't count "According to google"
  19. according to google, suika is super buff so that's probably why
  20. I don't think Gilga's role wording refers to my role? At least when I read it I got the impression it referred to not being able to self-watch/jack/NK in the same night.
  21. uh, the point of what Snike said isn't about what we know know. It's that based on the info you had on N2, all you knew was that Eclipse's role had failed. She never mentioned targeting J and never mentioned she was a tracker, so it couldn't have been a reason you targeted J. All you had was J not responding to one question that was embedded in a big wallpost, over scumreads on other players. Also faking a rolecop report on Omega wouldn't have fit with your D3 play. Nobody ever brought a 1v1 into play on D4 between you and Gaius.
  22. is me/omega a scumteam in this game elie? really?
  23. meh, I didn't consider that about the kill failsafe in Shinori's role it's just like... the other option FMPOV is... Snike? Which I guess is possible since I was thinking yesterday that Gaius/Eclipse/Snike was too much info. But then there's no town info role that can catch Shinori, and there's still the Weapons/Gilgamesh interactions. I don't think Marth is scum; his tone started sounding townier in the second half of D4. And I don't think you're scum; your tone and posts read really town to me.
  24. "I'm not saying it's a reason he's scum; I'm saying it's not a valid reason for him being town" is what I meant to say
  25. @Elie- I... don't think you get what I mean about Omega's hated claim and the Gaius flip. I'm not saying it's a reason he's scum, I'm saying it's not a valid reason for him being scum. I still would have randed on N1 even if I had no clue what was going on, but I guess there are reasons for idling. And I'll admit I didn't realize how early in D4 you switched to Omega being town, so the Bookie target is okay I guess. BUT wrt your N2 action- I call bs. Asking J one question about his Eclipse vibes was like the entire extent of your interactions with him on D2; choosing to target him out of curiosity makes no sense. Your main D2 scumread was Hannah; you could have targeted her to verify she was only a Neighbour, or you could have targeted Omega or Marth, who were secondary suspicions. Hell, you could have targeted Prims, who you'd suspected earlier in D2 though had dropped by the end mostly. @prims- tbf omega did say something like "gaius's play doesn't match up at all with his play from when we were scumbuddies" but he didn't push it much. it's funny that in one line in #886 omega gave more reasons for scumreading prims than he has for scumreading my slot over the entire game.
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