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Everything posted by Life

  1. Hooked up with a girl on New Years. In front of her brothers. Haven't had real free time since then. That's right boys and girls, I've kissed more girls in 2012 than most of you have in your entire lives put together. EDIT - Oh, how it feels? Uh... I quite enjoy it.
  2. I've fought with GameFAQs mods many times over the past. And I've never had a single ruling overturned. I would always point out where in the ToS it said that my action was OK and the response I would get would be "Doesn't matter". That's my problem with GameFAQs. The mods are too stubborn to admit when they're wrong.
  3. I'll have you know that when I went out to the range last week (we don't shoot much in 02 basic training, need to wait a couple months), I was accurate as fuck. As in I made a nice little triangle of bullets about 2 centimeters wide over a cardboard cutout's heart. Like he was shaped like a soldier. I'm gonna be a kala (sharpshooter). Hopefully, that is.
  4. If Obama doesn't kill this bill, he's an idiot. Either way, he's an idiot because he basically supports terrorists in Gaza. Point is that SOPA and PIPA need to die.
  5. This list is wrong. Or else I'd be at the top. Like usual.
  6. Probably because it isn't that good of a game.
  7. I do want to mention that a 17 at Killer Ape is about 4 levels too high. With a full party, he's killable in 3 turns at level 13. 15 max to beat him. EDIT: Didn't read. Never mind.
  8. Bioshock - Boy finds drugs. Boy uses drugs. Boy develops Oedipus complex. Boy then uses little girls to get other guy addicted to drugs. Other guy dies thanks to needle overdose. Moral of the story: Don't do drugs.
  9. What's your summoner's name? Let's play together sometime.

  10. My name is Life Admiral on it. I'll be on like tomorrow when I get my power cord back from my buddy.
  11. Ho there random insult! Aww, it's OK. Not everyone can play with the big boys. Doesn't understand that "sorry" and "that's in the past" doesn't excuse discrimination.
  12. My buddy got me into this game. Fuck him. Still playing beginner matches against bots.
  13. List of mistakes so far: - Not getting Sabin's AP from the Opera House Rats - Not getting the Gold Hairpin (instead of Mog) before Cave to the Sealed Gate Expect this list to keep growing. Ran through the Cave to the Sealed Gate with Edgar and Sabin. Edgar abused the Noiseblaster so that the brothers could run safely. It was awesome. Got all the treasures from the cave too (not that any of them will come in handy). After that, the Imperial Banquet comes next. The idea here is that I want to open up both Doma and the Imperial Observation Post. Which means a minimum of 67 points. 49 are gained from the banquet itself (5 from the Imperial Elite fight which gives 200 Exp each) which leaves me with a solid 18 left to grab. Funny enough, there are exactly 18 soldiers that won't fight you. Running from soldiers gives you a point but you can't run from the Armoured ones. I snag 22 points from shooting the shit with the soldiers and the other 49 from the feast. Sabin and Edgar plowed through the Imperial Elites like they were nothing. Neither of them leveled from the fight which was nice. Sabin and Edgar hit the bench (Edgar being permanent) having carried me through the entire midgame. Terra and Locke time.
  14. And the fact remains that any given unit on any given day can get hit by three sub-50 hits and die. The chance of it happening is the exact same (if not higher) as Stefan looking at ~3% Crit. Either be consistent or blatantly state that you're going to sandbag someone because you don't like the direction that his hair spikes in or something silly like that. It's nice if you don't pull shit out of context and then attack that. The point was to show that Stefan does not come close to slowing down his offensive roll from the time that he joins until the end of the game. I just brought out Mia and Zihark as proof that nobody can keep up with him. Then your rankings are flawed. I've told you this a million times. Mia's offense even with a Rhys support cannot match Stefan's. He hits his cap of 24 easily, she struggles to break 20 Str. And these maps are huge with Rhys being out of Mia's range by turn 4. Same idea for Brom/Zihark. If we're turtling our way through the maps, then your rankings are fine. But since you claimed we weren't, then you're arbitrarily docking points for absolutely no reason (ooh, Stefan tends to have bad luck against him! Let's dock him for it!). For the ten millionth time, stay consistent. Go back and look at what I highlighted. Somewhat-Low =/= Average. You might want to go back to grade school if you seem to confuse the two.
  15. A truck driver went three blocks the wrong way on a one way street and got away with it. How come?
  16. I hate thick people. Unfortunately, we're talking about 75% of the world so I hate about 75% of the world's population (along with most of you). I enjoy reading well written fiction, something that a lot of my friends don't. I'm talking about like the Deptford Trilogy or stuff by Ayn Rand. And I despise MJ. He may be the "king of pop" but all he did was manage to usher in a new era of shit to music. Oh and Tea/Coffee. But I've started drinking tea like a motherfucker since it's all the army serves.
  17. "Bitch, I heard you were going at it with another girl. I came here to join."
  18. You still don't get it. You're trying to dock a mark for the fact that bad luck may or may not happen. This is complete bullshit in a game where bad luck can happen in more ways than one. Excuse me for a second. Let's take a look at what Stefan ORKOs with a Forged Silver Sword. That's 42 Attack. Endgame Paladins have ~40 HP and 20 Def. ORKO. One of the Cats have about 46 HP and 18 Def. ORKO. Halberdiers have about ~45 HP and 17 Def. ORKO. Sniper has 36 HP and 15 Def. ORKO. Warrior has 55 HP and 15 Def. ORKO. Swordmasters have ~40 HP and ~13 Def. ORKO. He'll miss ORKOing the level 17 one due to it having 26 AS. Sage/Bishop are almost a OHKO. Where is Stefan slowing down offensively? By needing a crit to ORKO Tigers, Generals and Wyvern Lords? Not even Jill or Marcia can ORKO those guys. Your standards are all over the place. For the record, Mia's base is 22 Str and she struggles to hit that. Zihark also has a 24 Str base but he has a 10 Str base working against him. On average he only just maxes Str at 20/20. It's safer to say that he'll be screwed more than he'll be blessed. And both of them have pretty shitty supports at this point in the game. What, we're toting Rhys' ass to the finish line just to have Mia equal what Stefan does without blinking? Or Brom's, for that matter? I'll pass. You tried to play it up as bad. It's not. It's workable. It's not beast like Haar's or Jill's but it's not a problem given his natural high Avo.
  19. Actually blackie, KoT's also right (you are too). Lemme explain why. First off, for the case in Beit Shemesh with Na'ama, about 20 or so Haradi men took the time to walk up to her and spit on her while she was doing something innocent like walking to school. They went out of their way just to belittle a little girl simply because she wasn't dressed to their standards. If there's a circle of violence happening, it's starting from their side, not anyone else's. It's not that they're misunderstood, they're purposely treating other women like shit because those women are in their eyesight. However, you're right about a circle of violence and the fact that the hate is two ways. There's the demonstrations, the clashes and that one incident at a Burger Ranch where a cashier publicly insulted 3 Haradi kids. He got fired for it, of course. Happened earlier this week and I think it was also in Beit Shemesh. But don't try to claim that this is a case of the two sides misunderstanding each other and hating them for it. Both sides know where the other is coming from. As for why Haradim get funding... I wish I could answer that. I don't think they deserve it either but I don't know why they get it.
  20. Here's where I start playing Devil's Advocate. The Haradim technically haven't done anything wrong in the eyes of the law. Why should all of them suffer for the stupidity of a few in Beit Shemesh and other places?
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