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Everything posted by Psych

  1. What, no, I'm here. Gosh rein, give me time. If I'm gone for 24 hours, then you can draft.
  2. It's my turn, right? Guess who nabbed Ayra.
  3. Cuan Partially to screw with Horace, partially because he almost perfectly round out our team.
  4. If Lumi had her way you'd be doing Holyn Ayra and using Sety/Corple!Claude for Balmung Lakche.
  5. OH HEY LOOK AIDEEN Also, I have never done Tiltyu Lex, and do not think a draft, where the pairing has a huge chance not only to get RNG screwed, but also unlikely to succeed thanks to speed, is a good place to try it for the first time. Also, Horace's combo of Ethlin Briggid is only hilariously surpassed by getting Tiltyu Briggid.
  6. I actually really like Tiltyu's children. I just hope Rein can pull something decent with her.
  7. I'm a bit curious to see why you're gonna be doing Briggid Lex and Sylvia Ardan. I presume Briggid Lex for Patty Elite, but I'm not sure about Sylvia.
  8. Oh wow, the ones with gouache look really good, like, I like them better than some of your digital things. I don't know why you don't like them.
  9. Yeah I know. I was just trying to see what you meant when I typed it out. Also try and do it as the schemas. ;/
  10. If I had money I probably would actually commission you. 3 free requests? Oh gee, um.... I guess do a Candy Corn Vmapire/Gummy Worm Zombie/Tootsie Roll Frankenstein as a team cause shit just got real. You can do a stupid animated background if you want.
  11. "N-no, I am fine." Cora shuddered, trying to regain her composure. "It's just, I happened upon the main square. There seemed to have been a fight, and when I got closer our companions were being arrested. I was not sure what to do. I just ran. It was the first thing that came to mind. I didn't want to be caught so....I was coming back to try and find someone who could help and I..." Cora trailed off. She was glad someone could help now, but her nerves were still a bundle.
  12. "The older man. The gentleman with spectacles. Or the girl with rainbow hair. She should be here. I must talk with the woman that is your leader anyway." Sirocco wandered around the man, clutching her hands. Where were the people of destiny anyway? Surely this was the right group. Her dreams had lead her here.
  13. Sirocco wondered about these mounted soldiers. They had not yet appeared to her in her dreams. Just the gentleman with the glasses, the tanned woman. There had been a rough talking woman that smelled of the sea. A girl with multi-colored hair. Some man in dark cloaks. A man with a ponytail on horse back. But Sirocco didn't spot these people from here dreams. Maybe they were inside, or behind the wagon. "I am looking for the tanned woman. Or the gentleman with glasses. The ones that give off blue flames. It is my destiny to meet with them.
  14. Me/Rein taking a spot. I'm second, he's first, I'm drafting.
  15. Drafting order is as follows 2. Shin(1)* and Integrity(2) 1. Darros(1) and Psych(2)* 4. crashman(1)* and Rein(2) 3. Baldrick(1) and Rapier(2)* So Shin, Me, Crash, Domu. Go.
  16. The wagon seemed to stop, off in the distance. Sirocco gathered her things, and set off towards the carriage. She felt nervous. I wonder if these people know of their journey and what awaits. Or if I'm to be their guide. No matter. We must follow our destiny. Though something seemed off. There was a nervous aura in the air, and a feeling of dread. Some flying mounts were around the carriage, and people were beginning to rouse.
  17. I know that if you break the Prayer Sword and give it to Holyn and repair it he can't use it, but Patty will inherit it. Though that's presumably the normal inheritance mechanics.
  18. Thanks for that dig at me when I am not remotely involved in this conversation.
  19. You require a partner first.
  20. 2. Shin(1)* and Integrity(2): Aideen, Lana, Lester, Briggid, Patty, Faval, Midir, Dew, Hawk, Azel, Cuan, Roddelvan - 232 1. Darros(1) and Psych(2)*: Fury, Sety, Fee, Ayra, Lakche, Shakasher, Noish, Holyn, Shanan, Linda, Aesello, Mana, Ardan, Johalva 4. crashman(1)* and Rein(2): Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna, Lachesis, Nanna, Delmund, Lex, Beowulf, Aless, Laylea, Radney, Johan, Dimna, Hannibal 3. Baldrick(1) and Domu(2)*: Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny, Sylvia, Corple, Leen, Levin, Alec, Claude, Janne, Femina, Tristan, Daisy, Jamka
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