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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I'm still here. Camtech needs to post before I can keep moving the story since his character was spoken too.
  2. See, I've never played competitively a day in my life. I hardly know what EV's are and can understand the terms....but actually trying it, I fail. >_>
  3. I'm guessing General, only because Hector is close to Axe Armor, and he and Uther are Generals in FE6 and 7 cut-scenes. Paladin or Great Knight could fit, but I can't remember which style of Paladins Arch has been using. Though I'm interested to see what he's doing with the water. Unless he's trying to pull off that Niime chapter in the Illia route.
  4. Cess: "No, but I'm starting to get worried. No one is responding. I'm sure it might just be early and they're still sleeping, but.....I'm going to go check something." Cess walked back to the group, sitting down. He took out his cards and starting thinking before doing a reading. ----------- Rita: Finishing her bath, Rita stood under the flowing icy water. She had to build up her endurance now that she was going to practice her sword skills.
  5. What did I do? I'm not even in here. >_>
  6. Appearently Kai, it's me. Not Soluna. >_>
  7. Try and get Katarina and MU to kill her and see if they have special quotes. Really liking it though. Keep it up.
  8. I've only seen to 22 in R2, but I know the ending. Now....for something entirely different. Yet exactly the same. >_>
  9. You've seen Code Geass? D: LUMI! YOU GOTTA WATCH A BUNCH OF STUFF!
  10. Did you ever steal stuff from the guy? D: How else are you supposed to get enough for a bow and shovel when all the rupee's count as one? >_>
  11. Pary: "Hmph. This is why a bandit and a thief shouldn't have joined us. Just watch. I'll bet something like this will happen again. I'm going back to bed." Pary turned and headed back up the stairs and got back into bed.
  12. Pary: "Of course it's your fault! A thief and a bandit defending her trying to kill a woman. You should be ashamed of yourself." Pary rushed downstairs, and out to the courtyard. He hurriedly tried picking out a few shards of the glass, before he healed her with his staff, and rubbed a salve of some herbs on it. He wrapped the wound, before turning to the bandit. He took some herbs out of his bag. "Here. Rub these on your stomach." Knowing full well they'd simply speed up an infection instead of heal one.
  13. Pary: Hmph. That bandit is getting what's coming to him. I help innocent people. He just defends thieves and cutthroats. Pary saw Alferis tumble into Aiya, and took his chance. He quickly hopped up out of bed with his staff in hand. "Be careful Aiya. A bandit would try anything." He took his staff, focusing on healing Aiya, and sent his energy towards her.
  14. I'll just meet you guys in the next town. Moneymoneymoney~ I gotta send her to a post office as well. -_-
  15. Pary: Pary had slept soundly that night, before being woken by Aiya's attack on the thief. He couldn't say he didn't enjoy it, but it had woken him from his slumber. He took his tome out from his bag, before casting a weak blinding spell at the two girls. "Calm down. We're trying to sleep here." ---------- Rita: Rita had gone to the baths to take a nice bath to get over her illness. She was feeling better, but her head still hurt. I guess my Shooting Star skill is more dangerous that I thought. It's never done that before. I'll have to practice if I want to get over that. ---------- Cess: Having woken, he walked a bit of distance away from the group to go find firewood. He took the doll out of his bag, before back at the palace, it started shaking and giving off distinct glow. An ominous moaning could be heard from the doll. "Is anyone there?"
  16. My girl is off in a forest probably finding our next town meeting place somewhere. >_>
  17. Earlier~ Naomi was angry. Someone had gotten to him before her. She looked around the room, hoping for some sort of clue. Before noticing Beatrice jump out the window, she grabbed what seemed like some important papers off Selvano's desk and jumped out after her. "Be more careful next time." As she watched the fort burn, she ran off into the woods. Now that he was gone along with any evidence, she had no more need for this place. And that mercenary was useless to her as well. She walked through the woods, listening to the sound of the flames and smelling the smoke rising in the air. She continued down the path for several hours. Current time~ Standing in the small woods, she noticed the sun beginning to rise. She was exhausted, but needed to find a town anyway, at least to send off a letter to her assistant back at base camp. Naomi kept walking, hoping to be there soon. She headed off towards the east, hoping to find something before noon.
  18. Sara stopped. The two men from earlier seemed to be coming with her, but here was another obstacle. She had no idea people lived out here or that something had gone wrong. "You'll have to excuse us. These men seem to be coming with me. But we're just headed for the nearest town. We mean no trouble. If you'd take us there, I'd gladly pay you."
  19. I'll try and do a recap post by tonight. I've just been to drained to really do anything anywhere.
  20. >_> How bout "Kelas tried in vain"?
  21. We've just been lawyered. Good thing me, Script......who else doesn't have a character with a weapon? >_> Snike and Merc! Good thing we don't have to pay attention! Bal has to now that he has Helios though. :/
  22. I wanna do 8! D: And maybe......(which one was 10?) 10 or like....13!
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